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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend Night 1 RP Board
"A day in the life of a car salesman" RP4
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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11-30-2016, 10:01 AM

What was I thinking? I could have killed him? That's the only thought that has been going through my head for the last few days. For those that don't know, I met a teenage fan of mine at the gym the other day. We began talking about my career and how I was one of this kids favorites back in the day. Then he made a comment that I'll admit I did not like so much. He said that the reason that I wasn't a bigger name than what I was back then is because I was lazy. I don't know why, but I fell into an instant rage. At first I didn't even realize that I was strangling this kid. Why in the fuck would I do that? Why would that comment upset me so much? I mean speaking honestly, I know the kid is right. What he said isn't anything that I haven't thought to myself before. Even if it was, I know better than to attack a fan, especially one who is likely a minor.

I don't think the kid called the police. I mean, it's not like anyone has came to question or arrest me for assault. I do hope I see that kid again one day though. I would like nothing more than to apologize to him, and try to make it up to him in some way. One thing that I'm sure of though, I'm sure I lost a fan...(Who Cares?)

[Image: usedauto.jpg]

What? I've been back in the XWF for what? A week at best? If I want to stay in the XWF I have to win my match. Even though I'm pretty confident that I'm going to obliterate "Copycat Graves", I can't just up and quit going to work. I've dedicated the last 8 years of my life, and most of my money into this place. This has been my back up plan for when wrestling didn't work out for me. I would love to tell you that I invested my money wisely, or that I used my fame from wrestling to work my way into other entertainment ventures, but the fact is I've always been afraid of the stock market, and I can't sing or dance. To be honest I'm not very good at selling cars either, but it pays the bills, so who am I to complain?

(Ding Dong)

Oh a customer! I stand up and adjust my tie before heading over to greet my potential customer.

“Welcome to Micheal's Used Auto, can I help you find anything?”

The customer turns around, facing me now. I instantly recognize his face.

“It's you!”

Yep, it's that kid I was telling you about earlier. Now I'm wondering what he's doing here. My mind tends to go to the worst case scenario first, so I imagine him pulling a gun out and blowing me away. (He'd be doing us a favor.)

“I'm looking to buy my first car, and I figure you owe me a pretty sweet discount for not callin the cops on ya the other day right?”

Ah blackmails the game huh? Oh well I guess it beats jail and negative publicity right? Of course I have seen XWF talent kill people first hand and get away with it. Oh and the rape... so... much... rape... Or at least that's what I've heard, but no a discounted auto sale is definitely the easy way out here.

“Listen, um...”

I realize that I never got this kids name...


Ah, thanks. I was a bit lost there for a second. Just imagine, I almost killed him, and I didn't even know his name.

“Jason, I'm so sorry for the other day.”

“Save it buddy, I don't really blame ya. I did start talking about things I had no business sayin. I'm just looking for a car, and I was hoping you could hook me up. So can ya?”

He seems different to me now... I can't quite put my finger on it...

“I'm sure we can work something out. Did you see anything you liked out there?”

“Ya betcha sweet ass I did! I was looking at that F-150 you have.”

“The Red 2012?”

“That's the one! Mike, and I expect a hefty discount too!”

Okay I have to stop right here. I remember now, this kid shy as Hell the last time we saw him? I swear that he wouldn't even look me in the eyes when we were talking. Now he's standing in my showroom demanding I mark down the most expensive car that I have on the lot. Oh well, it's probably best to work with him and get him out of my life. Right now he has the power to screw things up pretty good with me if he turns out to be a minor. (Or you could just shut him up permanently)

“Well the sticker price is $20367.00... But.... I could probably let it got for... 17500.00?”

“What?! You lay hands on me, damn near choke the life out of me, and you want to give me a measly $3000.00 off? You know I'm only seventeen right? That means that you assaulted a minor! I'll give you $4000.00 for the truck and not a penny more! If you don't like my terms I'll just give my mom a call and tell her what happened!”

Oh Jesus Christ I want to bash this kids fucking face in.
(Do it you fucking coward!)

“All right, I've got $13,000.00 wrapped up in that truck. I can stand to lose a little on it, so I'll tell you what I can do. I'll sell it to you for $10,000.00 and...”

“No deal! $4000.00 or I get my parents and the police involved!”

“Fine, but if I sell you the truck for that price, you not only keep your mouth shut, but you also make sure to never come near me again, got it?!”

This kid looks so fucking smug... He's pulling one over on me, and my hands are tied. I have match to worry about, but instead I have to deal with this dumb little shit! (I've told you what to do...)

“Okay, you've got a deal, but I want to test drive it first.”

“The truck's good kid. It only has 13,000.00 mile on it.”

“That's cool, but I still want to take it out for a test drive before I buy it.”

“Fine! I'll get you the keys.”

I walk over to the cabinet where I keep the keys. Yep there it is...

“You gotta go with me too.”

“I can't son, I'm the only one here today.”

“What, you can't afford employees or something?”

Oh man this kid doesn't know how right he is. Let's just try and keep it that way.

“Of course I can afford employees, but it's supposed to be a slow day.”

“Well since it's such a slow day, I'm sure nobody will notice when you lock up for a bit huh?”

Ah FUCK, guess I'm going on a test drive. I lock up the shop and climb into the passenger side as Jason turns over the engine. I fasten my seat belt because seriously, this kid's seventeen, and teenagers generally SUCK at driving. The kid pulls out onto the main road, and we're off.

“So Micheal, let me ask you a question.”

“If you must...”

“I was reading a transcript of your radio interview the other day and I was wondering. Why did ya quit XWF back in 2006?”

Sean Graves, Weapon:Ashen, Cyren.... I mean, when you wake up one day and realize that you haven't been you for months. Realize that somebody kidnapped you, scientist experimented on you, and the end result was literally your humanity being stripped away from you...

“Well, Why'd ya quit?”

“I... was having some issues with my knee. It was a nagging injury that never healed correctly. That and the fact that I had a family on the way... It was just time.”

“Uh huh... So why are you returning now?”

Because I need the money... Because I miss the spot light... Because I felt disrespected when...

“Because when I saw Michael Graves on the roster, I felt disrespected. I feel like I need to remind people who I am.”

“Okay, and who are you?”

That's a good question, who am I? For years I've thought I was this guy. I try to do right in this world, I try to be good, but there is something evil inside of me. Something keeps trying to nudge me into doing horrible things. The mind games it plays with me, they're enough to drive someone insane. (You're already insane!)

“I'm... The original...”

“HA! You don't even know who you are do you! Aren't ya a vampire!? Aren't ya gonna make everyone in XWF feel the cold embrace of the night and all that shit? No? I'll tell you who I think you are. I think that you are an out of touch old man who couldn't hack it in the first place. I think that you are someone who doesn't belong in the XWF. I think that all you ever REALLY had was a cool name and look, and the XWF took that away and replaced you with somebody who was more talented. Does that sound about right?”

I really REALLY want to punch this kid right now. He's just so fucking sarcastic and disrespectful, but I have to maintain my cool. As much as I don't want to, I have to adult today. (You are so fucking pathetic!)

“Don't worry, I know who ya really are Micheal, and I know that you'll know who you really are soon enough. You just need your memory jogged!”


Suddenly Jason cuts the wheel hard to the left. Before I can even react...






[Image: coollogo_com-6633665.gif]





I don't know how much time has passed. My head is killing me. As I open my eyes, the first thing that I see is blood. I have quiet a few cuts on my arms, and I'm sure more than a few on my face. It doesn't feel like anything is broken. Wait... What in the... I'm sitting in the drivers seat, seat belt fastened. That little shit! He must have moved me over... Pounding.... Pounding on the window... I look up, there is a woman pounding on the window. I reach over and unlock the door. She quickly opens it.

“Are you okay?”

No... No I'm not fucking okay.

“Yeah I think so... did you see where the kid went?”

“What kid?”

“The one that was driving.”

“I didn't see a kid, I heard a crash and came out to see that you had crashed into this telephone pole.”

I want to question her more. I want to know where Jason ran off too. I want to kill Jason
(You wouldn't coward!) I want to do a lot of things, but not right now.... right now the only thing that I'm going











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