I wish I were where you are. All of you. I miss you guys...
...Though, the longer I further myself from you...
...the more I wonder why I cared about you in the first place.
See, there was this notion in the back of my mind that you people cared. That, when I returned, you held this flicker of a flame for me. Somehow, I came to the idea that you actually gave a damn.
Naievety, indeed.
However, now I've returned to the shadows I once took solace within, I see the truth for what it is. You never cared. Not when I first called XWF my home, not when I returned for the first time, nor did you when I returned for the second time.
I felt betrayed, seeing that the show went on without me.
No more.
If you don't need me, I don't need a single solitary one of you. I'm better than every last one of you, and when I return? I'll prove it. I no longer need celebration or sympathy. All I need is to see bodies broken by my hand, fallen on the mat at my feet. And as god as my witness you will see them.
You will be them.
The XWF was slowly sinking back in 2014. And now, as the years pass by, things digress further and further, making the landscape sorrier as the moments move on. A company can't build itself around a champion like Scully. He's incompetent, he's terrible on the microphone, worse in the ring...
...The Federation needs a resurgence. XWF needs a man that can guide it to a new plateau... or bury it in the backyard. There has never been a sadder state in wrestling than that of the XWF in recent times. Know this-- regardless of how things may be, things never remain the same. Change is constant, whether it be for the better or for the worse.