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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Heavy Metalweight Championship
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Seriously, I tried to be nice Kennedy.
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BenitoAngelo Offline
Let's go kill someone, eh?

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-07-2016, 03:11 PM

The nerve of you. Ok, I get you wanted the title, but to stoop so low. Unreal. Totally in real. You took advantage of my curse. How cou1d you? You must-have known that I can't hold the title more than 2 times. I'm still 3-1 against you, though, and better then you in every single possible way. Potentially, I Never would have lost to you if it wasn't for that dirty trick. Pinning me in that way is the cowards way out. You, Kennedy, are a la magistral, a chicken. Pinning you will be a snap. In 3 seconds, I will become a 4 time HeavyMetalWeight Champin, and you won't be getting this belt back. So, Ciao, as after 3 seconds I will be a 4 time champin and you will be nothing.

Benito Angelo rolls up Kitt Kennedy, like a schoolboy.

Part of World's Friendliest Mafia with Jervis Cottonbelly
Part of PATROL with Jervis Cottonbelly, Thomas Nixon, and Guppy Parsh
6x HeavyMetalWeight Champion, 1x Trios Champion (/w Guppy Parsh and Jervis Cottonbelly)
[Image: 34diwx5.jpg]
Thanks to Micheal Graves for making my banner
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Kitt Kennedy Offline
The Highlight of the Night

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-08-2016, 01:25 AM

The nerve of you. Ok, I get you wanted the title, but to stoop so low. Unreal. Totally in real. You took advantage of my curse. How cou1d you? You must-have known that I can't hold the title more than 2 times. I'm still 3-1 against you, though, and better then you in every single possible way. Potentially, I Never would have lost to you if it wasn't for that dirty trick. Pinning me in that way is the cowards way out. You, Kennedy, are a la magistral, a chicken. Pinning you will be a snap. In 3 seconds, I will become a 4 time HeavyMetalWeight Champin, and you won't be getting this belt back. So, Ciao, as after 3 seconds I will be a 4 time champin and you will be nothing.

Benito Angelo rolls up Kitt Kennedy, like a schoolboy.

Never been pinned or made to submit
The Mafia is here, and we are here to stay
3 time HeavyMetalWeight champion

(Kitt kicks out at two and a half. As he gets up he kicks Benito in the stomach and drops him with a curb stomp.)

Get outta here you annoying Italian.

[Image: AX67hLP.jpg]

XWF Record
7 wins-3 losses-0 draws

[Image: v3kTljV.png]
Current Champion
(1x) XWF Television Champion

[Image: zZS4DVX.jpg]
Current Champion
(6x) XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion

[Image: nEt9117.jpg]
(1x) XWF Federweight Champion
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-08-2016, 05:09 AM

You guys are like animals.


Winner and NEW Heavymetalweight Champion - Benito Angelo!

Tiny hidden pin in the signature.

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