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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Meet the Famn Damily... Part Three
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The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

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Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-26-2016, 10:03 PM

Meet the Famn Damily... Part Three
Time: 1620
Date: Sep. 23rd, 2016
Location: Lake, Michigan

Smut and Bearded War Pig are still sitting inside B.W.P’s El Camino; Smut is wearing a slight smile, his thumbs twiddling on the steering wheel. Bearded War Pig rubs his beard knowing he will be getting an ear full since it has been months, almost a year since he last visited. Bearded War Pig takes a drag on a joint he had in the opposite hand of the one rubbing his facial pubes, he then passes the joint to Smut and sighs.

“Make sure you put that out before getting out of the vehicle, my parents are strangely barely tolerant of God’s sweet grass, they don’t mind if we smoke, just not in their presence.”

“Okay understandable, what has you down, hasn’t it been a while for you?”

” That’s exactly the fucken problem, I have been neglecting my family duties, my mother had a hard enough time understanding my absence when I was in the Corps, let alone when I only live three hours away. They will be fucken ecstatic but I will get a guilt trip at some time or another while we are here. Ahh, fuck it, let's get fucken wild!”

Bearded War Pig forces a smile, but on the inside, he was still afraid, he had every right to be, his mother wasn’t very tolerant of delinquent behavior, which seemed to be the only kind young Pig knew. B.W.P opens the passenger door and exits the vehicle, just as his door slams closed, the front door to his parent’s house opens. Out walks his second youngest brother Zachary, who happens to be the biggest of the clan. Standing at about six foot three inches and weighing every bit of three hundred and fifteen pounds of farm boy muscle, Zachary stops at the end of the porch and smiles. Bearded War Pig smiles back before walking towards the direction of his brother, who is now packing his lip full of some Skoal long cut Mint tobacco. Bearded War Pig shakes his head with a smile says to his brother.

“I fucken see you are still trying to break the habit of putting things in your mouth, from that queer stage you had!”

B.W.P laughs out loud, Smut is now exiting the vehicle, after about ten more drags on the joint. Zachary points to Smut and chuckles.

“Look who is calling who queer, you are only up here for a day or so and you couldn’t leave your butt buddy for that long? He must be able to suck a golf ball through a garden hose!”

Bearded War Pig is now on the porch step, he licks his lip and extends his hand, trying to conduct a proper greeting like a real gentleman. Zachary Joseph looks to his right and then to his brother's hand, Zachary spits a glob of dip spit off the porch and into the driveway. He then reaches for his brother’s hand. Bearded War Pig quickly retracts his hand and simultaneously head butts Zachary right on the bridge of his nose, making him stumble back, and swallow a little of his dip spit. Zack’s nose begins to trickle a little blood, he just wipes it away on his real tree thermal long sleeve shirt. Smut quickly runs toward the porch, Bearded War Pig can hear his footsteps, while his brother is still fucking with his nose and dealing with the water works, Pig slightly turns his head back toward the driveway.

“Smut stay the fuck out of this, just two brothers who have to work some things out, this slop of cocks thinks he can whoop my ass, started around when he was fifteen...”

Smut stops dead in his tracks and just shakes his head, knowing Bearded War Pig was crazy and now seeing it runs all through the damn family. Bearded War Pig quickly turns to face his brother and is met by a large fist almost covering the whole surface area of B.W.P’s face. The blunt force alone sends Pig flying off of the steps and slamming hard on the hard compact dirt and gravel driveway back first. As soon as he hits the ground a thud echoes through his back, rib cage, and chest. Smut winces in pain for his friend. Zackary Joseph, Bearded War Pigs little big brother is now on the driveway ground and is stomping away at his big little brother.

Bearded War Pig is covering in a defensive posture, knowing his brother is quick for his size but doesn’t have quite the capable steam engine to keep moving all his weight at those speeds for any decent stretch of time. Zachary is smiling as he can feel B.W.P’s strength fading from defending, he also notices his breathing is already beginning to grow heavier and heavier, every time his foot lands on the arms, ribs, or legs of his older brother or is pulled back to continue the attack. So the question now is who will fade first, Bearded War Pigs strength or the endurance of Zachary?

Zack’s foot comes down toward Bearded War Pig’s face but not with quite the force or speed as before, now was B.W.P’s chance. Just about five inches from boot tread smashing into B.W.P’s face, he grabs his brothers ankle with both his hands and uses his legs to scissor sweep the big oaf right of his feet. Zachary’s tailbone smashes directly on the steps behind him sending a surge up his spine and to his brain. His brain triggers his mouth.

Mother fucking cock fuck! My ass feels like it just went backward through a gay carwash. I guess your new job wrestling for that XWF must have taught you a thing our two. Help me up, dick!”

Smut can’t help but chuckle a little; Zachary quickly locks eyes with Smut, almost as if they are fighting inside one another’s heads. B.W.P breaks the stare down by grabbing his younger brother by his right wrist and pulling all three hundred pounds upon his feet from off the porch steps. Smut walks up behind the brothers, who look nothing alike; Zachary is still rubbing his ass cheeks, trying to make his tailbone feel better. Smut smiles trying to keep the audio to a minimum, well at least his laughter from watching someone who obviously had a little bit of ego problem getting their ass whooped even with a weight and height advantage. Zachary was right though in the sense that XWF has been approving his skills and abilities when it came to physical offense and defense with another being.

Just as Smut is about to say something that could possibly bring forth a little scuffle, he is interrupted by the sound of the front door creaking open, followed by the sound of multiple person footsteps. The three men turn to face the front door and out walks Bearded War Pig’s father, who is very small compared to the two sons' that stand before him. As well as their mother, she is slightly shorter than her husband, but thicker skinned like their sons. Lastly, there is Zachary’s wife Kristina and their two and half-year-old son Aden, one of Bearded War Pig’s weaknesses. Bearded War Pig pushes through and past his brother and walks on the deck to his mother first, he embraces her in an enormous bear hug, both exchange “I love you.” B.W.P releases his mother and makes his way over to his father and they both grasps one another’s hand and shake like gentlemen; Bearded War Pig pulls his father in for a quick brotherly hug. They do not exchange any words, just give one another that look that shows each other cares a lot, then Bearded War Pig nods his head. Letting his dad know he respects him like no other.

Bearded War Pig then wide-eyed and smiling from ear to ear as he almost runs over to his sister in law and begins tickling his nephew, who can’t help but laugh all innocent like a two-year-old should. Bearded War Pig then smiles and turns back inward toward the whole family including his best friend Smut.

“Well shit what the fuck is for dinner? Oh yeah, this is my friend Smut.

Bearded War Pig’s family looks over to Smut, who is smiling and standing with his hands crossed in front of his body, almost looking like a secret service agent in a barbaric country. Before anyone answers the question Bearded War Pig had that was about dinner, Randy B.W.P’s father asks Smut what the rest of clan is thinking.

“Smut, how in the hell did you end up with a name like that boy? Your parents obviously didn’t give you such a dumb shit name.”

Bearded War Pig looks at Smut and lifts his head slightly and quickly while pressing it forward as well, signaling him to answer with something and not take the shit. Smut laughs a little and then snaps to Randy.

“Of course my parents didn’t give me a name like that, you don’t need to worry about my birth name old man, just call me Smut, you know I got the name because of all the dirty shit I was willing to do with all the mature women who’s husbands couldn’t fulfill their needs, old man! Oh one more thing, don’t think I would hold myself back from busting your old ass up.”

Randy’s blood starts to boil, the veins in his head begin pulsating and bulging through his skin, Tracy the saint of the family, loving mother, and amazing wife notices Randy is thinking “Kill.” She quickly walks over to her husband and grabs his arm while rubbing his upper back and neck, she quickly speaks out to try and break the awkward tension.

To be continued...

Jamsey Boy Knows
Time: 1800
Date: Sep. 27th, 2016
Location: Limerick, Ireland

An XWF camera crew is shooting live inside a gym in Limerick, Ireland, right down the road from UL Sports Arena, where Wednesday Night Warfare will take place, for the XWF Galaxy. Inside the gym there are a few lifters who look to be locals, then you have a few of the XWF superstars getting a last minute training session in for their matches coming up in less than forty-eight hours until the curtains rise and Wednesday Night Warfare goes live. The camera pans the whole gym until it focuses on two men, Bearded War Pig and his trainer James Grudner, the reason behind any standard wrestling moves B.W.P uses and the man that has basically guaranteed B.W.P championship gold. Both men are in the middle of an HIIT style circuit, with multiple exercises, including Burpees, Deadlifts, Jumping Jacks, Pull Ups, Squats, and Hanging Leg Raises. Upon finishing the circuit in a very fast speed, both men lean on a wall of the gym, panting, sweating, and gasping for air, winded, the camera crew walks closer to pick up on the audio with the men talking muffled and choppy, while their hearts are racing.

"Jamesy boy, you don't fucken play around..."

Bearded War Pig takes a few breaths and continues.

"I know you were tough, but honestly your reputation isn't as eye-grabbing as it should be, I mean the reason we hired you was because you were cheap, but for sure, when I make it huge, I will remember you for sure, not so much that dickless dweeb Arney! Which reminds me Arney said you had a chance to watch some old footage of Dillinger in the ring, how do you feel my chances are at beating him and taking the Intercontinental Championship?"

"Holy shit, I haven't had a client in a long time push me like that during a session, you for sure are growing more and more after each of our sessions, it is an honor to be training you Pig. Honestly, it is, I feel very accomplished every week now thanks to you. Arney was right I did get a chance to check out some old film on Dillinger, he is a tough man, not the most talented wrestler, but he almost seems invincible. It will definitely be a fight for the ages that is for sure, but in all honesty with my expertise and decades of working in the wrestling industry, I do believe you will take the Intercontinental Championship Belt home with you back to Detroit."

"Well James I will for sure try not to let you down and take all that you have taught me and use it to punisher Dillinger for his sins. If you don't mind, I am going to talk to the XWF Galaxy real quick, I feel I need to speak at least once more before our match."

"No problem, we earned a break anyways, afterward just meet me over by the dumb bell racks, I have a wicked dumb bell circuit for you to try."

James Grudner grabs his clipboard, duffel bag, and water bottle before taking off over towards the Dumb Bell racks lined up along the mirror wall on one side of the gym. Bearded War Pig has grabbed his water bottle, topless and glimmering with sweat he squirts probably close to six ounces of water in his mouth while standing about four feet in front of the camera. B.W.P wipes his mouth and beard, licking his chops, he stares into the camera with his war-torn piercing eyes.

"What the hell is up all you degenerate fucks and all you sexy little vixens, all the uglies can fuck off and die! I'm not fucking playing, ugly people shouldn't be allowed in the same places as beautiful people like myself. I wasn't always beautiful, but with a lot of hard work and determination I made it happen and well if that wouldn't have worked, I guess I would have just made everyone else just a little bit uglier. Which is a lot like how I view my match coming up against Dillinger, you know, I have been in the gym, beach, trails, and on the mats, exercising, wrestling, and training, striving to make myself better than the day before. I haven't even had any time to release myself, which if we meet under the circumstances of my balls being filled with my nut, well Dillinger might not want to show up. All my testosterone built up may just ruin his fucking day.

I mean the man thinks he is going to walk away unscathed from a Xtreme Rules, falls count anywhere match with the mother fucking Bearded War Pig, Dillinger must be smoking rocks and cocks if there has any chance of that happening. I don't know if any of you know the game little piggies, but one thing for sure this little piggy isn't going to the market, this little piggy is going to WAR! Oink, Oink, Mother Fuckers!"

Bearded War Pig smiles, takes another gulp from his water bottle and begins to make his way over to his trainer and the dumbbell racks along the mirror wall. The camera crew begin breaking down their gear.

End Scene.

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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