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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Say Hello to Sugah! Part Three
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The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-19-2016, 10:36 AM

Say Hello to Sugah! Part Three
Time: 1115
Date: Aug. 4th, 2016
Location: Detroit, Michigan

The needle from the syringe presses against Killer J's vein slowly, piercing the protective layer of skin and into the bloodstream. Bearded War Pig presses the back of the syringe shooting the adrenaline into his and Smut's prisoner, he turns his head to Smut and smiles sadistically. Smut just shakes his head.

Killer J takes a large gasp of air not knowing what is going on, he just lets out screams of confusion. Bearded War Pig quickly steps back hiding the needle from Killer J. Smut then steps forward irritated from the screams, he draws back and launches a hard right into the chiseled jaw of Killer J. His screams come to a silence beside the sound of bone on bone crunching, as his head swings to the right almost knocking him right over in the chair he is chained to. Smut then grabs him by the collar and begins punching and back fisting him across the face over and over again, Smut begins to smile while Bearded War Pig shakes his head.

B.W.P then walks over to where Smut is smacking Killer J around like a red headed stepchild. B.W.P grabs his best friend by the shoulder just before he lands another mean right hand to Killer J's jaw. Smut gives Pig a furious glare while raising his hands and arms up in the manner of what the fuck?! Bearded War Pig winks and smiles, while talking in an anger filled tone.

"What the fuck bro? I need to speak to him before you beat his ass unconscious again. How many times do I have to tell you that is not how we treat our guests, even the unwilling ones. For fuck's sake, why don't you be a good boy and go get the man an ice tea or some shit."

Bearded War Pig steps to the side so Killer J can lay eyes upon him.

"What the fuck do you like, boy? Ice Tea, water, Steel Reserve, Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Jaeger, and Hennessy? What?"

Bearded War Pig walks up to the chained up Killer J and lifts his battered head up.

"Yeah I am talking to you fucktard! You maybe prisoner but I was raised to show hospitality even to your enemy, you know it looks good come judgment day. So what will it be? I know you are thirsty."

Killer J pulls his head away from B.W.P's hand and looks at him all pissed off.

"I'll take a fucking water and a shot of Hennessy, bitch!"

Bearded War Pig smiles and nods his head.

"Smut go get our boy here a water, a bottle of Hennessy, and a shot glass. Bring me a bottle of Crown, hey roll us a blunt too!"

Smut looks at Bearded War Pig eyebrows scrunched.

"Are you serious right now? You seriously are one misguided, inconsistent, and ignoramus mother fucker!"

"Just take your ass upstairs and get what I asked for, damn. I swear you are too fucking smart for your own good that mouth is going to get bloody if it keeps running off like that! Fucken Bitch!"

B.W.P raises his hand in the backhand position and begins pressing toward Smut while biting his lip. Smut instantly chuckles and turns toward the stairs. Almost taking off in a sprint, knowing B.W.P would easily tear into that ass like virgin eight teen-year-old schoolgirls. B.W.P then lowers his hand and turns back toward their prisoner, forcing a smile through his rage toward Smut's comments.

"First off I am sorry for my friend, sometimes he forgets who the fuck runs this city, kind of like some of your Generals. Secondly, when I spoke of hospitality you should really consider teaching your boys under your command when you get out of here. See I have a feeling that is what will happen by the end of the day, I mean it is either that or well hopefully not the other. Thirdly, I am about to ask you a serious of questions and depending on your answers well we could either continue beating the living piss out of your punk ass, maybe bring some Sugar down here if you know what I mean?"

"Fuck you and your weak ass friend! That fake ass ICP mother fucker hits like a bitch ass woman."

Killer J spits some of his own blood on the cement floor at B.W.P's shoes.

"Come on now that isn't very nice, I am trying to give you a chance of walking out of here all right beside the few cuts and bruises you've already endured. Doesn't that sound a lot more pleasant then my friend being told what you just said about him and me allowing him to do what he does? I mean come on homie g thang twang bang, you haven't even heard my first question. For all you know I could be wondering what your penis size is?"

Bearded War Pig walks over behind Killer J and begins massaging his shoulders lightly for now. Killer J begins to struggle with trying to escape the touch of B.W.P.

"Come on , you fucking homo, get the fuck off me! Send that other guy back in here."

Bearded War Pig begins to massage more viciously and deeper, kind of making it painful for Killer J who continues to try to escape.

"Oh what you don't like the way I give a massage? Most people do. My bad, but before I can stop I am going to need you to promise me you will cooperate. Hell, just answer this question for a show of good faith. Why did your leadership decide it would be a good idea to fuck me out of twenty grand?"

"Probably because they don't take you or any of you white boys serious. That is why they decided to not pay you your twenty grand for all those pistols your dumb ass gave them before payment."

Bearded War Pig stops the massage believing what Killer J had to say. He makes his way back to the front of Killer J, just as B.W.P is about to ask another question Smut makes his way down the stairs with all the items B.W.P requested. Bearded War Pig first grabs the bottle of water and walks back over to Killer J nonchalantly.

"Okay before I unchain one of your arms and hands so you can have some water and your shot, I need a name of one of the Generals who gave the order for you to withhold payment? I just want one, for now, I know it took at least four of them to make a decision of such caliber. So please just enlighten me, so I can give you a drink. Think this out carefully, I really don't want to be a bad guy here."

Killer J just laughs right in Bearded War Pigs face.

"Mayne fuck you, nothing you gonna do gonna make me give up a General of the Kings and Aces, you must be outcha damn mind, dem Nigga's don't play no games."

Bearded War Pig tilts his head and smiles devilishly.

"Oh okay, well too bad for you, I love to play games and since you don't want to talk to me about what I need to know, I guess we can play a game. Hope you like games!?!"

Bearded War Pig turns his attention toward Smut.

"Hey buddy, you want to grab me that oil rag off that shelf over there?"

A smile etches its way across Smut's face.

"Now you are being more like yourself."

To be continued...

Case of the Shits... Part One
Time: 1600
Date: Sep. 19th, 2016
Location: Detroit, Michigan

Bearded War Pig is sitting on a porcelain commercial toilet in a stall of their firehouse home, keeping it almost just how it was just updated and cleaned a little. Pig has a wolf creek coffee mug in his left hand and a fat joint of some of Michigan’s finest Blueberry Kush, which he happens to grow himself. He lets a few farts rip as an almost slush like shit evacuates his bowels and splashes into the toilet bowl, his stomach gurgles almost over himself speaking.

“Jesus fucking Christ, last time I eat from the chow trailer on Fifth Mile, mother fuckers poisoned me for fuck's sake. Should have known when their everything burrito was only three fifty. Fucken fuck!”

Bearded War Pig sets his coffee mug down and smothers the joint out and drops it down on top of his pants around his ankles. Beads of sweat begin to form on his brow and forehead, he quickly wipes them away as they form, and ripping sloppy wet farts as fecal matter sprays out of his asshole. He begins quenching his thighs from the massive pressure building up in his stomach. The stench must find it’s way to his nostrils because Pig begins curling over and making dry heave noises all while still pissing from his bunghole.

Suddenly his painful and very uncomfortable shit is interrupted by a muffled ringing sound coming from inside Pig’s pants. Now the vibrations have started, what perfect timing, Pig just ignores it hoping it would go to voicemail. Not really in the position to answer, Pig continues focusing on his possessed asshole. That is until it does go to voice mail and Bearded War Pig’s annoying agents voice screams out of Pig’s pants.

“Dammit Pig answer your fucking phone, I have Mr. Chase from 92.3 The Mix in your hometown on the other line wanting to conduct a phone interview with you! It will be great publicity for yourself and the company! Especially since Savage is taking place there. Answer fucker, I don’t know how long they will stay on hold!”

Bearded War Pig shakes his head as his fist quenches in anger, not wanting to ruin the opportunity to air on the radio, he tries to quench his ass cheeks tight enough to stop the sewage from leaking. Bearded War Pig then bends down stomach and ass quenched tight, eyebrow raised, and his insides about to explode. He begins to fondle around in his pockets feeling for his phone, finally finding it in the last pocket to be searched. Pig quickly answers it before Arney hangs up.

“How the fuck are you Arney my man, you got me some air time with Mr. Chase huh, wow, thanks, I don’t really listen to the station but fuck it. So when are we doing this thing?”

“Thank fucking god, you are good right? You are doing this now, I am transferring you to his line and it will begin to go live, so good luck fucker.”

Bearded War Pig hears a beep and then followed by a voice.

“Well hello again listeners it Mr. Chase here at ninety-two point three The Mix and we have a wrestling up and comer with the XWF and hometown celebrity Bearded War Pig on the phone. How are you Mr. Pig?”

“I’m doing fantastic, you know just coming off a victory over one-half of the tag team champions, almost winning the tag tournament, and now getting a shot at the Intercontinental Championship against Dillinger. Couldn’t really ask for much more right now and this early on in my career if you know what I mean.”

“I do know what you mean, not personally but I could imagine the excitement and thrill. I mean I know you have sparked some flames here in the D, the community is thriving off of having a rookie with your charisma and energy representing us. You mentioned your win against Robbie Bourbon in the cage, how are you feeling after that match? I mean it was pretty intense, you both fought with all your heart in it. All that energy trapped in a cage must haven’t felt that pleasant.”

“You know when you have survived the things I have in the moment you don’t really feel anything, you just keep pushing, clawing, and scratching. No matter how much pain your body has endured, just thankfully my body was more prepared than Bourbons for that kind of destruction. I am recovering yet, keeping my workouts light, plenty of nutrients, long lasting sleep, and always stretching. Hopefully, by the weekend I will be recouped enough to get some mat time in with James Grudner, a great beeping wrestling coach/trainer. Pardon my French, not use to being censored.”

“Don’t worry we know your reputation, we have the best audio editors working today. Just playing. You’ve been pretty good so far, just try and keep it to a minimum, we understand when the emotions go, words are said. Anyways the people are curious what a guy like you would do to prepare for a match against Dillinger.”

“I mean probably the same thing I always do, get good quality mat time in first of all, since that is one of my biggest downfalls, the only wrestling experience I have is the matches I have had in the XWF so far and the sessions I have been having with James for about seven months now. Not saying that it will be something I will really need for this match since it is a Xtreme Rules, falls count anywhere. So once again I feel like it is in my favor I just have what it takes to last and keep on my feet through anything. Not saying, Dillinger, doesn’t or anything just stating I believe his body will collapse before mine and the referee will be holding my arm in victory when that final bell rings.”

“Okay fair enough, but enough about your match with Dillinger for now, let us talk about why you aren’t having a match in your hometown? I mean that is probably going to be very disappointing to your fans.”

“You know it really isn’t my decision, but I can promise the fans that are there to see their own madman in action they won’t be disappointed, I plan to be there. I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone but expect a few appearances from Bearded War Pig. Trust me Detroit won’t be getting off that easy, I will bring a little chaos to the town, don’t you worry about that. I love this city and I could never leave for good, it is where I the man today was formed and molded. I wasn’t born with the name Bearded War Pig, but Detroit certainly helped the name choose me. I promise not to disappoint Detroit, you all are my family, and I owe you all the world.”

Just as Bearded War Pig finishes up his little speech to the people of Detroit, his stomach begins raging in gargles, Pig’s asshole explodes with loud enough sound effect to be picked up by the phone and aired over the radio. The explosion is quickly followed by two more, the last one so intense splashing shit water on the cheeks of Bearded War Pig’s ass. Bearded War Pig almost falls off the toilet and lets out a large sigh. Mr. Chase begins laughing while trying to speak.

“Oh my god, are you beeping on air right now? We should take a break and when Bearded War Pig cleans himself up maybe we can continue our little discussion for the fans?”

“Yeah whatever works for you, I mean when you have to go you have to go!”

To be continued...

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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[-] The following 3 users Like The Monster of Htaed's post:
Dillinger (09-19-2016), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (09-25-2016), Vincent Lane (09-28-2016)

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