Lyianna Properchev
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09-03-2016, 09:22 AM
now I know what you guys are thinking, your thinking honey there is no way in hell that one of us will fight you. Your ass is to easy to defeat. FINE!!!!! Then how are ya going to be one of thee best if you don't want to keep on sharping and how am I going to be the best bitch in the xwf if you guys won't fight me? Are all of you scared shitless in that you'll get kill by a chick?
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Miss Joy (09-09-2016)
XWF FanBase: Hardcore, psycho fans (cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)
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Hates Given: 94
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09-03-2016, 09:40 AM
(09-03-2016, 09:39 AM)drezdin5788 Said: (09-03-2016, 09:22 AM)Lyianna Properchev Said: now I know what you guys are thinking, your thinking honey there is no way in hell that one of us will fight you. Your ass is to easy to defeat. FINE!!!!! Then how are ya going to be one of thee best if you don't want to keep on sharping your skills and how am I going to be the best bitch in the xwf if you guys won't fight me? Are all of you scared shitless in that you'll get kill by a chick? You mean to say it like that?
Prof. Bobby Bourbon
Active in XWF
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Hates Given: 37
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09-04-2016, 01:20 PM
Holy shit, Darren? Is that you in drag? Look, stop it with the illiteracy and go sell some Dope Show and Dangerous Alliance t-shirts.
Lyianna Properchev
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Teens, some men, few kids (cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)
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Joined: Fri Aug 05 2016
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X-Bux: ✘50,000
09-06-2016, 01:35 PM
(09-04-2016, 01:20 PM)Robbie Bourbon Said: Holy shit, Darren? Is that you in drag? Look, stop it with the illiteracy and go sell some Dope Show and Dangerous Alliance t-shirts.
Why in the fuck am I getting dissed by a white fat Albert? I don't want to know. Two words for ya....lap ban
Isabella by dearest let me get this strait, your going to kill me and use my skin and bones for your own spells? Yyyeah rrright, you see sweatiness the only spell that will be is of your own that you are in. The there is going to be in spells I promise you that either my win over you or you on your hands and feet bowing down to the victor.
Bourbon vs ravenwolf vs properchev MAKE THE MATCH! Both of your asses are mine.
Prof. Bobby Bourbon
Active in XWF
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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Hates Given: 37
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X-Bux: ✘0
09-10-2016, 12:08 AM
Darren, you can stop. I'm one half of the XWF Tag Team Champions, the number one contender to the Intercontinental Championship, I managed a Federweight champion, and even though I insult Vinnie "I'm Vincent now" Lane on the regular he keeps putting me in main event after main event because he knows that giving me money will earn him money.
And you think a lap band, no fucking clue what a lap ban is, but you think a lap band is the story what kind of device should be involved with my waist?
Go home and get your fucking shine box. After I'm done wrecking actual competition, I'm sure Frodo will amuse himself by watching you get pancaked and steamrolled by a legitimate contender around here. Shit, girly, when I get MY Intercontinental Title, I'll even let you come ringside and have a nice long look at it, how shiny it is, smell the leather, and then get Robbiebombed until your fake tits shoot down into your crotch and you finally, FINALLY, look like you have the balls to back up any of the silly horseshit you spray out of your mouth.
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Big Nate (09-10-2016)