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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Beast at Bay
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WhiteLion Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

04-23-2013, 04:29 PM

White Lion is fast asleep in the dressing room. The XWF staffers know that it is time for his scheduled in-ring appearance at the XWF house show...and yet, they are at the same time wary of waking the sleeping lion...lest he come alive in a fit of fury!

However, White Lion suddenly settles their dangerous lurching suddenly to life...with an awesome, resounding roar!

White Lion: The Lion slept...but he did not dream! No, there was no dream that ran through his primal, bestial brain as he lay upon the dressing room floor as he once lay upon the great Sub-Saharan grasslands! And that cage I was imprisoned within, the bars that cut me off from the wild freedom my lion's heart craves...was not one of metal and steel!

The White Lion pauses...allowing the officials...who hang upon his every word with baited let those very words sink in...finally...the silence is broken.

XWF official: Then...White Lion...what...what was it?

White Lion: It was....a nightmare! And the cage...was a human cage...composed of Eric Rex's triangle choke! The White Lion...was caged and cornered...a beast at bay! And the Lion struggled against the bars...struggled for liberty, for life...for his very soul...something began building up...starting from the deepest recesses of his heart...up to the dungeons...into the main floor...and finally pouring out into my very limbs...

Until the cage shook...and the bars bent...and the triangle choke exploded apart...yielding because it had to yield...because nothing could stem the tide of raging Lion Spirit...until my very eyes glowed and pulsed with a strange and unknown power...and I, the very Lion Hero himself, quaked in the true nature of the unbridled, unshackled...unchained, unbound BESTIAL THING OF POWER that teems within me...

Fear at what sort of untold awesomeness will be set loose when the Lion and the T-Rex...two kings of the jungle...two Apex Predators...collide...tooth for tooth...claw for claw...

And yet...the White Lion faces his fears...and fires back...with fists of feline FURY!

The X-Tron burst open as The White Lion blasted through the middle of the gigantic TV screen, landing catlike on his feet on the entrance ramp. The crowd sprang up and immediately gave the Lion Hero a standing ovation. Lowering to all fours, the White Lion bounded towards the ring, sailing over the ropes and landing in the middle of it with a single pounce!

White Lion: Rexaholicism is sweeping the nation...little children are shaving their heads and igniting fire in their eyes...the Infinite Infantry of Eric Imitators is growing each and every milisecond...and only one, lone Lion Hero stands against it! One Lion against millions! But what Eric Rex fails to understand...what simple truth has escaped him like a gazelle rescued from the jaws of death by a TRUE! LION! HERO! that although I stand alone in the ring...I carry with me, in my raging, untamed, wild jungle heart...the support of each and every cub, lioness and patriarch of all the Prides...WORLD WIDE!!!! All the little children who wake up Saturday morning with wonder in their little thrill to the Adventures of The White Lion...all the teenagers who won't do drugs but will roar with me...

...the White Lion fights alone...but with the strength of each and every Lion Hero inside of him! So long as the lions of the world stand long as they continue to believe in the rule of righteousness and the kingdom of as the lions lust for justice and loath evil...NOTHING...NOTHING...WILL CAGE THEM! NOTHING WILL CAGE THE PRIDE! NOTHING WILL CHAIN THE CHILDREN!!!!!!

The White Lion leaps out of the ring...and suddenly attacks the barrier fencing separating the cheering fans from their roaring hero! The White Lion uproots the barrier fencing and hurls it aside...led by the children, the fans flood forth, surrounding the White Lion and chanting his name! There is no vandalism....only an ear-splitting the wild jungle hero enters into primal communion with his fervent fan base!

Together...they chant perfect unison! In a single spirit!





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