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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith III
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Buried in Brotherly Hate Has Zero Fear
Author Message
Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-21-2016, 08:00 PM

[England, 02 Arena, Random Dark Boiler room]

Shade is in a corner of the boiler with his grey metal bat. He is beside canister of paint which he use by dipping his bat into to make the bat colour to turn into black. He then leaves the bat to dry as he takes a seat and leans on the wall watching the camera. Which zooms out to reveal graffiti of shade in a pose, but it like a cathedral window, graceful, holy and pristine. but it as a creepy vive to it.

[Image: a32258b9b2262898f5edd953e71899dc.jpg]

Shades phone starts ringing. He moves his arm and removes his phone from his trench coat, placing his phone right in front of him. He then glances at the call before he raises his hand and using his ring finger, he then press the answer button saying in an annoyed, trying keeping his cool.

What is it bos.... I mean Lord what do you want ?

It was Ghost Tanks who laughs confidently through the phone saying

So with that tone of voice, It feels like you don't want your fiancee back in pieces, So I'm guessing she is going to lose a fingernail or she's burnt hair.

Shade quickly retracts by saying

It was a joke Lord, anyways what do you want I'm kind of getting ready to take my brother to a special place which your opponents would be familiar with. emm that place would be called a coma. I hear it's a quick alright place, especially if the guy are useless pieces of shit.

Shade then grabs the bat that he dipped into black paint. he then wraps a paper that has writing on it which say ''Key to El Strange happy place''. He then grabs a second canisters which is filled with dark blue and the bat into it, as Ghost Tanks reacts to Shade by laughing confidently saying.

Now that is what I want to hear. But I still don't think you can step up to the plate and prove everyone wrong with your skills or else hope might suffer a bit of water boarding for an hour. Also I will personally put you into a coma, as you said. Also break a leg. I'm serious break his leg.

Ghost Tank ends the call by saying in a serious tone to shade.

Now shade, I don't give a shit on what you do with your brother. But you know I see you as a son and I want to make you the next best. Better than Frodo, Better than Mcbitch, Better than Gilmour, and definitely better than Shane. But of course you will never pass me because I am already the greatest and no one will be on top of me, but they can come close second if they want.

Shade rolls his eyes. But being obedient he says convincing Ghost Tanks not to look rebellious.

I understand what you mean master and yes you are the greatest man in this company and I could never compare to you. I would be happy to reach number two to see you succeed master... blah blah blah. Master I will be by your side. But I don't want to be licking your dick every time we try to have a conversation. So I will be hanging up and getting back to work setting the area for my humiliation on the most ungrateful piece of shit that is trying to force me to force me to his side and trying to take over your stable so goodbye my lord.

Before Shade could press the hang up button Ghost Tanks says.

Wait, One more question. What your relationship with Hightower.

Shade replies

What ?

Ghost Tanks then says

You know, Luna Hightower because recently you been a bit friendly towards her and it kind of suspicious that you of all people being nice to somebody that isn't Me or Hope.

Shade answers him straight and directly before hang up saying.

Master, One were drinking acquaintances and sometimes I play poker with her and her friend and other than that we don't really communicate except if we were in the same match or were tagging together. Anyways bye my Lord.

Ghost tank tries to stop shade from hanging up by saying

Hey wait I have one mor............

The phone cuts. Shade then turn off the phone and puts it back into his coat. he then looks at the paper wrapped bat and peels the paper off. He mutter to himself.

It is done.

He then turns to the camera and says.

Brother to be honest I fucking hate you but I'm not going to destroy you because I want you to destroy yourself. But wishes never come true do they brother. But I have decide to go with something that lets me be more innovative, but it has a history to it. Which was why I picked the boiler room match. So that I can make you admit that I was always the superior sibling. But I know I'll add Frodo as the special guest referee or Giard if frodo doesn't sexually harass him before the end of the day. Anyways brother what I'm leaving you with is Fuck you and I hope you don't show you pathetic face after I'm done with you Brother nero.

Shade then starts walking away from the camera into the darkness before stopping and turning saying.

No need to bring a weapon there is already a fuck ton.

Shade then snaps his finger and the room lights up revealing every weapon ever featured on XWF programing even Maverick midget cock and balls. Shade then finishes what he was saying as the camera battery turns beeps out of battery.

I also made a special bat that hand your name written on it and want to taste your bloody and send you to a very special place. See you on Friday.

The camera turns off

[End Of Transmission]

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Shade's post!
Vincent Lane (07-21-2016)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-21-2016, 08:05 PM

This is a day late. It doesn't count.

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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-21-2016, 08:08 PM

I just post it with like 10 second before it it turned friday

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-21-2016, 08:13 PM

The deadline for day 2 was Wednesday night at 11:59 pm PDT.

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