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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Anarchy Scramble
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-14-2016, 08:59 AM

"So, I'm facing Tommy Wish, a Jakob Davis, and a Alexis Riot. So I'm the champion of a show that is going to die off soon. The only reason I'm here is because Ex-bucks gets things done in this company. Let me start with the first person to come out with a promo.

Tommy Wish. Reeve tried to keep the title away from my grasp. He failed. Just like you will. I'm not lucky to keep the belt, I'm because there was a bonus to keeping it. If I didn't decide to keep this next-to-nothing title, especially since I hold the Hart championship now, then it would be put into the hands of someone like yourself. Who the fuck are you, Wish? I really want to know. You've come back and have left, people take notice of you, some of them have even said you're good, but, honestly?

I don't fucking see it.

You're a pathetic whelp to me. Someone that's all bark and no bite. You think you're a dragon. Spitting fire and going to burn everyone in this scramble. Guess what, Wish?

You're the dragon that cannot breathe fire. The dragon that can't soar through the air. The dragon that broke two of his legs, and no one knows how to fix them, so guess what?

He's gotta be put down.

Now, if Reeve had not given the incentive, I would've given it back to Reeve and this scramble would be just that. Hell, I know this scramble is because he wants to see it off my waist and on someone else. But now I have a reason to keep it, and keep it, I shall.

You won't win, Wish. Keep the dream alive, so that I can destroy it.

As for Riot. Honestly, you have a better chance than most. You, unlike Wish, I can see actually doing something. You've proven your worth before. Now, show me your worth again.

Jakob, let me guess, you're testing the waters, aren't you? Testing the waters to see what sharks are around, to see what little fish are around, so you can pick and choose the fish and grow big and strong before you go after the sharks?

Jakob, this is a shark. Not just any shark, but a great white. I see you as a wounded fish, flailing around, trying to live. This means I attack. I will destroy you. Simple as that.

Finally, Shade. You know what you have to do, right? Either throw the match, or devote yourself into destroying the rest of these people. If you win the title from me, then fine, but we are going to destroy the other three, and show them why they should fear The Riders of the Apocalypse."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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