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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Formation of the Union Part 3 / Collab
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-05-2016, 03:36 AM

Location: San Diego Central Jail, San Diego, California
Date: 7th of March, 2016

Scully’s first night in jail was pretty shit, not only was he woken up and beaten by three officers, the officers had also told the county sheriff that they were acting in self-defence. I mean there you are finally asleep after struggling to get comfy on a crappy single mattress with hardly any springs and a pillow with hardly any cushion, you are then thrown out of your bed and beaten with a truncheon by three officers? Just great isn't it? For what reason? Because you don't like authority. Well, fuck authority. I bet that's what Scully was thinking as he struggled in pain to get back in his bed, trying to force himself to sleep as his ribs were throbbing. I bet he missed his big, king sized bed that he shared with Natalie. Normally he has her nice tits as a cushion, now he might aswell sleep on the floor, that's how hard the bed is.

Not only that, the Sheriff even knew that his officer's were the cause of the issue but yet he continued to side with them and if this crap goes to the court of law, in front of Judge Judy's long-lost, brother, he may get sent down. What Scully didn't know was that two men were planning to get Scully the hell out of there. Those two men also from the United Kingdom were XWF Intercontinental Champion, Tush and Chris Macbeth. Scully hadn't really seen eye to eye with Tush, they have had disagreements in the past but this was bigger than their ego. Macbeth and Scully had only ever encountered each other once and that was during the fatal four way match, the night Scully got arrested. Will they be able to help their fellow Briton out?

6am~ It's wake the fuck up time!

Scully had been put on lockdown for four days after the conspiracy that happened in his cell on his first night. Four days cooped up in the same room, four days staring at the same four walls, no one to talk too but himself. Scully was yet to meet a convict, eat breakfast in the canteen or anything. All Scully could do was some sit ups, some press ups, even lift his single bed and do some other excuses to make the time go quicker and keep himself in shape.
The officers shout for the prisoners to wake up. The three officers who attacked Scully 4 days ago, enter his cell. Skull struggles to open his eyes after having another rough night but is already sat on his bed as the officers enter. The three officer's smile at Scully as they how something to have a go at him about.

Officer#1:Out of your bed now.

"Calm down, it's only a commercial."

Officer#2:It seems Mr. Scullamania, hasn't learnt his lesson.

Officer#3Henry:You're lucky the sheriff didn't put you in lockdown for ten days.

Officer#1:Now make your fucking bed, boy!

Scully smirks as he slowly makes his bed.

Officer#2:Hurry up we haven't got all day.

Scully makes the bed and turns to the officers.

"I have a request."

Officer#1:Go on.

"Can I have a better bed? This one sucks man. It sucks as bad as you three suck each other."

Officer number 1 pulls his truncheon from the side of his pants but the Sheriff enters just in time.

Sheriff:Don't even think about it, Bob.

Officer 1 aka Bob, puts his truncheon back into the holder.

Sheriff:This is what's gonna happen, the complaint against Mr. Scully is going to be dropped. Scully I suggest you do the same, drop your counter-claim. We're gonna pretend it never happened.

The officer's reluctantly agree with the Sheriff. He then looks at Scully.

"Yeah whatever man."

Sheriff:Good. Now get yourself ready for breakfast.

With that the Sheriff and the three officer's leave the cell. Scully thinks about the agreement, he had to do it, mainly for the sake of Natalie and his little man. He couldn't support them in prison.
The sheriff takes the officers into his nearby office. He sits down in the swivel, leather chair and leans back with his feet up on the desk as he lights a cigar. The three officer's stand by the door, waiting in anticipation for the sheriff to say something.

Sheriff:First off, don't pull shit like that again. None of you mention this to anybody else, including Frank, he'll snake us all out and we'll be outta a job, quicker than you can say you're fired! Secondly, just let Scully be.

Officer#1Bob:What so we just let that arrogant, British twat get away with it?

Officer#2:Yeah boss, he needs to be taught a lesson.

Officer#3Henry:Bob, Lenny just listen to the sheriff.

Sheriff:That's right. Lenny, I want you to make sure Scully does the laundry, alone.

Officer#2Lenny:Okay but what will this achieve boss? And what about the other prisoners?

Sheriff:Well.... Bob, make sure Darrell and his boys are in the laundry room at the same time.

All the three officer's smile at each other as they have sussed out what's going to happen. The sheriff throws Henry a pack of 200 cigarettes, Henry catches them, just about.

Sheriff:Give them to Darrell, Henry. I've already had words with him.

Officer#3Henry:Yes sir.

Sheriff:Guys, don't fuck this up! Now get lost.

With that the three officers leave the Sheriff's second home as they go off to make sure the plan works.

7am~Breakfast Time

Scully was finally allowed to have a shower, he felt like a right tramp as all he could do wash himself in his cell. They even let him have one by himself, oh the privilege, no worries if he dropped the soap. Scully is back in his prison uniform, feeling fresh as he walks into the canteen, keeping himself to himself. They're plenty of criminals in the place, a few of them staring at Scully. Scully grabs his tray from the trolley and then is served his breakfast. It looks like crap compared to what he's used too, but it's breakfast, regardless. Skull looks around, tables are full of inmates who know each other and are chatting over breakfast. Scully sits down on a table by himself. He then keeps his head down as he begins to eat his toast. Suddenly a tray is placed down hard on the table, a big black man sits down opposite. Two black men sit either side of him and two sit either side of Scully also. Scully can sense trouble.

"What you want? Can I help you?"

Big Black Man:Yo don't be hasty maan, the names Darrell, homie. We ain't got no beef wid you, we just came over to introduce ourselves to ya.

Darrell offers his hand for firms. Scully sighs, bites the bullet and gives Darrell his knuckles. The other guys just stay quiet.

"The names Scu..."

Darrell:We know who you are, blud. We're big fans of da XWF, Scully ain't it? We know ya'll. You're pretty good maan. Jamal ere is a big fan of yours.

Scully looks to his left at Jamal who smiles at him with his gold teeth.

"Thanks man."

Darrell:Had a few rough nights ain't ya, blud? It's alright in ere, just gotta keep da guards sweet, ya get me? We got a games room n' shit, ya'll be allowed on dare later.

Meanwhile whilst Scully was getting friendly with the gang, this was happening......

Meanwhile in a derelict aircraft hangar somewhere in the Nevada desert.

Putting the finish touches to the plan that should if successful break fellow XWF superstar Scully out of jail had been a painstaking endeavour but finally everything seemed in order. Tush and Timmy B are loading the Helicopter with the parachutes and weapons Alfie had sourced from a connection of his here in the US. Chris and Alfie are loading the what was Going to be emergency getaway prison van. I say what was going to be because there has been a slight change in plan.

Alfie: "All set then kid?"

Macbeth hands Alfie come C4 and Alfie loads it into the van.

Chris: "Yeah, the uniforms are going to be here in time right?"

The pair continue to pack the van with explosives.

Alfie: "Yes, don't worry, their on there wa... Oh look here they are now."

A car pulls up outside and the driver's door opens and some long, tanned legs appear out followed by what Timmy B would describe as a fucking boner-maker. The attractive young woman waved at Alfie as she walked around to the trunk and opened it up. She reaches in a pulls out a small suit case and places it down on the concrete. Alfie and Chris begin to walk out of the hanger towards her and she does the same pulling the handle up and wheeling the suitcase behind her.

Alfie holds his hand out towards the beautiful woman as she approaches and she does the same but instead pulls his hand and himself in for a kiss on the cheek. Alfie smiles and turns to Chris.

Alfie: "Chris, I'll like you to meet the future ex Mrs Halliday, Monika Slacz.

Monika hits Alfie on the arm playfully after that remark but Halliday smiles as Macbeth is taken aback by the bombshell his old friend had just dropped on him.

Chris: "Fuck me, you kept that one quiet. Excuse my French."

Macbeth smiles to Monika as they shake hands. She then hands Alfie the suitcase and they all walk inside.

Back to the pearly gates.

Scully questioned whether he could trust the gang, he didn't know them but they were the only ones attempting to make him feel welcome. Scully had his breakfast in the company of Darrell and his boys. It appeared the gang were fans of the XWF, one of the lads Jamal, was actually fan of Scully. They spoke for a while until their lunch was over and it was time to work.

9am~Time for work

Scully was told he had to work in the laundry room so that's exactly what he did. There were a few prisoners within the laundry room, washing bed sheets and uniform. Scully was folding some duvets into a pile, when Darrell and his boys enter, they were also sent to the laundry room. The other prisoners didn't stare or even look at he gang, it was no secret they were the top dogs of the prison. A couple of officers enter the laundry room and tell the other prisoners to leave, there is only Scully and the gang left.

Darrell:Yo Scully, we av an offer for ya'll.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

We want ya to be a member of da Sleeping Dawgs but ya gotta.. As Peter Gilmour says... Suck my dick.

"Fuck that shit, my name isn't Austin Fernando. I ain't sucking no dick."

Ya'll cluck it da hard way den. Ya gonna suck ma dick, den ya gonna suck da dicks of my homies.

All five men surround Scully, Scully shrugs and punches Jamal in the nose. Skull begins hitting left and rights to the four men, Darrell watched from a distance as Scully is actually beating Darrells buddies ass. Scully throws Jamal into a wall. Skull is then hit with a metal bar to the back of the head, Darrell picked his spot, waited for his opportunity. Darrell hits Scully a few times in the body. The other men struggle to their feet, all taking a shot with their fists to his stomach and they then grab hold of Scully, who is on his knees. Darrell grabs Scully by his face and slaps him. He then pulls his trousers down to reveal his big, black cock. Scully headbutts Darrell in his cock, knocking him to floor. He then finds some inner strength and attacks all the other men. He punches Jamal in the face, punches Jermain in the stomach, headbutts Troy and elbows Aaron to nose. Scully hits all the men, one by one with the metal bar and then Darrell. Skull then limps the hell out of there.

A couple of days later - San Diego, California

Sun was just at that point of day where it was beginning to set, The prison van with Halliday and Macbeth inside dressed in matching prison guard uniforms is heading towards the prison where Scully is being help. Macbeth looks a little tense as his sits and stares out of the passenger side window watching the world go by. Halliday can sense This in Macbeth and decides to try to lighten the mood. He pulls a CD out of the compartment in the driver's side door and pops it into the player. As the song begins to play a small smile begins to form in the corners of Chris' mouth.

Chris seemed to relax into the song and began drumming along on the dashboard as did Halliday on the steering wheel, neither of them were particularly good drummers so the timing was a little off, one thing is for sure though, their timing will not be off tonight this jail break much like the song is a well thought out masterpiece, nothing could possibly go wrong.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the sky above.

Up in the night sky above Timmy B and Tush are in the chopper heading out to the drop off point. Timmy B's former military background was where he originally learned to fly and it was one of the reasons Halliday took him on board in his organisation, he had never had to use his skills before until now and it was an amazing feeling for Timmy to be back behind the controls of a military grade Helicopter.

Tush is sat in the back strapping on his parachute. Timmy wasn't sure what he was suspecting to see when looked back at him but one thing for sure is Tush didn't look nervous at all in fact he looked more relaxed than he probably should considering what they were about to do. Timmy just smiles and turns back to the controls and pulls the stick back causing them to climb a little higher.

Not in heaven but in jail.

Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.
Everybody in the whole cell block
was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock.

It had been a couple of days since Scully was attacked in the laundry room but it didn't end there. Skull may have gotten the better of the gang that time but the next day they beat him up, in the same sort of scenario as before Scully was on his knees but his response caused Darrell, who had a screwdriver in his hand to put his man hood away.

"Anything you put in my mouth you're gonna lose."

Naw nigga, ya don't understand. Ya do dat and I'll put all eight inches of steel in ya'll ear.

"All right. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard. In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victims jaws open with a crowbar.

Where do you get dis shit?

"I seen it. In a movie called the Shawshank Redemption, you ignorant fuck?!"

They never put anything in his mouth, they just beat him to a pulp. Skull had just been released from the jail hospital after spending the night in their. Here he was escorted to the games room where he was once again met by the gang. The officers conveniently left the area. Skull had a weapon ready, a bag with snooker balls in. Jamal approaches him.

Jamal:Ya'll you come back for another beating.

"Where's ya tool?"

What tool?

"This fuckin' tool"

Boom. Straight over the head of Jamal knocking him down. Another movie helping Scully inside, first Shawshank Redemption and now Scum. Jamals head was busted open as he lay on the ground. The rests of the gang surround Scully, Darrell with snooker cue in hand...

When Suddenly....


Whilst all this had been going on...

Halliday pulls the van over into a side alley, they were a couple of blocks away from the San Diego Central Jail. Chris takes his phone out and makes a call to Timmy B in the chopper to confirm their position and e.t.a at the drop off point.

Hearing the news he was hoping Chris hung up he phone and turned to Halliday.

"It's go time."

Halliday nods slams the van in gear and pulls out onto the quiet San Diego street.

1 - 2 - 3 - Jump!

Tush launches himself out of the Helicopter and begins his free fall, the wind blowing against his face as he approaches the correct height to pull the cord and release his parachute.

A quick, sharp jerk slows him down as the parachute is released and he begins pulling the cords to steer himself towards his intended target. A target he could not yet see. This could be an issue.

Suddenly the loud bang and a burst of light followed by fire lights up the sky and also his intended drop of point.

A few minutes earlier.

Halliday and Chris are sat in the van waiting for the security to open the main gates to the jail, the uniforms Monika had provided along with the false documentation of the "New Inmate" they were apparently delivering had seemed to be successful. A few moments pass and the orange light on top of the gate begins to flash as it slowly begins to slide open. Halliday nods to the security guard as he slowly eases forward just waiting for the gate to open the final few inches to allow them to enter. Finally they pass through the gate and continue around the building.

A contact on the inside had been able to provide the group with a constant update of Scully's whereabouts within the jail walls. Just a few moments ago a message had come through that he was in the laundry room.

Chris looked at the schematics of the jail and directed Halliday around the site until pointing out where the van would need to be parked for this to go down successfully. Halliday pulled the van up and the pair got out and casually walked away towards the jail entrance. They both flash their fake identification cards again and are allowed into the building.

As they near the laundry room they can already hear some voices inside, one of these is definitely that of Scully, the others they do not recognise. Chris looks at his watch as the countdown time he had set approaches zero.

3-2-1 - BOOM.

The timing was perfect as he and Halliday bust open the door and rush into the smoke and rubble filled room. As the smoke began to clear out of the building through the hole the exploding can had made the could see a few bodies scattered around. Looking frantically Chris spots Scully lying face down in the corner of the room. Chris rushes over and gives him a few taps on the face until he began to stir.

"We gotta go!"

Skully obviously still in shock just nods his head as Chris begins to help him to his feet.


Tush appears through the cloud of smoke and grabs Scully under his other arm. The four men head outside through the gaping hole in the wall just in time for Timmy B to lower a rope ladder out of the helicopter. Scully whose senses have begun to return begins to slowly climb first followed by Tush just behind him. Alfie goes next just in front of Chris. There is a sudden gust of wind that causes Halliday to slip almost knocking Chris from the ladder as the Helicopter raises into the air. Chris steadies himself and begins to climb again.

Bang Bang!

A couple of gun shots ring out in there general directing. Chris looks down to see a couple of prison guards aiming there pistols towards them.

Bang Bang!

Two more shots.

"Hurry" Chris shouts as he looks back up to continue his climb. As he does he feels a drop of warm liquid fall onto his face. Halliday looks down towards him and Chris can see he had been caught by one of the shots. The blood was dripping from the side of his head and running down the side of his face, he was growing weak as his climb began to slow.

"Come on Al, not much further to go."

In Halliday's weakens state he loses his grip and begins to fall, Macbeh reaches out and grabs his arm only just catching him. Macbeh trying to hold on to the ladder with one hand and Halliday with the other, his grip on the ladder was weakening and slipping more and more every second.


The chopper continues to rise but he grip continues to weaken. He try's to pull Halliday up so he would be able to reach the ladder again himself but it was no good, he was just going to have to hold on.

He screams again as he try to muster enough power and energy to hold on. He looks to Halliday you just stairs back at him. The stair seems to last a lifetime before Halliday smiles at Chris and nods his head before closing his eyes and letting go.

Chris lets out a massive scream as he watches his dear friend fall and fall until he disappears into the smoke of the biting jail block and out of sight.

R.I.P Alfie Halliday

"This Union is for you!"

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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