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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Formation of The Union Part 2 (Macbeth's Story / A few words back to MacVeigh.
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-30-2016, 03:21 AM

02-03-2016 -Warfare - Backstage.

Chris Macbeth is sat backstage looking annoyed, angry even. He gets to his feet picks up a chair and throws it at the TV set that's showing fellow XWF wrestler Scully being taken away in hand cuffs for beating that stupid bitch Tyrone to a pulp, something that everyone on the roster has wanted to do at some point in there lives.

Chris: "This is bullshit!"


Chris turns around to find Tush stood watching the tv crumble and fall to the floor.

"Chris: "Can you believe this shit? Some of this shit the fucking twats in this federation get away with and Scully gets locked up for beating up that tool Tyrone.

Tush: "Yeah well you know why that is don't you?"

Chris just stares as Tush takes a seat.

Tush: "It's a similarity between you and me. Nobody in management bothers with us. Look who is going to challenge for the fucking Universal title, a man who you beat as a rookie. We are being held down because... because... my mouth is dry, pass me a drink mate?"

Macbeth pulls a beer out of his mini fridge and takes a seat opposite Tush sliding him a cold one across the table. They crack open the beers and each have a swig.

Chris: "I'm listening."

Tush smiles and has another swig of his beer.

Tush: "It's because we're British.

Chris: "Well this is bullshit, you know what we need to do, we need to get that mother fucker back out of jail and with him take from the XWF what we deserve... Respect!"

Tush smiles.

Tush: "Precisely. Now we are on the same page. So, firstly we need to come up with a plan."

Chris: "I'll let you know soon enough, I just need to make some calls."

It has been a few days since Tush and I spoke. I had heard that Scully had been taken to San Diego Central Jail. It was going to take some doing but the plan I was cooking up had no chance of failing.

The Californian sun was warm on my face as I sat having a cigarette outside LAX. The flight was due in fifteen minutes ago so it shouldn't be too long. I wiped a bead of sweat from my brow as I dropped the cigarette stub on the floor and crushed it under my black converse before getting to my feet and heading into arrivals.

The room was crowded with people waiting for their love ones to arrive from some business trip or taxi drivers waiting for Holiday goers to arrive so they can take them to their hotels. I can see the taxi driver that had picked me up when I arrived a couple of days ago, he spotted me and gave a little wave, I nodded back then continued to look out for the people arriving.

I couldn't believe he was still wearing his holiday shirt, the same Hawaiian shirt he has had for years and there he is with a big smile on his face and a two hundred pack of cigarettes under his arm. Halliday had arrived.

I had called Alfie because of his experience in plans such as that I have been working out to break Scully out of jail and I had no doubts that he would find issues with my plan and quickly suggest ways and reasons to fix them. I held my hand out has he approached and he took it and shook it intensely. I'll remembered that handshake from that very first meeting of ours in his bar way back before I had even worked for him. We stood and chatted the normal not seen each other for a long time crap for a few minutes then headed out into the sun. Halliday placed a pair of white sunglasses on his face, he was far to old to be pulling them off but he didn't care, he thought he looked cool. He didn't but I didn't say anything I just smiled shook my head and lead him out to where I parked my rental.

The journey back to my hotel was spent mostly catching up with everything that had been going on in our lives as well as me running through the plan to break Scully out of jail. Halliday didn't really say anything at this point he just listened intently while nodding along with the occasional "Hmm, Ok". I knew he had found flaws in the plan but he wasn't willing to share them with me yet so I didn't question it I just continued to run through the step by step guide I had worked so hard on planning and remembering. I knew soon enough he would chime in with his thoughts but he obviously wasn't ready yet.

We needed gas so I pulled over to fill up. Just as I placed the nozzle back a young boy came running over to me with a phone in his hand along with a pen and what looks like a fuel receipt. I obliged of course when asked to pose for a photo with the young fan then signed his autograph, I could see he had a Scully T-Shirt on so I left a little message under my autograph for him.

Justice for Scully!

The kid ran back to his parents who waved out of their own car window as I got back into the rental and we headed back out onto the road.

Halliday: "So, you want me to get you a Helicopter?"

I was just lighting up a cigarette and I couldn't help myself from smiling as I nodded, it was an insane part of the plan but if we are going to do this we have to go big.

Halliday: "Ok, I can do that but there are some issues with your little plan here."

"I'm listening!" I said, I knew there would be. Halliday is a genius and this wouldn't be the first time he had done this although normally he was the one on the inside and either breaking himself out or being broken out, either way though his experience was going to be valuable.

Halliday: "Well first off all, have you even been down to the jail to scope out the security. You know, guards, cameras e.t.c. Is it even a building where you can land a helicopter near?.

Shit! I hadn't even thought of that. I quickly phoned my contacts in San Diego, you all know them as Ted and Dave. They were not part of the job but I have had them down there just checking the area for me. The phone clicked and Ted's voice came through the loud-speaker in the car and I began to ask him to get me some answers to all the questions Halliday had asked.

He did it, the crazy son of a bitch did it.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8xHwL1UTxmULbSvKbWEE...M9WHTxYyrw]

This is what I was thinking as I stood in an old aircraft hangar somewhere in the Nevada Desert staring at an old Bel AH-1 Cobra Helicopter. How he managed to source this US Marine Corps attack Helicopter I don't know and to be honest I don't really want to know so the only thing I ask with a smile is... "Couldn't you have got a British model?" Alfie just rolled his eyes before putting his fingers to his mouth and giving out a loud whistle.

Timmy B one of my previous associates head peeked out from inside the helicopter, I had a feeling Halliday was going to invite him along, if anyone is going to know anything near as much as Halliday about a jail break it is Timmy B. Alfie had broken Timmy out of jail a few years earlier after our botched bank job. I shove my old friends hand as we exchanged a few war stories about old times and I fully explained the situation to him. Lucky for me Alfie had already briefed Timmy on the situation and the plan was already coming together well.

The Checklist

Weapons - Check
Helicopter - Check
Parachutes - Check
Emergency getaway vehicle -

As I got to this point of the list I looked up to Halliday and Timmy. They both stared back at me and I smiled as the rumbling of an engine could be heard. The tyres screeched as the prison van slid to a stop just a few yards away from us and the driver's side window lowered revealing Tush behind the wheel with a beaming smile on his face.

Tush: "Fucking look at my whip boys."

The Checklist

Weapons - Check
Helicopter - Check
Parachutes - Check
Emergency getaway vehicle - Check

To be Continued

There are exciting times in store of the XWF Universe, exciting times indeed. This is the week The Union begin to take what we deserve and what we have been denied... RESPECT!

Yeah the powers that be at the XWF have shown almost zero respect to us and I, I'm sorry I mean we truly believe this is down to us being Brits. Personally though I don't believe this is because they think we're below them, or not as good as them, or not good enough for them, no I think, in fact I know that they are afraid of us. Afraid of the influence we could have, afraid of the power we could take. Well as Brits we have formed this union and starting this week we are beginning the journey of taking that power and forcing the respect we deserve from the twats that have denied it to us this far.

Speaking of twats...

Luca Arseface and your little bum boy shadow Fernando, you are the first step to us achieving that power and respect. Now boys if you have removed your tongues from each other's ass' for long enough to notice that on Warfare we are facing you and some other bullshit teams I'll get to later for your XWF Tag Team Titles. Since my return I have watched you bullshit your way through singles matches and title defences with a load of bollocks promos we shan't talk about, whether that was Fern's X-Treme title or the both of you together tugging each othe... Oh I mean tagging each other for you tag team titles. Well the tide is changing, Fern you have already had that X-Treme Title taken from you by none other than that numb nuts Frodo and the time has now come for Scully and myself to remove that Tag strap from around yours and Lucas waist. Yeah week in week out instead of pulling on your nice shiney title belts you bitches can just pull on each other's baby Dicks instead.

Travis McCoy and your mystery partner... Don't make me laugh, unless your mister partner is in face Mister Mystery I couldn't care less, not that you would know who Mister Mystery is, your relatively new to the XWF so you how could you know, but still would be good to see the old boy again. Anyway I really have nothing of note to say to you, I can't really see what threat you could cause that may ruin The Unions chances of walking away with the gold. I did however notice that you got a little defensive when my partner mentioned the heritage of your name. McCoy! Like the crisps, or for our American friends... Potato Chips. The only difference is McCoy's are widely known as Man Crisps, especially the Roast Beef flavour, although not my personal favourite you cannot be classed as a man without eating at least one pack every 25 seconds. True Story... Kind of. So just know your place and wind your neck in and don't get all billy big bollocks because you have had a couple of "OK" victories against who gives a fuck.

What the fuck is it to you?

Ophelia McVeigh... Why the fuck do suddenly think you have got the right or reason to talk shit about us, typical woman... Well I think it is a woman, bitching about other people's issues like a bitch. You know what I was actually around this fed when Archie what's his face was here before doing what he does best and that was Meh... Yeah nothing. He was one Brit that I can honestly say.... Does my fucking head in. So Keep you nose out of where it doesn't belong and worry about not having your backside handed to you by Frodo or whoever else decides to enter that god damn match. Shit you never know it could be me!
Hey wait was that another nonsensical rant?

Who gives a fuck!

Just Saying!

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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