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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Watching A Movie (and some other shit.)
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-20-2016, 12:52 PM

Chris Macbeth, Ted, Dave and Sullivan are sat watching a classic movie, well I think that's what you can call something that was created by Kevin Smith. Despite most of Mr Smith's movies being complete garbage Chris had them all, and everything else Smith had ever done, from his Comicbook lines to clothing. Pretty much anything that Kevin Smith sold in his Secret Stash store Chris Macbeth had in his house. Because he is a fan? No, not at all. It is because of his previous connection to Kevin Smith himself. During Chris' time working for Halliday he was Kevin Smiths "WEED GUY" when the director would visit the UK, because of this Chris receives a package from the chunky funny man every time something new of his was released. Just the other day a copy of the Tusk Blu-Ray dropped through his door and he knewit was only a small amount of time before the phone call from Kevin would follow asking what he thought of the movie. Chris could lie... "Yeah, good, your best stuff yet." Or he could just tell the truth... "What a load of shit." This is what he will probably say and Kevin will laugh back at him in agreance. Truthfully though the movie the boys are watching now, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back is actually a movie that Chris really like's but he would never admit it to Kevin when he caught up with him.

As the movie continues Macbeth finds his mind drift off too his up and coming match with on what is now Friday Warfare against Ghost Tank and Lady Luck. Chris doesn't know a lot about these two competitors but from what he has seen of Ghost Tank he doesn't feel he has anything to worry about when it comes to the actual match, despite this though Chris is feeling slightly troubled. You see Chris is an entertainer that is heading into the unknown in the sense that he has no clue if these two are going to be able to keep up with him in entertaining the masses within the XWF Universe. Maybe Chris is being un-realistic, maybe it is to much to ask for these two nobodies to keep up with him and to put on a show worth watching. This is the very reason why Chris had help form The Union. Tush and Skully are two of the most charismatic guys in the business but they are constantly looked over when it comes to the rewards that this business brings, is it because the British... Maybe, but it is also because the powers that be continue to ignore real talent in order to line there own pockets all while driving this company into the ground. Within 3 weeks we have seen two GM's fuck up so much that there jobs were taken away from them.

Something else is troubling Chris when it comes to his next match and that is the witty names he normally likes to give his competitors in his promos. Previously he as faced the likes of Equi-twat & Peter "Hoover-boy" Gilmour but he is at a loss when it comes to this pair of nobodies. I mean,what the fuck am I supposed to call him... Ghost Wank?... Hey that is pretty good. Maybe it wasn't as hard as he thought, at least with that one, Lady Luck maybe a little more difficult though, maybe it'll be something he will have to come back to later. For now though.. Ghost Wank is born.

The entrance of The Union of Tush, Skully and Macbeth had really left its mark on the XWF Universe last week just as they had all known it would. It put backsides on seats and the PPV purchases increased ten-fold but still the XWF under one of its most important talents in a mid card bullshit match with "The Wank" and "Lady Fuck".. Oh yeah that is all Chris could come up with with regards to the new nickname for Lady Luck,he was inspired by the movie's opening scene. "It's Bullshit!"Macbeth says out loud interrupting the film to the slight annoyance of Ted, Dave and Sullivan. The three others just shake there heads and turn back to the movie, Macbeth gets to his feet and heads out to the kitchen to grab himself a beer.

As he return to the movie he quickly checks his phone before throwing it onto the couch in annoyance. "Luca and Fern are like thrush... Irritating fucking Cunts." Ted, Dave and Sullivan shake there heads again but mostly ignore there buddies rants. Chris doesn't care though, he wasn't saying it for there benefit he just felt that a few pegs need to be removed from under the Tag Team Bummers. "Irritating Fucking Cunts"

The End

This is a Promo

Finally The Union is here. Finally The Union is here to take what they deserve, to take some of the limelight away from the undeserving moronic twats that it currently shines on, twats like Peteer Gilmour, Luca Arse-Face and his little bummer boy Austin. Yep, this is one of the reasons the union of Tush, Skully and myself formed so all I can say is the XWF better be ready for what is about to happen.

First though I must talk about the immediate issue at hand, at least my immediate issue which is another shitty mid-cardmatch against a pair of twats who do not deserve to be in the same ring as me. On this occasion the twats that are trying to steal some popularity by rubbing shoulders with me are Lady Fuck and Ghost Wank. Yeah have no idea who the fuck they are either but Mr Wank appers tohave a bit of a following here in the XWF but I guess the shitty XWF managment team has been pumping some sort of chemicalsintothe arenas causing some of the fans to become stupid,a bit like Equinox who really believed he could beat me last week but instead found himself swimming in shit, that boy still stinks now.

So Ghost Wank much like me you left and have returned from what I can gather, I maybe wrong but I really don't give a shit about you or your life. All i know for certain is that next week I will defeat you and Lady Fuck just like I bet Maverick and Equi-twat last week, only this week I wont be knocking you into a pile of shit, no the only shit that will be near the arena this week is your shit beard you hairy twat. Yeah I said it, You have a shit beard. FACT!

Beards aside though I literally have no respect for you, I literally think you are a twat, and truthfully I believe that you are a twat as well and I think deep down somewhere within that monstrosity you call a body I think you know that you are a twat too.

Am I right?

I am right!

Lady Fuck, to be frank, I have no flipping clue who you are or even if you are a fucking lady at all, and I don't really care. I am sure at some point this week your probably ugly face will show up somewhere talking crap about the match but guess what nobody will care because everyone will be too busy watching Batman v Superman or Daredevil Season two during a Netflix and Chill session. I'd imagine that is what Luca and Fern will be doing anyway, although I bet they are more Bridget Jones' Diary kind of cunts.

Just Saying!

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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