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Wednesday Warfare (4/17/13)
Author Message
Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
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04-18-2013, 06:01 AM

[Image: kQDFZ.jpg]

Wednesday Night Warfare
Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, California
April 17, 2013


The show opens with a shot inside Wallace Witasick's office. He's sitting at his desk thumbing through his tablet while he updates his tweets and whatnot. Sitting next to him is his assistant, Tyrone, who's in a wheel chair and has a bandage around his chest from the gun shot that he took last week. Wallace looks more stressed out than usual tonight, as does Tyrone.

Wallace: "We need to get Warfare back on track, Tyrone."

Tyrone: "Yes... boss..."

Tyrone is struggling to speak; he's still on the road to recovery from the shooting.

Wallace: "The network wasn't happy with our show last week."

Tyrone: "I... I thought it was a success...boss."

Tyrone holds his chest after putting himself through so much pain just to get one sentence out.

Wallace: "The quality of the show itself was stellar, but the Administrator Network was not happy with the content towards the end of the night."

Tyrone: "Duke's match? I'll take care of it right now boss..."

Tyrone begins to push himself up out of his wheelchair but Wallace speaks up.

Wallace: "Easy, Tyrone. You just sit down and let that wound heal. But no, the Network wasn't offended by the Duke match. They were offended by the fact that Shane brought a gun to ringside and used it on you."

Tyrone: "D*** . Why can't he ruin his own show?"

Wallace: "I know, I know. So they were pretty upset that an episode aired where a man was gunned down at ringside. All we can do at this point is move forward and deliver the best show possible."

Tyrone: "Yes sir... I took... I took care of that da**-- that da*n Mark Flynn, didn't I boss?"

We begin to notice Tyrone fading away from the pain medication that he's on.

Wallace: "Yes, you did. And now Mark Flynn is nothing more than a referee. He's lucky that I even allow him that privilege. Referee Mark Flynn, hah!"

Wallace looks over and notices that Tyrone is passed out in the wheelchair.

Wallace: "Ah yes. Get your rest while you can, Tyrone. Soon we'll have more work to do."

Markus Conan
- vs -
White Lion
Standard Match

Marcus Conan makes his way to the ring to a few cheers, but this newcomer doesn't seem to have proven a lot, yet. He steps into the ring, and waits for White Lion.

White Lion comes emerges from the back, throws his head back and roars...then runs up and down the aisles slapping as many fans hands as possible. Eventually, he gets in the ring.

The bell sounds and Lion takes Conan down with a clothesline, which gives Lion the time to drag Conan back to his feet and hit him with a suplex into the center of the ring. As Conan gets up, Lion smirks.... Preparing for one of his trademark moves, already in the match!!!


THE ROAR!.............. Lion lets out a loud trademark roar that seems to have partially deafened Conan's right ear! Possibly one of the most powerful moves in the business today! He rolls Conan up from behind!



KICKOUT!!! Conan turns around and strikes Lion with several punches, before taking Lion down with a clotheline. Conan gets to the top rope, and signals to the crowd that he's setting up a diving elbow drop, but Lion notices this and scrambles up to his feet, rushing to the corner. Conan jumps off the turnbuckle, managing to grab Lion in a front facelock ddt position! It looks like he's now attempting the Blunt Buster....

But Lion blocks it and hits him with a ddt! As Conan gets up to his feet, he's hauled up into the air by Lion, who tries to hit him with a Lion Press!............

But Conan drops down behind. He strike Lion over and overw with punches and kicks, but this doesn't stop the pure momentum on display here from Lion, who then reigns down on Conan with some punches of his own, and then hoists him up onto his shoulders, this time Lion is clearly setting up for a Running Lion Slam...........



CONNECTS! Conan's bones, just like the ring, shake from the impact! That was devastating. Lion lets out another roar before he goes for a cover!




Winner: White Lion

'Slick' Rick Jones
- vs -
Jason E. Smith
Best 2 out of 3 falls

Steve Sayors : It's now time for the 2 out 3 falls matchs between two young lions named « Slick » Rick Jones and Jason E Smith.

Liz Weinberg : A 2 out 3 falls, it's something you don't see everydays, and what a good move by our GM. It give the chance to make a good impression at Wednesday night warfare.

The whole arena goes dark, when the bells toll the first four times, the X-Tron Flashes. On the fifth toll, lightning pyro strikes the stage, coming down to hit the stage in the center, and leaving the stage on each end.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Announcer : The Following contest is a 2 out 3 falls match, on this way to the ring, from Minneapolis Minnesota, weighing in at 2 hundred 38 pounds.... « Slick » Rick.....JONES!!!

After the pyro, he walks up to the center, looks down for 3-7 seconds, then slowly walks down to the ring, then slowly and methodically circles the ring, before climbing the steps and slowly goes through the second ropes. While waiting for his opponent, he sits against the turnbuckles on the mat.

Steve Sayors : Rick seems to have a aggressive style, let's see if it's will be effective against Jason.

Liz Weinberg : Speaking of that young fella, here he comes.

Announcer : And this opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 2 hundred 25 pounds....James...E....SMITH!!!

Dark and spotlight constantly on Jason in ring slowly circles on the spot with arms out head up in a god like pose .

After a couple of minutes, he finally reachs the ring and the two opponents are in a center of the ring, waiting for the time keeper to ring the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The match begin with both opponent who look each others in the eyes, they turn around and look for a opening. They both have the same idea to test their strength with a tie-up. Slick gains the advantage with a headlock on the englishman, but he quickly break the hold, when he send him to the rope with a irish whip, Rick Jones tackles him with a shoulder block Slick Rick, goes to the others side of the rope but didn't see the samoan drop of the Beast. Jason goes for the cover, One!....Two! Kick out by Rick Jones.

Smith pick up the head of Jones and help him to rise up, he drag him nears of the turnbuckle and smack his heads into the third corner. He goes with a serie of chops and right hand, but Rick block the last attack and switch out with him. He unleash some european uppercut and knife edge chops on him. He notice the englishman, who is a little dizzy and he proceed to send him down to the mat with a Belly to Belly suplex. Slick Rick Jones, send the signal to the crowd, then he's going to deliver his trademark.

Steve Sayors : Well it's already done?

Liz Weinberg : Not yet my friend! Because you have to remember, it's a 2 out 3 falls matchs and James could surprise us.

Slick Rick is on the tope rope and he is ready to moves. The Referee, give him the signal and he fly to the air with diving elbow drop to the heart of Jason. Rick Jones, waste no time to rise him up. He set the Englishman into the position of the piledriver, lift him up in the air and WHAM!! Bulldozer (Powerbomb)

Slick Rick goes for the first kill.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Slick Rick : 1 Jason E Smith : 0

Steve Sayors : Slick Rick Jones get the first fall, Jason need to make one fall if he want to be equal to him.

Liz Weinberg : And our fellow Jason, i still in the bad shape.

Slick Rick Jones notice his opponent out cold. He decide to try his chance for a second Bulldozer but this time, Jason counter the move with a back body drop. The hothead american quickly stood up and rush into him but get caught of guard with a backhand chop. Smith connect with a Full Nelson Slam. He climb the top rope and wait for signal of the ref.

Jason fly in the air with a diving knee drop but he miss the target, giving the chance at his opponent, to bounce to the rope and trap him into a lou thess press with a serie of punch.

Steve Sayors : And our Rick Jones gains now the upper hand again.

Liz Weinberg : This guy is on fire!!

Slick Rick send a war cry to announce it's over. He approach him and waste no time to rise him up. He goes for a second Bulldozer but Smith quickly escape the hold. Rick Jones rush into him again but didn't see the Smithy super kick.

Jason E smith waste no time, to get his first fall.

One! Two!...Three!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Slick Rick:1 Jason E Smith : 1

Steve Sayors : Only one more fall to determine a winner.

Liz Weinberg : Yep! We underestimate Jason a little bit, he finally get the first fall with his famous superkick.

Steve Sayors: Jones is slowly climbing to his feet while Smith makes his way over to attack. Smith picks up Jones with a scoop slam and then a huge elbow drop.

Jones slowly rises to his feet again and this time he meets Smith head on and ducks a clothesline..

Jones attempts a clothesline of his own that Smith ducks under.

Smith grabs Jones from the side and hits him back down on the mat with a side german suplex!! Jones is out cold.

Smith climbs to his feet and starts slamming his foot on the mat while Jones struggles to pull himself up with the ropes.

He's setting up for that Superkick finisher of his...




Goes his foot on the mat..

Jones is up... Smith charges....



Smith turns....

Jones is there....

He quickly grabs the back of Smith's right hand and drops to the mat..

He's got him in the Northern Lights Lock (Kimura Lock)

There's no way Smith can tap out of his one as Jones has him locked up in the center of the ring...

Smith is stretching....



He taps...

Winner: 'Slick" Rick Jones

'The Xtremist' Bryce
- vs -
'The Monolith' Benjamin Crane
- vs -
Eric Rex
- vs -
Thomas Matthews
Fatal Four Way Elimination Style

Steve Sayors: Alright, we've got all four of these combatants in the ring for this next contest...a four-way elimination match between The Xtremist "Bryce", a man who has behind him an army of fearsome bodyguards..."The Monolith" Ben Crane, a hardcore comic-book fan and a hardcore warrior of the ring...Eric Rex...the mixed martial artist who wields not only deadly strikes and submissions, but a deadly lawyer as well! He's threatened to sue XWF management over the circumstances surrounding his controversial loss at Ultimate Warfare to Mr. Rockwell! And finally, Thomas Matthews...the bullied youth who used his anger to forge himself into a formidable professional wrestler! The bell's sounded...and we're off!

Liz Weinberg: I wonder if Thomas Matthews is having flashbacks to his childhood...because Eric Rex is sure bullying him right now!

Steve Sayors: Eric Rex with double-underhooks on Matthews...he arches into a huge Greco-Roman slam! Matthews is back up...he goes for a punch...Rex dodges, and gets him in standing arm-triangle...he slams him to the ground...and continues the choke! Meanwhile, Crane and Bryce are exchanging...Crane's greater size telling on Bryce...Crane leap-frogs over Bryce, Bryce wheels to face him...and gets nailed with a super-kick! Bryce doesn't go down...but he's dazed...Crane turns away...and back-flip kicks Bryce in the head! Shades of Street Fighter legend Guile! Meanwhile...Thomas Matthews seems to have passed out from the choke...even has he somehow manages to brush his foot against the ropes! Across the ring, Crane continues to put Bryce through the paces...hurricanrana by Crane...whipping Bryce across the Bryce starts to get this feet...Crane sprints towards him and feeds him a knee via the Sorcerer Supreme shining wizard! Crane lifts Bryce up...presses him above his head...and brings him down into Blackest Night...his finisher!

Liz Weinberg: His finisher isn't going to finish anybody until he gets out of that!

Steve Sayors: Eric Rex out of nowhere grabs Crane from behind with a waistlock...takes him for a suplex...Crane locks his legs around Rex's torso and rolls into a modified victory roll pin...kick out by Rex...Crane with a super-kick...Rex ducks catches the leg...and explodes into a suplex! Crane flips out, lands feet-first, cat-like...goes for another another super-kick...Rex parries and seizes a standing rear-naked on Crane...low-blow from Crane, the referee didn't see it...second week in a row that its happened to Rex! His lawyer is going to have a field day! DDT by Crane...followed up by a standing moonsault...1-2-Rex reverses the pin, 1...2...Crane thrusts a shoulder up...and Rex takes it as an opening to apply his arm-triangle choke that's been so handy this match! Crane's fading...Bryce comes off the top rope with a shooting star-press, crushing both men!

Liz Weinberg: They're all down...and Matthews is still basically out of it!

Steve Sayors: What's going to happen next?

Liz Weinberg: Bryce climbs to his feet first and makes his way over towards Matthews.

Matthews is staring into space like he's high off mescaline or something. Bryce takes advantage by laying down ...

LIGHTS OUT!!! (GTS into superkick)

Matthews is down while the other two competitors stand over Bryce while he makes the pin...




Bryce has eliminated Thomas Matthews...

Immediately after the three count Rex jumps on top of Bryce and begins pummeling his face with punches as Crane kicks Thomas Matthews out of the ring.

Crane then starts climbing the turnbuckle while Rex and Bryce are still exchanging fists on in the corner...

Crane flies at both of them in the air and lands on the pile with a SPLASH!!!

He's landed right on Rex!!!!

The ref goes to make the count...




Rex kicked out! Can you believe it!

We got a tight one with these three superstars here tonight... Crane is up on his feet first, he pulls Bryce to his feet as Rex is struggling up as well.

Crane flings Bryce at Rex....

Rex scoops up his legs and flings him over the top rope!!!

Bryce lands with a wicked thud on the ground below...

Crane charges Rex, but Rex dodges...

Crane uses his quick reactions to shift his weight and attention....

Instead of attacking Rex he slides through the middle ropes at full speed and SPEARS!!!! Bryce!!!

Crane just delivered a spear from inside the ring to a rising Bryce on the outside....


Rex is standing in the ring looking down at the two men shocked...

Crane seems to be charged by the move and gets all amped up...

He balls his fists and jumps to his feet quickly and screams out to the crowd.

He's quick to slide Bryce under the ring and watch as Rex covers him and Crane climbs back in...




Eric Rex has eliminated Bryce...

Now it's down to just two men

Ben Crane


Eric Rex...

Crane swings himself over the top ropes and into the ring as Rex climbs to his feet after pinning Bryce...

Both men circle the ring pointing at one another.

Crane begins slapping his chest and the crowd begins clapping in the background to the same thump of his first to his chest.

Crane charges and misses with a big boot to the face of Rex...

Rex turns around and

SUPERKICK! to the back of Crane's head!!!

Crane falls like a ton of bricks...

The cover...





By god! You have got to be kidding me!

Rex is upset and is arguing with the ref..

Crane is rising quickly...

He turns with another fierce look in his eye and swings another right hand that Rex ducks...

He hooks crane..

Oh no!

The Apache Job!

(Lifts the opponent up similar to a stalling suplex. Then drops down into a sitdown neckbreaker.)

The cover..

This ones over folks..





No way!!

No way Crane kicked out of that...

This audience is in total shock..

Rex is furious, he lifts Crane back up and...


Crane is taking a beating here tonight!!!

Rex stands over him this time as Crane is to one knee...

Rex bends over...


Here he comes...

He charges Rex lands a splash in the corner...

Rex staggers off the turnbuckle and floats in the middle of the ring...

Crane smiles...


Crane lands his finisher! (Lifting Press to Codebreaker)

The cover...




Ben Crane goes to another level and picks up an enormous victory here tonight. He slides out of the ring and taunts Eric Rex who is hanging over the ropes asking for Crane to get back in the ring. Crane instead makes his way to the back.


Who needs bodyguards?

We are now taken backstage to where Wallace Witasick and XWF briefcase holder Angelus inside the office of Wallace Witasick. Tyrone is still wrapped up and nursing his gunshot wound as well on the sidelines.

Wallace: You see, with Tyrone taking a breather due to medical situations. I'm going to have to re hire some of those clones instead of selling them to the NBA or Def Jam Records. I was thinking? Don't you think it would be a good idea if we ensured your protection as well?

Angelus: You think that Tyrone is going to protect me even if danger was present? I don't have time for your slow reacting bumbling idiots Wallace... and beside? Who needs body guards when you can do this


On the other side of it walking was...


The entire wall falls on top of Sebastian and he is knocked out cold...

Angelus and Witasick both laugh.

Wallace: How convenient? Did you plan that?

Angelus: The wall falling down, yes. Duke being there, no.

They both laugh and stare over the large fallen man knocked unconscious. Angelus picks up Duke's United States title and glares back at Duke...

Wallace: Let him keep it. I assure it will be back in it's rightful hands soon enough...

With that the scene fades to commercial.

Man Preaching Nothing
- vs -
Mr. Rockwell
Standard rules

A wave of jeering bellows through the crowd as "Simon Says" by Drain STH blares from the X-Tron sound system. Detest shawls the arena as Mr. Rockwell saunters down the entrance ramp, a smug smirk across his face. Simon leisurely makes his way up the ring steps and onto the apron, stopping only to survey the crowd in disgust. After entering the ring, Mr. Rockwell spins around with his arms out before dropping to both knees and flexing his biceps.

There is a short pause before Man Preaching Nothing’s entrance theme bellows from the booming speakers and his entrance video appears on the x-tron.

MPN comes to the ring slowly, eying the crowd and the ring. He begins smiling and laughing, yelling "There is no answer!" as he makes his way down the ramp to the ring to take on his opponent.

Steve Sayors: One thing is for sure, this match is going to be a technical one. There seems to be a lot of grief for these two men in that ring tonight.

Liz Weinberg: And I don’t agree with any of these constant jeers one bit, this will be a great match.

The referee calls for the bell as both men begin to circle each other in order to search for a weak spot. As the two men lock up Mr. Rockwell gets the upper hand and backs MPN into the corner before Irish whipping him across the ring and into the opposing corner. He follows the whip and attempts a clothesline but MPN ducks and executes one of his favourable uppercuts, knocking Rockwell to the floor, a bit of spit flying from his mouth and into the air in the process. Mr. Rockwell is straight to his feet though but walks into a cross body chop from his opponent followed by another one. Continuing his assault, MPN goes for the dropkick but it’s ducked by Rockwell who then rakes his opponent in the eye, receiving multiple jeers from the crowd. He responds with a loud cackle and then adding a thumb to the other eye. The crowd boo again and the ref warns Rockwell not to do it again. He then lifts Man Preaching Nothing up and goes for the scoop slam but it’s reversed as the defendant lands on his feet and then lifts Rockwell into the air and slams Rockwell onto the mat back first, executing his own scoop slam. MPN nods his head and begins to pull his arm back, and waving his arm upwards, signalling his desperation for Rockwell to reach his feet, and as he does MPN executes a high impact clothesline, and then another. Rockwell refuses to back down, continuing to get to his feet faster and faster but MPN keeps upping his game executing his clotheslines harder and harder each time before running off the ropes and flying at Rockwell with a cross body, but using his intelligence Rockwell uses MPN’s momentum to carry him through and lock in his own pin that is almost immediately kicked out of. The two men square off and run at each other again, Rockwell smartly runs past MPN and uses his technical ability to lock in his trademark sleeper hold.

The sleeper is locked in well, and MPN is struggling, he eventually manages to use momentum to back into the ropes and Rockwell is forced to break the hold by the referee who reaches a four count. Rockwell turns and complains to the referee but as his back is turned he is hit by a dropkick to the knee, knocking him down to his other knee. MPN follows this up by sprinting off the ropes and executing a devastating dragon kick across the forehead. It seems Rockwell is down. MPN goes for the cover.


Kickout, at two by Mr. Rockwell.

MPN is stunned by the kick out and grabs Rockwell by the head and pulling him to his feet. He smashes his opponent’s skull into the top turnbuckle before attempting a Russian leg sweep. Rockwell twists out of it though, and out of nowhere hits a high impact snap suplex. Both men remain down for a few seconds but they both struggle to their feet. They begin to exchange slow and heavy punches one after the other until Rockwell begins to unload a furry of sharp jabs and knees to the gut and ribs of a defenceless Man Preaching Nothing. But then out of nowhere MPN executes a devastating Spike DDT, knocking his opponent flat on the mat. MPN grins deviously before climbing to the ring apron and up to the top rope. He calls for his trademark move, and he hits the diving elbow drop from the top! He goes for the cover, and gets a near fall but Rockwell remains resilient. MPN begins to stalk his opponent, and as Rockwell gets to his feet, goes for his finisher – the swinging neck breaker, but Rockwell spins out of it and then goes for his own finisher, the Cloud 9 (Diamond Cutter), which is then turned again back into MPN’s swinging neck breaker, which is again twisted out by Rockwell who lands behind MPN and hits a devastating trademark backstabber. Now recovery time for Rockwell, he remains down with MPN after all of the damage previously taken. Rockwell is first to his feet and he goes for the one legged Boston crab, but MPN turns and smashes Rockwell in the hip with his left boot before attacking Rockwell with a brutal reverse Russian leg sweep that connects with high effect.

MPN lifts Rockwell to his feet by grabbing onto his head. He then Irish whips him into the ropes, goes for a clothesline that Rockwell runs under with good pace and intuition. On the return run Rockwell reverses MPN’s duck by executing his trademark running DDT. Rockwell flips into the cover. 1…..2….. And a kick out at two by the impressive Man Preaching Nothing. Rockwell then drops a knee onto the skull of MPN and goes for another cover that is quickly kicked out of. Both men get to their feet, Rockwell ducks under another clothesline and gets a school boy pin that is immediately reversed into a sun set flip pin that is kicked out of straight away by Rockwell. MPN lifts Rockwell into the air and goes for a back body drop but Rockwell wiggles his legs and uses the momentum to flip over onto the ring apron, MPN turns into a shoulder into the gut from Rockwell. MPN turns though and runs off of the opposite ropes and hits a baseball slide knocking Mr. Rockwell off of the ring apron before the Dutch man goes face first into the side of the ring. MPN climbs out of the ring and onto the same ring apron, before sprinting across and hitting a flying clothesline knocking his opponent to the floor as the referee begins the count out. But MPN rolls in and out of the ring forcing the referee to start the count out again. Rockwell is sitting up and MPN goes for a Hagakure kick that is ducked by Rockwell. Who then quickly rolls into the ring and is quickly followed by MPN.

Both men appear to be extremely hurt now, it hasn’t been as technical as expected but it’s been a match full of high impact moves and an all-out brawl. The two men begin to exchange punches and cross body chops. Rockwell eventually coming out on top with chop after chop, he then kicks MPN in the gut and goes for Cloud 9 (Diamond Cutter) but MPN pushes out of it once more, and as Rockwell returns off the ropes he is tripped face first into the mat. MPN follows this up by running off of the ropes and hitting a diving head butt to his opponent and quickly going for a cover that is immediately kicked out of. Both men showing great resilience and that they really want to win this match. An Irish whip now by MPN, he lifts Rockwell into a scoop slam and hits it, he then looks to the top turnbuckle once more, going for that signature diving elbow, but this time it misses! Rockwell instinctively rolling out of the way from that devastating elbow. He’s quickly to his feet and executes a devastating Belly-To-Belly suplex gaining himself some time to rejuvenate…. There is a long pause, as both men slowly climb to their feet, and back into opposing turnbuckles.

Now, the two men run at each other, MPN diving under the arm of Rockwell and turning, he spins and goes for an axe kick…. But no, Rockwell has ducked under it. Then kicks MPN in the gut….. and there it is! Cloud 9! (Diamond Cutter). Rockwell drops into the cover.



Winner: Mr. Rockwell

Big Bad Leroy
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
Ann Thraxx
Standard Tag Match

Steve Sayors: First off, we’ve got KnightMask coming down to the ring…I’m told the song he’s entering to is Dokken’s “Dream Warriors”…you know, I actually know this one! I think it was in…Nightmare on Elm Street, wasn’t it?

Liz Weinberg: Don’t ask me, Sayors. I don’t watch that garbage! I don’t understand how he can get so into these ridiculous songs…look at him, it’s the music has some sort of hypnotic effect on him…maybe it’s so bad, it gets him angry for his match?

Steve Sayors: KnightMask already in the middle of the ring after a swift sprint down the entrance ramp…and next up, we’ve got his teammate in this odd-couple tag-match…

Liz Weinberg: You notice that, for a supposed good guy, he didn’t take time to slap hands with the fans or anything? Just saying. Anyway, they really aren’t that mismatched…I mean, look! Big Bad Leroy’s got a mask too!

Steve Sayors: Liz, don’t insult the fans intelligence with that drivel! We both know…whoever is underneath that armor, it is certainly not Big Bad Leroy! Big Bad Leroy is….right there, trailing behind him, masquerading as his manager!

Liz Weinberg: Steve, stop trying to be a crusading reporter and just call the action. Sure, Big Bad Leroy’s manager, Good Little Roy Lee, is muscular. Is that a crime? Is it a rule that a manager has to be out of shape? And other than that, he’s got white hair and a beard! I think that trumps any facial resemblance you claim to see between them! Big Bad Leroy, Steve, is BALD. And too young to have white hair!

Steve Sayors: I just hope that coward doesn’t get his henchmen involved in this match…well, I should say, I hope his OTHER henchmen don’t get involved. Of course, one of his henchmen is going to wrestle the match for him! The officials need to just make him unmask…!

Liz Weinberg: Does anyone make KnightMask take his mask off? Howabout Masked Warrior? Why are you so full of double standards?

Darkness falls upon the arena. A gusty wind inexplicably blows through, in spite of being indoors.

Steve Sayors: No matter how many times I see this, it never fails to unnerve me.

Flames ignite from the frames of the X-Tron, while Sebastian Duke appears at the foot of the ramp, his US championship around his waste, flanked by his followers.

Liz Weinberg: Say, that older man that’s usually with Duke…you the skinny, creepy looking one…he’s not there. I wonder what the deal is?

Steve Sayors: You know, something seems different about the US champion…now that you mention it. His face is usually stony and impassive. He almost…looks human somehow right now. He’s…he’s carrying a torch…I wonder, what for? I’m not sure if its just a trick of the lighting…or if I need know glasses…but he seems almost….sad?

Liz Weinberg: I wouldn’t disagree with you, for once Sayors. I’d just add to that…he looks sad…and ANGRY! He doesn’t look like a demonic sadist bent on destruction tonight…he looks like a man…looking to vent his anger on something.

Steve Sayors: Alright, we’ve got three of the four combatants in the ring now. KnightMask is shaking his armored tag partners hand…he goes to shake Dukes’…and only receives a dark glare for his troubles. Now…we’re just waiting for the woman they call The Deevil…Ann Thraxx! A woman that is no friend to Sebastian Duke…to say the least.

Liz Weinberg: There’s her music, “Malaria”…but no sign of Ann Thraxx!

Steve Sayors: Wait, there she is….slithering up from beneath the ring…KnightMask doesn’t see her…she drives him to the floor with a reverse DDT! The referee is calling for the bell…and this strange contest is underway! Right out of the gate, Ann Thrax goes for the cover…kick-out by KnightMask…not as much of a size differential between these two than there often is with Ann Thrax…she’s 5’10, 152, three inches taller than KnightMask and only about 30 pounds lighter…as opposed to the hundred or more pounds she’s usually giving up! Ann Thraxx with a snap-suplex…followed up by a leg-drop…and now, she’s just stomping on the masked grappler…the referee breaks it up…KnightMask rolls to his feet…Ann Thraxx rushes at him again, KnightMask changes levels, shoots in for a double-leg and lifts her into the air…Ann Thraxx floats out, KnightMask wheels around just in time to catch a boot the stomach…and a vicious DDT! Ann Thraxx floats over from the DDT, straight to an arm-bar, or as they refer to it in Japan, a cross armbreaker! Is she going to make the former ADCC submission wrestling world champion tap out?

Liz Weinberg: Steve, he was never ADCC champion. They removed him from the books after he got caught juicing.

Steve Sayors: Well, I for one thing he, unlike his partner, Leroy, is a man of integrity that would never cheat like that, Liz. And fo—whoah, KnightMask locks his hands together, bridges on his neck, leaps over…into a knee-bar! A classic arm-bar counter…shades of the great Masakatsu Funaki! Ann Thraxx’s knee is extended to the breaking point…Ann Thraxx gets a handfull of rope! Refefree breaks them up…and their back on their feet…Ann Thraxx goes for a kick, KnightMask catches it…dragon-screw! He maintains his hold the leg, looking for some sort of leg-lock, certainly…but Ann Thraxx kicks him away with her free leg…sending him into the ropes…KnightMask comes off…into a knee to the body fron Ann Thraxx…she’s looking for the Depth Perception DDT…KnightMask counters into a Northern Lights Suplex…floats over into a Kimura…Ann Thraxx locks her hands…and KnightMask moves into a short-arm scissors, one of the staples of professional wrestling’s Golden Age…KnightMask’s legs are literally forcing Ann Thraxx’s arms to close around the blade of his forearm, slicing into her muscle and potentially breaking her arm.

Liz Weinberg: Ann Thraxx streches her leg out…she reaches Sebastian Duke’s hand! The US Champion has now entered the fray!

Steve Sayors: Duke hurdles over the ropes and immediately begins tattooing KnightMask with piston-like rights and lefts…Duke is in a fury tonight! His barrage backs KnightMask up towards the ropes…the masked man staggers back…Duke goes after him…and KnightMask falls to a knee, slides forward and takes the near 7-footer to the canvas with a low, low ankle-level single! KnightMask looks to transition to a leg-lock…but he extended his arm too far out, now he’s ensnared in Duke’s unique version of the gogoplata that he calls, Hell’s Gate! KnightMask does a makeshift cartwheel, out of the submission, into a side-cradle and of course…to a knee-bar…Duke has him scouted…and kicks his backside with his free leg so hard KnightMask goes flying across the ring! Duke charges forward, KnightMask kicks to his feet and goes to meet him…big boot by Duke…KnightMask is down…Duke lifts him up for a chokeslam…flying arm-bar counter by KnightMask…he’s working for the arm-bar…but Duke’s arms are just too powerful to extend…even with leverage and all of KnightMask’s strength behind the hold! Duke sits up, he stacks KnightMask…heaves him up…KnightMask releases the hold, drops into a leg-lock…Duke drops down, pries KnightMask off his body with a brutal cross-face…he’s got a side-headlock…he pulls KnightMask to his feet and pounds his hostage head with one punch after the other…looks like KnightMask has the misfortune of being on the receiving end of a very angry Sebastian Duke’s fury tonight! KnightMask digs deep…gets a waist lock…even as Duke pounds his face…and takes the big man up and bridges over into a back-suplex! They’re down…the impact has stunned Duke…and the effort…along with the punishment…has left KnightMask spent!

Liz Weinberg: Big Bad Leroy extends an armored hand…he stretches…KnightMask, with a burst of energy, lunges forward…and makes the tag! Its Big Bad Leroy versus Sebastian Duke now!

Steve Sayors: Big Bad Leroy is watching all of this at ringside, Liz…he’s right there…see him? The one with the wig? And the false beard? The man inside that suit of armor, whoever he is, is twice the man Big Bad Leroy is, because he actually has the guts to get inside the XWF ring and contend with a monster like our US Champion…even if he is party to what amounts to fraud! “Leroy” rushes to try and get to Duke before he recovers, but the so-called Angel of Death stops him short with a vise-like hand to the throat…he stares deep into the eyes behind “Leroy’s” helmet…stands up, even as he maintains his hand on the throat…and choke-slams him to the canvas! Duke off the ropes…what’s this? Good Little Lee Roy has grabbed Duke’s leg…Duke wheels to face him…while the armored impostor gets to his feet…Duke turns to be greeted by a spear with what I’d guess was about 280-pounds of muscle and maybe 50 more pounds of armor behind it! Hanging suplex…into a brainbuster by the armored man…and he storms the ropes…he waits for Duke to get to his feet…I don’t know if this is a good idea…he comes off with an axe-handle…and he’s welcomed at the end of his short flight with a Soul Shot clothesline! That may be the most vicious lariat I have ever seen! Duke…doesn’t go for the pin! He’s got punishment on his mind! He pushes the armored man off the ropes…and it’s another Soul Shot! Good Little Roy Lee is up on the ropes now…the referee goes to argue with him…and...its one of the ninjas in Leroy’s employ…stealing towards the ring…while the referee is distracted! He’s got a kendo stick in his hands…he slides underneath the bottom rope….and KnightMask intercepts him…running into the ring and taking the ninja down with a German suplex! Meanwhile, Sebastian Duke has Good Little Roy Lee…or should I say, Big Bad Leroy by the throat! He lifts him up…he heaves him over the ropes and brings him down into the ring with a choke-slam…but, inadvertently, he clubbed the referee with Roy Lee or Leroy or whoever he is!

Liz Weinberg: What…what’s this? Ann Thraxx’s got the ninja’s kendo stick…she just blasted KnightMask in the head…and now she smashed Duke as well! She just took out her own partner! And now she’s going to work on Good Little Roy Lee as well! She’s cackling like she was The Shadow’s long-lost daughter!

Steve Sayors: More like grand-daughter…I think The Shadow’s daughter would be older, actually.

Liz Weinberg: Whatever…point is, anarchy is reigning in the ring right now! Ann Thraxx is now pounding on KnightMask…hammering him like the Joker on Jason Todd! And it looks like she wasn’t through with Duke either…she’s smiling like a junkie enjoying the best high of her life!

Steve Sayors: This IS her high, Liz. The woman’s a sadist, pure and simple. The referee’s stirring…Ann Thraxx composes herself…and throws away the kendo stick…that wasn’t an easy parting! She looks like a child that was forced by her parent to return a toy to the rack…the referee is up now…Ann Thraxx lifts up KnightMask’s limp body…and levels him with a Depth Perception DDT! She goes for a lazy cover...but its academic...1...2...Duke yanks her off...seizes her by the throat...Ann Thraxx kicks her tag partner in the groin! And again...and...again! She's like a female Andrew Golota! The armored "Leroy" suddenly lurches to life...and smashes Ann Thraxx with a spear! He turns to face Duke...still reeling, understandably...he bears down on the Angel of Death with a clothesline...Duke recovers...and meets him with one of his own! Double clothesline! Both men are down! Look at the utter carnage in this ring!

Duke slides under the ropes and falls to the ground outside the ring..

Leroy rises to his feet and runs after Ann who is wobbling to her feet.

He picks her up....


Catches her midsection in mid air and...


Her down on the mat!

Leroy goes for the cover!!!

Duke is about to enter and break up the pin as Knighmask was finally squabbling to his feet..

But what's this???

Who the heck is this???

He's come flying out of the crowd!!




Bryce and his gang come flying from just outside the crowd...


Meanwhile in the ring Leroy makes the cover on Ann Thraxx...




Knightmask and Leroy pick up the big win in the tag team match!

But the real problem is on the outside of the ring where Duke has now risen to his feet.

He's staring in the eyes of a man just as large as him... Duke can't be happy that this man just cost him his match, but realizes a gang of hoodlums were standing behind him ready to pounce.. It was the rest of PvP...

[Image: kane-taker.jpg]

Duke strikes the Head Body Guard first in the mouth, but then is immediately surrounded and over manned by the entire PvP stable.

Bryce brings in a chair and begins walloping Duke repeatedly. Head Body Guard lifts him back up and choke slams him through the announcer's table..

The four look over a defeated Sebastian Duke and laugh as we fade to commercial.

Winner: KnightMask and Big Bad Leroy

Chris MacBeth
- vs -
AJ Powell
Xtreme Rules Match

Steve Sayors: Punk rock star...mixed martial artist...professional wrestler....

Liz Weinberg: Booze hound!

Steve Sayors: Brit!

Liz Weinberg: Chicagoan!

Steve Sayors: Chris MacBeth is all of these things! As well as a serial arm-breaker! Here 155, one of the smallest XWF'ers...perhaps the smallest, in fact, even including the women! Here he comes...the modern day David in a world of Goliaths! And here he comes....!

Liz Weinberg: He's looking focused, Steve. Even more so than usual.

Steve Sayors: His complaints to XWF management regarding what he sees as the unfair circumstances surrounding some of his defeats is well-documented...and in certain instances, his complaints, in my eyes, are well-justified! Particularly in the case of Mark Flynn, where he eliminated Flynn in front of a capacity crowd and millions of home television viewers...and in the case of Big Bad Leroy, where he had to fight off a nearly infinite number Leroy's thugs before finally falling! In those instances, his complaints are well justified! But tonight, lets see if he can focus that anger...that frustration...into something that can fuel him and motivate him in the ring tonight...and carry him to a victory....against this man!

'Lose Yourself' by Eminem plays, as AJ Powell emerges from the back, his eyes smoldering with intensity.

Liz Weinberg: Wow, normally AJ really takes his time to hang out with the fans...but it was just a few hand slaps...and he's on to the ring. Who put a stick up his you-know-what?

Steve Sayors: The war of words between Powell and MacBeth has been well documented, Liz! There have been some very intense verbal exchanges between these two...and now, at long last, they're going to put the words aside and see who the better man really is! AJ Powell has been through much...including being nearly killed in an explosion started by a scorned woman...he's been through Hell and he's come return to the XWF ring! But now he's going to face the serial arm-breaker himself...! They're jawing at one another in the middle of the ring...AJ shoves MacBeth...MacBeth answers with a punch! They're exchanging now...MacBeth's hands are more educated and precise, but Powell is about 50 pounds heavier...and gifted with a fluid speed that belies his greater bulk! They're at a stand still...but MacBeth breaks the stalemate with a middle kick to the of the most devastating of all body-shots! Many a great fighter has succumbed to it! Powell staggers back, reeling...MacBeth pursues with a flying knee...Powell goes down! MacBeth mounts Powell...ground and pound by he backs off, leaving Powell's crumpled body in the middle of the ring...and goes up top...he's going to fly!

Liz Weinberg: Not before Powell! Look!

Steve Sayors: Powell rolls to his feet...and...leaps from the canvas...all the way to MacBeth on the top turnbuckle...where he dethrones the Brit-born wrestler with a flying hurricanrana! Spectacular! Simply spectacular!

Liz Weinberg: What...the...fudge...was that...

Steve Sayors: Powell's imitation of a jumping bean isn't finished yet, Liz! Look...he sprang back onto the top rope...X-Factor moonsault...! He's going for the pin...Chris MacBeth gets one leg around Powell's chin and gets his shin and knee into Powell's armpit...he's got him an armbar! Amazing...he managed to secure an armbar from out of a pin! Powell's got a foot on the rope...but MacBeth isn't breaking...the referee's counting...1...2...MacBeth breaks at the last second! Now they're back to their feet...drop-kick by Powell...takes MacBeth into the ropes...Powell catches him on the rebound with a flying forearm! Powell pulls him up, Irish-whips the serial arm-breaker into the turnbuckle...he runs and leaps into a body-splash, crushing MacBeth in the corner! Powell backs off...and hits another big body-splash! Now he's going for a third...MacBeth explodes out of the corner with a Superman punch! Powell's staggered, MacBeth literally climbs around his body into an arm-bar! Powell stomps his way out...MacBeth catches a leg...trips Powell...and ends up with a step-over toe-hold! Powell rolls out, smooth as you please...fireman's carry by Powell...MacBeth turns the move against him...locking his legs around one of Powell's arms, and his arms locking up the other...its a crucifix...and now MacBeth his using it to hold Powell hostage to a barrage of elbows!

Liz Weinberg: Powell's weathering the storm though...he's standing up with his 155-pound burden...Samoan drop!

Steve Sayors: Both men down...the referee begins a count...but the warriors stagger to their feet...Powell ties up with the smaller man...front headlock...into a suplex...float-over by MacBeth...he leaps up and seizes a rear-naked choke before Powell can react...Powell throws him off...MacBeth lands on his feet...and back-flips into a perfectly aimed kick to the head...wait, Powell got his arms up...he blocked the kick! MacBeth scrambles to his feet...but Powell's all over him...he's pounding on him, but MacBeth is picking off most of the blows...and now he's coming back with counters of his another slug-fest from these two, in the middle of the ring!

Liz Weinberg: High roundhouse kick to the head from MacBeth! Powell collapses like a sack of bricks...MacBeth his on his arm like a pit bull...he's got it extended in an armbar...Powell gets a foot to the ropes...MacBeth releases the hold...but jumps all over Powell with a barrage of stomps...and now...he's to the top rope....Resting Bird from the top....its all academic now! There's 1...2....and 3!



Sweet Cheapshots
- vs -
'The King of Wrestling' Peter Gilmour
Standard Match
Special Guest Referee: Mark Flynn

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is our Main Event!"

"At this time, I would like you to direct your attention to my left where our special guest referee is standing."

We get a shot of Mark Flynn who's wearing a full referee outfit; black slacks, a black and white striped polo shirt, and a name tag that says "Referee."

Flynn waves to the audience as he remains silent.

All of a sudden, we hear Wallace Witasick's voice over the PA.

Wallace: "AHEM! Excuse me, Mr. Flynn."

Mark Flynn looks confused as he looks up at Wallace with a sad puppy look on his face.

Wallace: "What is with your shirt tonight? You look like a slob."

Wallace seems to be referring to the fact that Mark Flynn's referee shirt is not tucked into his pants.

Wallace: "You referees know the dress code. Tuck that shirt in, Mark, or you're fired! Oh, and put a smile on that face. You should be happy to still have a job."

Mark Flynn does as he's told, and tucks in his shirt like a good employee.

The announcer resumes his job as Wallace Witasick exits through the curtain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring first, from Los Angeles, California..."

The lights in the arena go out as smoke begins to fill the stage. The first sounds of “Can You Hear Me Now?” by Downstait come blasting over the P.A. As the main guitar riff kicks in, several blue spotlights begin to search the darkened arena for something or someone. The camera pans down to find The Cheap One on stage. He stares out into the crowd, giant smirk on his face. He turns around and extends his arms wide as he yells to get himself fired up. Cheapshots then begins to head towards the ring running his mouth about something the entire way. As he approaches the ring steps, he runs a hand through his hair and flings the excess water onto a nearby fan. He walks up the stairs and around the apron, where he hooks his arms over the top ropes. Then he runs up to the turnbuckle where he shields his eyes from the bright lights as he tries to peer into the audience, then waves them off as if he can't be bothered.


"And his opponent, also from Los Angeles, California..."

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see red strobe lights going around the arena and then come to the entranceway where a big explosion of fire hits as "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In This Moment begins to play. After the initial guitar riff, we then hear a loud scream from the lead singer as Rose Smith comes out wearing a very sexy red halter top with black pants. She gives the crowd a sadistic wink of her eye and then we see Peter Gilmour come out in a black vest and black tights with PBK on the sides. Peter grabs Rose's hand and they make their way to the ring. They get in normally and then both get into the center of the ring and flash the "X" symbol as fire emits from the turnbuckles. They then pose for the audience as they wait for Peter's next opponent to come out.

"'The King of Wrestling' Peter Gilmour!"

With both men in the ring, Mark Flynn signals for the bell and the match is on.

Gilmour and Shots circle around the ring and test each other's reaction with some fake-outs.

They finally lock up, but Gilmour breaks it up quickly with a headbutt to Shots. He then throws Shots into the ropes and throws him over with a hip toss. Shots shoots back up to his feet and goes after Gilmour, but gets thrown away again by another hip toss. Gilmour backs Shots into the corner and throws his hips into the gut of Shots, knocking the wind out of him. Gilmour then walks up to the second rope and lays down some punches on Shots.










10! He gets all ten punches as Shots falls on his ass in the corner.

Gilmour gets a head start, and then crushes Shots in the corner with a yakuza kick! That running kick caught Shots across the face as Gilmour pulls him to the center of the ring for a pin attempt.



Shots kicks out right after two.

Gilmour goes right back to work on Shots with a dragon sleeper. This will be hard for Shots to break out of with Gilmour's near-300 pound mass leaned over him. Shots tries to knock him off with some punches to the ribs. It doesn't do much damage to Gilmour, but the knee strike that he uses certainly gets the job done. The knee strike from Shots causes Gilmour to release the hold.

Gilmour shakes off the dizziness and goes after Shots, but Shots keeps him at bay with some kicks. Shots then runs into Peter and knocks him into the corner with a running drop kick. With Peter slouched in the corner, Shots runs from the center of the ring and flies into Gilmour with a splash!

Gilmour takes two steps out of the corner...


Shots takes him down with an enzuigiri!

Shots with the pin.



Gilmour kicks out.

Shots stays busy by running off of the ropes, leaping four feet into the air, and hitting a senton splash on Gilmour. With his back on Gilmour's chest, Shots hooks the leg again.



Gilmour kicks out.

Shots picks Gilmour up by his arm and goes right to work with an arm wrench. With the arm wrench locked in, Shots delivers a kick to Gilmour's mid section, followed by a jumping leg drop bulldog! Gilmour's face was driven straight into the mat from that move. Shots turns Gilmour over for another pin attempt.



Gilmour kicks out again.

Shots goes to work with another arm wrench on Gilmour, pulling him up to his feet. This strategy of knocking Peter down and pinning him right after seems to be working as Peter appears to look out of it at the moment.

With the arm wrench still applied, Shots tries to pull Gilmour into a DDT attempt, but Gilmour reverses the hold! Instead of Shots landing the DDT, Gilmour gives Shots a Samoan drop! Good counter by Gilmour; using his weight to his advantage.

Both men are down now as Shots rolls around in pain, and Gilmour tries to catch his breath.

Gilmour walks up to Shots and tries to apply another dragon sleeper, but Shots nails him in the face with a kick. That knocks back Gilmour some and gives Shots a chance to regain his footing. Shots runs at a dazed Peter Gilmour for a diving attack, but Gilmour catches him! Gilmour is now carrying Shots around the ring...

And Gilmour drops him right in the center of the ring with a powerslam! Again, Peter using a counter hold which utilizes his weight to crush the smaller frame of Cheapshots.

Peter figures he might as well continue to crush the chest of Shots, so he lifts him up into a bear hug. This is a smart move by Gilmour seeing as how he just hit two big moves on the chest region of Shots.

Gilmour keeps the bear hug applied, not letting Shots move an inch...

Shots begins to look weak...

But his arm shoots up...

Shots begins to throw elbows down into the forehead of Gilmour, trying to break free of the bear hug. With each strike that Shots lands, Gilmour gives Shots a violent shake. This is a war!

Shots takes both hands of his... and he smacks Gilmour repeatedly in his ears! Gilmour begins to lose his grip... and he does! Shots is free. He runs off the ropes, and leaps into Gilmours arms, and brings him down with a DDT!

Shots floats over the pin.



Th-Gilmour kicks out.

Shots can't believe Gilly kicked out as he sits up and pulls his hair out.

Shots takes his frustration to the top rope as he jumps up to the top turnbuckle. He goes for a leg drop, but Gilmour rolls out of the way just in time.

Peter picks up Shots and gives him a falcon arrow in the center of the ring. After the move, he simply places his hands down over the chest of Shots for the pin.



Shots rolls out of the pin.

Gilmour slows Shots down with a neck crank hold in the center of the ring.

Shots doesn't stay in the hold for long as he regains his footing with Gilmour's hands still in place. Shots throws an elbow into Gilmour's fat gut, runs off the ropes, and hits Gilmour with the Trending Now (Double-knee facebreaker)! Shots covers Gilmour.



NO! Gilmour kicks out again.

Shots is on his feet and he's measuring up Peter Gilmour for the Sugar Shock (RKO)...

He's standing next to the ropes, waiting for Gilmour to get up when he sees Rose Smith (Peter Gilmour's manager) gets up on the apron and grabs him by the arm!

Shots is distracted by this hot vixen.

[Image: 220px-Velvet_Sky_2010.jpg]

Cheapshots: "I'm busy right now!"

Rose Smith: "Come to me baby."

Cheapshots: "Ugh..."

Cheapshots wants nothing to do with Rose Smith!

But Rose isn't taking no for an answer...

She pulls Cheapshots in and begins to make out with him! Holy--

Rose is forcing herself all over Shots right now...

Gilmour sees it, and he's pissed!

Either Rose Smith is still upset with Peter about the plane ride here or she's trying to help Peter out!

Gilmour charges like a bull after Shots, but Shots sees it coming and leaps out of the way-- OH MY GOD!-- Gilmour just accidentally bumped Rose Smith off of the apron with his big belly! Rose has fallen and appears to have hurt her ankle. Poor Rose Smith.

Peter Gilmour runs to the outside to help his girl Rose.

Rose is crying that her ankle is hurt. Gilmour tries to comfort her...

Gilmour is helping her up to her feet. He wants to assist her out of harms way-- but look out-- SHOTS FLIES TO THE OUTSIDE WITH A PLANCHA!

And hits both Gilmour AND Rose Smith! Rose Smith is down again!

I don't think Shots was aiming for Rose, but he definitely clipped her with his foot when he nailed Gilmour with that plancha.

Shots throws Peter in the ring and pins him.



Gimour kicks out.

Gilmour seems more concerned about Rose Smith than he does the match.

Shots puts Gilmour into the corner, and shoots into him with a Stinger Splash...

He goes for the Sugar Shock, but Gilmour pushes him away instead.

Gilmour runs after Shots for an attack but eats a European uppercut instead.

Shots pulls out a super kick, but Gilmour ducks it. Now may not be the best time for Shots to be testing out new moves. Gilmour throws some right hands into the face of Shots... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6.. 7.. 8...... Gilmour spins his body around for a big swinging punch, but Shots ducks it, kicks Gilmour in the stomach. He goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Gilmour rotates himself out of the hold and pushes Shots away. Shots tries to make up for it with a heel kick, but Gilmour dodges that move as well. Peter catches Shots with a kick to the stomach and-- uh oh-- he looks like he might be going for a piledriver!


Shots knees Gilmour to the face and hits.....


The sugar shot!!!

and now the cover...




Winner: Sweet Cheapshots

Ladies and Gentlemen we hope you enjoyed another edition of Wednesday Night Warfare!

Another one in the books here tonight as Crane picks up a long overdue win after his long slump. Cheapshots continues his rise to stardom and together... The unforseeable team of Knightmask and Leroy pick up a win over the US Champion in a tag team match that may have been decided by Bryce's interference on the outside where no referees could see it...

or were they not supposed to?

Find out next week!

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(04-18-2013), IntemporaliterScelestus (04-18-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-18-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-18-2013, 03:37 PM

I got robbed!!! But next week there will be blood!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
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