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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
"Mr FN' Dominance"- Kill You All.
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-15-2016, 10:24 PM

The scene opens back in the room we saw Trax in last time, Trax is sitting on the bed, staring into the camera.

Hello XWF.

Going to make this short and sweet, firstly because my opponents have all seemed to have gone quiet on me, which is disappointing but at the same time totally understandable. Secondly because well in all honestly theres no need for me to talk about the upcoming match much more. I've said pretty much everything needed to say to my opponents and now come Wednesday its just a case of standard procedure for me, going into that ring and showing everyone just why I earned the nickname "Mr FN' Dominance". There are a collection of wrestlers I'll be showcasing that to Wednesday night the most noteworthy of all being the current Intercontinental Champion, when I toss him and whoever else over the top rope. Let it be known, this whole rumble is a formality, I'm walking out the winner and whole bunch of people come tomorrow are going to get Trap Silenced then dumped on their collective asses.

Lets re-look and have a quick run down of some of the people in this match up again shall we, you got a couple got returning fossils that have come out of the woodwork presumably , hopefully, just for this one event such as Barney Green and a wrestler who is so generic he is literally called "Wrestler" followed by a random number, Wrestler82. Is that all you are Wrestler82, a number?Fitting because in this match you really are just going to be a number, elimination number 1 or maybe elimination number 2 or 3, but just a number to me all the same. You're not important to me, I mentioned you in the same breath as Barney Green because in all honesty you are in the same bracket as him, a non-factor thrown in the rumble to give some of the old die hard XWF fans a bit of nostalgia and for people to laugh at.

You also got a couple of people never seen in an XWF ring before such as Shane McMahon of all people. Man this Rumble sure is attracting a random crowd. Shane, good one on the Elijah Burke comment, never heard that one before, no really. I also have no idea if you actually intend to seriously compete in this rumble or not, I know you're sitting at home right now still rubbing your throat from where Undertaker grabbed it before he choke slammed you to Hell on Monday Night Raw. Looked painful. But stepping into this rumble with me is more precarious for your heath then even stepping into a Hell In A Cell with Undertaker at Wrestlemania, trust me. It'd be good if you did decide to actually compete in this match however, I mean these top rope eliminations matches, they ALWAYS need at least one spot monkey right? And thats what you're best known for correct? The daredevil spot monkey. Jumping or falling off things. Sailing through the air. You can have fun sailing through the air when I throw you over the top rope then. I know you may try hitting that coast 2 coast to get the XWF crowd behind you but the only thing thats going to happen is I'll beat your ass pillar 2 post before eliminating you and sending you to Wrestlemania on crutches to get slaughtered by the old dead guy.

Then you got some of the new XWF talent, using that word loosely, in this thing, guys like Shade, Travis McCoy, Ophelia and Cole Adams. Ophelia the guy who is looking to eliminate me in this rumble and get a small measure of revenge against me all because I exposed him as the fraud he is and beat him in a tag team match with little effort, despite his talk of prophecies and empty threats, now that loss eats away at him because I laughed at his beliefs and showed him that he is no God but just a man.A man that can lose to the man called Mr FN' Dominance, but thats nothing to be bitter about, most men that step into the ring with me come out on the losing end, the only people that have came out with wins so far is a former two time Universal Champion and the current and also Two Time Universal Champion so that should give people some kind of indication of the amount of skill and experience one needs to possess to get the better of me. Skill and Experience... Ophelia, unfortunately you have neither in great quantity, but to your credit at least you can coherently string a sentence together, unlike Shade. Then those other two guys I mentioned, Adams and McCoy. McCoy you look to make an impact and at my expense and I get that, I respect that. Adams you look to show us all why you are the next best thing and I respect that as well. However your dreams of using this match to get yourselves over and solidify yourselves as serious competition are all going to be for naught. When I throw you out or you get thrown out by someone lesser then me even such as Frodo Smackins, nobody is going to applaud you for your efforts, nobody will see you as the next big thing or the future savior of XWF. They will only see you as two XWF rookies that got in way over their heads and bit off more then they can chew, stepping into a match which involves me in it and thinking there was any possibility whatsoever and walking out with the win. Not tomorrow night. Not ANY night. Back to the drawing board you go.

Same goes for you Tush, you're going to have to re-evaluate and reconsider your next plan of action after this match because its going to look clear in front of everyone when we inevitably lock horns in this rumble that you simply cannot hang. Literally. When I throw you over the top ropes you are going to FAIL to hang onto the rope saving yourself from elimination. And yes you will get to walk away with your title, and yes you'll come out with the excuses, ones like throwing you over the top rope is much easier then pinning you which is true I suppose but as I said, in this match, I'm scoping you out, I'm analyzing you with the calculating efficienty that would make a T-1000 jealous, measuring you up so when its time for us to go again, this time one on one for that Intercontinental Championship, I'll be walking into the match already knowing first hand what you've got and what you've got just won't be enough for you to stop me taking that title out of your scaly lizard hands and becoming the NEW Mr FN' Intercontinental Champion.

Hope you're all ready to rumble fellas, hope you're all ready to be sorely disappointed, prepare how you must but a warning to all of you right now, whatever you do...never, EVER...CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX. It may be the death of you. Peace.

Just as Trax finishes, the door to the room opens and Madame Frey walks in escorted by two armed guards.

I was listening to your loud blabbering from the other side of the door, I must say you have a way with words, I could use that. But tonight, I need your "other" skills, I've tracked the location of the meeting my fathers old business partners are having. Its time to get to work.

Trax nods and gets to his feet as the scene fades.

The scene opens in a office room of some sort, there are dozen of men in suits seated around a glass table, with a small army of armed guards situated around behind them. Several of the suited men are puffing on cigars, eyeing up other individuals in the room. One of the men speaks.

Can we get down to business? Some of us have places to be.

There are several nods of agreement, one of the other men, seated at the head of the table, responds.

Very well, as you know we're here to discuss the issue of the current "hole" left in the wake of Mr Freys...departure.

One of the other men in the room snickers louder and the other men turn to him.

Nice way to put it, I heard he was found splattered all over the pavement, couldn't of happened to a nicer man if you ask me.

Again, several nods of agreement.

As I was saying...we are here to discuss the matter of...


The metal door to the room is sent flying off its hinges as several guards who were outside the room are sent flying into it. The seated men all stand up as the guards inside the room all point their guns to the now door less Madame Frey, followed by Trax, walk into the room, Trax looks rather expressionless, Madame Frey however, looks rather smug as she opens her arms as if expecting the men who she has just forcefully intruded on to lovingly embrace her.

Gentlemen, nice to see you all here, I hope I'm not late for this meeting? This meeting I was for some reason not invited too although it concerns my late father? Interesting

Madame Frey swipes her jet black hair out of her face then firmly places her hands on her hips.

Lets talk business.

The armed guards in the room continue to point their guns at Madame Frey and Trax, but Madame Frey just pays them no mind, looking at the men in suits smiling.One of the suited men point a shaking finger at Frey.

There is no business to be discussed with you Katrina, you are reckless, volatile, matters such as these require level headed thinking and orderly conduct. You are incapable of either.

I may be those things, in your opinion, but I am still my fathers daughter, and I will not allow his old drinking buddies and the men who had tried leeching off him for decades take what he had set up and created, not while I'm still alive, I'm sorry to say, but I just can't allow that happen.

And I'm sorry to tell YOU Katrina, we have ideas, there are certain wheels set in motion, and we cannot allow you to get in the way of that.

I was afraid you'd say that. Trax?

Madame Frey turns to Trax flashing a smile.

Do what you must.

Trax nods and forms a shield around himself and Madame Frey protecting them, at the same time a barrier where the door used to be blocking the only exit. The guard all open fire but their bullets fail to penetrate the force field Trax has created. Trax then teleports outside the shield and knocks out one of the guards at the back of the room with a punch to the head grabbing his gun simultaneously as he does so. All the guards turn to where Trax has just stuck as the men they are trying to protect run past Madame Frey and towards the exit only to realize they are trapped inside the room by the force field Trax has place around the doorway. Trax then in rapid succession begins teleporting around the room while shooting down the guards with the gun he took, bullets flying everywhere as the guards try and fail to keep up with Trax's movements as he picks them off one by one with precise shots to the head and chest.











Within seconds, all the guards are down, and Trax throws the handgun he was using to the ground and picks up another which still has a full round of bullets, he walks over to Madame Frey and lowers the force field still around her handing her the gun.

I told you, we're partners. You can do the rest.

With pleasure.

Frey takes the gun off Trax and points it at the several men all cowered by the still blocked off hallway, staring in horror at the bloodbath Trax has created at Freys orders. Frey flashes a sinister smile.

Any last words gentlemen?

The man that was at the head of the table pushes the others out the way and stands in front of them, eyes burning.

You will not get away with this.

Madame Frey laughs, a look of pure evil glee on her face.

I think you'll find I already have.






One by one the men drop dead as Madame Frey shoots them down, Trax looks around the room at the massacre he helped create. Madame Frey throws the gun away and turns to Trax.

There. Done. How easy was that? Wasn't that fun? I certainly enjoyed that. Now if you don't mind, get us the hell out of here.

Without saying a word, Trax puts his hands on Madame Frey's shoulder and a flash of amber light later, the two of them are gone leaving the room full of bullet holes and fresh corpses behind.


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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