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PlaceMarker Straight Fuck Shit
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Morbid Angel Offline
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01-03-2016, 11:59 PM

The strain of forcing out some tough, hard shit can take its toll and even cause painful hemorrhoids. One having trouble defecating can be caused mostly by diet or by someone stocking up on anti-diarrheal medication for other reasons.

Timmy was your average 21 year old man who had an open mind as most do these days. Normally keeping a good diet to insure bowel movements daily but it became an odd thing when he began to experience a hellacious binding to the colon. The discomfort of bloating, distended stomach caused from fecal matter building up in the colon. Pressure pushing against his abdomen muscles as the muscles from the abdomen pushing back on the intestines causing increased discomfort.

Spending hours on the toilet trying to push out a chocolate log with nothing as reward besides the angry hemorrhoids causing pain and discomfort.

It has been over a month since Timmy's last movement and we're not talking about the music either.

He started growing concerned and decided to speak to one of his good friends about it.

They haven't been friends for years but after meeting two months ago, Alan made him self available when ever Timmy needed someone. Hanging out was something they did every day after meeting for breakfast at a local diner that Alan's father owned and he worked at to make some extra money. He even made breakfast for Timmy which is seen as a kind gesture. At first glance one could believe that they were friends since childhood but sad reality shows as the conversation betwixt the two gets dark.

As they sat and Timmy divulged the information about his current constipation to he beloved friend Alan shortly after turning down an order of his delicious chocolate flap jacks. Alan understood and was somewhat amazed he is just hearing of this.

Over the last month, Alan had noticed a bloated belly on his normally toned friend. Being such a friend he offered advice and even some help. Normally if a friend offers to help relieve constipation most would back away quickly but here this was not the case as Alan was attending medical school at the time and was in the top 5% of his class so his words carry more weight than most anyone else.

A guarantee that Alan gave was that his constipation would be over in just a short while if only he would accompany him to the basement of his house.

It wasn't just any house as it were in his family for many years. It was given to him by he grandfather who passed several years earlier from cancer. His grandfather was a doctor as well as his mother and now he will be in a matter of a few years more of schooling.

It was a large house that his grandfather used for practicing medicine back in the 1940's and 1950's. After retiring he had all his medical apparatuses moved to the basement which was a sort of makeshift apartment. It was used by Alan's mother and father when they first got married while the grandfather was still practicing.

Alan used the room for basic science to deepen his abilities in the medical field. Mainly as an office but still kept the equipment clean. Timmy not really knowing much about medicine or the things that are more modern than 20 years old.

Anyone can think about what a Doctor's office holds but can you tell the difference in age right off? No, and claiming so would make you a liar.

Alan invites Timmy inside. There was plastic on the floor that one could deduce was to keep any off experiments splash or spills. Some things are harder to clean up than others when dealing with expired life forms. Which is common place for soon to be doctors.

Timmy felt comfortable considering the discomfort in his stomach and the embarrassing situation.

Alan tells Timmy to strip down to his underthings and take a seat on the doctors bed as he prepared a cocktail that would relieve his pressure. Timmy did what he was told and made himself comfortable on the paper lined desk and awaiting Alan to return to him with whatever cure he can procure.

Moments later Alan rolls over a table with the injection plus a hose of sorts and a gallon of some type of liquid. Timmy trusted Alan to do right by him and Alan gave him the injection.


As the injection made its way through Timmy's body he could feel a warmth much like a heater blanket on a cold winters day covering him but the discomfort was still there and if anything it was more intense. but now lacking motor function, losing control of his arms as they lay limp on the table, his legs as well go flat as he is is an almost comatose state.

Alan checked Timmy's vitals to make sure he was not dead or anywhere near it.

Sodozone is a rare mixture used to keep said person coherent and able to feel but removing the ability to move their arms and legs. It was introduced in 1910 for mental patients during treatments believing that pain was what could cure them. Nerves more receptive to pain and pleasure.

Sodozone was discontinued in 1967 after a near pandemic of rape cases with said drug.

Alan went into great detail about the medicine to Timmy all the while knowing he can hear every word.

See, Alan had a plan the entire time. He desired some level of perversion in life and the only way he could take care of his desires were to find someone that would be considered "obtainable". People who are susceptible to generosity and kindness and Timmy really fit the bill. Not only was he a good looking man, he was also trusting and at times a bit clingy.

Alan stepped away and pulled out more fun toys and even let his St Bernard named Harold into the room. Alan strapped Timmy into a harness you could raise and lower depending on the needs of what was going on. It appeared to be like a sling with strap stirrups spreading ones legs apart. Something that you could see someone using while giving birth but more of a sexual nature.

When taking anti-diarrhea medication it becomes increasingly hard to defecate unless you are suffering from some illness. Mostly healthy people don't have illnesses that can cause this. The medication stops the colon from contracting and forces the feces to bind into large clumps as more and more food are added to that area of the body. After a month of 3 meals a day and no movement from the bowel, one could expect a shitcano to erupt from Mt Asshole when it finally is released into the world. The best way to relieve constipation is either an enema or some other sort of anal stimulation to get the colon to contract.

As Timmy now lays in this contraption dangling from the ceiling he is starting to have second thoughts, between the things that Alan is now divulging to him about certain aspects of what is about to happen and even the comment about taking "anti-diarrhea Medication". These things were making him uncomfortable.

Starting with something a little less with something invasive but less so than others billing to be used.

Alan strips Timmy nude and proceeds to let his St Bernard, Harold, mount the comatose man, his pristine cherry is going to be popped by a dog, his claws scratching his skin as Harold's penis extends out and begins to jab him all over the legs and ass. Not having the ability to rightly aim and not even the proper lubrication to insert something like that. Alan gives a hand and allows the dog to thrust his bone into the tightly packed cave. Timmy's vocal cords let out a slight whimper as the dog bucks like a cracked out homeless man just looking to cum. Thrusting so hard that the bulbus glandis is thrusted inside Timmy's asshole.

The bulbus glandis is a large knot designed for the dog not to fall out during intercourse and the size can range depending on the dog. A St Bernard can have a pretty sizable "knot" as it's often referred to by the common public.

This knot shifting back and forth inside his anus added with a 8 inch dog cock smashing into the shit build-up and slight spasms on pain ring through as the bowels let go a little but is abruptly stopped by the knot. Moments later the dog ejaculates inside Timmy's rectum. An ejaculate burst so spermatic it was forced back out of the mans asshole, running down a bit of his crack and stopping on his lower back to drip onto the the plastic.

Harold begins to pullout with no real success because of the knot holding him tight. The dog jerks back several times as it is slowly released. A fist sized knot covered in human shit almost drags the floor.

Tears fall from Timmy's face as he was just violated in probably one of the top 10 worst ways imaginable.

Alan walks over and wipes a steam of tears away tenderly before taking position to fuck his dear friend in the shit. Alan looks down and sees an angry yet bloody hole looking at him as a brown semen-shit mixture slowly oozes out onto the floor. The smell of feces like a rank fart from someone who really needed a bathroom was the aroma. He glances at his dog which was sitting a short distance away licking the shit from his own cock and seemingly enjoyed doing so. Alan then entered his friend and perhaps the excitement was too much for him to handle...losing his load in under 5 minutes.

Timmy didn't care and was quite relieved by this because of his anger and unwillingness to this entire situation. Alan was embarrassed by this and when his tiny shit-clothed cock slid out so did a plop of shit. It was almost in slow motion as the small chunk slowly fell to the found with not so much as a splat but almost a bounce. So packed together that it was more like a piece of brown play-dough. He reached down and picked up the chunk of defecate remnants and rolled it between his fingers, seeing his cock was covered in a chunky substance, warm yet growing colder. He reaches his hand down and inserts two fingers inside and retracts them covered in filth and brings them to his nose to take a good smell. Gathering the urge of a sexual nature he bends down and sticks his tongue out and tastes the beast/human semen and a month worth of shit before diving in with as far as he could push his tongue, getting his glands to gather the flavor of what can only be described as a mild copper taste while using his teeth to cause pressure on the hole allowing it to open and release with a deep fart and a face full of feces near explode into Alan's face almost with a punch it knocks his tongue out of the rectum but catching a mouthful of this rare delicacy, starting to water down it slapped against his chest and it poured out onto him. Timmy's stomach deflated like a balloon losing air and the feeling of relief came over him and a temporary forget of the situation he was in still. Timmy gasped as the remaining bits of shit oozed from the hole, wet and green. Listening to it clap the floor with every plop.

Alan stands up, covered in shit, a mouth full of it and was chewing it and digesting some. Enjoying the moment as his cock was once again stiff as a board, he walks over and kisses Timmy on the mouth forcing shit inside as Alan forced a make-out session with shit. The odor was too much for Timmy to bare as he began to vomit into Alan's mouth who digested it with great pleasure...........

"What the fuck did I just watch?!"Morbid Angel is seen watching a video sent to him on his laptop.

Morbid sits there shaking his head and questioning to himself if that was real shit or not...there is no way that could have been real!

The scene fades to Shitty Brown!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

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