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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Pain is love
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The Reverend Tholomew Plague Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-30-2015, 08:56 PM

So, Davids responded, and he didn't disappoint me either....I expected a great promo from him and I got just that, Davids, I never once said was better at dishing pain out then you.....however I LOVE PAIN, I endure pain........there is no amount of it that you can throw at me to make me surrender.......Mr. Davids, I am much smarter then you my dear friend.....

For EXAMPLE, when I took advantage of the Xtreme Champion texting me saying he was going inactive soon in the federation, oh I am sorry you think you are so self-righteous don't you, you're telling me if the champion told you he was going to leave soon that you wouldn't pin him......

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you have made me laugh more today then I have in a lifetime. It's quite funny Davids I am being serious, there is no man, women, tranny, or gender bender, that wouldn't take advantage of that......YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE NOT TO.....

Please, by all means, do go on about how YOU are morally better then me, go on about how you would do the RIGHT thing Davids.........there is, nothing I have done that you wouldn't do yourself Mr. Davids, nothing you can say that would prove me wrong either is there, you know why, cause I am right.......

Now, I must admit that while you didn't disappoint me with your mic skills, you certainly didn't put your best foot forward with that one my dear friend.....let's take a look at it.....

I can tell you something Davids, as much as I feel disrespected for believing I did something you wouldn't to take the title, I do agree with you that CCWF needs to fall, oh, didn't think I payed attention to your prologue did ya? No, I will give you this....without a shadow of a doubt, Championship Wrestling Federation has fucked up trying to take over our federation and they need to pay for it.....unfortunately almost your entire god damn promo was wasted on the prologue, a brief introduction, COME ON what are you doing......I am not going to sit by and watch a mediocre Steve Davids come out and fight me for this belt, I WANT STEVE FUCKING DAVIDS, the guy I admired and wanted to see every fucking time I bought a ticket to one of XWF's shows in recent years.....I mean what have happened to you Steve, did you shit your pants in the middle of the ring and drop the fucking ball......

Give me the Steve Davids I have been dying to face, this is almost a dream match for me and you are letting me down, I expect better from you....

Although I am happy to play games Mr. Davids, I play mind games pretty regularly actually, let me know which one you want me to play with you and we shall have at it,

Let me make something straight Steve. You don't scare me, you haven't scared ever since you plummeted to more of a mid-carders status, and almost nothing you throw at me will be new to me, especially since you were an idol of mine in recent years, I looked up to you, but I am not afraid of you. Be ready for me Steve, if you aren't, you're going to drop the ball again.

Now, I am done ranting about your introduction and what not, let us get to the actual part where you make some meaningful effort to respond to me.....disappearances, I hope you solve that catch the people who did it, I hate seeing people vanish, it is probably the only thing that'll bring a tear to my eye anymore,

then again the only thing I truly hate in this world is a liar Steve, I think it is possible one of those men you were a liar. I am not confirming or denying anything but I sense something very odd about it.

Alright here we go, you are finally going to talk about us now, this is the good part....

Choices, what choices have you made recently Mr. Davids, the choice to put a half ass piece of work and call it a promo? Perhaps so, I find it touching that you brought up how prestige the Xtreme title is, and I am glad to hold onto it.....but don't think I take this for granted, don't think for one second I am going to let you take this from better be ready for me to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you Wednesday, I will outsmart you Steve don't get me wrong there, you are no match for me when it comes to using your brain to your advantage. Just think of all the incredible things you could do if you didn't just expect your body to be your answer. Your are a man of muscle. you are the brawn, but you lack a bit when it comes to using your brain, come on Steve, I want you to tap into that brain of yours this Wednesday and I want you to mentally defeat me, because I can promise you that your brute strength alone, will not be enough to do it.

That would be like asking Peter Gilmour to face John Madison, Madison would win because he is smarter, he doesn't expect his strength to be the soul key to victory

Do I think I am the master of pain, no but I do find myself to be a glutton for punishment. Don't my slender appearance fool you Mr. Davids, I have taken more pain mentally and physically in my life time then you could possibly imagine, oh I see, trying to throw the old know it all tactic at me, how cute..... Let me tell you something Steve, you don't dish out pain any better then I take it, and I will wait for that ONE mistake and I will capitalize on it, and when I do,

Well Steve I think you know the answer to that one don't you? Torture, I have heard of worse..... I can tell you though that Dominic and Drake aren't ready for it.......... not by a long shot, this battle for the title is going to come down to us to, and I am going to drain you down to nothing

Disgraced, why Steve, I have not disgraced this title anymore then Trax disgraced it, if you want to talk disgrace and use this title in the same sentence, then my dear friend you need to go talk to Le Strange, the guy who lost the title to me due to being an incompetent dumb ass, who clearly had no wishes to hold on to the Xtreme Championship any longer,

Ok so you stuck some barbed wire around your neck, I've done worse bud, I have done stuff that would not be allowed to air on here because it is just that fucking bad.

Enough about you though your promo is finished.... all I can say is

be ready, because I not going down for you like those little children did for Jared from those Subway commercials.

Drake, I am still waiting on you man come the fuck on, you are such a fucking disappointment, quit beating one off in the back and pull your head out of your ass. I expect a response soon or I am going to consider you a complete waste of my fucking time. I was expecting so much more from you, considering you have failed in that department so far, I figured a push for the Xtreme Title would pull you out of that little shell of yours. However, like Gilmour's chode, you failed to take action. Now, you are going to pay for it when you step into the ring with me, hope you are ready for those third degree burns and potential loss of limbs Wednesday, because if you aren't, it is going to cost you greatly. Answer back soon or pay the ultimate price for it Justice, it is a very easy choice, you just nee to pull your head out of your ass and make the right one. See you soon...............

And who could forget dear old Dominic Chambers, you know, for a guy who has defeated Steve previously I expected you would be all over a chance to do it again, I figured when i saw your name and Steve on the card that would take full advantage of this opportunity however similar to Justice Drake over there you failed to respond to being handed an Xtreme Championship match, and I personally find that very disrespectful, as I am sure Steve does as well. So, you want to get the lobe from your boyfriend's house because you are going to need it when you face me this Wednesday.

Tic tock, the mouse goes round the clock, when it strikes twelve your time is up, are you ready?

[Image: udr4SEL.jpg.]

[Image: 1309562639969_f.jpg]

Win/Loss record:2-3

Accomplishments: 1x Xtreme Champ (8/23/2015-9/2/2015(aired on 9/4/2015) Length:11 Days)

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