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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Training Session (RP2)
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-23-2015, 04:30 AM

The scene opens in a moderately busy fitness center, numerous men and women are going about their cardio and weight training routines using the various machines and weights at their disposal. In the middle of the room a currently vacant wrestling ring is situated. The camera focuses on this momentarily before scanning the room and bringing focus to the reason we find ourselves here. Mr Dominance, Trax, is currently in one of the gym room corners in work out gear throwing a impressive flurry of lefts and rights on a punching bag, the bag swings backwards after each jab then comes flying back towards Trax who tags it with another in quick succession. Trax continues to do this as the camera pans away from him for a second to focus on the person who has just entered the room, none other than Trax's tag team partner for his upcoming tag team match, Robbie Bourbon, dressed conspicuously in a large buttoned up trench coat and a bowler hat on top of his mask. Robbie scans the room and upon laying eyes on Trax makes his way towards him as Trax continues to focus on the punching bag delivering quick jabs showing no sign of fatigue. Robbie stops a few meters behind Trax and loudly clears his throat, Trax seemingly does not hear this intended beckoning and continues to throw punches, Robbie watches for a few moments before speaking.

I was told I would find you here, is now a good time to talk?

Trax ignores Bourbon not even turning around or paying him any kind of acknowledgement.Bourbon sighs and shakes his head.

Listen, I get you're understandably peeved about losing the X-Treme Championship, and the extreme suddenness and left field manner of how it transpired, nobody saw that coming, but you are still in my eyes XWFs top guy, still a fighter, I have no doubt you'll reclaim the championship, just as I'm sure you'll take the Universal title off Vinnies hand when the time is right, but for now, we need to focus and discuss strategy for our incoming tag team championship match Monday.

Trax stops unloading fists on the punching bag and turns around to Robbie, a sheet of sweat on his grimacing face.

I appreciate the intentions of your little pep talk but I assure you I am fully focused on the task at hand, I've spent countless hours this week training making sure I'm at peak condition for our match, and as for strategy, show up and do what I always do, win, that's my strategy.

And its a sound one, but can I propose a better training method than venting out on that poor undeserving punch bag?

Trax snorts and wipes the sweat off the brow.

Go on then shoot, such as?


Robbie turns to look at the wrestling ring in the room.

Theres that wrestling ring over, there for sparring sessions, of course, and I've come here conveniently dressed for such an occasion...

Robbie opens his trench coat to reveal he is wearing his wresting gear underneath.

If me and you are going to be partners, I think its a good idea to test each others capabilities and analyze first hand the others strengths and weaknesses in the ring.

Trax cocks his head back and laughs heartily.

Really're challenging me to a wrestling match? Here? Now?

Are you not prepared to wrestle?

I am ALWAYS prepared.

Unless you're having a seizure of course.

Robbie smiles while Trax grits his teeth so hard the veins in neck protrude.

Oh you're going to go there? Is that your attempt at riling me up? Get your cartoon caricature looking ass in the ring!!!!

Trax storms to the ring and Robbie still smiling follows suit. Both men enter, at the sight of this, a large majority of the people in the center stop what they're doing and turn to watch, making their way towards the ring surrounding it as Trax and Bourbon circle the ring. Bourbon throws his bowler hat and coat outside while Trax points to a large man outside the ring.

You! Get in here, you'll be acting as referee, do NOT mess up.

The man nods and enters the ring, everyone in the room now has stopped what they are doing to form a crowd of onlookers as Trax and Bourbon continue to circle the ring. The man Trax appointed as referee gets in the middle of the ring and looks at both of them before gesturing to them to begin. Bourbon begins to walk towards Trax hand outstretched for a handshake.

Trax although you're my tag team partner, a champion for the people, and someone who has my utmost respect, do not think I will take it easy on-

Trax connects with a right hook to Bourbons massive jaw that sends him staggering back and falling to one knee. Bourbon rubs his jaw staring at Trax in shock. Trax smirks.

When you're in the ring the time for talking is over, get up and fight Mr. Bourbon.

Bourbon gets to his feet and nods still rubbing his jaw.

Very well.

With that Trax charges at Bourbon who side steps and pushes Trax into the ropes from behind, Trax bounces off them and comes back at Bourbon who sends Trax crashing down to the mat with a shoulder block. Trax quickly rolls away from Bourbon and gets to his feet scowling. Trax rushes at Bourbon again, this time Bourbon stands his ground and goes to hit Trax with a right hook but Trax ducks under it and maneuvers around Bourbon, Trax begins hitting Bourbon with a flurry of lefts and rights but the punches, which are faster than most normal eyes can register, and strong enough to shatter bones with each strike, do not seem to be having too much of an effect on Bourbons bullet-proof skin. Bourbon whips Trax into the corner and comes running at him for a huge stinger splash, Trax rolls out the way and Bourbon crashes into the ring post, he staggers back round and gets hit with an Enziguri by Trax that drops him and sends him rolling out the ring. Trax gets back to his feet as Bourbon gets to his outside the ring catching his breath, Trax runs towards Bourbon and flies over the top rope for a flying cross body! Bourbon catches him! Bourbon turns around with Trax in his grip and executes a last call slam that sends Trax flying over the top and back into the ring! The onlookers gasp at Bourbons awesome display of power.

Trax gets to his feet inside the ring as Bourbon goes to get back in but Trax hits him with a baseball slide from inside that sends him staggering back outside the ring. Trax goes to hit him with another baseball slide but this time Bourbon catches Traxs legs and drags him out the ring straight into a lariat that nearly decapitates Mr Dominance! Bourbon rolls Trax back into the ring then rolls in himself and goes for a pin and the referee counts....1...2....KICKOUT!

Bourbon gets to his feet hoisting Trax up with him who proceeds to fight back with more lefts and rights to Bourbons robust stomach. Bourbon cuts the assault short via kick to the gut. Bourbon sets Trax up for a power bomb but Trax counters hitting Bourbon in the face while atop of his shoulders and breaking free dropping behind Bourbon and sweeping his leg causing the big man to fall to the canvas. Trax runs off the ropes and rebounds as Bourbon begins to get to his feet.... shining wizard! Robbie goes back down and Trax runs to the ropes again and comes back off them as Robbie gets to his feet once more, running drop kick to Bourbons chest and the big man lays flat on the canvas once again! Trax mounts on top and begins wailing on Robbie with those trademark lefts and rights of his, Robbie tries to get his guard up but to no avail as Trax continues hailing down on Robbie with quick powerful fists that are now finally beginning to show signs of wearing Robbie down unlike before. Robbie pushes Trax off him so hard he damn near goes flying halfway across the ring, Robbie lets out a grunt as he gets to his feet, Trax runs at Robbie and gets hit with a massive big boot for his troubles. Robbie then goes to hoist Trax up and deliver a delayed vertical suplex hoisting and holding Trax in the air for about 10 seconds before Trax counters by delivering a jab to Robbies head that causes him to release Trax, Trax once again falls and drops behind Robbie but lands on both feet, he quickly turns around and thanks to his large arms wraps both hands around Robbies waist before delivering a massive German Suplex transitioning into a bridge pin! 1...2.... KICKOUT!

Trax slaps the mat and mouths "Really?" before picking Robbie up and whipping him into the corner, Trax follows up with a knee to the face while Robbie is positioned dazed in the corner followed up by a huge bulldog out of the corner that plants Bourbons masked face into the ground. Trax then gets into the opposite corner and begins to stamp his feet signalling that he's going for the Trap Silencer! Bourbon gets to his feet and Trax runs at him to go for this patented super kick...TRAP S-NO! Robbie grabbed the leg and pushes it away so hard Trax spins on the spot so his back is to Robbie and...NECK WRECKER by Robbie! Robbie hits the reverse Diamond Cutter! Bourbon goes for the pin....1....2...KICKOUT!? Robbie looks like he's in a state of disbelief as Trax groans as he crawls to the ropes to help himself up, Trax turns to Robbie who regains his composure smiling at Trax before making a pinching gesture with his hand and mouthing the words " This close". Trax shakes his head and charges at Robbie once again laying into him with more fists but this time Robbie responds in kind! The two exchange punches in the ring as everybody looks on in awe. Trax however, thanks to his amateur boxing background begins to quickly get the upper hand in the punching competition pushing Bourbon back until he's leaning against the ropes. Trax then delivers a huge European uppercut to Bourbon who slumps and sits down on the middle rope, as Trax runs to the other side of the ring back off the rope towards Bourbon, Bourbon is ready for it though and uses Trax momentum against him side stepping him and throwing him up and over the ropes but Trax holds onto the ropes from outside and delivers a headbutt to Bourbon that drops him to one knee as Trax runs to the top rope from the outside and mounts the turnbuckle in wait. Bourbon gets back to full vertical base and when he does Trax comes flying off the ropes and connects with knee to the face, it doesn't drop Bourbon but it does leave him dazed on spaghetti legs, which is all Trax needs as he runs off the ropes one more time as Bourbon gingerly stumbles around to fac- TRAP SILENCER! Trax hits a running super kick that connects clean on Robbies jaw sending the big man laying flat out on the mat. Trax collapses on top of him and goes for the pin....1....2 ....KICK OUT!

Trax rolls off Robbie and looks at the appointed referee in anger cursing that he was counting too slow. Trax backs away from Robbie leaning against the ropes for a breather. Robbie gets to his feet and Trax mimics Robbie's earlier hand gesture while mouthing " This close". Robbie rubs his jaw nodding all the while smiling. The two lock up in the ring but this time thanks to his edge in size and strength Robbie gets the advantage this time getting Trax in a headlock. Trax connects with elbows to Robbies gut to break away before going to whip Robbie to the ropes, Robbie counters with an Irish whip of his own sending Trax up and over the ropes once again, but once again, Trax grabs onto the ropes from the other side and stands on the apron. Robbie doesn't give him a chance to get into the ring however as he runs at Trax with speed that seems superhuman for a man his size and spears him through the top and middle rope! Both men go crashing on the floor outside almost landing into several of the onlookers who step back as the two men hit the ground. They both begin to stir as the ref inside begins to count! 1...2...3....4...5....6...7....Robbie is back on his feet and quickly rolls in and back out the ring to restart the count! He grabs Trax and throws him against the ring apron before damn near crushing him with a running splash! Trax crumples to the ground in a heap as Robbie goes to enter the ring climbing onto the apron, Trax recovers in record timing however jumping onto the apron and wrapping his arms around Robbie waist once again...GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE APRON! Both men go crashing onto the ground once more as the referee begins to count again! 1....2....3....4...5...6...7...8..Trax kips up and rolls in and out the ring much like Robbie did! Trax then picks up Robbie struggling to lift his heavy frame before propping him against the apron and lifting him up rolling him back into the ring under the bottom rope. Trax goes for another pin... 1....2...KICKOUT! Trax eyes damn near bulge out his head as he shakes it, before retreating into the corner and slapping and his leg and signalling for another Trap Silencer....Robbie gets to his feet once more... TRAP SILE- No reverse again into a NECK WRE-No! Trax gets out of it pushing Robbie away from him and stepping back with his fists up shaking his head. Robbie dusts himself off and laughs before nodding both at Trax and the ref.

Woah settle down....I think that will be enough for now... some awesome moves there! That German Suplex off the apron, doozy, I think we're both ready for our match, going to be a honor teaming with you.

Bourbon extends his hand for another handshake, as he does this the onlookers and the match referee begin to cheer and clap. Trax lowers his fists and smirks before extending his hand out and shaking Bourbons.

Likewise you wasn't too shabby yourself, that was a good cool off, I must admit. I believe I'm ready to talk now, however, to our opponents and that punk of a new X-Treme Champion while I'm at it if you don't mind?

Ah, by all means carry on, when you're done we can possibly go again if you wish?

Trax nods still smirking.

Yeah sure... take a moment to recuperate, this won't take long.

Robbie takes a corner in the ring and sits down on the middle turnbuckle perching his arms on the ropes as Trax faces the camera that zooms in on him and the onlookers go back to what they were doing.

LeStrange... congratulations. You have accomplished what nobody else in XWF so far has been able to do, pin me for three seconds, and take my championship...or maybe the words robbed, swindled, me out of my championship are more accurate. See you didn't beat me in a match for the belt, I am still unpinned and undefeated in in-ring competition. You didn't even beat me down or attack me.No, you was simply in the right place at the right time and happened to hit pay dirt as you was able to take advantage of a health condition of mine, a health condition I had wished to keep private, much like my love of anime, but I digress, you took my championship belt and are now parading around with it as if you are some kind of valid champion.

Please, valid champion? You? I was a champion. A TRUE champion unlike others who claim to have the makings of a true champion, but in reality where the sky is blue not pink and the grass is green not blue, really don't. I know there has been speculation by one or two people backstage that I dropped the belt on purpose due to me now having a 24/7 case and stating several times I plan to move on to bigger things than the X-Treme Championship. Now although that is true, I DID intend to eventually move on to winning the Universal Championship which would of in turn seen me drop the X-Treme championship anyway due to company policy that no one wrestler can hold two single-competition belts at a time, I just want to take a moment to assure all of you who may be a bit suspicious of my title drop that no it wasn't intentional, despite my goal in becoming Universal Champion, a goal I am a cash in away from accomplishing, I still took much pride in being X-Treme Champion, I was still very much looking forward to holding both the X-Treme and tag team belts, simultaneously.

It is for that reason that I want to make it very clear that I intend of challenging for and reclaiming the X-Treme Championship at the next available date after me and Bourbon have won the tag team titles. LeStrange for your sake, you best hope you're not still X-Treme Champion by the time my shot at it comes around, although that won't be the case, there is slim chance of you making it past Gold Week as the champion, and unless you are on my team, there is absolutely no chance of you making it past War Games as the champion I'm afraid, so let me disregard you now LeStrange and address whoever the next X-Treme champion after you is going to be, I'm coming back to reclaim MY belt, and when that time comes, it doesn't matter WHO is holding it, I will be walking out of that encounter a two time X-Treme Champion as well as one half of the current tag team champions and a briefcase holder, that's a promise.

There however in every grey cloud is a silver lining... me losing the X-Treme Championship has unfortunately,completely and utterly fucked up Shane Carvers intended sabotage of the Monday Madness main event, where he planted Sitre in as an "enforcer" to enable her to try and pin me and walk away with the belt, since I no longer for the time being HAVE the belt, that means Sitres involvement in the match is almost as pointless as Justice Drakes. So I doubt we'll be hearing much from her, if anything at all, before this match happens which is music to my ears I must admit. Did I inadvertently mess with your master plan Shane? Good, go fuck yourself.

Moving on, Feder, glad to hear from you. However theres a couple of points I feel I need to address, and clear up with you.

Point number one, I'm not sure if you watched all of my promo, it was fairly long I understand, but please try and make more of an effort to pay attention next time and don't just skim things. Because it seems like to me that's what you did, because if you DIDN'T skim you would of seen the part of the promo where I discuss where my position is regarding this whole "war" between XWF and CCWF. Which is whatever side that suits my individual interests.CCWF seeks to keep the belt on Lane and ONLY Lane, XWF seeks to take the belt off Lane and fight back CCWF, now me being one of the top guys in XWF and a current briefcase holder, I'm obviously looking for the most opportune time to get the drop on Lane, since that is the only way anyone will be taking the belt off him thanks to his cohorts that seemingly now occupy him to the ring for his matches, and walk away as the Universal Champion. That is my mission. So saying that I'll soon "probably join the CCWF" is illogical and foolhardy and pretty much gave me the notion that unfortunately you're not accustomed to thinking before you speak, throwing out blank statements like that which don't even really make much sense.

The only bitching I saw Feder was from you when Lane shot down your match request if I'm going to be honest, I agree he's a pussy, but in his defense why should he accept it? If someone in a high position doesn't want to wrestle against someone who hasn't proven their worth that's fair enough I suppose, for all they know it could be a waste of their time. I pointed out to your tag team partner Lux that Gamer Girl too is extremely picky who she fights at times. Not all of us current or former champions operate the same though so please Mr Feder don't lump us all together and assume we act the same,different strokes for different folks. Yes I'm no longer X-Treme Champion, but while I was I said I would fight literally anyone and everyone, proven or otherwise, and I told the truth, I put my title against the line against unproven rookies like yourself in my first defense, then went on to beat an established former Universal champion and a former tag team champion in my second. Vinnies legitimacy as a champion is extremely questionable right now due to his recent actions I'll admit, but make no mistake, when you step in the ring with ME, you'll be stepping in the ring with someone who will fight whoever and back it up anytime, I know my partner sitting in the corner there is similar minded, so when we win the tag titles feel free to challenge us anytime, and we will beat you again, and again and again and again if need be, we will back up our mantles as champions as much as needed to satisfy you, every time.

You missed the point of me bring up Sid by the way, I am totally aware he isn't you, he isn't here, and isn't in the match but you see you're not the first wrestler I've entered the ring with with family ties in the business.I've seen a lot of people use such ties and attempt to ride the coattails of achievements not belonging to them to hype themselves up, so forgive me for being a bit wary and making sure you didn't go that route.Since it looks like you're somewhat attempting to be your own person I assure you I won't bring up Seth in discussion again, much like nobody will bring up you again when you lose Monday and its proven you can't live up to the hype your last name laid out for you in the minds of some. Some but not I, see I don't easily believe the hype of other people, it took me until a few weeks ago to buy into Robbies hype, and when myself and Robbie walk away with those titles, I promise you, the skepticism I have for yours will appear warranted. As you, just like your brother, will become lost, however you will be a different sort of lost, you Sid, will be lost in the shuffle of the whos-who list of people I'd of beaten to prove that MY hype is very much still alive, real and justified.

Seth Feder Said:Let's talk about your partner Robbie Bourbon. I hope you can knock some sense into your partner regardless if you're on the same damn, but I doubt it.

Same damn...what? Samn damn team? I'm going to assume you meant to say team, yes we're on the same damn TEAM but no I see no need to knock any sense into him but if I did need to knock any sense into him I think that Trap Silencer and German Suplex off the apron should of done the trick.

Bourbon can be heard laughing off camera.

Again you made a statement which goes against logic. Robots to the system? Me and Robbie are currently AGAINST the current system in the company, the system run by Shane , you know the boss of our company that sicked the Universal Champion and the rest of his dogs on us? So how exactly are we robots to the system? How exactly am I, or my tag partner, in Carvers pockets? Please get back to me on that one, I'll wait.

One final point, you talk about men sucking cocks and fucking each other FAR too much, I mean if you have some suppressed homosexual feelings it OK man, Glisten is accepted backstage with open arms, feel free to reveal the real you anytime, , its funny I made an R Kelly reference in my last promo, because Feder I got to say your ass seems trapped in the closet.

And your partner Lux seems to be trapped by his own mind. Suffering from mild Psychosis it appears there Lux? Unfortunate, you have yet to address this match directly,probably off to venture the unknown as you do, well I hope you venture to a psychiatrists office and sort out your mental problems instead. I'm sure you indeed have things you'd like to say to me and Robbie, but none of that will matter or be taken seriously if its evident your mind is still in a state of deterioration. Seek whatever help you need to regain control of your mind and get to speaking all the trash talk you can while you can, because theres a high chance after our match you'll be needing to venture to the hospital, mental or otherwise.

Trax smirks.

Finally, the Drake brothers, I didn't realize when I made my first promo you two were actually related. I thought you two sharing the last name was just a coincidence considering you look nothing alike, guess I over looked that, probably because I didn't give a shit to check up on either of you. Justice, Diamond, you two being brothers means you two have the most natural chemistry in this match, but that will not be enough to make up for your lack of experience Justice, or your lack of noteworthy skill Diamond. Justice don't think for one second that because I haven't seen you wrestle, I am not prepared for you, 6'7, 245 pounds...high flyer mostly,like to take chances, I went over your file not too long after my first promo, I know your strengths, your weaknesses, I know what moves you commonly use and I have the know how to reverse them. I know your finisher is a super kick too much like my finisher, so believe me I know how to notice signals of when you plan to hit that and I know how to avoid it, you won't be catching me by surprise, and you and Diamond, much like Lux and Feder, won't be beating me, beating us.

Trax nods and the camera turns to look at Robbie who is now standing up, Robbie smiles and waves.

What he said. You done now Trax?

Yeah I believe so, lets go again.

Robbie nods and Trax beckons for someone else nearby to get in the ring and be referee, sure enough a crowd begins to immediately form again as people in the center are looking forward to seeing the conclusion of Trax's and Robbie wrestling training session. Trax and Robbie begin to circle the ring when suddenly a hooded figure breaks away from the surrounding crowd and enters the ring running up to Trax from behind and getting him in a roll up pin! The referee looks confused at first but then begins to count as Bourbon looks on equally confused...1....2...KICKOUT! Trax kicks out and immediately backs away from the stranger, standing next to Robbie as both men looking at the hooded figure confused. The man takes off his hood to reveal himself...

Robbie and Trax:: Thunderbolt X!?

Thunder Bolt nods all the while looking disappointed.

Yes its me...dammit...

What the hell are you doing here? Why did you just try pinning me!?

To win the X-Treme Championship of course!

Robbie doubles over laughing while Trax face palms and shakes his head, before staring up at the heavens muttering and looking back at TBX.

You fool, I am no longer the champion, you interrupted this match for nothing!

You're not? I did? Dammit...ummm....OK...I'll just be on my way then....

TBX goes to leave but Trax grabs him and throws him at Robbie in frustration, TBX bounces off Robbie and turns back around.... straight into a TRAP SILENCER! TBX staggers backwards clutching his jaw into the awaiting clutches of Bourbon....NECK WRECKER! TBX is driven into the mat, laid out unconscious...Trax and Robbie look at the fallen TBX then at each other with raised eyebrows.

Did we...did we just make a tag team finisher?


Did we just become best friends?


Ah...what should we call that move?

Not sure, you're the one in the mask, I'll leave all the flashy theatrical name making to you.

Very well then, lets discuss it over lunch, all this tag team awesomeness is making me hungry.

Hmm...yeah sure. Decent spot around the block from here.

Lead the way!

Robbie pats Trax on the back and they exit the ring, the camera focuses on the fallen Thunder Bolt X as the scene fades to black.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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