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08-21-2015, 07:33 AM
*OOC: I wrote this before LeStranges 3rd RP.*
Just in time for the parade
He'll put on a smile and gladly wave
He will show you imagination
That's if you give him admiration
He tries, he tries with complications
Contemplating suicide on a daily basis
He knows that the mountain isn't that high
He'll climb to the top and then he'll take flight
He needs someone to make him wanted again
He needs someone but how does one get a friend
He isn't that sociable, he isn't a sweetheart
No, painted in blood are his works of art
The cameras flicker when he walks down that aisle
And he says to himself, "well it's been awhile"
When the time comes for his special show
His name, well, everyone will know
*As we fade into the bottom of a hill, we see the grass blades moving in the gentle wind.
Green are they swaying back and forth the dew sits on them, they are damp and
beautiful. Wild flowers growing side by side, they are pretty and different colors of the
rainbow, diversity just like society. As the leaves fall from the trees, brown, orange and
different colors of yellow. We see a small rabbit hops into the middle of the frame, he
comes quick and eats some of that beautiful green grass. As we take a close up he looks
at the camera, seconds before he hops away gracefully.
As we zoom up this hill we see a figure, all black, standing there with a cigarette. It's
the early morning dawn, the sunset rising slowly. It moves ever so silently higher up into
the purple hue that aluminates from the sky. Trees are all around but most of them are
bare, it's becoming fall, that is clear. Now the figure of black reaches down to another
black figure on the ground. The sun has rose and now we see that the figure on the
ground was a six-pack of beer. We zoom around that beer slowly to the man, and rise up
from his boots.
His boots are brown and they appear to be steel toed, with black laces tied loosely. As
the wind blows you can see them black laces tilting side to side. His pants are rugged, a
boot cut, the light brown denim is even lighter with the sun. As we move up further we
see that the shirt he wears is also a light tint, it has three words on the front of it.
Those few words are sharp, sweet and right to the point, " It Never Dies". One might
ask what but then we zoom up to see a familiar painted face, it's Krazy Klown from XWF,
he has yet to debut but he's creating a buzz.
The base paint color is a gentle red, and the face upon that base is a vicious blue. He
grins as he looks down, he raises his head up and takes a gentle puff from his cigarette.
Then he looks down yet again, this time the camera follows, we see the full scope of a
beautiful city. He cracks open one beer of the six and proceeds to drink a sip of it. He
turns around and starts to walk down the hill, and then Krazy Klown stands real still. He
grins and turns back to the hill top. Slower he walks this time, he walks right up to where
you can once again see the city. He takes another puff off of his cigarette and begins to
grin yet again. He seems to be satisfied in this moment, he bows his head and begins to
KK: Yeah, LeStrange, I forgot about that whole deal, being your first opponent and all. I
remember it now, I remember my name, my name was Xavier Holmes. Yeah, I demanded
more and well, I got it and won it, so who cares, right all in the past. The marks on your
neck, yeah I heard about that, frankly back then, I cared, I prayed to God for you. I
was a different person, I had respect for every competitor who ever stepped in a ring, I
had respect for you, LeStrange. Then again, however now, I am God, LeStrange, I wish I
would have prayed to me and most of all I wish you would have died. See after that little
stint in your shit-hole, my sister got kidnapped, raped, and murdered; out came the
demented clown you see today.
That, LeStrange is why I don't and won't feel pain. There is no pain you can possibly
inflict on me that was worse than what I felt then. Hell, you can burn me just like that
fucking mission, I don't give a fuck, I'll get up. You can snap my neck, kill me, no pain,
I'll get up. You can bleed me out, again, no pain, I'll get up. See, every ounce of my
being went to my sister when our parents died and I had to raise her from the age of
fifteen. LeStrange, she was nine years old when someone did that to her, and I suspect
everyone, even you. That is why you are going to get beat so bad you'll be
unrecognizable, beat so bad you become crippled for real, and beat so bad that you just
might die.
You talked about digging up my grandmother and fucking her, ain't gonna work, I never
knew her. Talking about that shit, I mean, what are you Ed Gien? Nothing you say could
ever way, or influence my determination, determination to make you understand that I am
more than just a man, LeStrange. When I beat you on Monday Madness, you will bow
before me and recognize that I am God. LeStrange, you'll pray to me, you'll worship me,
and ultimately, you will beg for me to be merciful. You just might get lucky, I might just
save you from eternal damnation. Then again, no, don't even think about that happening,
sorry for giving you false hope.
*He shrugs as he says that last line. He pulls out another nail coffin and places it between
his lips, then lights it. He then picks up another beer and cracks it open, he takes a gulp
and gets back to talking.*
KK: As far as delusions, I have none, I know exactly who and what I am and I know
exactly who and what you are. You tried to kill yourself, take the easy exit, that makes
you a little pussy, LeStrange. You say it makes you stronger, you lie, you say you don't
fear death, you lied; LeStrange, you could have got the job done. You should have just
tied it tighter, made the noose stronger and hung to your fate. You're a joke, LeStrange
and I am going to expose you for everything you really are, nothing but a coward prick.
*Krazy Klown pulls a gun out from under his shirt and sits down, placing the gun right next
to him. He takes another draw from his cigarette and then laughs as he picks the gun
back up and looks at it.*
KK: You could have put some bullets in this thing and put it to your head. It's much
easier, faster, cleaner and more effective in getting the job done boy. The way I look at
it, this is a loaded gun and Monday we're playing Russian Roulette, and you get the first
turn. Blam, right to your head, Blam, right to Bucko's head and Blam, right to
ThunderboltÂ’s head. It's over for you LeStrange, you should be happy, you're committing
suicide by entering that ring with me and let me tell you something.
*Krazy Klown stands back up and puts the gun away looking over the city once more.*
KK: I'll be the executioner that kills you, the Grim Reaper who takes you and the God
that decides your fate. I will place you in an electric chair and then.
*Krazy Klown makes a move as though he is pulling down the lever for the electric to flow
to all conductors placed on the skin of the poor soul that dies. As he makes the motion,
we take a wide shot of the city and at the time his hand drops; the lights in the whole
city flicker before they regain full power.*
KK: You die for your actions and you die for your words and you die because you're
treating me like an ex-girlfriend that you just can't let go. LeStrange, I could talk about
you all day, but I'm going to leave it at this. If a bird can fly and soar because it has
wings. Why can't you attach wings to yourself and propel above the highest cloud and
become one of the stars? A star that shines brighter than the rest and out shadows the
very best this world has to offer. Why can't you do it, LeStrange? Why can't you do it?
You can't do it for the very same reason you can't beat me Monday; it's just a little
kid's pipe-dream.
*Krazy Klown turns around for the summit of the hill and starts walking toward the base,
the camera focused on him the whole time.*
KK: Bucko, I hope you show up Monday, I got something to show you. I think you're going
to like it, it is so beautiful that you wouldn't believe it. That thing, that beautiful thing I
want to show you is; you lying in a puddle of your own blood as I hit the Rollercoaster
Ride. I will leave you laying right in that ring, mangled and torn and ripped from your
existence. You also shall bow, blood pouring down your face; your insecurities will be healed
by the Jesus Christ of professional wresting.
No more will you avoid interviews and promos because you're camera shy, no more feeling
the shame every time you're under the bright lights. No, no more shall you be insecure in
that ring and no more shall you be a loser. I can give it all to you, Bucko, I can make you
what you need to be. You want to be in gold, your name in lights, but the only way that
can happen is if you show what you can do. When the stars come out do you look up, when
the snake slithers by do you look down? Do you not pay attention to the dog that is
supposed to be your best friend? No, because nothing is more important than being
someone who is feared and someone who can get the task done easily.
*Krazy Klown makes it to his new car, a black Dodge Challenger, he opens the door and
starts to get in. Then he steps back out still holding the door wide open, he opens his
mouth and words spill out yet again.*
KK: I forgot about my other opponent for a minute there. Thunderbolt A,B,C, it's easy as one, two, three; damn, isn't that a premonition.
Thunderbolt, you are just a wannabe in ever facet of the word, I mean, you want to be another guy in a different company for
Christ's Sake, or should I say; My sake. You don't belong in the same country as me,
same city as me, same arena as me, and you sure as hell don't belong in the same ring as
me. I'm gonna make this an easy exit for you; one so you can move on, one where you can
go to that other promotion and meet everything you want, need and crave to be. You want
to be another festering sore in wrestling, go right ahead, I sure don't give a fuck if
you're gone.
You got something wrong in your head; it makes you a whack-job. You think you can say
maybe, ten sentences, all with the same words just in different arrangements and scare
someone. Oh, I'm so scared, he called me a again, for My sake. Listen you talk no
game, you play no game, and you wrestle so lame. If you had a dollar could you make it
ten, then invest that and turn it into a hundred, by something, make it a thousand. Could
you then turn around and make it hundreds of thousands? Could you then make a million,
and then, would you lose it all? That's kind-of you Thunderbolt, you bet a million and,
you're gonna lose. So while you contemplate and try to figure out what I said, I'll be
getting some sleep. See you Monday, Thunderbolt AQB.
*He then enters his vehicle and begins to drive off into the distance, cutting then to
another shot. Another shot that still shows him driving; as we see this last shot the
camera then begins to fade out.*