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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Main Event!!!
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-15-2015, 11:23 PM

This story has got a bit twisted so far as we dive deeper into the mind that is Fontanna. We learned that Fontanna came from an abusive home. Where his Mother and Father split up and his mother used to beat him until she blew her own brains out. We learned that at one time Freddy had ran away from home and thought he found heaven but only turned into another nightmare. He found the lovely Mrs. Davies only to watch her be slaughtered by her drunk husband and then watching Mr. Davies take his own life as well. While in the hospital recovering from the last beating his mother gave him, he watched his father Michael Fontanna walk back into his life. His father had apparently done good for himself in Atlantic City New Jersey after walking out on his family all those months ago. That is where we left off last week. God only knows this story doesn't have a happy ending but only time will tell...

Things where looking good for young Freddy Fontanna. His wicked witch of a mother was dead and she couldn't hurt him anymore. His Father had seen the error of his ways and was loaded with fast cash. Showering his son with lavish gifts and expensive meals. Freddy couldn't be happier! Well you know what they say about people feeling like they are on top...they fall hard! It was mid afternoon on a beautiful Friday. Freddy was walking down the boardwalk in Atlantic City. It had been a whole year since his mother blew her memories out the back of her head. One year since his Father came back into his life. Freddy enjoyed walking the boardwalk during the afternoon rush. Beach bodies coming and going as they scrambled to drink all the booze in Jersey. He would picture himself doing the exact same thing when he get's older. Freddy walks into his favorite beach spot to get a milkshake. Fred Johnson made the best milkshakes in all of New Jersey. He mixes Freddy up his usual chocolate banana chip and slides it in front of him...

Freddy man! How the hell are we today kid?

I'm good Mr. Johnson. The milkshake is great as always.

Freddy's attention is turned towards the TV on the far counter. The local news was on with a breaking news story. Apparently there was a failed robbery at the Tropicana Casino & Resort. The thief's where very well organized but the quick work of the local authority's stopped what would have been the largest heist in the history of Atlantic City. Freddy's faced turned to pure terror when he saw the police loading up the robbers in the paddy guessed it...It was is father Michael Fontanna!

Hey Kid is that your...

It was too late! Freddy had leaped from his stool and ran out the front door. Freddy ran as fast as he could back down the boardwalk, weaving back and forth through the beach crowd, until he finally reached the Ocean Club Condominium where he and his father where staying. He would usually take the elevator but this time he sprung up the stairs two at time until he reached their floor. He run's down the hall praying that he didn't see what he just saw. He thought his Dad made his money from the card table. He had no idea his father worked for the number one crime boss in New Jersey...Marco De Angelo!

Freddy burst into the room he shares with his father, but he is stopped dead in his tracks by two very large Italian men in long black trench coats. They where tossing the room, looking for evidence tying Marco to Michael Fontanna. The men stop their search and pull their guns, pointing them at a very young and very scared Freddy Fontanna. The bigger of the two guys pull out a cell phone and presses call. On the other end is famed crime boss Marco De Angelo...

Hey boss we have a problem over here... Yeah his fucking son is here.... Yeah he is standing right in front of me...Alright we will bring him with us then!

So where do I start? I mean it's been a pretty interesting week here in the XWF and it all started on madness. First I showed where my loyalties lay after super kicking that bitch of a man Cj Sharpe in his fucking mouth and aligning myself with the future of this company, The Dangerous Alliance! Led by the man behind the McGovernment, Dean Moxley McGovern! Then these decide to come into Warfare by the name of the CCWF. Well I don't know who the fuck they think they are but this is the XWF where only the most hardcore can survive to fight another day. So if push comes to shove and this war ignites then I'm officially throwing my support behind the XWF! Just know I'm here if you need me fellas! Now onto to more pressing matters...

I am in the main event of this weeks Warfare teaming with someone that I can't even stand to be in the same room with, Peter Gilmore. We are facing the duo of the reigning and defending XWF Intercontinental Champion Game Girl & Iris Oppenheimer. With all this talk about the tag division here in the XWF I understand why the powers that be decided on teaming me and Gilmore up. I mean with all these invaders and defectors these day's, it's only best for business to team up the two monsters of this company. If there is anyone on my level of violence it would be Peter Fucking Gilmore! But I will not deny there has been tension between Gilly and myself since I've arrived here in the XWF. So I'm putting out this open invitation Gilly. Meet me at the closest watering hole and let's settle this shit like men. By pounding shot's and fucking sluts! The balls in your court Gilly. If you want to have any shot in beating Game Girl & Iris Oppenheimer, then we need to get on the same page bruh.

Game Girl...I'm going to admit that I don't know a whole lot about you. I know you and Robbie Bourbon tore the fucking house down at Relentless. I know that I've had harder pieces of corn in in my shit. Listen little us all a favor and just stay the fuck out of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil cupcake. Ok it's time for the adults in the room to handle business and we don't have time for you take your nappy time ok!

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