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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Alice Comes Home
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Christopher Isles Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-09-2015, 12:06 AM

[We fade in on the streets of Skid Row, where we see countless upon countless of garbage and homeless people sitting around on the sidewalks. Everyone looks depressed to be there and stare at the two men in the truck, hoping that the either of them will give something to the poor. Alas, the duo don't have anything that people would want to have, aside from Dustin's truck and Chris' camcorder. The buildings are in terrible condition and some look like they could collapse at any second. Yet the people around them don't seem to care about this, instead wondering if they're going to survive today and be able to get out of this shit hole.

Dustin keeps his eyes on the road while Chris looks out for Alice from his side. However, Chris doesn't know what she looks like anymore, since the only reference he has on her was an old high school photo from years ago. Not exactly knowing just what to look for, Chris rests his elbow on the passenger's side window while resting his head on his hand. Dustin, noticing how crushed his friend looks, attempts to lighten up the mood by starting a quick conversation, hoping that will brighten up his day somewhat.]

Dustin: Hey brah, I know that Alice asked you to pick her up, but do you think she might have blended in with everyone else here?

[Chris scoffs in disbelief.]

Christopher: The hell are you talking about, brah?

Dustin: Look at the picture of her, dude.

[Chris shrugs and holds up the photo of Alice. As we can see, she has straight, thin black hair and emerald eyes with a lot of make up covering her face, possibly to hide all the damage the drugs have done to her. She's also seen with Chris with her arm over her shoulder and a smile on her face, appearing to genuinely be happy to be there. Dustin slows the car down to look at her older self. After a couple seconds, he starts to chuckle to himself and looks back at the road ahead of him.]

Christopher: What's so funny, brah?

Dustin: You really think she looks like that still, brah? I'm sure people here can't afford luxuries like makeup and straighteners. Even if they did, they'd probably be stolen. By the way, you have the bat, right?

Christopher: Just behind this seat, brah.

Dustin: Awesome. Anyways, I'd suggest you take that image you have of her and imagine she looks fifty. That's what the people in Skid Row look like. See if you can find anyone like them.

Christopher: I guess I can try, dude. I mean, there's no guarantee that we'll be able to find her if you say something like that.

Dustin: You never know, brah. I mean, she might just hit our car from the side because she saw us or something.

[As if he's Nostradamus, a loud thump can be hear from the driver's side of the truck. This makes the both of them jump and turn toward the source of the noise with concern. Without saying a word, Dustin reaches over behind Chris' seat and hands it to his friend. Chris slowly begins to unbuckle his seat belt. When he finishes, he hops out of the car as fast as he can to confront the person responsible. Dustin quickly rolls down the window and grabs the camcorder to get a good view of the culprit. Turns out, it's a brown haired woman with very pale and decrepit skin. Chris looks like he's just about to knock her head open until he stops suddenly. Dustin seems to come to this realization as well, as if he knows her somehow.]

Both: Alice?

[Frightened, Alice is heard gasping for breath after almost being busted wide open by Chris. She looks like she's going to make a dash for it as Chris drops the bat and walks over to her. She's crying at this point, almost begging for him not to kill her. However, Chris places both of her arms around her for a hug. His eyes are closed and a small smile forms on his face, happy to know that she just wanted them to stop, not to steal their truck.]

Christopher: I told you that Skid Row was a terrible place.

[Alice can just be seen nodding in approval. The two of them let go of each other and take a look at one another.]

Christopher: You look like hell, brah.

[Alice chuckles at what Chris just said, even though it wasn't really all that funny.]

Alice: And you still look like a teenager.

[Chris laughs now. What Alice said is a little funnier than what he said, but humor is very subjective.]

Dustin: You two going to come in or should I leave this truck for the homeless?

Christopher: Don't worry, brah, we're coming in.

[With that utterance, the scene fades to something else.]

Christopher: Well wouldn't you know it, I have material now. That's right folks, both Dominic and Peter have put up a promo for me to riff over, so now I can just stop assuming how they're going to respond and actually listen to them respond! The only question is who I'm going to riff first.

Dustin: Talk over the new guy, brah. This is his first match here so he should get extra special treatment.

[Chris looks over to his friend incredulously after hearing what he just said.]

Christopher: Shut up, brah. It's not like he's visiting a chiropractor for the first time. Nah, I ain't that nice.

Dustin: Ah just let him go first, will ya, dude? I'm sure he drank himself into a coma waiting for us to trash him back.

[Chris pauses for a few seconds before shrugging.]

Christopher: Fine by me. Just get your phone ready and load up the promo.

[Dustin pulls out his phone and loads up Dominic's promo. It takes a few seconds of mental preparation before Chris is ready to go. After those few seconds, Dustin presses play.]

Some Drunkard Said:"Seen your ilk a hundred times before. You're the type who likes to talk and talk and talk even when ya ain't shit to say. I gotta ask, why man? What's the point?"

Christopher: To get your attention, brah! What else could I have done? Call you on your cell and say to make another video? I don't have your number and I don't think I need to. The point is, I got your attention and ya took time outta your day to respond to me. Ain't that enough for ya?

Some Alcoholic Said:"Are ya just a real narcissistic sonuvabitch who loves the sound of his own voice? Or have you been hit in the head one too many times and you think every word out of your mouth is some kind of massive revelation and ain't shit that's been kicked around longer than anyone's known your name?"

Christopher: I'll admit, brah, as much as I like hearing my own voice, that's not exactly why I made it. I just said why I did a few seconds ago. If ya have a problem, speak up, 'cause that's the only way you're going to get us ta care 'bout cha. And why we keep talking like we're big game? Well we have the option to, brah! I can tell you that I kicked your partner's ass in a triple threat before the tag match. Look it up and you'll find out that it's true. I can also say that his friend, who goes by Dim, by the way, and his Ku Klux Kootches tried to save his image by trying to attack me after the show. Beat them, too.

Point is, people can say the damndest of things, right or wrong, and we can challenge them about it. It's also our job to do so, there's that too.

Bar Room Brawler Said:"And what are ya gonna do with all the shit you talked during the days leading up to ya getting your ass kicked pillar to post?

Christopher: That's an idiom I'm not familiar with, brah. At least I know what it is, I guess. You claim that you're going to kick my ass until I have to move to...somewhere. Ya didn't quite make that clear, dude. But even then, why should I worry about a drunken brawler, dude? There are many of those in bars across the world! Hell, backyard wrestlers have more credibility than those douchebags, brah.

Dustin: He's sayin' that fighting is part of his job and you're stupid for making fun of him for it.

Christopher: I don't remember saying that, dude. Do you mean when I said that getting hammered before fighting someone wasn't a way to be? 'Cause it ain't. Hell, drink 'til ya can barely walk, brah. See what happens when you're shitfaced then.

Dustin: He also calls you a hipster that doesn't bathe.

Christopher: Another one? Dude, I don't have to show myself taking a shower in these promos. If I did, you'll just talk about how this man just shoved a face full of dick in front of your face. Trust me, brah, ya don't want that. Oh, and I heard him call me a pseudo intellectual. Brah, I don't have a great education and a fancy thesaurus on me. That's what the internet is for, and that shit isn't trustworthy. You're going around and sayin' shit that ain't true, hoping that what ya say strikes a nerve. It doesn't, but the way you're talking is givin' me a migraine.

So what all that's left from this team is Peter. I really don't want to listen to Dom's drunken ramblings anymore, they're getting that painful.

Dustin: On it, brah.

[Dustin swipes Dominic's video away and gets ready to play Peter's. But before he can, he has to skip all of the unrelated stuff that doesn't apply to Chris. Sadly, that's about half of the video.]

Some Sour Fucker Said:Christopher Isles.. what more can I say to you other than you still suck.

Christopher: Damn, brah! Someone's mad that they didn't get their name announced. I know that upsets ya, dude, but there's no need for the bitch fit. Oh, and not pinning you doesn't mean that I didn't beat you. You didn't get your name called or your hand raised. Therefore, ya lost. Second place is one of the worst places to be in, brah.

The Man Who Eats a Tub of Ice Cream When he Loses Said:Don't overlook Dominic because he can surprise you at anytime,

Christopher: I can't overlook someone ya outright threatened to kill if you lose, brah! If I did that, how can I make fun of ya for being a terrible tag partner? Well I can say that you're a sore loser and think absolutely everything you lose at is someone else's fault, but not much else. You really don't know what you're saying, do you? What exactly makes ya think that saying you'll kill Dominic if he loses moral support? Oh right, you don't think. My bad.

The Man Who Lies to Himself Said:The point is Isles, you can make fun of me for doing the DX chop and telling others to suck my super dick but what have you done lately besides SUCKING? Not a damn thing so shut the fuck up !

Christopher: I've been unlucky, so fucking what? It doesn't mean I'll bounce back and put some motherfuckers in their place. I'm more than certain that the more you talk about bullshit, the more you make me want to silence ya again. Oh, and that bit? I haven't heard that a thousand times over. Seriously, are crutches that important to ya, brah? Do you think that without 'em, you can't be taken seriously? That's just sad, brah.

Dustin: He says that you didn't see the Jon Brown era of champions for Peter's other eleven reigns.

Christopher: I'll admit, that's a fault on my part, but should it really matter? If a non champion like me can put you down to the mat and go after someone else to win, then you aren't doing a very good job at proving yourself as a freak of nature, brah. Your little history doesn't impress me either since A: Most of the matches you've won are more than likely aren't on the website's archives anymore; and B: I don't know who any of those people are. Focus on the now, dude. Get your head out of the clouds and focus on the damn match!

Ah fuck it, I'm just about done with the both of you for now. I'll let Steve take the rest of you if he wants. It doesn't matter either way, 'cause the result will be the same. I put ya to death and we win.

[With that, the scene cuts to black.]

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