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2. Ghost Stories
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Chameleon Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-07-2015, 02:43 PM

Haha, come on man.

You don’t really believe that do you?

Sure I do.

A scene is revealed from blackness. Midnight skies and the crackling of a steadily burning campfire. Gathered ‘round is Anthony Steele, CJ Sharp and Chameleon. CJ is savoring the rest, recovering from the wounds sustained from the attack of the thugs. The three men are sitting on simple logs, lying horizontally on the ground.

Anthony: I have one

In Korea, when a patient is taken to the hospital, a white bracelet is placed on their left arm. These wristbands contain the patient’s name and information. When a patient dies, a red wristband is placed on their right arm and they are taken to the morgue. In one particular hospital in Korea, a young doctor was working the night shift. It was around two a.m. when he finished his last operation. He was on the fifth floor and pressed the button for the elevator. The doctor was tired after a long day and was looking forward to the end of his shift. At two a.m. the hospital was very quiet. Most of the patients were sleeping and most of the nurses had gone home. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the young woman as the elevator descended. The elevator stopped at the basement and the door opened. They saw on old man in a white gown standing before them. The old man was about to get in when the doctor suddenly slammed the close button and punched the button for the fifth floor. “Why did you do that?” asked the astonished woman. “Ive performed a lot of operations, replied the doctor.” “Ive seen a lot of people die.” “When a person dies, they get a red wristband placed on their arm.” The woman was silent. “You saw it didn’t you?” said the doctor. “That old man…that old man had a red wristband on his arm.” “A red wristband…said the woman as she raised her right arm You mean like this one?”

CJ: Nice, that’s freaky shit.

Anthony: Hold on I’m not finished.

Have you guys heard the little girls diary entry?

This is Lisa. She is my friend. My mom and dad don’t see her, so they say she is my imaginary friend. Lisa is a nice friend.
Today I tried to plant a flower in the yard. I tried to plant it by the sandbox, but Lisa said that’s where her daddy is sleeping, so I planted it in a cup of dirt instead. Lisa is at school with me today. I brought her show and tell, but Ms. Monroe got mad, because she can’t see her. Lisa got sad, so she hid the chalk board eraser.
Yesterday was my birthday party. Mommy bought pizza, but no one came. Lisa said people came to the porch and left. But they left presents. I got three, barbies, a pair of shoes, and five dollars. Me and Lisa played with the barbies. Ms. Monroe is absent today and our substitute is named Ms. Digman. She is pretty, and nice and she is letting us have snack time after diary time. I wish Ms. Digman could stay our teacher.
Today Johnathan Parker stole my pencil case. Ms. Digman can’t find it, so she made him give me his pencils. Lisa came to school too, but Ms. Digman can’t see her. She said she believes Lisa is real.

Yesterday, Lisa and I went on a long walk, until the moon came out. Daddy got mad and said Lisa is stupid and fake and she disappeared.

Today Lisa didn’t come to school, but Ms. Digman said Ms. Monroe wont come back. Daddy was at work all day yesterday. He didn’t come home to eat dinner.

Today he is still at work. Mom packed me a pudding for lunch today. Pudding is my favorite. I miss Lisa. Daddy is real busy at work. He didn’t come home for the weekend. Mom is mad at him. I want to write a letter for Lisa.

Dear Lisa, I miss you. Please come back. I’m sorry for when my daddy was mean. You are my best friend.

Lisa came back yesterday. She said sorry for leaving and I told her my dad won’t come home from work. Lisa said him and Ms. Monroe are both sleeping like her dad.

I hope they wake up soon.

CJ: Dude how did you remember all that?

Anthony: Dad used to tell me that one all the time.

CJ: Well check this one out.
There once was a man. His name was Darren Dangerous. One day he woke up and went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He realized how ugly he was and he shot himself.

Anthony bursts in laugher

Anthony: Nice man Did you guys see what Frodo Smackins said about us?

Chameleon: Even the deaf could hear his obnoxious mouth.

Anthony: Listen Frodo, it is hard to put your stupidity into words, but…..I’m going to try.

If your stupidity were able to manifest itself into a comet-like object, and this object were to be hurdled toward Earth and collide, the entire planet would implode and collapse on itself like a neutron star.
There we go, I fell that is pretty accurate. Can you do anything other than make fun of your opponents names? What the hell do you expect to accomplish with that? If you want to talk about stupid names, let us talk about Frodo Smackins, listen you insignificant little insect. Not even the one ring can protect you from my wrath. I am going to inflict more pain on you than you could ever fathom. You and your boys might as well go ahead and start practicing getting pinned. I don’t care how many titles Dean held. He obviously wasn’t competing against any member of The Dope Show. You say I am less functional than the condom you never used? While we are on the topic of condoms, your dad should have worn one. He should have also pulled out to avoid creating such a pathetic waste of skin such as yourself. Why don’t you tie a noose around your neck and kick over a chair? It would be doing the entire world a huge favor. Also it would be doing you a favor because at madness, you are going to be subjected to a fate worse than death.

As for Darren Dangerous, this guy is trying to lead a team to take down The Dope Show? He couldn’t lead an army of ants. He would have looked better floating in a jar at birth. I hope Amanda Hands gets too carried away with that axe of hers and chops his needle dick off so that the universe does not have to suffer knowing that he reproduced.

CJ: How many times could one human being say “fucking” in one sentence? Listening to Frodo Smackins is like listening to a broken record. How do you pea-brained, idiots plan to win this match if you can’t function together as a team? It would take one thousand armies of Frodos to even stand the slightest chance of defeating even one member of The Dope Show. Darren is just something for you to play with until you get bored? Frodo, if you fondle men when you aren’t bored, I would hate to see what you do when you are. Your mother should have swallowed you. Any coward can say a million curse words and call their opponents cock suckers and . You are the epitome of worthless. A disgrace to the human race. I am going to disfigure your ugly face so bad at madness, your kids will cry when they look at daddy. Im sure after you and the rest of these losers walk away dragging the stone of defeat behind them, you will be found at home with a gun in one hand and a bottle of pills in the other, and im telling you now Frodo, I hope you decide.

Pringle Boi187 is so afraid that he cant even come up with the words to say. What kind of sad excuse for a wrestler is this kid even trying to be? Maybe The Dope Show should go buy an envelope and put a cyanide pill inside and mail it to his address so that Pringle Boi can swallow it and him and Frodo Smackins can be buried together in an unmarked grave.
It’s clear than the cat has Dean’s tongue. Just save your breath Dean, there is nothing you can say that will lessen the beating that The Dope Show is going to unfurl at madness.

The fire slowly begins to die. CJ gets up and gathers some nearby firewood to keep it alive.

Anthony: The XWF has no idea what they are in store for when it comes to The Dope Show.

The sound of wolves howling echoes deep within the grasp of frozen pines.

CJ: Look at that, even they agree.

Anthony: You are being too quiet Chameleon. What’s your deal?

CJ: Yeah man, what’s going on?

Chameleon: Frodo, I hear your message loud and clear. After all, who couldn’t with your megaphone that you call your mouth? So you don’t like my name? If making fun of my name is the best you can do then don’t even bother showing up at madness. All of the curse words in the world can’t save you from the era of inhuman tragedy that is to be ushered by my iron hand.
The ovens are bellowed to crematory high to dispose of you and the rest of the Not So Dangerous Alliance after The Dope Show reigns supreme. You will get your 15 minutes of fame as the world watches in horror upon the most savage of storms is called to rain upon you, and your body lays lifeless in the ring. The sanguinary worship of red spraying punctures.
To control the fear of your enemy, you must bore your way inside their heads. It’s clear that this has been accomplished. All I can imagine is Frodo, backing into a corner in fear as he says “fucking” endlessly, terrified and begging for mercy. I am going to make you regret ever opening your mouth, when this match is all said and done, and your life hangs by a thread in the balance. I hope myself, and the rest of The Dope Show are feeling unusually generous that night and allow the ambulance to carry your worthless, lifeless carcass out of the arena on a stretcher. When you are laying helpless in the hospital, I implore the medical staff to pull the plug on the most feeble, piteous, deplorable, wretched excuse for intelligent life that has ever walked the face of the planet. After madness, you are going to be more hideous than Leatherface, maybe you could take my place in the freak show as the new attraction for the crowd to gawk at in complete disgust.

Dean, forget all of your past accomplishments. None of what you have done in the past matters. I promise you have no idea what you are in for. You will feel like a moron after you have been decimated by a whirlwind of insufferable attacks. Armageddon is drawing near for you, the flames of hell will lick The Dope Show’s coattails as we dance out of the area victorious. Each one of us with an insatiable vigor, never to die.

What words could I spare to describe Pringle Boi 187?

He is no better than Frodo. These immature boys are stuck in a world where money, cars and women are all that matter.




In The Dope Show

The three men stand up in unison displaying new The Dope Show hoodies. They look at each other briefly and walk away.

The camera focuses on the fire and fades to black.

[Image: p7El4OA.gif]
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