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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
No Cares in the World
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-06-2015, 03:20 PM

Ghost Tank is seen in his home, sitting upon a bench, with weights above it. The amount of weights upon the bar total five hundred pounds, and it looked liked he just finished a set, with sweat running down his bearded face. He saw Alysia walk in the gym, holding a magazine. She held it out to him and he chuckled to the dress. The camera panned around them to see the dress she has picked out for their wedding:

[Image: ee71cc12-b19b-4e85-9cbf-54e16fdcfb8a_zpshddafn6m.jpg]

He looked up to her, smiling, nodding before speaking

You know you can have anything your heart desires, my love. Anything else you'd like?

I am going to let Sarah pick out her own dress, no matter the color. Oh, and the invitation was made. They are very beautiful.

He smiled wider, pulling her into his lap and kissed her lovingly for a small moment before speaking

I'm glad you're happy, dearheart. So, have you set a date?

She shook her head

Not yet, Ozzy. Unfortunately...

He kissed her on her jawline before speaking

Let me guess, you're waiting for me to be less busy?

She nodded, pressing her head to his shoulder

Yes, sweetheart. I'm waiting for you to take a bit of time off. Longer than a couple of weeks.

He chuckled and pressed his head to hers as he spoke

You knew how much of a workaholic I am, my Psyche. Soon enough, we'll have the wedding and then our honeymoon. Until it happens, just be patient. We've been together for so long already, what's a couple more weeks?

She sighed and nodded, feeling let down, but yet understanding his position. She would rather be with him as she has, than being back to her fire acts in Las Vegas, always wondering when they'll ever be together again, due to how much he loved pain, inflicting and receiving it, and if he'd ever be able to visit her again because of the hardcore lifestyle he chose to live in the ring. She slid from his lap, caressed his jawline, then gave him a gentle, yet passionate kiss. She then walked away, leaving the magazine to him so he can order the dress, and giving him one helluva sight as she intentionally shook her ass to him, which caused him to smirk, which prompted him to speak

Such a playful tiger. I love you so much, Psyche.

She chuckled and stopped at the entrance of the room, turning her head to look over her shoulder to him

I love you too, Ozzy, my Cupid.

She walked out the doors, to deal with more things for their future wedding. Ghost Tank grinned as he looked at the magazine in his hand, causing him to chuckle some before talking to himself,

For someone who has told me she doesn't want these things, she sure wants them now.

He laughed a bit, since she was the one who taught him how to live on little to no money. Yet here she wanted the most expensive things for their wedding. Ghost Tank didn't mind, she never wanted to live in mansions, five star hotels, have her own vacation home(s). So once in a while, he would have no problem getting what she wanted. He would then hear his smartphone going off, looking at a unknown caller. Since he figured it is someone from XWF, he'd accept the call as he put his phone to his right ear while sitting forward, with his elbows pressing into his thighs,

Unless you're Alvald, or if you're Frodo and you have a new number, state your business or I will find you, and break your fingers when I find out where you live, so you never dial this number again.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa, man! My name is Cj Sharpe, and I'm calling to offer a chance to join my stable, The Dope Show. Would you like to join us? It could be beneficial for us both.

Look man, what would I get out of this? I've been burned before, so why would I want to join another?

Well, we could use someone like you. Not going to lie, you're gigantic, man. We could use your power, could use your experience in the XWF ring. We'll be against the Dangerous Alliance for a while an-

I am gonna have to stop you there. My friend Frodo is on the Alliance. I can't go against him!

Whoa! Look, if it seems like you have to face him, one of the rest of the members in The Dope Show will take your place, so you and Frodo's friendship won't be damaged. Sound good, man?

Ghost Tank sighs into the phone,

I guess. However, if you fuck me over, I will break every single one of you in half. Do we have an understanding?

There was a moment of silence, as Cj thought. Then his voice sounded out into Ghost Tank's ear

Yeah. Welcome to The Dope Show!

Ghost Tank ended the call. The video would then begin to fade to black as he got up and would head for the door to follow her.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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