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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2
Ending The Doubt [RP #2]
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Phil "Cm Punk" brooks Offline

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2015, 04:07 AM

The static recording ends and she's on.

"Good day and welcome ladies and gentlefreaks of the world. Your voice here, the voice of the people. Once again here with the unbelievable and almost heroic super star CM Punk"

"How are y'all doin? And madam voice?"

"I am fantastic Phil. So it has been a little while since we last chatted. It seems the huge pay per view Relentless is approaching."

"You are correct madam."

"And what is happening there? Oh that's right, the highly anticipated multi-tag team match. This one is to be for the contender for the tag team championship of XWF."

"Yes Sho’. The Tag Title. The one championship everyone in this industry wants and dreams of."

"True, true, however there will be a total of 7 teams including yours consisting 14 competitors in this Match. Not all that great of odds don't you think punk?"

"Yeah, but that goes for all of the people going into that fight. Anything can and will happen during that brawl. I can promise you that. Ya see though madam voice, is I am very used to odds being against me in the XWF. The odds being against me in this,the most important fight of my career Here, only motivates me more."

"Well then, let's get down to business Punk.The people want to know your thoughts. Start it off with how you feel about Team Death rider?"

"Well then, hmmmm, honestly don't know all that much about that G honestly. She is a part of a group of believers in some mystical shit. I understand and get believing in things. But rider girl, don't know where the hell do you fit into that bunch. But hey girl do what ya gotta do. But something you need to believe in isyour lack of chances being the winning star in this brawl. You might have a bright future here in XWF. As I see it though, at this match though, your future will be limited and short lived. So ladies and gentlefreaks, my thoughts are simple and straight forward when it comes to death ridah. She is a part of a growing group of crazies and will stand with a no chance at winning this match."

"The people have listened to your thoughts sir. Moving on now, another teams involved in this fight,the team of Lux Lyden and Triple D, your thoughts on them ... ?"

"My thoughts on that them especially that dude named lyden is pretty simple. See Lux, People talked down to you, insulted your methods of personal life and all that. Your rise has reminded me of mine. Difference being is the amount of time it took yours compared to mine. But one thing that will be indefinitely shown at Relentless, you will fail ... AGAIN. You are an incredible man. You have fought hard to get to this point. Guess what Lux, so have I. I have fought harder and longer than you have. Better Be prepared for another disappointment lyden, It will not you and your mate walking out of that match as a victor.

Well punk, we've definitely enjoyed your thoughts thus far. But to be honest I think abreak is order now. Your voice people shallsay to be continued. We will be back folks

[Align=venter]><><<>>ENDING THE DOUBT>><><<>>[/align]

Fighting my way through everyone and anyone that has been put in front of me has brought me to the biggest and most important battle of my professional life. Coming home and spending time with my family has been my grounding point. Relaxing at home while AJ went and did a girl's day with Amy has been tremendously uplifting and splendid.

Sitting in the den, I know that in a few days I’m going to be in my hometown doing the PPV,but I was only here and now in this moment listening to my own thoughts as i continued watching television awaiting the arrival of my wife and her friend Amy.
I hear the door softly open as AJ and Amy quietly enter. They walk into the kitchen with take out for dinner.It smells like she brought home chinese from my favorite place.she comes to find me.A smile on her face. She was wearing very little make up and her hair straightened.She smelled of jasmine right now.Must have been the lotion they used on her.She walks over and Soon those luscious lips of hers find mine, planting a slow sensual kiss upon my lips.After all this time together and it's like we haven't skipped a beat or slowed down at all.
"How did it go?"
She asks me in a hushed voice.

I simply smile broadly and give her a double thumbs up letting her know it went excellently.

Soon enough she kissed me again and head to her room to change her clothes as I rise to my feet and enter the kitchen where Amy proceeds to be searching through the takeout Chinese food bag

"Hey manager of mine. How was the girls day?"

Amy looks up at me and smirks, shrugging her shoulders.
[Brown]"It was aight. You know it's more A's thing than mine. We had these college guys following us around until I threatened to riptheir balls off and shove them down their throats."[/brown]She smirks.[brown]"You're wife offered to wear them as earrings."[/brown]

Just then AJ walks in with a smirk.
"You telling him about those little punks?"

Amy nods, handing me my food and then AJ hers.

[Brown]"You threw tools at them from Sears."
AJ innocently shrugs her shoulders as she sits upon the stool beside me.[/brown]
"It was all harmless. Had that kid ran fasterI would have never hit his shin with that wrench."
Amy laughs some and gets us all a drink.

"So am I going to be expecting company later for the antics y'all pulled in Sears?
[Brown]"Hey. They were not antics. It's called getting rid of pesky little bitches. They werecollege kids who followed us from store to store. Which we wouldn't of had to do walk around that boring ass mall if we didn't have to wait for someone who worked there that spoke english."[/brown] AJ chuckles, eating her food as amy went on her tirade."Ok but that doesnt that doesn't exactly answer my question." i chuckle as well. My eyes keep going between them as I finish my food off. AJ reaches over, gently squeezing my hand."We're good. No visitors."

"Aiight thats good, I have been contacting the board of directors to see about my contract Amy. Have you come across any new shit?"

AJ continues to eat as Janessa sighs some.
[Brown]"No, I'm honestly just waiting to see what they offer you. Ya know? Hoping they don't fuck you over."[/brown]
I glance at Am giving her a wink.

"Well I won't sign the damn thing if you don't approve of what will be in the contract."

Amy nods a little to me.[brown]"They typically won't get in touch with you about a new contract until a month before if you're lucky, maybe 2 weeks minimum."[/brown]

"I expected as much. There is just so much on my mind right now and upcoming."

I return AJ's wink with one of my own. I allow the ladies to lead the way out of the kitchen as I follow holding my wife's hips. Amy plops downstair to recieve a call as I follow AJ to the couch, sitting down beside her and putting my arm around her after she leans into me...

"How are you feeling baby?"

I wrap my arm around her with a smile.
I feel great my love. I have you. And we are going to Chicago together. I'm incredibly happy sweetheart. How are you feeling?"
I relax more as I hold AJ close to me.
"I feel pretty good honestly."She takes me by surprise when she moves onto my lap, straddling me with a wicked grin on her lips.

"I could be better though."
she says as she leans in, softly kissing my lips with those luscious lips of hers. I return her kiss with more passion as my hands begin to roam all over her back and incredible ass. This woman is truly my everything and truly is my other half.It is time to shut down the monitors to the worldwide crazy people living within the confines of my endless mind. This is punk and AJs time!!
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