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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Faith! Champion! RP 2
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-07-2013, 03:08 PM

"How many times do I have to tell you, wrestling is my life going forward. I cannot put everything into this reunion. Not anymore. I'm going to be a champion."

[Image: OHtRDmdy.jpg]

Chris Macbeth is sat with his band mates in the backstage area of Madison Square Garden. Macbeth was in town already due to this weeks Warfare being held in this same arena. After a quick phone call he had invited his band mates out as a band that they once toured with was headlining a concert at the Garden and had invited them all to come along and have a bit if a party with them. What a good party they were having. Drinks had been flowing and a few fans had been let in to join the party and have photos taken with there favourite bands and on this occasion wrestler.

[Image: 1.jpg]

Eventually as usual though any conversations had quickly turned heated when Macbeth was seen to be talking too much about himself performing in the Garden on Wednesday Night, competing for the X-Treme Championship from Luca Arzegotti. Some of his band mates jumped on him about it.

"Your always talking Wrestling"

"That's all you think about"

Blah, blah, blah.

They will never understand. Never understand the feeling of stepping in the ring and going man to man, toe to toe with some of the greatest in the entire business. The thousands of fans in the arena cheering or booing along to your every move. The rush, the excitement is one of if not the best feeling in the world and Macbeth won't give that up. Yeah the band are used to having thousands of people cheering and singing along to there songs. They did that for years, but it's so different when you are your own man preparing for combat like two Gladiators stepping into the colosseum ready for battle. Walking out on to the ramp with your music blaring and the crowd pop hitting you like a sledgehammer being swung at you by John Madison the King of the XWF.

This week will be the same. Macbeth finally has his shot. A shot at the X-Treme title against the previously mentioned's little Black Circle buddy Luca Arzegotti. Week after week Macbeth has been out in pointless matches and proved his worth every time win or loss. This time it has to be a win and that is all that is going through Macbeth's mind and this is why he may find it hard to not talk about it. It is more important than anything else in his world for the next few days and it has to be that way. If it wasn't that way then there would be trouble and Macbeth would definitely struggle a bit more to get the rewards he feels he so greatly deserves.

"Oh would you lot just give it a rest"

Macbeth walk away from his band mates and heads to the side of the stage where the friends have begin there set. Standing peeking out to the packed out Madison Square Garden crowd excitement takes over his body as he imagines Wednesday Night he will be stood in this arena again but with the crowd cheering and shouting after he wins his match and the X-Treme title belt.

The band finish one of here songs and the lead singer let's the crowd no of the special guest that is stood at the side of the stage and beckon Macbeth to walkout onto the stage to show his face to the fans. A task that Macbeth duly obliges too. Walking out from the side of the stage onto the stage there is a big pop from the wrestling fans in the audience and Macbeth waves looking around the audience.

[Image: 10809299-large.jpg]

"What that's her" Macbeth thinks to himself.

On the very first row at centre stage stands Faith. The girl he met a couple of days ago on Liberty Island. She gave him what seemed to be a little warning when they were stood at the top of the statue. Now she is here, maybe she is following him. She may not have even knew that Macbeth was going to be there and might just be a big fan of the band the majority of the crowd were here to see. There is definitely something odd going on though because once Faith's eyes make contact with Macbeth's she lets a little smile cross her face as well as a wink for good measure. She then turns and makes her way back through the crowd.

Macbeth trying to keep his eye on the mysterious Faith waves at the rest of the crowd before quickly making his way off stage and straight down the corridor to the entrance to the VIP lounge. He enters the room and stands in the middle look around. Left and right all over the room his eyes searching for Faith. He could have sworn she headed in here. But she is nowhere to be seen. Exiting back out from the VIP room he looks down the corridor to the left and see the emergency exit door slam shut just missing a red sneaker passing through it.

Macbeth quickly ran down te corridor and smashed open the exit door only to be met by a giant of a man blocking his way. Macbeth looks at the mans badge that is positioned on his left shirt pockets.

Madison Square Garden Security.

Security: I'm sorry Sir you can't come though here.

Macbeth: What why not, a girl just past through here a few minutes ago. I saw her.

Security: You must be mistaken Sir I have been stops here at this door all day. Nobody has passed through here.

Macbeth: Well you are wrong I jus watched we pass through here. Right before I did.

Security: Like I have said, you must be mistaken as I have been stood right here and I am sure I would have noticed if somebody had of passed through this door. Now if you would be so kind Sir and make your way back through this door and remain in the allocated areas.

Macbeth giving up the ghost sighs and makes his way back into the building leaving the Security Officer to slam the fire exit door shit again behind him. Giving up the ghosts berth heads back into the VIP bar and orders himself some drinks. He sits down in a big circle booth with his drinks lined up in front of him. The live music out of the arena can be heard over the bars speaker system as he sits back into his chair and tries to relax with nothing but Faith running through his mind, what is she all about.

Coincidence or Not?

A waitress heads over to his table and take 3 of his empty glasses as Macbeth asks for 3 more replacements. She walks away and Macbeth swigs back a Jäger-Bomb just as Adam walks into the bar. After ordering drinks at the bar they come over and sit at the booth with Macbeth.

Adam: Where did you go?

Macbeth: Here.

Adam: I can see that.

Adam reaches over the table and hands Macbeth a piece of paper.

Macbeth: What's this?

Adam: some girl gave it to me outside.

Macbeth unfolds the paper to reveal a phone number and Faith written on it.

Macbeth: When did you get this?

Adam: Just outside. Some nice little thing. She said she new you.

Macbeth: Just outside, I mean when?

Adam: Just now.

Macbeth jumps to his feet and makes his way outside.

Adam: What's the rush?

As Macbeth runs out onto the street he looks up and down. Faith isn't in site so he pulls the piece of paper out his pocket and his cell and dials the number. Holding the phone to his ear listening to the generic voicemail as Faith doesn't answer Macbeth sighs and walks back inside to the bar.

Several Hours Later.

Inside the VIP bar at Madison Square Garden Chris Macbeth and his band mates are joined by the band they have been invited here to see and all of them are pretty well drunk now. Adams head is resting on the table of the same booth they were sat at earlier as Macbeth is stood up at the bar with another couple of his band mates.

Between them busting his balls about his lack of dedication to the band and Faith mysterious appearances and now this number Macbeth's mind is slowly getting pulled away for what could be the biggest night in his life when he steps into the Ultimate Warfare Octagon and faces Luca Arzegotti one on one for the X-Trem Title. This isn't good enough and anger is beginning to build within him. Macbeth necks back another Vodka and stumbles away leaving the sound of his band mates moaning at him behind.

"I need to find Faith"

"No, No, No"

"I need to become a champion"



Macbeth stumbles out into the street and hails a cab. After about 4 drive right by him one finally pulls up and Macbeth falls into the back and tells the driver where he is going then quickly passes out.

Arriving at the Chelsea hotel the cab driver has turned to see Macbeth passed out, sprawled across his black seat. After trying to wake him for what's seems like a good 10 minutes the cab driver eventually opens his door and steps out the cab and walks to the back door and opens it up. Reaching in and placing his hand on Macbeth's right shoulder he shakes him awake.

Cabbie: Sir, You are here.

Macbeth rubs his eyes and sits up looking out of the door past the cabbie and seeing the Chelsea Hotel. The hotel where one of his musical idols apparently murdered his wife in a drugged up haze.

Macbeth: Thanks.

The cab driver steps out of the way of the door and Macbeth climbs out the cab and hands the cabbie his fee and makes his way into the Chelsea hotel lobby. Once inside the receptionist smiles at him with a slight look of concern in her eyes. Macbeth had left the hotel early in the morning to meet his band mates from the airport and after a hell of a day partying and running round manhattan causing all kinds of trouble now looks like he... Well like he has spent and entire day doing the things previously mentioned. He continues down the corridor and leans against the wall his legs struggling to hold his drunken body anymore.

The elevator arrives and he forces his legs one in front of the other to walk him in. He misjudged his positioning in the elevator as he reaches to push the button for the top floor and almost falls flat on his face. He catches himself and holding onto the mirrored wall of the elevator finally gets the doors to close and the elevator starts to rise.

Stepping out of the elevator at the top he searches his pockets for his room key and continues stumbling along the hall looking for his room.

"Damn key wont work"

Macbeth at a door is trying to insert his key but to know luck. Eventually after about 5 minutes of trying he hears the door unlock and open.
There is a disgruntled hotel customer stood inside the room in his briefs and a vest.

"This isn't my room" Macbeth says out loud.

"No Sh#t" the annoyed customer retaliates.

He slams the door shit and Macbeth takes the 5 steps to his left and reaches the door he had intended to open to start with. This time the key works as quick as a flash and the door swings open.

Macbeth notices a piece of paper on the floor behind the door and bends down to pick it up.

"Woops, ouch"

Falling square onto his face Macbeth just lays in a shrunken heap laughing his head off. He manages to kick the door shut from his grounded position and finally picks up the piece of a paper and takes a look.

You have my number.

Call me. I am here to help.


What the hell Macbeth thinks to himself as the contents of his letter almost instantly sobers him up enough to get to his feet and walk the few steps into the room to where his bed is located. Sitting on the edge of his bed he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the piece of paper Adam had given him earlier and read Faiths number out looking between the 2 pieces of paper he now has from this mysterious woman he falls back onto his bed and passes out for the night.

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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