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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The moment of truth!
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

07-19-2015, 09:55 PM

Fontanna was walking through the streets of Honolulu. He passes by random fruit stands and random tourist trap locations. Before finally reaching his destination. The camera pans up to show Fontanna standing in front of The First Church Of The Redeemed of Hawaii..

[Image: th?id=JN.Bb5Nk9Lc%2bCmRXjwXVaUC4g&pid=15.1&P=0]

Fontanna opens the doors and walks inside...the inside looks like a 15th century temple. Everything was decked out in solid gold. Even the priest robes where lined with gold. Fontanna walks into the center of the sanctuary only to be greeted by a short balding priest, only this one was dressed differently from the rest. He didn't have a robe on at fact he was actually running when he smacked into Fontanna. His tubby belly jiggled as he struggled to get himself back to his feet.


Hearing a priest cuss was a bit shocking to Fontanna. He offers the fallen man his hand but the priest insisted on getting up himself. He dusts off his clothes and and scrambles to his feet...

Please are in my way!

He tries to push himself past Fontanna but get's grabbed by his shirt collar and Fontanna stops him dead in his tracks.

Now what seems to be the damn hurry? You damn near made me spill my delicious espresso all over myself!

I do apologize but you see I'm in a rush sir...two men are going to fight a top an active volcano!

Fontanna thought Well he is obviously talking about Me and Morbid, because who else would be crazy enough to wrestle on top of an active volcano!

You see I need to stop them sir! Someone is going to get killed if this is allowed to continue!!

Easy now Rabi...your talking to one of the crazy bastards that is going to fight on that there Volcano.

The priest takes a few steps back...looking over Fontanna.

Sir......Do you understand what your about to do?

Of course I do amigo. I'm about to rid the XWF of some washed up piece of shit forever!

The priest takes out a small folded handkerchief and wipes the sweat off his forehead. I mean this guy looked like one more cheeseburger away from a massive coronary. He puts the handkerchief away in his back pocket...

No sir....that's not what I'm talking about. This is the 7th year of the 7th year!! Meaning that that volcano your about to fight completely unstable! Meaning if you drop the temperature inside that volcano, even the slightest, it will send the whole thing up! Killing us all!!!

Well sorry about your luck padre...but this match is happening regardless of how unstable that rock is. You see someone has to finally put this hack in his place. I recommend evacuating the area because in just a few short days I'm tossing that morbid mother fucker into that Volcano.

Sir I'm begging you! Please don't do this...think about your soul!

My soul was killed years ago sir. This is about proving a point!

Fontanna side steps the priest and ignores him as he walks deeper into the sanctuary. Fontanna walks past rows of pews, which if this was a Sunday, would be filled to capacity with tithing believers trying to buy there way into heaven. Not today they sit empty. Fontanna walks to the front row and then slides into one of the empty spots. He pulls out a crucifix out of his pocket...he clutches the cross and bows his head...

Father...forgive me for I've sinned. It's been a very long time since I've talked with you...this time I come on business. You see this week I face one of Lucifer's favorite soldiers. I face Morbid Angel in a Volcano Death Match. Now I know that I don't deserve your mercy and grace but this is something I must do. I need your holy blessing as I go toe to toe with the face of evil and try and vanquish him from earth once and for all!

The walls begin to quake with a force that began to crack, rocking all the way to the foundation. Rays of light begin to illuminant the whole sanctuary. The beams of light begin to penetrate Fontanna sending his body into convulsions. Fontanna throws his head back as the beams of light shoot out of his mouth. Fontanna screams out in pain until the lights dissipate leaving Fontanna crumbled up on the floor. After a few minutes of silence looking like he might even be dead...Fontanna begins to show signs of life as he pulls himself back to his knees. Fontanna's eyes are now solid white as smoke is rolling out of his mouth...

Morbid Angel!!!! You caught me. I didn't ask for this match because I admire your work. In fact I down right despise your work. I asked for this match for one reason only! That's so I can rid the world of your evil once and for all! Your days of cutting off dicks and living to tell the stories are over. You said you regret taking this match because I'm not ready to face a legend...well that might have been true twenty minutes ago. Now I'm filled to the brim with ultimate power...I'm filled with the light! Now tell me what is the lights only job? To turn back the darkness! This Wednesday your reign of darkness is over and a new era of light begins!

The screen goes black

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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