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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
PlaceMarker One of Us. RP 2 vs. Roxy Cotton.
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Nico LaVey Offline
The Prince of Vice

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-19-2015, 09:40 PM

Hey XWF! Roxy has decided to try her luck again with yet another promo. I'm only going to talk about when she speaks, as I don't have much time right now. Let's see what Roxy has to say.

Quote:Hey Nico… real quick, I drink skinny soy lattes, with no whip. Da Vinci didn’t paint the Mona Lisa with a fat brush did he? A work of art is exactly that. Work. I just got done putting the finishing touches on my Perfect Ten looks.

Nico immediately slams his head against his desk and lets out a loud "ohhhhhhhhh." He brings his head up, looking like he has no hope left in humanity.

..,well, we are off to a great start. I mean, do I REALLY have to say anything? Out of ALL the things that I said to you in my last promo, you fixated on THAT?! How is that relevant at ALL?! Like, how the fuck do you think that's a good thing to start with? You could have puked and it would have been a better opening. That would be more insulting! It would imply my promo made you sick! But no, you share your regular Starbucks order to the world, and very loosely tie it in at the end with a comment about your looks, which also isn't relevant in a wrestling match. Fucking Hell, Roxy.

Quote: We all know that Craigslist escort you rented to play the part of your wife only stuck around until her sixty dollar hour ran out, don’t we?

Hey, Ophelia!

Ophelia walks in, wearing a black pencil dress and thigh-high red socks.


Roxy thinks you're an escort from Craigslist.

Pshh, takes one to know one.

Nico looks into the camera.

There you have it.

Quote:Let me explain to you exactly why you are just another example of everything wrong with a male-dominated society.’

Nico's eyes widen.

Oh Shit.

Quote:You do everything in your ability to try and be what you think is ‘manly.’

Oh fuck, Roxy, don't go down that path.

Quote: You cover yourself in sexist tattoos, like a walking poster for Sailor Jerry, for one.

DAMNIT ROXY! YOU'VE GONE FULL FEMINAZI ON ME! I was honestly hoping you wouldn't, because now it's WAYYY too easy for me to beat you. I am an expert on this subject. This'll be a breeze.

Quote: How many oversized sets of tits are on your skin, Nico? How many little fantasy drawings of women who, if they were real, would never come anywhere near you?

...have you seen my tattoos? It's all artistic, no boobs to be seen. I have a dead luchador on one arm, a tribute to Mankind on the other, the Mad Hatter's skull, and a little globe on my neck that says "Revolution." At least do your research before you bash me for something.

Quote:I bet you’d never think of anything as original as treating your body like a temple to be worshipped, would you? Look at me. Healthy. Glowing with bronzed vibrance. Curves molded through years of hard work. Sure, I’ve had my share of cosmetic enhancements, but those are just the same as a man putting on his tie to go in to the office. It’s just a part of the uniform, baby.

Nico has to hold back his laughter.

Excuse me for asking, but what part of being a whore involves you treating your body like a temple? You have gone on record saying that you suck tons of cock! For fuck's sake, Roxy! I'm actual worried about your mental well being. I mean, you JUST stepped out of a tanning bed before you started recording! Oh, yeah, tanning beds, totally healthy and not at all known to cause cancer! And "share" of cosmetic enhancements? Yeah, you've definitely had your share. And mine. And Ophelia's. And my whole family's share. You've also had Vinnie's share, Morbid's share, Thunderbolt X's share, but still, you've had your share. And no, it's nothing at all like putting on a tie. I can take off my tie right now. You can't just take off a pair of fake tits.

Quote:You live your life in a comfort afforded to you by other members of your gender, not you yourself. You can’t stack up to the other men, and you decide to make yourself feel better by putting women down. You’re just another in a long line of little girls born with the wrong genitals who grew up angry at the woman inside of them – so you take it out on us, the pretty ones. The ones that, deep down, you really wish you were.

Oh, like HELL I can't! I mean, it's not like I knocked out you, Trax, Dim, Swagmire, and Ghost Tank with my offense. Where the fuck did you get the idea of me putting down all women? Yeah, I insulted you and Ginger, but you are you, and Ginger was irritating me. I mean, I'm married to my soulmate right now. How the fuck can I not be good around women if at the age of 25 i'm married? I know that's not an amazing age or anything, but it's better than what you are calling me! You are basically calling me a neckbeard right now. What neckbeard looks like me and is married like me? Zero, Roxy. Zero.

Quote:You don’t think I feel your jealousy when you see me walk by? The way your eyes linger on my strong calves when I wear my six inch stilettos? You play it off like you’re staring at my ass, because in a locker room full of over-hormoned andro-boys it’s more socially acceptable for you to marginalize and objectify me than to admit that you wish you could have a pair just like mine.

Where are you getting all this from? Because it's not right at all. We've had one confrontation, and that was when I was actually cheering for you. You seem to forget that I was once cheering for you. I hadn't known you before that moment. And when I hit you with a Crucifixion, I was just letting out my frustration on you. You were actually KO'ed before that. I doubt you even felt it. And of course, only YOU would think that me looking at your ass is me better than looking at your calves. You can actually take a cock in your ass, not in your calves.

Quote:The thing that really sets you apart from the rest of the self-hating misogynists out there is that you’re just blissfully ignorant about it. Oh, to you there’s no such thing as a wage gap in modern America.

There isn't. Most women have jobs that pay lower on average than the jobs men have. The women that HAVE the jobs men have get paid the same amount, unless they did less work. Then, obviously, they get less money for less work. There is in fact a wage gap though. It's actually between men and women. When men get jobs that women usually get, 12% get paid less for the same work. Well, 12% if I remember correctly. Oh, sorry, I forgot that when you actually explain something with logic, you are accused of "mansplaining" despite your gender. My mistake.

Quote:There’s nothing wrong with a cadre of 80 year-old white men telling me what I can legally do with my own body.

...No, I don't think that. Remember, my dad wasn't really a Satanist. He called himself one, but it was more like justified Anarchism than Satanism. He taught people to do WHATEVER makes them happy. That's something that I strongly believe in. What, you think that I don't want you to suck cock for a living? I don't care. You do yourself, Roxy.

Quote:Or how about the fact that you go on and on about an “XWF Women’s Division,” which doesn’t even exist? Where is this women’s division? Where is the women’s championship? There are just women. Women trying to struggle their way through a system designed by and for men, like a microcosm of the life we live outside of the ring as well.

You know what I meant. We have amazing wrestlers here that happen to be women. They are fantastic at this. You aren't one of them. There's nothing wrong with that though. Like I said before, you are a great valet with good mic skills. Use that, Roxy. Because so far, you are giving me nothing.

Quote: Once you trade that patriarchical way of thinking in for a brand new set of titties, maybe you’ll understand Face it... your daddy didn't give you away because he thought you were 'too dangerous' due to violence. He thought you were 'too dangerous' to the image of a testosterone-laden boys' club.

If there's anything I learned about you in this promo Roxy, it's that you are happy with going off of assumptions rather than facts. You thought you had me all figured out, but you didn't at all. You did the exact same thing that you accused me of, and that's insulting me the same way anyone else in the locker room would. Just replace all the ideas of me being a closet-tranny with me being a , and you have the average XWF promo. In trying to seperate yourself from the crowd, you used the exact same ideas that the crowd does. Bravo.

Oh, and by the way, my dad didn't think I was too dangerous because I was violent. Being my dad, the man who taught people to do themselves even if that means killing and raping, he was fine with me being violent. It was that instead of being the kind of Satanist that he was, I was the full on cultist kind. He didn't want me to be that, so he lost hope in me. When he died, he gave my sister the church HE ran. Now, I run my own. Again, get your facts instead of just making assumptions. It makes your promos a ton more credible. Goodbye, Roxy.

[Image: zTgZCuO.jpg]

Overall Record: 2-8-1.

1x Federweight Champion.

Shitlist: Izzy Ravenwolf, Nate Higgers.

“We have never heard the devil's side of the story, God wrote all the book.”
― Anatole France
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