07-19-2015, 09:08 PM
I'm sitting on the bed with my legs crossed, and the tv playing. Johnny comes in from swimming in the hotel pool. He's got a towel covering himself, and his goggles still on his head. He walks over and kisses me on the head.
Hey, sweetie. Did you nap well?
Nah, head hurt. So, I got up and started watching some silly movie. It's got that one blonde girl in it. The one who keeps doing the romantic comedies I love.
Katherine Heigel?
I nod excitedly. He sits down next to me and watches it for a minute. It's the one where she's a bounty hunter. I don't get some of the jokes, but it's pretty funny.
I'm gonna have a shower.
Dim recorded another promo, so I'll reply while you're in the shower. Don't fall.
He chuckles, and gets up to go to the shower. I pull out my laptop and set the camera on. My hair is a mess, and I'm wearing my sparkly rainbow shirt. I still look super cute. I hit record and begin to speak.
Dim, when I had a dog I would put him on a lead if he went for a walk. The thing is, though, Trax isn't a dog. He isn't an animal, he's a people. Black people are people, not animals. They deserve the same respect as people. So do gay people. What you're talking about is slavery, which is wrong. People deserve to be free, and your country's founders even wrote that everyone is created equal. I did see what Trax did, and I've told him before, killing people is wrong. Hurting people is wrong. But, don't excuse what you did, either. You went to Walmart, killed a bunch of people and burnt their bodies because they were black. You also attacked a woman who was trying to buy food for her kids. What did her kids do to deserve going hungry? Nothing. No child deserves that. I hope you feel bad.
I see you found searched on Google for ghetto neighbourhoods, with black people in them. Probably one that was damaged in a storm, or that was being demolished. You use ignorance to justify your racism, which is just wrong. Dim, I truly expect better from you. In the United Kingdom, the blacks have had freedom for a lot longer, and our economy is fine. It's not the fault of the blacks for the economy being bad, it's just because Yanks lost the values of the Queen. The Queen could fix you. Look at how well she's doing for us.
Taking people's rights away from the is mean. Period. Treating people as less than human is mean. Period.
If I'm not a talented wrestler, why have I only lost one match, and why am a former champion, and in the running for the title again? Because the general managers acknowledge something that you can't. I'm talented. I did say I'm good at taking care of people. I said I was, not all women. Roxy is good at stuff that I'm not, and Tiffany is really good at stuff. I've never seen a girl drink as much as she does, and still look cute. I've also never met a woman with the ability to make people feel good about themselves like she can. And, she can squirt milk out her eye. That's pretty fun, especially when she does it and it hits King Henry. That's so adorable.
Dim, I don't even know your real name, but I did try and befriend you. I would defend you from being bullied, and I tried to be nice to you. I'm still being nice to you. I still want to be your friend, but every time I say something to you, you tell me to do some sort of sexual act to you. But, I don't want to do that stuff with you. Sure, you're really hot, especially those teeth, but I have a boyfriend, and you're more having trouble accepting who you really are. It's ok, Dim. Some day, you'll realise it's ok to be nice to people, and ok to go home and cry when you think about poor Sandy. It's ok to be sensitive. I believe you're a good person being forced to believe the ignorance you spread. Do your "friends" force their ideals on you?
Dim, do these people really respect you? Because, they drove a car down to the ring, and tried to kill someone while you were in the ring. What if Ellis had accidentally hit you with that mask on? Would that be respect, still? Would they still be your friend if they saw you crying when you see a picture of Sandy? At your lowest, I'll be there for you as a friend, and at your highest, I'd be there to celebrate with you. Dim, I want to be your friend. Just, please be nicer.
You do know Gordon Ramsay isn't English, yeah? He's like me, Scottish. And he's actually a Christian, as well. He's not a Atheist or English, like you claimed. Do you just use those words to insult people who don't hate like you do? If you love people are you Atheist to Dim? Because, I'm a Christian, and I've never heard my Vicar talk about the things you've done, he actually talks about how Jesus loves everyone. And how Jesus was from the Middle East, so he wouldn't be white.
Dim, I bring up Trax because you're constantly talking about him. Every time you talk, or show a video, Trax is mentioned. I really think you might be in love with him. Is that why you have this hatred for gay men and black men? Because you're in love with Trax, and ashamed of it? I want you to know, that if you are, I'm ok with it. I'm happy for you. I hope you can admit your feelings to Trax, and that he'll reciprocate. Want me to talk to him for you?
You want to belittle my wins? Fine, tell me that I'm not good because I only beat Thunderbolt, Vinnie Lane, and Ghost Tank. But, Ghost Tank is a really big dude, and I beat him. And Thunderbolt is also really big, I Suplexed him. Vinnie Lane is a tough competitor, he was fighting for the Universal title, and according to him, pinned the current champ more times than anyone else ever has. Something to remember, though, in my first night ever as a wrestler, I beat five other men for a chance at a title. And then I went on and won against someone else, after fighting five men off. That's impressive. Drew lost the title because he didn't meet the stipulations for challenging for a title. I didn't know there were stipulations, had I known I wouldn't have accepted, I don't want to break the rules. You, though, you purposely avoided fighting when you were a champion.
I've thought about it. I think the reason that Kirk booked the match was because you kept talking about gay people so much, and so I think Kirk came to the same realisation I did, and he wanted to help you out.
Dim, I can't cook very well. Johnny likes to cook, and he's better at it than I am. I don't want to cook. I like to clean, but I don't do it because anyone tells me I have to. I do it because it's fun, and I can sing along with the birds outside when I do. I don't think you understand women.
You keep talking about wanting to do these things to people you think look like men. Do you like men who look like women, as well as women who look like men? Do you want to cover poor Maggie's face and pretend she's Trax?
I close my laptop and close my eyes. My head hurts. I leave them closed for a minute while I try and stop the pain. Johnny walks in from the bathroom, holding two pills and that same plastic cup from before, a towel wrapped around his midsection. He hands them to me, and goes to put on shorts. When he's dressed, he sits on the foot of the bed and begins to rub my feet. They're really sore, but not cold.
I'm so lucky to have you.
Not nearly as lucky as I am. Want me to do your back after I finish your feet?
I nod, and bite my lip. Johnny loves it when I bite my lip. He keeps rubbing my feet. He starts at the toes, and then he goes to the part of the foot between the toe and the arch. I call it my foot monster. I scrunch my foot up and make growly noises at Johnny as if it's really a Monster. Johnny starts laughing so hard I think he might fall off the bed.
Dork. What was that?
You rubbed the monster of my feet. They growled in appreciation.
He kissed my foot monster and continued to rub them until both feet were happy. I made them purr like a kitty and rubbed his face with them. I move the laptop to the chair by the bed, and roll onto my stomach. Johnny comes and straddles me before lifting my shirt the begin rubbing my back. He starts at my lower back, and slowly moves up to the small of my back, where he gently massages before kissing my back, and moving up all through my back. This leads to us making love in the hotel, and then me laying under the sheet, while Johnny props himself up with a pillow and covers his lower half with the blanket. He's stroking my hair and I'm just laying there snuggled up to him.
It just keeps getting better with you.
What? The sex? It's you, babe. You keep making it better.
No, I mean everything. Life, our relationship. All of it. It gets better because of you. The sex, it's great. And I'm so glad you're who I get to experience all of this with, but it doesn't mean as much to me as the romance, the comfort of knowing I'm loved, and cared for. The knowledge that if I ever need something, I have you I can count on. Even if I just need a good cry.
He stopped stroking my hair long enough to turn my face to his before kissing me deeply. It was the kiss to make all other kisses jealous.
I will always be here for you. But, I remember the girl who told me she wanted to be independent.
And I do, I want to show people I can do things on my own, like the wrestling. I'm doing well there. But, I alwaus have to prove myself to people. They keep thinking I'm not good enough, but I am! I am good enough. Aside from that, I love knowing I have you here with me. I like knowing that you're in my corner.
Johnny pulls away. He stands up and throws the pillow at me. I make a grumpy face, I think he's kidding.
What the hell, Ginger? You want me to back you, but you want to do stuff on your own? So, what? I'm a play toy? You pull me out when you want something, but throw me in a chest when you want to prove that you're special? Is that it?
No, Johnny! It's not that at all. I love you. I love being with you. I just want to prove that I'm capable of being on my own.
Then be on your own. God, I was going to ask you to marry me later. Goddamn!
He storms to the bathroom, and slams the door. I get to my feet and scurry over to there, but the blankets trip me up, and I fall on my face. Johnny hears the thud, and walks out of the bathroom, to where I'm at. He looks down at me.
And you want me to help you up, don't you? You're selfish, Ginger. You've never considered how I feel about this. Do you think I want to watch my girlfriend go out and get the shit kicked out of her by strange men every week?
I'm crying.
No, Johnny! I don't think you do, but I think you know I'm good at this, and I can't rely on you forever. I have to be able to save up enough to make sure if something happens Georgie is ok. And what if we have kids? I need to make sure they're ok. I want to stop this when I have enough money for us. I'd say yes if you asked me to marry you.
Johnny leans down and helps me up. He wipes the tears from my eyes.
I'm sorry, Ginger. I just get so frustrated by this wrestling thing. I don't like it. It's too dangerous, and you could seriously get hurt. Or, I could lose you forever. What if Peter Gilmour gets his act together, and treats you right. Would you leave me for him?
I shake my head and bury it in his chest.
No. I'm gonna be Mrs. Jonathon Sterling. I'm going to have your kids, and we're gonna retire out to a house in Aberfoyle, or to Birmingham, or wherever you want us to go. I like Aberfoyle, the name is silly. Just tell me you forgive me. Please. I forgive you for the things you said.
He kisses me, and rubs my head. I think this means he forgives me.
<3 Gator <3