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New Face(s) Of Failure More Like
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-11-2015, 01:40 PM

OOC: Had permission from Ghost Tank to use him

The scene opens in a dimly lit gymnasium where "Mr FN' Dominance" Trax is currently at, dressed in tank top and shorts, throwing a flurry of impossibly fast left and rights on a punching bag with unrelenting punishing impact. Trax darts and bounds on the spot shifting left and right in liquid fluid-movement as he lands expertly placed boxing jabs with his taped fists. The gym is empty save for Trax and his friend Extreme Machine, who is dressed in a suit leaning nonchalantly against a wall nearby not paying too much attention to Trax, instead staring into space while he smokes on a fine Cuban Cigar. Trax finally stops throwing jabs at the punching bag and wipes sweat off his brow turning to his friend.

Trax:: You know you're not meant to be smoking in here.

EM:: Says who?

Says ME. I OWN this gym.Hence why I'm able to be in here after hours?

Oh yeah...well... I seem to recall owning YOU several times in the ring back in the day.

Trax laughs and picks up a water bottle on a bench near the punching bag, he takes a sip then looks back over to EM.

Maybe its about time you put up or shut up, get back in the ring and see who owns who, hm?

Nah I already told you, I'm retired, when you win the Universal title...maybe...speaking about winning titles, don't think I've congratulated you yet.

On what?

Winning the X-Treme Title?

I don't need congratulations, I'm Mr Fucking Dominance son, winning titles is my job,would you congratulate a mail man for posting the mail?

My old mail man fucked my ex-wife so maybe I should congratulate him for showing me what a slut she was....

Ha. Forgot about that shit, good times.

Yeah...So um, tell me how this 24/7 defending thing work?

Pretty simple...if you watched the last promo I put out explained for causal viewers like yourself, anytime anywhere anyone can attempt to pin me to take the title off me...thats it. Someone pins the X-Treme Champ, regardless of the circumstance, they become the champ.






You got it.

Thats interesting man...

EM walks up to Trax rubbing his chin as if pondering.... Trax is doing streches looking down at the floor not really paying much attention to his approaching friend...

So....I could THIS?

EM kicks Trax in the gut! Trax spits out a mouth full of water and doubles over in pain! EM sets Trax up for his old finisher the X-bomb, hoisting Trax up before planting him into the ground! EM goes for the pin, as he does the punching bag EXPLODES and out comes a XWF referee.

I shit you not.

A fucking referee comes exploding out the fucking punching bag what the fuck. He begins to count the pin!




Trax coughs profusely holding his ribs...EM gets to his feet looking down at Trax with a smirk.

Almost got you kid.

What happened to not caring about anything other than a possible Universal title shot when I'm champ you snake!?

I was just testing you, making sure you're always on your toes buddy.

Testing my ass....where the fuck did that referee com-

Trax looks over to where the referee was counting. Hes gone.

Where the fuck did he go?

No idea man, I genuinally had no idea that was going to happen. Was he in the punching bag all this time? Does he have to like.... follow you around+ 24/7 in case someone tries pinning you? What a pro. How much is XWF paying that guy?

Not enough, Ghost Tank is making him work over time.

Both men laugh, Trax then looks over to the clock on the wall.

Speaking of time, time to get out of here, got places to be,got an interview with a couple of good friends of mine.

I'm STILL in disbelief you have other friends.

Trax chuckles and grabs the duffel bag that was next to the water bottle on the bench, the pair make their way towards the exit as the scene fades.

The scene re-opens and we are now on the set of The Breakfast Club, the hottest urban interview show. On the scene are DJ Envy, Angela Yee and Charlamagne "Tha God" on one side of the desk, Mr Dominance Trax on the other, the X-Treme Championship situated on the desk in front of him.

Dj Envy:: 'Sup this your boy DJ Envy with me here is the lovely Angela Yee...

Heeeeeeey people.

...and my boy Charlamagne "Tha God"

Waddup people.

And on the set tonight is a brother who has been on the show before and its a pleasure to have him here again....Mr Dominance Trax...

Pleasure to be here again man. Charlamagne you wasn't here the first time I was here, where was you at son?

I had shit going on man good to see my presence was missed though, one love.

Boy, please!

Haha, now Trax, when you was FIRST on the show it was the week leading up to your first match in XWF right? You came on here and told us you joined XWF for the competition. You told us you was used to high caliber competition and expect nothing less, has XWF turned up to be what you thought it was going to be?

Thats right Envy I did come on here on one of the days leading up to my first match.In a nut shell yes XWF is what I considered it to be. There is definitely some high caliber competition roaming those backstage hallways. Some unique characters. Nothing too high caliber for me to handle however. Doesn't matter who they are, or how unique they like to portray themselves. They're all beatable. They all can fall. And will.

You've definitely ran into some "unique" characters so far haven't you, when you first was here you was going up against DMX-Factor and Swagmire, those guys are very unique.

Are they really? DMX showed promise but has seemingly fallen off the map and Swagmire was never on the map to begin with. He took his ball and went home when he was meant to face me and DMX, he's back now however, running around with the white supremacist band of inbred misfits known as The Hatriots.

Man dudes always tryna hold a brother down huh. You've overcame that shit though. That title gleaming in front of me tells me that, congrats.

They sure are, but you're right, as always I did overcome, Dim and Ellis sought to make an example out of me but in turn I made an example out of Dim by taking the championship you see before you away from him, away from The Hatriots. Trax 1. Hatriots 0. Dumb fucks can't even count to 0. But I digress.

All four individuals laugh, it then pipes down Angele Yee continues.

You've got an upcoming match defending the X-Treme title right? In a handicap match of sorts against one fairly new guy and another new guy. Fontanna and Nico LaVey. Just go over again how this match came about?

Well Mr. Fontanna ever the optimistic wants to prove his worth despite his numerous losses, he issued a challenge, you know me, I can't say no to challenges. Which was the same case with the Swagmire situation. Swagmire issued a challenge and I answered, hopefully Fontanna doesn't pull a Swagmire and run for the hills before the match.

Dude dropped a promo talking about the match, had some very strong words, you catch it?

I look forward to seeing if theres any truth to his words. Or if its just false truths and empty threats. He claims that he was a legend in a time long past, but he is no longer one because to be a legend you have to be "On your way out". That doesn't make sense to me. There are plenty of people who are considered legends in their chosen craft and are very much active and are far from packing it in, and I'm not even talking about just wresting I'll give you non-wrestling examples. Messi the football player. Lebron James the Basket Baller. Nas the Rapper. Ect. You don't have to be on your way out to be a legend, when I rise to the top of XWF I will cement my legendary status in XWF and I promise you I won't be disappearing anytime soon after that. I will be a living, breathing, active wrestling legend here in XWF just like I was in companies before me.

Fontanna says he's going to do this and do that and its cute it really is, cut me up like a turkey? Sure thing. But you see actions speak louder than words and he has yet to back up anything he's said he is or is going to do. Why exactly should I believe this time is different? Because he said so? Well the record books prove different. The record books don't say Fontanna is the New Face of Hardcore at all, the record books say he is the new face of Failure.

You want to know how bad Fontanna fails, other than his record so far, he says shit which just makes him look like a fucking clueless idiot. To be blunt. He called LaVey a "skinny nothing". When at 6'2 and 245 pounds he is smaller and weighs less than both me and LaVey meaning the skinny nothing in the match is actually him.


I'm glad he "respects" me, really. I'm honored. And I respect his drive. 15 years in the game, that's a long time, hes been doing this basically three times longer than I have, apparently. But its not going to look that way when we're in the ring, its going to be me looking like the 15 year veteran, while he's going to look like a scrub fresh out of developmental still green behind the ears. Because I am Mr Dominance. I'm the X-Treme Champion.I'M the beast in that ring. I'M the NEW face of Hardcore, of Dominance, of XWF. The Doctor be damned I'll deal with him when the time comes.I'm the man destined to be on top. Fontanna, you say you started at the bottom, guess what kid?

You're still fucking there.

Stop looking up, no matter how hard you will try. You will not be reaching me. My championship.My level.

You are EXACTLY where you belong.


Cheeeez you ain't playing, what about that other guy....umm... Nico LaVey?

Nico LaVey? Yeah I've got a couple of words for that guy.

Fuck you Nico LaVey.

I mean really you BEG for me to show you attention, practically goad me into setting up this match, and when I put it into fruition, you pipe down, you have yet to say a word. This is your debut match and its a title match for one of the biggest prizes in the company.You should be promoting yourself. You should be telling the world who you are, why you are here and why you deserve this match. You should be eager to talk about how you're going beat me. But you have given me, and the fans, nothing.

So that's what you deserve.

You deserve nothing.You don't deserve this opportunity. You don't even deserve me beating the shit out of you but its going to happen anyway I'm afraid for being a waste of time. I mean neither you or Fontanna have a snowballs chance in hell in beating me individually or working together but at least Fontanna is being enthusiastic about the whole thing, deluded, but enthusiastic. I respect his enthusiasm. Your laziness however. Unacceptable.

Instead of bickering with dumb sluts like Roxy Cotton backstage you should be focusing on the man you're facing Monday. The man who is going to destroy you Monday and leave nothing but a broken corpse for Roxy to get her aids infested hands on the week after.

I should of given this shot to Ghost Tank, at least he too like Fontanna would of been pumped and jumped at the opportunity. Bless him.

I've ranted far too long about you as it is, Nico LaVey I promise you if you show up Monday I'm pinning you first then going to attempt to carry Fontonna to at least a somewhat decent match, its a near impossible job but someone has to do it, you being my bitch is going to be a tasking job but someone has to do it, go fuck yourself.

Trax sticks up a middle finger to the camera.

Oh man, I'd hate to be that guy Monday, you seem pissed.

Don't like having my time wasted that's all.

I hear that, speaking of which you heard Tygas new album?

The group laugh again, the scene begins to fade as the group begin to talk about other subjects before the camera goes black.

Some time later.

The camera comes back on and the Breakfast Club hosts are still in their seats but Trax has gone. Suddenly the door is kicked off its hinges and in walks Ghost Tank referee in tow, Ghost Tank is wielding a massive sledgehammer, his eyes darting back and forth rapidly.

Ayo what the fuck man!?

Trax was here, where is he now!?

He left like 30 minutes ago buddy! Jeez.

Ghost Tank bows his head and curses.

I apologize for the door.Send me the bill.

Ghost Tank walks out the room with the referee in pursuit, leaving the interview hosts stunned as the scene once again fades to black.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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