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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself (RP 1)
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

06-18-2015, 05:19 AM

The scene opens up and we see Trax sitting in his office at his desk, he is on his laptop, his eyes darting left and right repeatedly implying he is in the process of reading something, the camera switches to an over-the-shoulder view so we can get a glimpse of what it is Mr FN' Dominance is reading exactly.

Wrestling Observer

Wednesday 17th June, 12:04

By Brain Hoops (

There has has been big shifts in the world of XWF, with the administrator of XWF Shane returning to the company full time to shake it to it very core. Upon his return Shane announced that there would be a huge repacking of XWFs Monday show, Monday Madness. These changes to be put in effect would see Monday Madness turned into the companies developmental brand. With this new implementation in place, any new talent joining the company will automatically be assigned to the Monday brand unless providing good reason and evidence as to why they should skip undergoing the developmental process and head straight to XWFs now officially slotted flagship show, Wednesday Warfare. Shane stated however that the Monday Madness brand would not just be for rookies and people "green" to the industry in an attempt to flush out the future champions, hall of famers, and legends of the company, but for already established veterans and wrestling superstars, looking to work a lighter schedule or perhaps help build up and compete with the newer fresher talent constantly passing through XWFs revolving doors.

Some wrestlers who have made Monday Madness their home brand have shown displeasure in the new direction XWF is taking Monday Madness. Superstars such as "The Lover boy" Vinnie Lane, who has vocally proclaimed Monday Madness as "dead" and redundant. However other superstars, wrestling veteran and one of the biggest and latest acquisitions XWF has signed to their umbrella, Mr FN Dominance aka Trax has shown approval the brand is taking by reiterating Shanes claim that Monday Madness is "the NXT of XWF" by stating NXT is the brand where real wrestlers wrestle and despite it being the developmental show, it is generally received more positively for its in ring action than WWE's flagship show RAW, Trax pointed out. Insinuating that with his presence on the brand, Monday Madness will receive a similar reception and be praised by wrestling fans and media alike.

In light of XWF boastings Monday Madness now being the developmental brand where future legends will be born and current veterans can reside, it could be said change and future big talents have already made their presence known, as newcomer Ginger Snaps went on to face and beat Vinnie Lane in an impressive match up to win the Hart Championship in her first night of wrestling in XWF, by beating five other competitors in a 6 man-way earlier that night to earn herself a shot at the Championship in her second match of the night which to the shock of the XWF Universe saw her dethrone The Loverboy.Is this the start of a boom period which will see new talent come in from the droves to change the face of XWF as we know it? Only time will tell.

Trax lowers the laptop screen down and leans back in his chair, staring up at the heavens looking like he is in deep contemplative thought. Suddenly the door to the office opens and in walks Jackie in very formal business woman attire, her pointed high heels clicking on the floors laminated surface as she approaches Mr FN Dominance bearing a folder in her left hand.She reaches the table and drops the folder on the desk. Trax finally stops staring at the ceiling to acknowledge her presence. She throws him a sweet smile.

You'll like this one.

Picking up on her sarcastic undertones, Trax opens the folder and skims the contents, looking back at Jackie with a disgruntled demeanor a few minutes later.

This is what they give me? Not what I was expecting, what is this?

Your biggest challenge to date, apparently.

Hardly, more game playing on managements behalf, I'm quickly growing tired of it, but so be it.

Trax picks up the folder and throws it in the waste bin at the side of his desk. Jackie leans over to Trax and places her hands on his shoulders and rubs his broad frame.

You'll show him, and them, show them all.

I have no doubt.

Jackie kisses Trax on the cheek and walks out the office, Trax goes back into his deep train of thought for a few moments,looking back towards the heavens, his fingers locked under his chin, his elbows situated on the desk, before he finally looks down in the direction of the ever observing camera and speaks once more.

People of XWF. It is I, Mr FN' Dominance. As you are all aware big changes have befallen XWF, management have seen fit to take Monday Madness to a new direction in hopes it will reach heights never seen before in the industry. Monday Madness has become a developmental brand for fresh new talent and old school veterans alike to wrestle and compete. The "NXT of XWF" its been aptly described as. Well I went out there last Monday and I made what some misguided people would consider a brash statement. I went out to that ring and to para-phrase said well...if Monday Madness is to become the "NXT of XWF" I am to become the "Kevin Owens" of XWF, the no-nonsense, straight shooting veteran, the dominating force, the prize fighter, I've said time again I am here solely for the big titles and the big paychecks. I will claim what I deserve. I will climb that ladder until I have firmly asserted myself as the King of XWF. And there is no better place to start my rule than Monday Madness.

"But Mr Dominance, Trax, why is that!? Is this just a baseless claim, like claims made by so many other wrestlers before you?"

Glad you asked, why do I look to start off my rule by standing tall on Monday Madness. Simple.Because at this point in time, Monday Madness more so than Wednesday Warfare needs a credible ruler.A credible champion.The self entitled Emperor of Madness "The Loverboy" has seemingly turned his back on the brand, claiming that the new direction of the brand is its nail in the coffin, he cut a half assed promo leading up to his title defense, too busy sipping Pina Coladas on some island resort then dropped the title to new comer Ginger Snaps, allowing himself to ride off into the sun set. But wait, no, hes still lingering around isn't he, he hasn't taken his ball and gone home just yet because he's the special referee in the Hart Championship match pitting Ginger Snaps against Thunderbolt X. Thunderbolt X. Are you serious, he's done nothing to deserve a shot at that belt or any belt, the only thing Thunderbolt deserves is a pink slip for his repeated failings to impress anyone in but young kids who only love him for colorful attire and stolen catchphrases. Pathetic.

Trax shakes his head.

Whats equally pathetic is the Hart Champions and her idealism. Calling the HART championship the HEART championship and giving Thunderbolt X a shot at the title because he has "heart" despite his numerous shortcomings. First off Ms. Snaps, you can try to convince yourself that its called the Heart championship as much as you want, but the HART Symbol on the goddamn belt should give you a pretty clear indicator of who is correct in our debate over the meaning of the title, imbecile. I saw your little promo, the one which had very little talk towards the end regarding your upcoming match with Thunderbolt because you was too busy choking on sandwiches and your boyfriends cock prior to that part. Bully am I? I prefer to be called a realist, someone who says it as it is and pulls no punches literally or figuratively. I'm only being real when I say that belt you hold is for real wrestlers, wrestlers who actually understand the sport and the workings of the business, not some bitch from across the seas who huffs and puffs when people are verbally or physically hurtful towards other people backstage. This is WRESTLING Ms. Snaps. Get with it or get lost. Trash talk, playing mind games, and hurting the competition inside and if possible outside the ring, its all part of the game. It has been since the industries creation. People don't "hug it out" in this company. They fight. So put up your dukes and fight Ms. Snaps, because if I get my hands on you and you're still holding that title, fighting for your life is what you're going to have to do to have a decibel of a chance of keeping it.

And let me make one thing clear. I have plenty of heart. I go out there whenever I have a match and I shed blood sweat and tears, more often than not my opponents not mine sure, but the fact still remains I go out there with the POSSIBILITY of my body and livelihood being at risk. My heart and passion for this business is unparalleled. Its that passion that elevates myself and the people around me to new heights. Our Universal Champion Doctor D'Ville called Monday Madness the "newbie division" backstage in front of my face and I swiftly corrected him by telling him that truly talented individuals in this business are talented and skillful enough to bring whatever brand or division they reside in to breakout and reach new levels like at the end of Gamer Girls promos. He ultimately withdrew his comments because he knows I speak the truth. Someone with the right amounts of talent, intensity, experience and wisdom can grab the reigns of Monday Madness and bring it to a whole other plateau. Who is that individual? Is it the former Hart champion Vinnie Lane? No. He no longer has the drive. Is it you Ms Snaps? No, you lack the intensity, wisdom and experience, what about your current challenger, Thunder bolt X.

Trax can't help himself, he breaks out into laughter.

Just kidding. No its crystal clear to me that only I have all the tools needed to make Monday Madness and then the rest of XWF, flourish. My words, my talents, have not gone unnoticed by upper management either. I've become noticed.I'm beginning to turn heads. It seems one head in particular that I've caught the attention of is none other than the admin of XWF himself Shane . Now Shane had some words aimed at my way backstage, for anyone that missed it, here's what he said to me.

(06-17-2015, 04:59 AM)Shane Anonistrator Said: Mr. Dominatrax, I told you I had my eye on you and I've gone ahead and made special arrangements to see just how you react when things get a little... interesting. You're booked for next Monday in a match with a very special guest referee. I hear he specifically requested to ref YOUR match. Hmmmmmm... I wonder who he could be! HA!

Impress my molded potato and you just may be on the receiving end of a golden shower surprise very soon. Consider this your biggest test to date. Good luck to you, sir!

Well then. Looks like the boss himself has took notice of Mr Dominance and seeks to test me. Very well. Booking me in a match with a special guest referee to see how I react when things get "interesting". Well Mr you can go ahead and make things as "interesting" as you wish, go ahead, even stack the odds against my favor by making the special guest referee someone who has a grudge against me. How do I react in interesting situations? I adapt. I overcome. In my last match I was in a lumberjack match against some newbie by the name of Ryan Hunter, now Ryan Hunter is nothing when compared to me one on one but he still had the match in his favor due to the fact the match wasn't truly one on one, with his friend and the man constantly nipping at my heels like a starved dog, DMX routinely trying to get involved and cost me the match, but like I pre-warned both of them, I am ready for anything, everything and everyone at all times. This Monday will be no different. I'm not sure exactly what is you have planned regarding your choice of special referee, but I'm ready for it.

I'm ready for this "test", my biggest test to date you say? Well that's not really saying much is it. This is my third official match in XWF and the two prior proved little difficulty to me so I was HOPING you'd step it up for me by giving me a real challenge. Like I said last Monday I'll fight anyone and everyone, you could of picked anyone, someone who wrestles mostly on Monday Madness OR pulled someone from the Wednesday brand for all I care. So.... who did you pick? Who is set to be my "biggest test to date"?

...El Quardo...

Very well.Welcome to XWF El Quardo. I've already introduced myself in this promo but allow me for YOUR benefit to refresh your memory and re-introduce myself. My name is Trax aka Mr FN Dominance. I am also now accepting the nickname of "Mister Motherfucking Monday Madness". Quadruple M for short. Got a nice ring to it huh?

But enough about me, the people watching this know who I am, you know who I am, what about you though? I eagerly await your introduction. Tell me, who IS the man behind the mask?

No I'm not asking you to reveal your identity, I've looked up what little information there is on you in the XWF database so I know you seek to hide your identity and keep your ethnicity unidentifiable for whatever reason. Your identity, your ethnicity, I don't care about either of those things, both are irrelevant to me I assure you, I just want to know what you bring to the table.

So what IS it the great El Quardo my apparent biggest test to date brings to the table hm? Other than a slight increase in kids merchandise sells that is, XWF management are undoubtedly going to be selling replicas of your mask for the children fanbase, kids love masks, its why Rey Mysterio was so popular. What is it you bring inside the wrestling ring though El Quardo ? What are you here for?

Why.... what a stupid question on my behalf right? You're here for validation right! For the glory and opportunity. You heard Monday Madness was opening its doors to all comers new or old and you jumped at the chance and signed on that dotted line and BOOM here you are. El Quardo. XWF Superstar. Luchador Extraordinaire. You came to XWF because you saw it as the wrestling land of opportunity, Ms Snaps winning the title off Vinnie Lane, established XWF Megastar? That was a symbolic beacon of hope and promise for XWF newcomers alike am I right? You want to get a shot at a title quickly just like that and come out victorious in a blaze of glory with the fans in the arena chanting your name and firmly behind you just like that, am I right? Right.

Theres just one teenie weenie problem with that. Unfortunately for you you've seemed to hit a proverbial brick wall in your very first match here. That brick wall is the 6'4 270 pounds of pure muscle that is addressing you right now. You see its been my plan ever since I stepped foot into the company to get my hands on all the championship gold I could and now I have an opportunity to complete the first step of that mission by impressing the boss to get myself a shot at gold, and all I have to do to apparently accomplish that is win this match? This makes this match a must win, not just for me for both of us, this is your first match and upper management are watching very closely, there is no better chance for you El Quardo to prove you do not crack under pressure when thrown into the deep end and forced to face a big bad shark by the name of Trax. There is no better opportunity for you to prove you belong here.

Oh but I'm sure you're going to come out and say you will prove you belong here. I'm sure you'll come out and say you'll step up to the challenge and beat me and claim the title shot opportunity Shane is dangling in my face. You will say a bunch of false truths to big yourself up I bet. I mean it even says in the bio that YOU wrote that you're a "compulsive liar", really, what kind of idiot says that about themselves? Now right from the get go me and everybody else isn't going to believe a word you say to make yourself look like the better man heading into this bout. Oh let me guess, you'll come out and say you was lying about being a compulsive liar, or it wasn't you that wrote that.

Rolls Eyes

Haven't even spoke yet and you're already predictable. Feel free to try and throw me off though, it means little to me. Whether you come out with compulsive lies or complete honesty the end result will be the same, I need to deliver in this match, and when its called upon me to deliver El Quardo...I deliver.Always. As you will soon find out. You are going to step into the ring with Mr Dominance and one Trap Silencer later you'll be staring up at the rafters not even realizing you're being pinned.Then you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to take off your mask and walk away with it. That way when I beat you Monday, people will know what the face of a failure and an underwhelming performer who doesn't belong truly looks like.


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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