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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
We went dancing
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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

06-09-2015, 08:37 PM

I'm heading to the club, in the back of a taxi, with my best mate Tiffany. She was already getting pissed in the seat next to me. I didn't want to start drinking until we went to the club, I wanted to be the perfect for when we got there. That's why I hired a Taxi, and took Tiffany out to eat beforehand. Sure, we were going to party tonight, but I wanted to make sure I looked good doing it. Jonathon was going to be there, and I wanted to impress Jonathon. Jonathon was a boy who rented Mr. McAllister's place down the road from us. He was up studying from Warminster. What could he be studying in Aberdeen? I've asked him a thousand times, and he won't answer me.

All of these thoughts race through my mind as Tiffany sits beside me pouring Vodka down her gullet, getting ready to show off at the club. Her black hair was a mess. It was supposed to be straightened and down her shoulders, and back. Instead it was frizzing and rat's nesting up. She looked a hot mess, but I wasn't going to be the one to tell her that. We pulled up outside the club, and the Taxi stopped. The driver got out and walked to open the door for us. Tiffany got out and started to fall. He caught her and helped her up. She handed him her empty bottle and headed in. I stepped out, and stopped to look at him.

It's £30, love.

Oh, you're an English boy? I love the English. Call me sometime.

I hand the Taxi driver a £50 pound note, and then jot my name and number down on a piece of paper for him. He was tall, and had this light brown hair. He kept it neatly messy, and had these amazing eyes. I could feel them penetrating into my soul. I gave him a wink and walked into the club. I really wanted him to grab me and stop me. He didn't. He didn't even tell me his name as I walked in. I saw Jonathon at the bar, he was sitting there nursing one of his whiskys while Tiffany tried to pull him to the dance floor. She knew I fancied him! Was she trying to steal him from me? I get closer and hear what she's actually saying.

Come on, Jonathon. I'm tell you, she's on the floor. Ginge is looking fer you. She wants ta dance.

No, she'll meet me here. I told her I'd be waiting at the bar for her.

They didn't see me. I was standing less than 3 meters from them and they didn't see me. They both wanted me to find Jonathon, and I had doubted them, on top of flirting with the cab driver. I felt like such a slut at that moment. As Tiffany tried to tug once more, Jonathon pulled his arm back, and Tiffany fell to the floor. I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't. What if she was hurt. I rushed over to her side, and helped her up. She smelled like the cheap vodka she was chugging in the taxi. She looked at me for a minute, as if trying to process what just happened. Some of her hair was in her eyes, so I moved it out of the way for her.

Ginge, when did you get here?

With you, Sweetie. We rode in the taxi together. Remember?

Oh, yeah.

Hey, Ginger. Want anything?

I could go for a drink. Yeah. Something mild, I have to work tomorrow.

We laughed. I didn't have a job. I had a job working in a shop once, but then my brother took ill, and I quit to take care of him. I had to move back here to take care of him, I was out in Surrey when he got sick. Jonathon ordered me a Vodka Tonic, and I sat down next to him. We both sat there nursing our drinks and talking for a while. Tiffany was out on the floor dancing with random men, she was happy. Tiffany loved the random hook ups and the attention from random people. I chuckle as the stranger tries to conduct her to the dance floor, she just turns to him and begins to dance right there at the bar.

Jonathon looked at me. He had this smile on his face, like he was trying to hide that he was smiling. I don't know if he knew I saw the smile or not. I took a sip off my drink and winked at him. He turned away quickly, and I kissed him on the cheek.

So, cutie, what's your real plan for money? You can't stay jobless and take care of George forever. You need money, and you'll need help taking care of George.

I know. I have an interview tomorrow afternoon. It's supposed to pay well enough to get George a full time nurse.

What's the job?

I'm going to be a wrestler!

I try and make a tough face, but Jonathon just laughs at me. I want to be mad, but I love his laughter.

No, really, Ginger, what's the job?

I'm gonna wrestle, Johnny. I'm supposed to have an phone interview tomorrow afternoon.

I get to my feet and pull Jonathon to the dance floor. We dance for a while. I turn and face away from him and dance with my back to him. He grabs me and turns me to face him. Without a word, Jonathon kisses me. It's the kind of kiss that poems and stories are written about. Our souls melt into one. Jonathon's tongue finds the space between my teeth, when I had one knocked out in a skating accident when I was 15. He pulls back, and looks me in the eyes.

I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry.

It's ok, Johnny.

You are the only person who calls me Johnny.

Is that a bad thing?

No, it's not. I like it. Let me take care of you and George.

I can't.

Why not?

Because, I have to do this on my own, Johnny. I want to do this on my own. I want to take care of my brother.

I get that, but Ginger, I'm asking you to just let me help you. I'm not asking to do anything for you, except to pay for you. I want to. Ginger, I like you. A lot.

I like you, too. But you need to let me do this.

I lean up and kiss Jonathon. He allows my kiss for a moment, but then he retreats. A scowl comes across that beautiful English face.

What's wrong?

I don't want to be just a toy, Ginger. I want this to mean something.

It does. Johnny, I want this. I want to be with you. But, I don't want you to support me. I want to be able to do something on my own. I don't want to just be that silly Scottish girl who failed to make something of herself, so she needs the man to take care of her.

You're not. You're the gorgeous Scottish girl who gave up her career to care for her brother. You're also the girl who I want to care for. The one I love.

Jonathon turned and left the dance floor. I went back to the bar and ordered another Vodka Tonic. I tossed it back, and asked for another. Tiffany was gone. I watched her leave with some random man. I didn't care, I kept drinking. Then, I woke up the next morning in my bed. I have no idea how I got home, or even into my room. I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Looking down, I was fully dressed in my dress from last night. Shoes and all.

I pulled these stupid shoes off and stood up. I was hungry, so I quietly walked into the living room. I didn't want to wake George up. He was very grumpy if I woke him up. In the kitchen I begin to make a bowl of Oatmeal, and pour a warm cup of coffee. Then I hear the TV turn on. It's one of George's shows playing, he must be awake. I set my mug down and walk over to where he's sitting.

Hey, little brother. How's it going?

Oh, fuck off, Sis. I know what you did last night. I know about your job.

What do you mean?

I try and sound innocent, but George can see through me. His red hair is unmade and unwashed. His gaunt jaw clenched, and I see a real anger in his eyes. Had he been able to stand, I believe he would strike my face. I don't enjoy this.

You went out and got drunk last night. Someone dropped you off here, and I heard you crying to Jonathon about how sorry you are that you hurt him, but you need this job. You need it for you and me. You want to leave me.

I don't want to leave you! I love you, little brother! I moved back here from England for you! But, we need the money, and your cheque only goes so far!

So, you're going to go work and abandon me with some slag nurse while you work the corners selling yourself?

No! Georgie, I'm going to only work when I feel like it, and not only like once a week. I'm not going to be selling myself. Yes, when I'm gone there will be a nurse here, and we might even get one here full time just to help out with things. But, it will always be you and me, baby brother.

What's the job?

I kiss him on the cheek and walk to where he can clearly see me. I strike a pose and make a little grrr noise. He chuckles slightly. I miss when he'd laugh more. Mum said he stopped laughing when I left.

I'm gonna be a wrestler. I have an interview this afternoon for it. Some guy is supposed to call me all the way from America, and he's supposed to tell me about my debut and things. Remember when you'd watch wrestling with Dad on the weekends?

Before all this.

Yeah, before our parents died in an accident trying to follow Georgie to the hospital after he collapsed. Mum was panicking and it was raining out. Dad got confused, and lost control. Georgie was out of it, and I was in Surrey. I took a train the next morning when I got the call. They never knew what happened to Georgie. He was only a kid then. I guess he still is.

It's ok, because now you'll be watching me on the telly, and I'll be doing this for you. Jonathon and you can watch me together. Be sure to cheer real loud for me. I wanna be able to hear it in the arenas.

And what if you get hurt? What if you die like mum and dad?

I'm not going to, Georgie. I'm going to win for you. I have to.

Just then my phone rang, I didn't remember bringing it into the living room, but I guess I did. I looked down at it, it was a number from America. I knew what this was. My hands started to shake, and I got really nervous. I could feel the colour draining from my face as I struggled to answer it. My finger touched the screen and the phone sprung to life.


Ginger Dùghlas?

Oh shit. This is really happening.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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