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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
"Loverboy" - Shooting Star
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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05-22-2015, 04:03 PM

Malibu, Thursday Night – 11:00 pm

“Gimme another one.”

Roxy’s infectious laugh fills the bedroom as she playfully shoves at “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane underneath the purple satin sheets.

The pair lie together in a amidst a tumultuous catastrophe of bedsheets and undergarments, clearly having not wasted any time undressing or being careful with the bed linens when they decided to head for the boudoir.

“Let me think, hold on…”

Loverboy plays dumb, rubbing his chin and audibly ‘Hmmmm’-ing while Roxy places her messy-haired head atop his bare chest.

“Okay, got one… ready?”

“Always, baby.”

“How about… ‘you remind me of my big toe.’”


“Yeah…. ‘cuz I’m gonna bang you on every piece of furniture I own.”

Roxy breaks out in raucous laughter, momentarily forgetting her typical demure demeanor. As she leans back and wails, she clutches the sheet to keep her swollen chest covered and kicks her long, tanned legs bicycle style.

When she snorts loudly, she covers her mouth and stops, mortified.

“Oh my god!”

“Ha! That was awesome!”

Roxy, now red-faced, grabs a pillow and slaps Loverboy upside the head. The megastar barely gets an arm up to protect himself, then uses the sheet as a protective barricade, like a caterpillar in a chrysalis.

Roxy, though, keeps raining down pillow strikes and feigning offense, though she continues to laugh.

“I’ll show you what you get for laughing at me!”

“Really? A naked pillow fight is supposed to make me NOT want to make fun of you? Have you even SEEN porn?”

“Pretty sure we’ve made plenty of our own.”

Loverboy pops his head back out from under the satin sheet and flashes his winning smile at his fiancée, then makes kissy faces at her while talking in a baby voice.

“Awwww… is the poor webcam girl embawwassed??”

“Stop it Vinnie! I swear to god, I’ll beat you up worse than the Doc will!”

Roxy, still clutching the sheet against her nude body, straddles Loverboy and starts trying to swat at him playfully. Loverboy blocks all the shots nonchalantly, of course, laughing the entire time.

“Yeah? You think you can hurt me worse than a 60 year old incontinent man? I’d hope so! If you really want to remind me of the Doc, why not take your teeth out and give me a quick gummer?”

“Very funny, Vinnie! You’re the only old man for me.”

Loverboy emotes with a face of mock outrage, scooting up into a sitting position while he holds Roxy’s hands at bay by the wrists.

“OLD?!? You think I’M old? I just turned 30! Me and the Doc are from completely different generations, man! That dude probably still has an eight-track player, and I bet his Internet Explorer browser if full of toolbars!”

“Yeah? Well, I’m only, like, 22… so to me, you’re pretty much an old creeper, huh? I bet you don’t even know what I’m talking about when I say my ass looks on fleek.”

“It means it looks awesome, because with an ass like yours, what else could it mean? Plus, I know how to Google, dude. I looked it up the first time you hash tagged it on Facebook.”

“See? Old dogs can learn new tricks.”

Her devilish smirk elicits a troublemaking grin across the face of the rocker, who flips his lover onto her back and presses himself between her legs, which come around his and squeeze him through the sheer satin.

“Ooooo, what are you planning on doing now, Mister Number One Contender?”

“Same thing I’m gonna do to Doc’s title reign this weekend. I’m gonna fuck it.”

Loverboy leans up, inadvertently pulling the sheets partially away from Roxy’s body. Quickly, the gathers them back up again and clutches them closer to her bosom with both hands.

"Why are you bothering keeping yourself covered up, dude? No one’s here but us. That damn bird is all the way across the house. Fuckin’ thing was giving me the creeps sitting in here just… watching… all the time.”

“I don’t know… Dan could get back any minute, you know? She’s been gone all day, and it’s late. You don’t want your future wife to walk in and have the first thing she sees be your ass pumping away on top of me, do you?”

“That’s a good point… damn, she has been gone a while, huh? You think she picked some dude up and went back to his place or something?”

“She’s not that type of girl, Vinnie.”

“Uh… my cock and the Hart Championship belt would like to formally disagree with you, dude. She went from zero to blowjob in about five seconds in the shower this morning.”

“That’s different! She wants you to marry her, remember?”

“Yeah, well, maybe, but maybe she wants Juan Pablo from Malibu to marry her more, you know? Just saying, it can happen.”

“You’re ridiculous…”

Looking slightly annoyed, Roxy moves as if to get out from underneath Loverboy. However, the megastar grabs both of her wrists in one hand and immobilizes her, looking down at her helpless, trapped face as he wiggles the fingers of his free hand in the air.

“Well, well, well… what do we have here?”

“Vinnie… don’t you dare, I swear to god…”

But almost before she can finish threatening him, Loverboy thrusts his hand beneath the covers and starts viciously tickling her all over her exposed body.

Roxy convulses, laughs, cries, and cusses as she tries to buck Loverboy off of her like a drunk slut on a mechanical bull.

“You son of a bitch!”

She barely catches enough breath to scream empty threats at him while he continues to torture her while making annoying tickle sounds to go with the abuse.

“Kitchy kitchy koo!”

“You motherfucker! You aren’t making it to Bad Medicine!”

Just then, a piercing guitar riff bleats from somewhere within the jumbled pile of clothing on the floor next to the bed. Loverboy stops his tickle assault and leans over, seeing the screen of his cell phone lit up with a picture of Roxy’s wet cleavage.

“Man… I have the best background…”

The cell blares out the ringtone a second time and Loverboy groans, leaning over to grab at the phone and bring it up to his face. He points at Roxy with a warning look on his face.

“This isn’t over, by the way. I’m getting more of you.”

“Psh, like to see you try… old man.”

Grabbing the pillows from the bed, Roxy coquettishly uses them to cover all of her naughty bits as she slides off of the bed and walks into the bathroom, clutching one of the pillows with her arm so that she can give Loverboy the finger alongside her outstretched tongue.

“Don’t stick it out if you aren’t planning to use it, dude, you know the rules.”

The only response is the clink of porcelain as the toilet lid is lifted, then the sound of high-pressure piss hitting the water in the bowl.

“Jesus, woman. You pee like you have a time limit. Relax or you’ll blow out an o-ring!”

“Kegels, asshole. Never heard you complain about them before.”

Loverboy simply shakes his head and swipes across his phone screen, slowly reading his notifications. Each time, the smile fades further and further from his face.

“God damn this kid.”

The lid clinks shut, and the sound of a toilet flushing rises from the restroom, followed by water from the tap.


Roxy’s voice bounces off the acoustics of the bathroom, reminding Loverboy of Dani serenading him earlier in the day and causing the sheets between his legs to twitch.

“Nothing babe… it’s just TBX again.”


She emerges from the bathroom, covered now in a tiny, purple, satin robe that barely falls below her hips. With a confused pout on her lips, Roxy walks back to the bed and crawls onto it, leaning forward to see the texts Loverboy is showing her.

“Thunderbolt X. I’m his idol, or some shit. I don’t know. He texts me a lot. And emails. And leaves voicemails. I’m seriously starting to wonder if I’m gonna come home and find a rabbit boiling on the stove.”

“What the fuck?”

“What… Fatal Attraction? You’ve never seen it? It’s got Glenn Close’s tits in it.”


“No, no, they were alright in 1987. A little droopy, maybe, and kinda freckled, but shit, man, she was nominated for an Oscar! What awards have your tits gotten you?”

“Just you, baby.”


Loverboy continues scrolling through the multitude of texts Thunderbolt X has been sending him, looking puzzled each time.

“It’s like he’s a child or something… look at this one: ‘Vinnie you are the best and I want to be your tag team partner we can win titles lets go.’ All one sentence, man. That’s crazy.”

“Is he challenged?”

“Maybe? You know, he really likes that Cena dude a lot, too. Maybe he’s one of those Make-A-Wish kids run amok? You know, like he got ahold of some experimental drug that turned his Down’s muscles into real muscles and then someone put wrestling boots on him and no he’s here?”

“I doubt that, Vinnie, he’s probably just kinda dumb.”

“Here’s one where he says you’re really pretty.”

“Or maybe not so dumb.”

“Sweet, he says he thinks I’m going to beat Doc! See, he isn’t so dumb after all. Even Thunderbolt X is literate enough to read the writing on the wall this time around, dude. He sees Doc’s sun setting in the west and my shooting star rocketing up the sky in the east.

I mean… you don’t have to be smart to see the inevitable coming, dude. Doc’s done. He’s been done. He had one great moment left in him, and he used it beating Gator. Why do you think he’s stuck to guys like Wallace and Mastermind since then?”

“You fought Mastermind…”

“I fought him in a triple decker cage to make it a fair fight! Hush! Seriously, like I said before, the Doc’s had I easy and he knows it. He knows I’m on deck and he knows he’s got nothing left to fire but blanks. He’s like an old man trying to squeeze one last boner out of a bottle of Viagra.

He’s scared, and his back is up against the wall. His time’s up, like my number one fan Thunderbolt X might say, and my time is now. The XWF and the world as a whole is ready for a REAL champion. Someone they can look up to, you know? Someone who’s good looking, capable, talented… you don’t see the crowd erupt into cheers when Doc comes to the ring, do you? Hell no. You could roll Doc in shit and he wouldn’t draw a fly. I put asses in seats and I always have, man. I sell merch by the pallet. I’ve got carpal tunnel in my autograph signing hand.





Dudes like me don’t just come along every day, man, you know? I’m a once in a generation kind of talent. I’m like Tom Brady, but with fully inflated balls. I’m like a Floyd Mayweather that can read. When I’m done, they’ll be calling me the greatest champion in history.

And it all starts at Bad Medicine.

I’m so stoked, babe.”

Roxy, who had ceased paying attention to Loverboy’ daily ranting and moved on to painting her toenails a new coat of deep purple, starts after a moment when she realizes Loverboy is waiting for her to respond.

“Huh? OH! Yes, baby, you’re the best. You’re gonna take out that nursing home refugee and send him home with a dirty diaper.”

“Exactly! You get it, babe.”

Loverboy watches as Roxy disinterestedly goes back to painting her toes, wiggling them in the air as she looks over her handiwork.

“Baby, will you blow on them for me?”

Loverboy’s eyebrows raise like a cartoon wolf at a strip club.

“Will I? Of course, sugartits, anything for my princess in peroxide.”

As Loverboy leans down to the foot of the bed and starts to blow across Roxy’s dainty foot, causing her to giggle like a schoolgirl, Loverboy’s phone blasts the guitar riff again.

“God damn it, Thunderbolt. I’m doing big boy stuff with a real naked girl, here.”

Loverboy grabs the phone and switches it off, tossing it back onto the floor before getting back to business.

[Image: sgUOuVt.gif]

Elsewhere - Sometime

Here in the dark, the blonde could almost pass for human.

Ted admired her hair, gently parting it in the middle of her head and running his hand down the side of her face.

She lies there, unmoving, being a good girl. He’s pleased with her so far.

“That’s my girl. You look so much better now. Do you like it?”

Of course, she didn’t answer. She just stayed still, her head back, lolling on her neck limply.

Ted thought she was beautiful now.

“You were a good choice after all, Dani. I was wrong about you.”

Ted walked away from her, taking pictures of her naked body as it lie on the dingy mattress in his special room.

He thought about her as compared to the others. The ones he REALLY loved.

He could love her, he thought. In some ways, he already.

Inside, she fit him like a glove. He was so angry at first, when another man’s seed spilled out of her onto him. It almost made him sick to his stomach.

What kind of girl walks around in broad daylight with her vagina full of another man’s cum?

A whore, that’s who.

He didn’t think he’d be able to stop hitting her then, but eventually his rage passed. Once he was able to get hard and perform again, after he had flushed her out, of course, he was able to put it out of his mind.

She had taken him perfectly. Her muscles loose and unresisting. No tension to her at all, anywhere.

Her skin had cooled to his touch after the hot beach sun had made her scorching hot when he first grabbed her and put her into the car.

When he penetrated her for the first time, she didn’t even cry out in pain. She accepted him exactly how he was.

Right then, when he was moving around inside of her body with no struggle, she was perfect to him, and he loved her.

He even told her so, though he was sure she couldn’t hear him.

“You’re perfect.”

He said it with each violent thrust into her.

“You’re so perfect.”

When he was finished, he offered her a tissue, but there were no tears. She hadn’t cried in the one moment between when she realized what was happening and when he clubbed her over the head with the tire iron hidden in his arm sling, either.

She was strong.

She was a good girl.

He wanted to keep her for longer, but he knew he couldn’t.

She’d stopped breathing hours ago. She would begin to smell soon.

Ted loosened the nylon rope from around her neck and lifted her head in his palm, fixing the smudges in her makeup for her.

Without the slutty rouge and caked-on concealer, she looked fresh and clean. Youthful.

When he wiped away her red lipstick and replaced it with a nude balm, she looked like a girl next door.

“Just a little more…”

Ted spoke gently, like a father to his young child, coaxing the beauty out of her. When he retrieved the plain sundress he’d purchased earlier at the boardwalk and slipped it onto her body, it covered the garish tan lines and the unfortunate tattoo of a butterfly covering her left hip.

She was pure again. Pretty.


Ted smiled, and looked at his new lover. He watched her intently, never lifting his gaze from her unmoving face.

He was good with the makeup. Even with the light powder and the easy hand he used to apply it with, the bruising was almost invisible.

Ted walked to the corner of the room and grabbed the ugly platform shoes his prize had been wearing at the beach, tossing them into a trash can nearby.

He retrieved the plastic bag from a workbench, pulling out a cardboard shoebox and opening it to find a plain pair of Mary Jane style flats.

Delicately, he fixed the shoes onto her feet, then stood back and watched her some more.


He was so close, but he wasn’t ready yet.

Cradling her head in his lap, Ted sat behind her and found a hairbrush between the mattress and the wall.

Gently, he ran the brush through the tangled strands of Dani’s matted hair, loosening the knots he’d created with his outburst earlier.

“I’m sorry, my love. You shouldn’t made me so angry, though.”

For thirty minutes, he slowly brushed her hair and hummed his favorite song to her.

He hoped she liked it.

When he was finished, he again stood back and looked down at her as she lie spread out like an angel trying to fly.

Her smooth, tan legs were clean now. Her toes and fingers freshly painted. Her clothes. Her hair.


It was her hair that kept her at almost.

Ted looked at his watch. The corner store up the road would close in fifteen minutes. Just enough time for him to go and buy what he needed to make her just right.

"I'll be right back, my darling. You'll be complete in a little while."

He hesitated, not breaking his eye contact with her. Finally, he blurted it out.

"I love you."

Ted rushed and grabbed his keys, then practically ran to his car on his way to buy a box of brown hair dye.

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