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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
Book 1: Part 4
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The Yellow Sword Offline
Yellow in XWF

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

05-21-2015, 09:48 PM

The scene opened. A yellow figure was set on a rooftop, a beacon of hope throughout Hong Kong, Japan.

Mt. Sushi loomed in the dark nightlight.

I started climbing.

I started gliding.

I started flying.


I started falling.

I woke up.

“An upward movement initiated in time can counteract fate.”

That’s what my fortune cookie said last night.


My name is Juan Chang Lobster. This is my story.

I was born on the rough streets of Hong Kong, Japan. My parents were homeless like most the people there, even though my dad was the mayor. When I was eleven I made a house out of wood. It was so sturdy that big blow hard wolves couldn’t even blow it down. Fire, now that’s a different story…

“Excuse me, sir, but what are you doing with those matches? Arson is illegal in these parts,” said Mayor Daddy; we had just arrived at the home I built several years ago.

“Oh…I was just lighting a smoke,” the man extended his hand to my father’s. “The name’s Spirited Away.”

“Like the movie?”

“The one with Kiki and she flies on a broomstick, yes.”

“I think that’s a different one,” I chimed in, but Spirited Away just shrugged his shoulders.

My father turned to me and handed me his silver calculator. “Why don’t you get started on the taxes, son.” He then got around to shaking Spirited Away’s hand.

I was really good at math so I did the taxes really fast and got back in time to eavesdrop on them. I could only hear bits and pieces from under the floorboards, but being a spy was pretty cool. Mayor Daddy said something about never angering the Agidyne Country, but then Spirited Away started lighting candles with his fire sword and saying that he has never came across a better sword.

My mom came home from the grocery store and I think Mayor Daddy said I was doing the taxes. She started preparing the rice, and Spirited Away announced that he had general things to do and handed Mayor Daddy a scroll. He left without another word, but I met him outside the front door.

“Were you going to burn down my house?” I asked.

Spirited Away laughed and tried to look down my shirt for some reason. “No sweetie; you better get inside. It’s a little late for a young lady to be wandering around town, especially on a night like tonight.”

I buttoned up my shirt. I didn’t really need to be sporting man cleavage anyway. “I’m a boy, sir.”

“I guess I won’t rape you and shit down your throat then. Goodnight,”
with that he…spirited away…get it? I figured he was joking about the rape thing, so I went inside. My eyes were immediately drawn to the scroll.

“What’s that?” I asked my father.

“It’s a scroll. You write words on it and then other people can read it.”

“What do they write about?”

“Sushi, takoyaki, noodles, rice and other foods. You know. That kind of thing.”

“So they write about food on it? What food is that one about?”

“I haven’t read it yet. I hope it’s about orange chicken. I like orange chicken. Did you finish the taxes?”

“Yes, can I re-,” however my mom finished preparing the microwavable rice and my series of questions came to an end. It was rude to talk over dinner. Then my father went into his room to practice calligraphy.

I opened my fortune cookie.

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”







I couldn’t see anything. I could only hear the disembodied voice say that word.




Then I could see something. I could see that scroll. I opened it.

“You are the yellow one.”

The yellow one? I had no idea what that meant. Then everything was


The scene faded to


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