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The Changing of the Guard
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Mastermind Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-02-2015, 03:56 AM

The Ode of Remembrance Said:They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

29TH APRIL 2015


Quote:A bloody casket with purple skulls lowers from the rafters suddenly the wire snaps and it crashes into the ring. The casket explodes into confetti and then Hero Xtreme 7.9's music starts playing and a bunch of poultry walk out onto the ramp. Hero follows them with an axe and tries to chop their heads off. Any of the turkeys he manages to kill are given to kids in the audience.

I remember thinking: "What the fuck is this imposter doing in here? He's now in this match? Now he's fucked my chance of winning the belt.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Quote:Doc goes over and grabs Mastermind by the hair, but Mastermind wraps his legs around the arm of Doc and locks in an armbar!

JIM ROSS: “He’s got the hold locked in tight! Doc isn’t able to get out of it!”

BOBBY HEENAN: “This would be a huge upset! Get up Doc! Punch him between the legs!”

I remember thinking: "Come on Doc give up now, save us all the trouble. I know you are tired of all this."

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

Quote:Still a little dazed D'Ville turns around and is caught off guard by a clothesline from Mastermind! Doc begins to get up and Mastermind hits him with a back kick. Mastermind stands over Doc and begins stomping on his face!

JIM ROSS: “Brutal stomps by Mastermind! It’s not the most tactical of strategies, but it gets the job done!”

BOBBY HEENAN: “Tactical? Who needs tactical when you can just stomp on their ugly mug over and over again?”

I remember thinking: "Come on Doc, I've got your number in this match, let me have what I want, the title. Come on Doc. You know you can't beat me.""

At the going down of the sun and in the morning.

Quote:Hero rushes Doc from behind ready to attack with the belt but D'Ville sees him from the corner of his eye and twists Mastermind around, causing Hero to hit Mastermind instead. D'Ville releases the hold on Mastermind and Doc quickly gets to his feet, Hero goes for a swing with the belt but Doc blocks the hit with a kick to Xtreme's gut.


D'Ville transitions into a pin and the ref goes for the count.



Mastermind shakes the cobwebs and leaps towards the pair!


A spilt second too late Mastermind breaks the pin. D'Ville stands away from the two and raises his hands in victory.

I fall to my knees - "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

We will remember them.

Quote:D'Ville looks down at a fallen Hero and a disheartened Mastermind shaking his head. D'Ville excepts the Universal Championship and celebrates with his music blasting through the arena and a mix of boos and cheers from the crowd. Until someone runs through the crowd.

JIM ROSS: "Who the hell is that?"

BOBBY HEENAN: "It's Ray Tings!!"

Ray runs through the crowd and quickly climbs the turnbuckle, waiting for D'Ville to turn. As soon as Doc does Ray leaps from the top rope and hits D'Ville with the Ray-Tings Spike! (Top Rope RKO) Ray kips up and raises his arms to the crowd as he runs away to a chorus of cheers.

JIM ROSS: "Well, that was ... Something."

I quickly get to my feet, and see Ray-Tings disappear out of the ring. I walk quickly over to the fallen Doc, and help him to his feet. I then turn, and head back stage.


We will remember them.

As I dejectedly walk into my locker room, I am unaware that I was in danger. All of a sudden I see black, as a black hood is placed over my head. I'm too tired to fight back. Suddenly I hear a voice, that sounds suspiciously like my Personal Assistant's Julian Andrews.

JULIAN: "I'm sorry about this, but there's no other way."

Suddenly I feel knees hitting my guts and I bend over in pain, and then I feel a jab, as if I've been injected by something. I see darkness. And the rest is gone.

Two Asylum members lay Mastermind's limp body down on the floor, and they high five one another. Julian looks on and shakes his head. He looks at Hysteria.

JULIAN: "I thought we agreed that there would be minimal offense. He's already spent."

Yessss, yessss, yessss. I know what we said. Alas! Who cares though? He just went nappy nap for the trip! Hehehe

JULIAN: "That's not the point."

Who are you to declare what the point is? This is THE ASYLUM! Get in line and sssssshut up!

Julian shook his head. Just then the Doc limped into the room. He looked at Hysteria and smiled.

You okay O Higher Power? Shall I dispose of this silly little Ray-Tings fellow?

I'll address that on my own time, my Prophet. At the moment, let's clean up this situation.

JULIAN: "You don't need to be sir, situation is under control. He's unconscious, and the plane is waiting for us to take him back to NZ."

I don't care for the idea of him disappearing. This new face of his is much stronger. However, I suppose we have no choice. He's a threat to himself.

Well we made that deal with Maria. So I guess we have to go with what she decided... I guessss.

Indeed. Perhaps there's a way all three sides could work. We'll find out soon enough. Shall we be going?

They put the unconscious Mastermind on a stretcher, and covered him in a blanket, and wheeled him out to a waiting van, where they placed him in the back, and the Doc, Justin and the two Asylum hence men, got in. Hysteria stayed back. They headed towards the airport.

"Why can't I wake up?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"There's going to be hell to pay when I wake up."

"This is a fucking conspiracy."



A limo drove up to the front of Mastermind's mansion, and out got Julian, and the two Asylum hence men. They went to the boot, and took out a stretcher, and unfolded it. The Doc got out, and looked around.

Maria walked up looking worried. Her three brothers, Jake, Andrew, and Markus followed behind her.

ANDREW: "Wow that's Doctor Louis D'Ville, the XWF's Universal Champion."

Markus hit his brother on the arm.

MARKUS: "Shut up Drew, now's definitely not the time."

The Doc looked behind Maria at Andrew, and gave him a wink with his one good eye.

Andrew quickly walked past his sister, and extended his hand.

ANDREW: "I thought meeting 'M' was the highlight of my life, but you are the biggest star so far. The name's Andrew."

The Doc looks down at the outstretched hand.

Hello, my friend.

Jake walked up and pulled Andrew back.

JAKE: "What did we talk about Drew?"

ANDREW: "I know, I know, it's just that he's the Doc."

The Doc looks at Maria, and walks a step towards her, and places his hand on her stomach.

My dear. You do know why I'm doing this. If you were not on the scene, he would remain knelt by my side. After all, I've already proven I can control his urges.

MARIA: "You and I both know Doc, that he is unstable the way he is. He's even dangerous for you to have him around."

Difference in opinion, girly. Against my better judgement, I'll do you this favor.

MARIA: "I really do appreciate it Doc, I'll be forever in your debt."

The Doctor smiles and through a cold stare, he freezes her spine.

Not forever . . .

MARIA: "The package is safe, it's in the spare room."

The Doc turns around and nods at the two Asylum members who disappear back into the limo, and then comes out lifting Mastermind's body. They place him on the stretcher, and look back at the Doc. The Doc turns back to Maria.

Lead the way, Lovely.

Maria turns, and walks towards the Mansion. The Doc follows her, with the two Asylum members pushing the stretcher behind him. Jake, Andrew, Markus and Julian watch them walk off.

Markus turns towards Julian.

MARKUS: "This better be worth it, I hate seeing my Sister like this."

JULIAN: "Trust me this is better for all involved."

"Home, why do I have the feeling of being Home?"

"Why can't I wake up from this horrible darkness."

"People are going to pay. Really pay."

The Doc walks into the spare room, and sees the big black box in the middle of the room. He looks down at the key in the palm of his hand that Maria gave him, and sits down on the edge of the bed, staring at the box. He starts throwing the key up and down in the palm of his hand, while thinking about the method of what he was planning to do.

He gets up and walks over to the box, and places his hand on the top of it.

"What the hell? That's a different presence."

"I know that presence. Don't tell me he's here to free the 'good'."

"I am home, someone is tampering with the mirror."

The Doc stumbles back a couple of feet. He could feel the vibes of the different sides to Mastermind. He thought to himself, that if he was the cruelest around he could take this box back home with him, and use Mastermind as his own toy. But unfortunately he had given his word to Maria.


He walks back to the back, and puts the key in the lock, and unlocks it. He opens it, and looks down in to it, and sees the mirror. Yet there is no glass there. It's just blackened.

Doc kneels down beside the box, and without touching the mirror, he studies it.

A little while later, Mastermind opens his eyes. It takes him a while to concentrate, and to bring his eyes back in to focus. He feels he is in a darkened room. He also feels like he is tied up. He looks down and discovers that he is tied to a chair.

Hello, Mister Mastermind.

Mastermind looks up, and tries to focus into the darkness.

"So you're behind this Doc?"

Not at all, my friend. Just finishing my end of a deal.

"With whom?"

That is on a need to know basis. What we need to concern ourselves with now is what's going to happen.

Mastermind shakes his head, but smirks.

"Nothing really needs to happen Doc, you know this, you know it's best to keep me in this mood. That's what you wanted all along."

True. But you're unsustainable as you are. That makes you a dangerous liability.

Mastermind starts laughing.

"Dangerous liability? Dangerous liability? How am I dangerous to you Doc? I never once went after your title, except for this past week, when I had no choice but to, as I was put into that match."

I understand how the booking works around here, my friend. There's always a choice. As I've said a thousand times over, it doesn't matter who I face. It has never mattered. You've been loyal to an extent. Like shoving a square into a round hole, you just didn't seem to fall into place very well, my friend.

"But that's not how I roll Doc, and for that matter, that's not how you roll either. You wanted me there in front of you, to teach me a lesson, to teach me where my place was in the Asylum, to teach me to understand my role better. If it had not been for management throwing Hero in, that's what your game would have been."

You've certainly started talking a great game with your change of attitude. While you are concerned and while you're in danger. You are just delaying the inevitable.

"Pray tell me Doc, what's the inevitable?"

The Doc walks out of the shadows, and walks towards Mastermind as he lights up a cigar.

I've chosen, even against my own will to go along with this, Mastermind. This will be good for you and good for the Asylum. As I told you before, before we clashed once again, that you will always have a choice to stand by your King or walk away. Without consequence. I've always liked you, Mister M, regardless of the mood your were in.

Mastermind starts laughing.

"Do YOU really think you can change me? You of all people who brought ME to where I am now? Do you really think you can send me back?"

The Doctor leans in towards Mastermind and stares him straight in the face. A large puff of cigar smoke bursts out of what seems like every orifice in the Doctor's face.

I do EVERYthing and ANYthing I desire. You know me better than that.

The Doc stops near Mastermind, and reaches his hand for Mastermind's head. Mastermind tries to move his head away, but can't. He struggles as the Doc places his hand on his head. Mastermind tenses so much that he tries to fight the Doctor off to stay out of his head.

I am your very worst enemy and your greatest ally, all wrapped into one.


"I must resist..."

"I need to resist...."

"I can't let them win...."

"I can't let the Doc win...."

"I won't let them win...."

"Fireworks... That's what my head feels like...."

"I need to close my mind to him..."

"I need to close my mind like a door...."

"I need my own mind for me.... not for anyone else...."

"I can't let them come back in....."

"I can't let him back...."




"No.... No.... My head.... Stay out of my head.... Stay... out... Stay... out...."




"I... need... to... get... out of here.... I need to get.... to Monday Night Madness... I have to face Maria Brink's AIDS.... I need to beat her...."




Mastermind opens his eyes, his head is pounding, he's trying to focus again. He feels that he is no longer in the same room. He's staring at something in front of him. He tries to focus. His focus returns, and he finds himself looking at the mirror. His Mirror.

"No, this cannot be."

He hears Maria's voice.

MARIA: "It is. It's THE Mirror."

Mastermind tries to look around, but his head is stuck facing the mirror.

"So YOU are the reason why I am in this situation. I should have figured."

Mastermind can hear Maria sigh. He knows she's trying to find the strength. Maybe he can exploit it.

"Listen Doll, you don't have to do this."

MARIA: "That's where you are wrong, I do have to do this. I am going to do this. I am going to make you do this."

"That's where you are wrong Doll, you can't force me to do anything that I don't want to."

Doc's voice can then be heard.

Mister Mastermind, I made myself clear when I said this would be for the best, did I not? The first ideal thing to do, is hold still and listen to the pretty lady.

Mastermind tries struggling. Next second he feels....




"Stop it, it hurts, okay I understand, I'll listen."

My dear?

MARIA: "I need you to look at the mirror. I need for you to bring your good self back. I need you to do this now."

"Why does this matter to you bitch?"

Maria walks into view, she grabs Mastermind's hand, and places it on her stomach.

MARIA: "Because I'm pregnant..."

"She's what?"

"She's pregnant."

"This cannot be.... I cannot allow this to happen."

"You have no say in the matter. Not now."

"I have every right to be here. You cannot control me. I am the one here."

"I'm not going to let you be anywhere near her. I am not going to let you touch her. I am not going to let anything happen to her. Let me out.... Let me out now...."

"You cannot fight me."

"I CAN and I AM."

"Stop him."

"I can't stop him even if I try."

Suddenly out of no where, the blackness that was in the mirror turns to pure glass.

Maria looks at the change of the mirror.


"Leave me the fuck alone. I don't want you here Bitch... Let me return to my own time of being alone."

Maria thought she could see another Mastermind in the mirror. He was yanking on some chains. She turned back to the Mastermind in front of her.

"It's time for you to go. I don't love you. I don't need you. I want the real side of you back. I want the good side of you back. I want you gone."

Mastermind struggles in the chair, but then he hears the Doc's voice.

Gaze into your precious mirror, Mastermind.

Mastermind looks at the mirror, and sees his good 'side' still shackled, he tries smiling, but just as he did, the good 'side' looks out, and smiles back at him.

"Got you, you dumb fuck."

To his horror, the chains come loose freeing the good 'side'. He can't take his eyes off of him. Suddenly he feels like he is traveling. He sees the good 'side' pass in the opposite direction.

"Go to hell dumb fuck."

"You may have won, but your hell is only just beginning. Who is the dumb fuck now?"

And suddenly it was all over. Mastermind's body feels the evil 'side' leave and the good 'side' return, struggles with the changes and then goes limp, and he goes unconscious. The Doc covers the mirror quickly, and places it back inside the box, and closes the lid and locks it. Maria kneels down in front of Mastermind.

MARIA: "Did it work Doc?"

It would appear so. The Mirror of Mastermind didn't fail him last time, am I right?

MARIA: "Thank you so much Doc.... I know you didn't want to do this, but it's now done."

Maria is focused on Mastermind, that she doesn't see the Doc ushering to the two Asylum members to grab the box. Which they do in silence.

I'm always willing to bargain a deal, my dear. No matter the cost, I always come through on my side.

Maria just gives him a slight wave, as if to acknowledge what he said, and unties the unconscious Mastermind. The Doc slips out of the room, and he and his two Asylum members quietly leave the Mansion.

Maria gets some help to take Mastermind to his bedroom, and then waits with him while he recovers.

Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


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[Image: Misfits2.png]
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