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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Respecta What?! RP #4
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Grime Offline

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-29-2015, 05:55 PM

Grime reaches for his phone again. He sees the text from Q-Ball. He smiles and looks at Brittany.

Grime: He's here. Any word from our other guy, Britt?

Brittany checks her phone.

Brittany: He's on his way.

Grime: Good.

Grime smacks Brittany on the ass.

Grime: I'm going to get myself a Pepsi. You want anything?

Brittany: I can come with you.

Grime grabs her hand and as they are walking Brittany is looking at her phone. She gasps.

Brittany: Babe! You are going to want to see this. It's Scully.

Grime stops walking and Brittany shows him her phone.

[Image: vjVQexN.gif]

Grime looks at Brittany and chuckles.

Grime: Yeah, that'd be him alright. You and your cute pictures.

At that moment Grime's phone rings. He looks at the caller ID.

Grime: About time you showed up. Where you at?

You don't hear the other half of the conversation.

Grime: Britt and I are getting something to drink and then we'll be right there.

Grime listens for a second and then responds.

Grime: Alright, I guess I'll find out what he had to say later. But, as for tonight, Britt and I are going out to the ring with our new alliance. It's time we bring the Industry to the XWF. We'll see you in a bit.

Grime hangs up the phone and he and Brittany continue walking as Brittany continues to look up cute animal videos and pictures. She tugs on Grime's arm to show him another one.

Brittany: Look. Here's you when you have to watch a Ray Tings promo...

Grime looks at her phone again.

[Image: 6eEuaaF.jpg]

Grime shakes his head.

Grime: Yup, nailed it.

They finally arrive at a concession stand.

Concession Worker: Hello, can I help you?

Grime: A Pepsi and...

Brittany: Do you have strawberry milkshakes?

Concession Worker: Yes, we do.

Brittany: Large please.

Concession Worker: And your Pepsi? Small, medium or large?

Grime: Large.

The concession worker gets the drinks together as Brittany continues to look up cute pictures. Grime watches her and his phone buzzes with a notification. He looks at his phone. He presses a button and the phone begins to play Scully's previous promo.

Brittany: And this one is Griff...

Grime holds his finger up as Brittany realizes what he's doing. She waits because she really wants to show him the picture. Grime watches the whole Scully message and then looks at Brittany.

Grime: Which one?

[Image: gPEauF5.jpg]

Grime smiles. He looks at Brittany.

Grime: Enough with the pictures for a bit, babe. I've got a little message to send to the for life, Mr. Tickle Me Scully...

Brittany nods and closes her internet link to the pictures and starts the camera on her phone.

Brittany: How about we do it this way?

Grime: I don't see why not.

Brittany: Okay, ready, go...

Grime: Hey Scully, you say I have to earn some respect? So I have to earn your respect in the ring, eh? Is that it? So, let me guess. I kick your ass, win the match, everyone is amazed and what will you say? You forgot to bring your cleaning supplies to the ring? You make some jokes about the name and it's nothing the world hasn't already heard before. You take out you're little bang spray and you think it's amusing.

Grime chuckles.

Grime: Actually that was pretty funny, Scully. It seems you're one of those comedians that no one really thinks is all that funny...except for yourself. But I do have to say...bringing out the Bang is a good one. I give a Grimey ovation.

Grime spits on the ground, picks his boogers, and wipes them on a guy's shirt as he walks by. He raises his leg and lets it rip.

Grime: If you're worried about the starving kids and think they deserve boogers to eat, go ahead and track that guy down. If you don't like my dirty antics, well...get over it. And when you and your Black Hand ass come to the ring come Monday, you're going to learn a great deal about the difference between respect in the ring and respect out of the ring.

Grime smiles.

Grime: It seems you have too much focus going towards Mr. MacClay and Maverick. That's fine and all, but you should really pay attention to the guy that's going use you as a rag and make sure that ringside floor looks shiny as hell. You and Muddog want to bring the XWF Tag Team titles back to the Black Hand? Only for the Industry known as Grime and Q-Ball to take them away? Fine by me. But, guess what! You're already thinking about the future when you may not be in the condition to go after them again for a very long time.

The concession stand guy brings the strawberry shake and Pepsi to the counter. He gets Grime's attention. Grime puts his finger up as he walks over and grabs the drinks. Grime returns and hands Brittany her shake and he takes a big gulp of his Pepsi through the straw. Brittany lowers the camera and all you can really see is the skin of her left side. Grime sounds satisfied and then looks at his lady as he starts to talk again.

Grime: I was just hoping that one of my opponents might say something genuine. Something that I didn't have an answer for. Maybe an opponent that would deem me speechless.

Brittany: Like that'll ever happen...

Grime: Yeah, you're right, Britt. There isn't anything that has been said that I have not heard before...unless of course it's in a language I don't understand.

Brittany: Which is everything but English.

Grime: You are going to get bit, Babe.

Brittany: I know...

Brittany grins and then giggles. She lifts the camera back up to show on Grime rather than the view being her left side.

Grime: Scully...Ray can keep talking and the world will keep sleeping. You can keep making jokes and the only one laughing will be you. You can keep silent and no one will care. But come'll hear the wonder laughter of the world seeing three men being scraped off the mat, ringside floor, and needing tweezers to pick out the splinters that one of you will have stuck in your left ass cheek. See...I have half the mind right now to talk to Q-Ball and the guy everyone will see Brittany and I in the ring with tonight about going to Mr. Kirk MacClay and offer him our services in taking out the trash.

Grime takes another drink of Pepsi.

Grime: And...I can assure everyone that Kirk MacClay would be very pleased to find that his mercenaries will be able to get the job done. Until that decision is debated and made between the three of us...Scully, Ray, and Griff...keep dreaming to avoid the reality of a bad wreck.

Brittany's camera stops recording and she gives Grime a thumbs up.

Grime: That it?

Brittany nods.

Grime: Okay, go ahead and get back to your cute animal research, babe. Let's go meet up with the guys.

Brittany: Okay.

Grime puts his arm around her as she goes back to looking at the animal pictures. She shows Grime her phone every now and then as the two make their way back to where they planned to meet their XWF Warfare ally and Q-Ball.
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