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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
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JACK Offline
The Lone Crusader

XWF FanBase:
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04-24-2015, 06:07 PM

[Image: static-color-score-addicaid-gif.gif]

We open on some stranger's house being filmed for some unknown reason. The camcorder picks up a tan house with a well maintained lawn and a tree sapling growing out of the middle of the ground. A flowerbed can be seen on the second window, which is possibly where a bedroom or the kitchen resides for people to water. The lens continues to film the house as if there's nothing more interesting than this modestly sized suburban house. We hear a sigh from behind the camera, presumably from the mummified man, as he thinks back to some point of his life that might have involved this house. A few more seconds of nothing happening pass by before he breaks it by speaking to no one in particular.

"This is what they've done with the lot I've lived at back in the past. They've demolished the old home and replaced it with an entirely new one just to act like it never happened? To think that the new family who moved in here doesn't have a clue what went down in this area. And why should they? They weren't the ones that killed my family and they certainly don't work for the XWF. And yet, they continue to stare at me like a maniac, as if they haven't seen a man like me in my life."

Sure enough, the blinds on the house are slanted slightly tilted, as if people are looking right outside. We can't see any skin other than the hand and some of their eyes looking out of the window, but we can safely assume that two or three people are staring at the scary mummy standing right by their house.

"I've been following this routine every Thursday. Sometimes they're not home, other times they don't notice I'm even there, but apparently this is the first time they noticed my very presence in their vicinity. And apparently, they've never seen a man wrapped in this many bandages besides the presented to them in the media. If this is how I appear in the eyes of outside viewers, then so be it. They choose to look on the surface level instead of looking deeper into the man that is."

The curtain is let go and falls back, covering the window and the room they were looking from.

"The men and women in the XWF? They probably view me as a mummified idiot because they choose not to understand me and exactly what I've been through. They choose to ignore everything that I've had to live with and instead go to attack how I look and my fighting abilities based on how certain puppets managed to pull their own strings well enough to avoid knowing how copper tastes; or, in their choice of words, 'destroyed' me."

A soft chuckle can be heard as a cat can be seen jumping into the window to take a look at the unusual sight its family was staring at earlier.

"Destroying me would mean that the opponent has pulled my head clean off and decided to suck out the blood that pours out of my neck. They may have bested me, defeated me, or whatever else the puppets in this federation use for slang for losing. Of course, no matter how many times I lose, I always end up coming back. Even when they claim to have 'destroyed' me."

The cat continues to stare at the man, even when the people residing inside the house pull the curtains back to check if he's still there.

"Well, if they want to go ahead and try to put me out of my misery, they can do so with the upcoming Kirk MacClay Challenge. There are three stages that people can try to throw my mummified stature out of this federation. The first of which is a battle royal. Twelve other people have a great chance to throw me out in order for them to no longer worry about me in this match. Of course, that's never how these things work. No, everyone turns against each other in order to make sure they're going to be the ones that stay in that ring until the very end. It's selfish, yes, but with the prize at stake in this match, backstabbing is going to be a common happening in this match, even if alliances were formed beforehand."

The cat hops off the windowsill before Jack can continue with his point.

"Of course, the only person who would have a reason to target me is Pest, the man who targeted me before and thinks he can do it again to get vengeance bestowed upon him after I made a deal and retracted it. Now, because these men contacted me in the first place, he wants me dead. He has a chance to get rid of me here in this match, but the question isn't if he can get to me. The real question is how many people will target us. Everything's set up to make our encounter a match worth watching, after all. How many puppets will try to keep us off each other for the sake of marketing? More than likely all of them."

Brief pause.

"Now let's say that I manage to get past the first stage of the challenge and move on to the eight man tag match. The pairing is going to be picked out at random and works like any other fight where people are forced to work together. I don't have much to say about this kind of bout except to get on my good side. If you don't? Well for starters, I'll abandon you, and then make sure that you men will not walk out of this match the victors. I know you all seem to care about the gold plated belt that the rock and roll wannabe has strapped around his person, and I'll make sure that everyone, on my team or not, will stay as far away from that belt as possible."

One of the people inside the house has a phone close to his ear, possibly talking about the stranger that is standing right in front of their house and won't leave.

"Now should you choose to cooperate, we'll end up at the third and final stage of the challenge. A cage match where I'll have the task of fighting the other fortunate and skilled three that managed to walk out of the last stage a winner. Of course, as you've already been shown by the card, we don't fight each other all at once. Instead, we go at each other one on one until someone falls, and then another man is thrown into the mix just to keep the action going. It's going to physically drain us, but we all seem to be after the belt that I just mentioned earlier."

He chuckles once more.

"Well, I guess I can pretend to be interested in a strap for a little while before I can climb the ladder towards Shane. Taking all of you out of this match will not only earn a shot at a man that's probably been through just as much as I have, even if it's scripted most of the time, but that will also get the man of the hour to realize that I exist and want him dead. In order to pull that off, I feel the need to use that ring, as well as the cage enclosing it, as a weapon. You all thought I relied on my knives alone? Don't be so surprised when I tell you that what you just said is complete falsehood. As I said before, I'm a hybrid of a creature that even the most powerful, the quickest, or the most cunning of men can't topple alone."

A car pulls in not too far from the mummy. The driver parks it and steps out of the car, revealing herself to the camera's eye. She appears to be angry that Jack has the nerve to stand by the house and do absolutely nothing besides be a creep.

"You're the one my kids talked about?"

Jack pauses for a few seconds before answering her.

"Assuming your children were talking about the strange mummy staring at your house, yes."

"I don't know what the fuck you want with my house or my children, but I want you to get the fuck off my property before I call the police!"

He sighs.

"Your kids are safe. I wasn't planning on them getting hurt, anyways. I just came by your abode to see how you're doing with what used to be mine. As far as I can see, you're doing quite well for yourselves."

"I'm not going to tell you twice."

Another pause passes between the two.

"A man can't reminisce his old life, is that it?"

The woman says nothing, confused by what the hell he means.

"A man can't go back to his former lot to remember the better days when his family was still alive? A man can't take pride in knowing that he was proud of his wife and kids before they were taken from him too soon. Is that what I'm hearing from you?"

"What does that have to do with-?"

"Everything I cherished burned down right in front of me at this very lot, did you know that? Did you know that I used to reside where you now live your life as if there's nothing special about it? Did you know that no matter what you or everyone else does, I'm still going to stay alive until my revenge can be carried out against those who tried to kill me to join a fucking wrestling federation!?"

The woman says nothing. As she remains silent, Jack can be heard panting a little before speaking again.

"Of course you didn't. No one ever really looks at the man underneath. They all just assume that a scary fucking monster has appeared and is probably going to be killed be everyone he meets. I just want to kill a man named Shane and embrace death so many years too late. You can call the police, but that will only stop me for a little bit. I will always come back to do what I must, no matter what everyone likes to believe about me. I'll take my leave, but don't forget about the lives that were lost in the fire before you moved in."

He adjusts the camcorder so his fingers can reach the power button.

"Never forget about my family."

The scene fades to white.

[Image: 1sRaL7A.png?2]
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