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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
PlaceMarker BS is the best in the business, PS we got dicks like Jesus
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Dick Powers Offline

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

04-21-2015, 10:50 PM

~BS is the best in the business, PS we got dicks like Jesus~

[Image: Modern-Hilltop-Compound-House-Architectu...-Group.jpg]

Look at that sexy view.

But enough about my reflection in the pool, the compound looks good.

Dick good.

Riley and I have been scoping my newest purchase and gift to my fellow Brick Squad companions. A compound in a remote and secret location within the great state of California. We stroll towards the entertainment room and open the double glass doors, I smile and nod my rugged, handsome head in appreciation. This place is almost as nice as my mansion. Almost. "This place is almost as nice as your mansion Dick, almost."

"That it is Riley old friend, I'm sure my Brick Squad amigos will appreciate it." I grab the universal remote and turn on the 50 inch flat screen television, for some reason it's already on the XWF channel and I catch a repeat of Outsider Joel's promo. I almost forgot I was in a match this week, with all the excitement of purchasing a 'safe house' and still buzzed about my 2 previous wins, I nearly missed out on my third win. Poor Henry, sure he's worked his ass off dealing with those two knuckleheads while I've been enjoying sex on the beach and drinking various alcoholic beverages. "Well no more!" Did I say that out loud?

Riley looks at me from the corner of his eyes at me like I'm a freak, and not the good kind. I clear my throat and stand up straight, continuing to watch this shitty shitty gay promo from Joel. "Dick, make a quick response."

"What?" Did Riley read my mind? He knows me so well.

"I know what you need to do, but we're busy. And busy grown ups like us can't dedicate a full day to responding to gay bitches like Joel. So, make a quick response and let us continue our tour of your newest purchase." Riley always knows what to say.

"But Riley, I don't have me camera crew!" Riley looks at me like I just frenched his whore mother and points to the camera crew that has been following me around for 2 weeks.

"Make it quick Dick, Downton Abbey will be on soon and as someone from Britain I'm legally obligated to watch it with a cup of tea." I nod my head quickly and turn to. My camera crew. Deep breaths, lights, camera, Dick wink and action.

"Joel. You have something in common with your partner, you both busters! Now I feel terrible leaving this so late, I really do. And for that, Henry, I apologize. Not saying sorry to team buster though, call this the cool kid arriving late to the party. Because Brick Squad is in the house and we ain't taking no prisoners, we are going to smoke you like you were some blueberry kush. Not literally though, that would be weird and a little gay and I'm a pussy loving heterosexual ass man."

"And as that kind of man, I don't feel insecure when I say i am going to pound your asses into the dirt. This may be shorter than the quarters you're carrying around in your he-strings, but it's better than either of you deserve. Dick out."
Mic drop.

Riley grabs my shoulder and pats it."Good enough. C'mon, let's get blitzed and watch posh twats argue about the state of England. Riley guides me to the big ass sofa and we sit down as he passes me a glass of cognac from seemingly nowhere, I can't help but smile and laugh. It's good to be dick.


[Image: 0iokh39.png]

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