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04-12-2015, 09:14 PM
Opportunities come around once or twice a year here in the XWF. This Monday Night is the biggest of my opportunities for this year to date, since Lethal Lotteries when I took Sebastian Duke for the Intercontinental Title, I get another chance for a title. Vinnie Lane's Hart Championship.
Come Monday Night the lights will be bright. It is my time to shine. It's my opportunity which is standing right in front of me. I need to take it. It's my moment. Everyone is about to witness it. Millions of eyes upon my match.
My dream to become Hart Champion is about to become real. What I wouldn't give for moments like these. It's standing smack bang in front of me. It's real. I can't afford to waste it.
People are wondering lately who is this Mastermind standing in front of them? I know who I am. I know where I have come from, and I know where I have been? And I know where I am going? I am going to win the Hart Championship from Loverboy Vincent Lane on Monday. I know what I have become. I have become a dark, angry form of Mastermind than you have seen differently in the past. In order to be noticed that is what I have become.
Monday night, is the time that I stand tall. Taller than ever before. Vinnie will be powerless to stop me in this form that I am in. I won't have any doubt that he will try, but at the end of the night, his best efforts would be for nothing, as I stand tall on top of the ladder to collect his precious Hart Championship.
The moment I become Hart Champion will be the moment that everything that I done yesterday will be dead and buried. The new Hart Champion, the new Me, will be starting again. I will look within me to keep all the fears, all the failures that have happened in the past locked away. Trust me peoples this is who I have become. Your new Hart Champion.
All week Loverboy Vinnie Lane and I have been firing salvos at each other, and the time is nigh for us to go to war. All week he tries to discredit me by shouting out the untruths. But I see right through him. I can't hear him, he talks so loud, and doesn't mean much, so he tries to shoot me down again, and again, but I keep getting back up each time. Time after time.
I'm bullet proof Lane. I've got nothing to lose. You have everything to lose, like your Hart Championship. That's why you're running around like a headless chicken because the heats gotten too much for you. So keep firing your salvos at me. But every time they do, they just ricochet off of me. Like a flat stone skipping across the waters edge. You can take aim all you want. I'll just keep firing back. You just keep being the copycatboi Vinnie Lane. Because I am not going to fall to you. I am going to keep getting back up and I am going to show you that I am dead serious.
So go on Lane, keep raising that voice of yours, keep firing shots, it's you who has further to fall. It's you who will lose out come Monday Night. Keep trying to stop me, keep trying to put me down, but every time you try, I'll keep getting back up, because I am bullet proof, and I am titanium.
The cameras fade in to the US Bank Arena, in Cincinnati, Oho, and it is just moments before Monday Night Madness is due to kick off. It shows Mastermind pacing around his locker room.
"Tonight means a lot to me. Tonight is where I stand tall, and finally take my chance of bring Loverboy Vinnie Lane to his knees, and taking away his precious Hart Title. I so want that championship, that I am going to do anything and everything in my power to get it. I know the stakes are high. I know by competing in the 3 Cage structure it'll shave years off of my already long life. But it's also going to do the same to Vinnie.
"We've a war of words this past week. I've enjoyed it. But it's time to make my mark and that is what is going to happen. But now it's time for one final rebuttal before we get to the match. So let's get it on."
Loverboy Said:I was on a television show, right?
"I knew you were on a television show, but I wanted to change things up, and act like I didn't know you were. So I made it sound like you were appearing on a Radio show. But that to me still like you were being a copy cat, and did things straight after my radio show. Even you stupid pathetic pod cast makes it look like you are trying to one up me, because how successful my radio time was.
"I mean come on dude. Stop being so green with jealousy about it. It was a ratings winner. You just tried to out rate it, twice actually but failed big time. Failed miserably. You can do much better I know you. See how the pressure is too much?"
Loverboy Said:I’m a cog in the XWF machine, man, I happily help promote the product. Promoting the XWF is promoting Loverboy. Go on the XWF website right now. You see my face three times, don’t you?
"You're so funny that you believe that you are a valuable cog for the XWF, whereas in fact that you are like a stale piece of bread. You think you are that clever, but people around you just want you to take a break for a few months, and come back refreshed. You smell like yesterdays trash, it's so bad. So keep on going, keep on thinking that you are doing something right, whilst you are not."
Loverboy Said:Every second Mastermind spends NOT preparing and training to fight me in that cage on Monday is a second he’ll have to blame for his embarrassing loss. Memories and regrets, dude, that’s what Mastermind has in store for himself, and he has no one but himself to blame, man!
"So here we go, you finally bring that up. Well in between the time that you see me, and other times, I actually work out. People do not need to see a sweaty me work out. People need to see a well controlled confident man, and that's what I am. I maybe off centered at times, but it still means that I am in control. I won't bring up the fact that you go to too many ball games, television networks, podcasts, so called 'indy' matches, and see you not working out. No I won't mention that fact."
Loverboy Said:What did Mastermind ever accomplish in the ring? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Mastermind sighs and rolls his eyes.
"You and I both know what I've done in the ring Boi. You are just too lazy to bring that shit up, so you know by saying that I'll do it. Well okay I'll fucking do it then. I'm a two time X-Treme champion, held it longer than you ever did. What was your record? That's right 2 bloody days. I held it for 40 days combined. I defended it three times the second time. I even kicked out of a couple of your weak ass pin attempts.
"I was also a two time former arc of the covenant champion for a mere possibly 5 minutes. I'm proud of that fact, just like you are proud of your two days reign as X-Treme Champion.
"And I also won the Superstar of the Month award before you could even get your hands on it. You are just sore that I got to it first."
Loverboy Said:For one thing, every appearance I make is sanctioned by the XWF, per the terms of my contract
"Keep thinking that Lane, keep thinking that. You and I both know the real terms of your contract, and those aren't anything to do with sanctioned appearances."
Loverboy Said:I’ve got one thing to suggest to Mastermind leading into this week’s main event…RUN.â€
Mastermind starts laughing, and then he looks seriously at the camera.
"No, no, no, Boi, I won't be the one running. You will be. You will continue to run, just like you have for most of the week, once you felt the week slipping away from you. In fact you will continue to run throughout the three cages, until there is no where else left to run, and then I will finish you off like a master piece of art. Once I finish you off, you will look high above the ring at me, reaching for your title, on top of the giant ladder, grabbing your Hart Title, and becoming the next Hart Champion.
"Tick tock, tick tock, Loverboy Vinnie Lane. Can you hear that? It's almost time for our big match to start. I hope you are ready, because I know I am. It's time to bring the tricks that you've learned, because I'm bringing my own tricks with me as well. I hope you can bring your wrestling skills, because if you don't, you're mouth will fail you big time.
"Time's running out Boi. First we had weeks, then we had days, now it time to hours, before minutes, and then seconds. I'm coming for the Hart Title. And I am going to get it."
And with that Mastermind turns around and walks off camera.
Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals
February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month
Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020
50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020
100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023
Check out my page for victories and losses
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