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Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-05-2015, 10:36 PM

[Image: 5QJ9XFt.png?1]

I sat at the bar for what seemed like forever.  The man next to me must have been there all day, and didn't seem too awful concerned in hiding the fact.  He looked like a cross between "Dog" the Bounty Hunter and the King.

I love how I can remember useless facts like who the hell "Dog" the Bounty Hunter is, but can't remember my own name.  It's almost like only certain details have been erased.  Oh, sarcasm aside, I am quite thankful I remember all of the Elvis tunes.  Long live the King, baby.

I sit back and wait as the man beside me continues to order one shot after another followed by a beer.  He was very loud and obnoxious and I'm surprised he was still being served.

"Make this next one on the rocks sugar.  Put a nipple on it too, I'm gonna nurse this one." He said in his loudest, most kindest voice.

The young girl behind the bar throws a small handful of ice into the bottom of a glass then pours the bourbon on top of it.

" Good stuff, good stuff."

Something about the man sounded very familiar.  Surely this guy here wasn't the saving grace that whomever sent my way.  From the looks of the way this guy carries himself, I could be better off on my own.

"Excuse me?" I say as I lean over to the gentleman, "I'm looking for someone."

The man stops whatever kind of train of thought he had going for the moment.  His glass makes a loud clink sound as he placed in on the bar.  He looked up at me with beady eyes staring through a rough thick beard.

He spoke to me in his thick "East coast accent".
  " I'd love to help ya, pal.  Not from around here though...  Nope not at all."

I nodded, "Well, sure, of course, neither am I."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the XWF card that I've been carrying around for a week.  I presented it to him like it was some form of identification.  The two beady eyes that I was just looking at went from pearls to cue balls in a second.  He stood up from the bar and grabbed me by the arm.

"It's not safe here," he said as he threw back the remaining half of his drink.  "Meet me out back in twenty minutes."

He took his hand from my arm and extended one long pointer finger in the air.  The girl behind the bar rolls her eyes as she approaches him once again.

Entry 16

I saved the guy from the awkwardness that I apparently brought into the diner with me.  I left.

I strolled around the small block trying to time it perfectly and end up in the back of the diner in about twenty minutes.  Which didn't seem to matter after I arrived on time a second time, and he was nowhere to be found.

My mind started to wonder again.  I pulled my new toy from my pocket and pulled up the latest Buster Mac promo.

This guy is off of his rocker, man.

Maybe the 25 years you spent working undercover in the FBI made him a little loopy.  He blames me for lack of material?  What am I supposed to do, Mac?  Paint you a fucking picture or what?

If you're as rough and tough as you claim you are then you shouldn't be concerned with what I'm doing on my end.  You should walk all over without a doubt.  Especially since I've been screwing up facts since the beginning too, right?

I'm not sure what made me think you were an ex-cop running from something.  It may not have came out of your mouth directly, but I can tame a hint, man.  Why would a guy that put his life and family through hell for twenty five years, turn around and live a life on the road again?  You can't tell me that spending all of those years undercover didn't create some demons.  You can't tell me it didn't tell me you're not haunted by SOMETHING.

Back to the name game, are we? Listen man, a name is a name. All I know is every dream, every instance, and every thought in my head goes back to that name. First name, last name? Maybe. Maybe dead is short for something. Like I said Big Mac, someone is fucking with me. Sorry to leave you hanging with basically no facts about me, but I'm just as much at a loss as you are. So if I were you I'd just hurry up and get over it... Keep talking your Mac smack and wish for the best. That's all you can do, man. At least you have a lot more going for yourself. On top of being a secret agent you have the mack truck thing. Pretty clever.

I, on the other hand, have no catch phrases to fall back on... So, I guess I just have to be blunt.

Tomorrow night Mac, you and I open the show as well as our apparent new careers here in the XWF. It looks to me that this new hobbie of yours might have a few negative effects on you. That's what this all is right? A hobbie? After a LNG haul working for the government, twenty five years right? You go to wrestling school. Did they call you grandpa during your training there? How the fuck old are you anyway? You spent enough time in you could have probably retired, yet you continue on placing your body into even more danger. And this is a hell of a place to just draw out of a hat, I might add.

It still seems like you have a lot to learn before you become anything threatening around here. I'll happily give you your first lesson, Mac. There's too much at stake for me to let someone like you get the best of me. I feel... I know there's a long road ahead of me. Many, many other battles and others like yourself set out like road blocks. It's not going to be easy, by any means, and that's the first part of your lesson too. You talk a real strong game man. Real strong. But I think you went about things all wrong.

[Image: ZKFO2Gx.png]
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