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Axl VanHalen: Welcome 2H3LL
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-22-2015, 02:30 AM
--- 7-23-14: injecting a lethal dose

... kickout.

Axl: You wanna know who I am? I'll give you a rundown. First of all, two tapes;

- - -

--bob 1--

[We return to the (insert arena name). "I Am Evil" by Darc-Soulz begins to play... When suddenly, it cuts out, and the lights do as well. The Tiny-Tron fills with static, before the lower body of a man is shown, sitting on a wooden chair... a man wearing torn jeans, a flannel shirt wrapped around his waist, and dusty work boots on his feet. The man reaches down to the ground and picks up an unlit cigarette and a lighter. As he lifts both up, the camera switches to a side view of the man's face... covered in shadow. He lights the cigarette... takes a puff... and flicks the cig to the ground... as the wooden floor of the log cabin he sits within goes up in flame. Fire surrounds him... and we rest upon a view of his eyes... the vision of fire burning in his glistening pupils. As the fire rises, and a smirk dripping with evil begins to spread across his face... he whispers.]

Man: Kill Me With a Beat.

["Do You Call My Name", by Ra, plays, and the lights quickly return, blazing with a brilliant hue of orange. Two Dollar-Store Troopers part the curtain... Pigeon and Steve Roydz emerge first, and as they stand on either side of the entrance, a golden shower of sparks begins to rain down over the stage.]

Nurse Heidi: Please welcome, former Swiss Army Champion, former ONLY WORLD CHAMPION THAT MATTERS, former Parodyox spokesperson, former hair metalist, and now, former goth poser. Born in Nowhere, Oklahoma, he now resides in Sinister City, Utah... He is the master of the Evil-Lution, the innovator of the Sinister Slice... He is the leader of the Hierarchy, and he IS better than you... Sin City, give it up... for AXXXLLLLLL!!! ... I better get a healthy bonus for spewing this drivel...

["Do You Call My Name" continues, and as the words "My Heart Is Bloody And I Can't Take It Anymore" are spoken, Axl appears in the midst of the shower of golden sparks. But, he no longer wears any semblence of paint or make-up. As seen in the video, he wears a pair of torn jeans, dusty work boots, and a long-sleeved flannel shirt wrapped around his waist. As well, he wears a black t-shirt with the words "I AM" printed across the front in crimson... and around his neck, he wears a black string carrying a crystal dragon pendant. As his long hair flows in the air, Axl lifts the microphone in his right hand up to his lips... His eyes casting off a steely gaze...]

Axl: Ya know... I've been here for, what, 2 years now? [Axl looks across the fans in the seats... before looking down toward the steel stage] ... And yet, still I get no respect out of you worthless, lazy, pieces of trash. I've bled... I've sweat... I've broken my back and every bone in my body, just to become the best I can be. The best there is, not only here in Brawlers on a Budget, but the best across the span of the globe. I've done everything within my power to change you people's minds... [... Axl looks back up at the fans... now with a look of hate and disgust] ... and yet, in the end, when it all comes down to it, you all still think of me... just about the same thing you thought of me when I first stepped onto the scene. Some of you think of me as gay. Some of you think of me as a loser. Some of you think of me as a poser. But ALL of you think of me... as a joke.

Axl: No more.

Axl: I've busted my ASS, night in, night out, to gain a bit of respect around here, from my peers, from you fans, and from the upper management. But no matter what I do, no matter what I say... no matter what I become... all I'm good for is a laugh at my expense. ... No more. I've had enough of the teasing... the taunting. Wrestling isn't meant to be "funny". And when the most dominant man in the world of wrestling is nothing more than a laughingstock? Then it's time for a change. It's time for the court jester to become the KING. I've been training... and I've been learning. I've been listening to a man with a vast and powerful knowledge of this business... A man with a firm grip on what it means to be truly... evil. A man... known as Garth Vader. He's been leading me down the pathway to becoming not only what I've wanted to be for years... but what I NEED to be in order to once again reign as OWCTM. He is my inspiration. And he has inspired me to cast away the delusions I've held onto... of being gothic, of being a hair metalist. For too long I've tried to be something I'm not... But now... Now?

Axl: No more.

Axl: For from now on, I AM... nothing more, and nothing less, than what I say I am. The pinnacle of sports entertainment. The greatest professional athlete in the history of the game. And first and foremost... Whether you're a fan here in Sin City or a fan watching at home on TV... whether you're some suit like BigBoss or a Brawler who couldn't defeat me on my WORST day? The Truth Is... I'm BETTER than each... and every... one of you. As is every member of the Hierarchy. And with me as their leader, we WILL reign supreme here in the land of the Low Budget. And with Garth Vader guiding me every step of the way? We will be INVINCIBLE. The day of the Hierarchy is soon to arrive... 2008 WILL be... the year... of the Hierarchy.

[Axl lowers to a knee, bowing his head... as Garth Vader walks through the curtains and stands behind his pupil... resting a hand on Axl's shoulder.]

Read more:

- - -

--bob 2--

PA: Kill me with a beat.

["Do You Call My Name" plays, and the crowd instantly begins to boo like mad. The Hierarchy's power couple of Axl and Rose make their way through the curtains, with Steve not too far behind.]

Wes Rivers: Hello sports fans, Wes Rivers here! The Hierarchy Announce Desk has been set up for this special occasion, as Axl has promised to make a VERY special announcement, right here in Sin City!

Rex Winters: He's the boss of the Hierarchy, but sometimes... you kinda wonder who's REALLY wearin' the pants in that relationship, if you know what I mean.

Wes Rivers: Well, our esteemed leader has entered the ring, and is holding the hand of his lover. Let's hear what he has to say...

[ Axl has Rose's hand in one of his, and a microphone in the other, and TRIES to speak... but as he does, the crowd's catcalls simply grow louder.]

Axl: Can you people PLEASE shut the hell up?! [heavy jeering] Jesus Christ, you'd think atleast some of you would have the common decency... or atleast the common SENSE, to zip your fuggin' lip! [EXTREME jeering]

Rose: Axl, will you hurry it up?

Axl: Fine, fine... Rose... I was asked by Garth Vader to make a decision. And I've made it. I stand here now to tell you... You're the only thing that matters in my world. I'd die for you. I'd... I'd tumble for ya.

Rose: Quoting Culture Club? And you say you're not gay.

[Axl shifts nervously... he forces a smile.]

Axl: Rose... my only goal in life is to make you happy...

[Axl kneels down before Rose... reaches into his pocket, and procures a ring. Rose's eyes widen a bit, as she ponders what's occuring.]

Rose: Axl... do you mean...

Axl: Rose... would you marry-

[Suddenly, "The Imperial March" begins to play, and Garth Vader emerges through the curtains, flanked by Dollar-Store Troopers. He lifts a fist, before motioning for the chubby gaurds to halt. Garth stands for a moment... Axl has dropped the diamond ring, grabbed a microphone, and is yelling to Garth that he's already made his decision... When Garth actually begins to remove his helmet.]

Wes Rivers: Wow, folks! It looks as though Garth Vader may finally reveal to the world his true identity!!!

Rex Winters: My money's on Rick Moranis. Either that, or Al Perez.

Wes Rivers: Huh?

Rex Winters: Nevermind.

[Axl and Rose continue to stare at Garth... until, from out of the blue, Viruz runs in from behind and spins Rose around. He's just about to strike her, when Axl grabs Rose out of harm's way. Axl, still holding Rose's hand, eyes Vi...]

Axl: You sorry son-of-a-bitch. Don't you know? You can't lay a finger on a woman! ... Only I can do that!

Wes Rivers: OH MY GOD!!!!~! Axl just dropped Rose with the Sinister Slice! Axl's girlfriend... ex? Either way, she's out cold!

Rex Winters: I can't believe this... After "proposing", Axl just did the unthinkable! Rose is literally coughing up blood from that sharp and sudden move! But... I'm still compelled to cheer for our leader! Go Axl!

[Axl kneels over the fallen body of Rose, as he sneers wickedly, nearly frothing at the mouth. Viruz stands behind him, patting him on the shoulder...]

Axl: I HAVE made my decision. And my decision is that my career... my success, takes precedent over anything else. And the very thing that was holding me back was the very same thing that was making me feel inferior... the thing that made me question if I even truly was a man at all. That thing... was Rose. But now? Now I've found another woman...

["My Michelle" hits on the PA system, as the fans are shocked, and so are the Hierarchy announcers.]

Wes Rivers: You've GOTTA be kidding me! Axl... Michelle? It couldn't be!

Rex Winters: But it is, baby! Michelle is in the Hierarchy, and a New Horizon truly has arrived!

Axl: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Michelle... my girlfriend, for the past MONTH!

Wes Rivers: He's been hiding it from us for that long?!

Rex Winters: And more importantly, he's hidden it from Rose! But now the cat's out of the bag! Of course, there's not that much Rose can do about it now, heheh!

[As Michelle steps into the ring, Axl takes her in his arms, and standing right above the still unconcious Rose, the two share a big, fat, sloppy kiss. As they break the liplock, Axl smiles, and looks toward the fans.]

Axl: How's that for "gay"?!

[Axl motions Viruz to grab Rose off the ground, and after he does, he hooks Axl's former girlfriend by the arms... Axl, with arm over Michelle's shoulder, begins to speak to the barely concious Rose...]

Axl: Remember when you found me on MySpace, and you thought I was going to choose 'Gay' as my orientation? Well, I KNOW why it took so long for you to join me in the bedroom! It wasn't because you were having second thoughts about peeing in my mouth! It was because you were taking a glance at what I HAD chosen for my orientation. Well, you ever wonder why it was on 'not sure'? Huh? Well Rose, it was because after all the shit you put me through, not only over the past couple of months since I dropped Tifa, but even BEFORE Tifa... well, I just couldn't handle it. You made me feel like less of a man, Rose. You made me feel like I couldn't even handle my own day to day tasks without you guiding me like a fucking puppet on a string! Hell, after everything, I'd rather be with TIFA than you! Atleast she treated me with a bit of respect... a shred of dignity.

Axl: But you? you made me feel like slime, Rose. You have been, and you did back when we were first together. Back in the GwarTellica days. You may have been a bit more subdued, sure... You may have let me stand on my own two feet, I'll give you that much. But Rose, the fact remains that day in, day out, you sucked the life out of me through your constant bitching and moaning! You griped about how I played the guitar. You griped about how I sang. You griped about how I ate, how I dressed, how I snored at night! You want the truth, Rose? You want the TRUTH? You can't even HANDLE the truth! Because the truth is, everything I hated about my relationship with you? That's what led me down the path to self-hate... to the point where I went from a fun loving hair metal lover, to a depressed emo. But Rose... thanks to you? I now have a woman that not only accepts me for ME... but LOVES me for it. She loooves ego, Rose. She loves a guy that wears grungy clothes. And most importantly? She doesn't force me to be the WOMAN IN THE RELATIONSHIP!!!

Axl: A month ago, to the DAY, I stared back at a cardboard cutout of Kurt Cobain... I felt the pain he endured. Not by the media... but by that SLUT Courtney Love! She dragged him down, Rose... just as you have I. But it's time... It's time. Not Hammer Time, nor Vader Time, not even Cryme Tyme! It's time that I put you to rest... and began my ascension towards the very pinnacle of this company! I AM the best there is going today, and Michelle gives me the opportunity, as well as the encouragement, to actually BECOME that pinnacle. You... unfortunately never did. As Garth made it so plainly clear to me, to succeed in this business... you SHOULD have skill. You CAN have talent, or ability. But to be TRULY successful? And more importantly... evil? You MUST, without a shadow of a doubt, have POWER. And my Michelle IS that power... that SUPERIOR Power! Together, we shall RULE BoB, with an iron fist, and noone will be able to stop us... not Trey Vincent, not even BigBOSS! And as for you Rose? Well, you're just a piece of garbage anyway. Dispose of her, bro.

[Viruz spins Rose around and hits the Fatal Error, a flipping Rock Bottom. He then rips Rose off the canvas and tosses her to Steve, who flattens her with a nasty powerbomb, before pulling her back to her feet. With Rose barely even able to stand, she's thrown to Axl, who grabs her by the arms... allowing for Michelle to hock back a loogie, before spitting right in poor Rose's face. Michelle then brings her head in close to Rose's...]

Michelle: Sorry bitch... tough luck, I guess?

[Michelle then reels back, and slaps the taste from Rose's mouth. Michelle grabs Rose by the hair, and finally decides to toss her over the top rope, sending her splatting against the outside mat. Axl smiles, as do Steve, Vi, and the NEW Queen of the Hierarchy, Michelle. Axl reaches down to the mat and picks up the ring he had dropped... the one he pretended to put on Rose's finger. He then slips it gingerly on Michelle's lovely finger, before giving her a peck on the cheek. Michelle hugs Axl, and hands him the microphone. Amidst a sea of booing, jeering, catcalls, and thrown trash, Axl begins to speak one last time.]

Axl: As they say, where one door closes, another opens...

["Do You Call My Name" hits, and Axl, Michelle, Steve and Viruz raise their hands in the air, as the audience showers the ring with garbage.]

Wes Rivers: Axl has dropped Rose, and his new girlfriend is none other than the Superior Power - Michelle!

Rex Winters: And our benevolent leader has revealed plans for his very own BoB program! Business has just picked up!

- - -

Axl: And since those days I've evolved. I'm no hair metal reject.

The picture of the old Axl dissapears, and in its place is the current day 'Ax-Man', live and in living color.

[Image: kurt-cobain-650x400b.jpg]

"I'll tell you exactly who I am. I am your vaccination. Everything you are? I'm not. Everything you're not? I am. I'm talented, intelligent, and crafty. And I am a leader. A visionary, someone to be revered. And so are they."

Three other figures arrive on the scene.

[Image: Untitled_zpsvyn59uva.png]

Axl: Lenny Lane, we are far too good to be seen battling in this manner. And when I refer to 'we' I mean myself, my girlfriend Tifa BonJovi, Kevin Slash, and Bing O. Hall. The Crue World Order, bro, and any one of us could take both you and Cain to your limit at the same time on our worst day. And by the way? I'm not the Ark Champ. It's sad enough when a wrestler doesn't know enough about the company he wrestles for, but when a champion forgets who shares gold alongside him? Well, that's laughable to say the least. Also? Tifa and I are in an open relationship. But sadly, I doubt she'd touch you with a ten foot pole with a thirteen inch ruler attached to the end.

"I've got one last tape for you. You may find it interesting, you may not, but to those that ARE ready to rawk... we salute you. Party on, Loverboy."

The four figures part, leaving a video playing on the screen.

quote author="@thecrue" timestamp="1398560169" source="/post/4911/thread"][div align="center"][img style="max-width:100%;" src=""]

[font size="5"]*static*[/font]

...snow sliced through the screen.

Before a video slowly came into view.

As the video came to a close, a single still image was left emblazoned in the eyes of those watching --

[Image: cWo_coming_zpsb00ca959.png]

As the image rested upon the screen for a handful of seconds, music slowly began to seep through the speakers --

In the beginning
Good always overpowered the evils
Of all man's sins...

But in time,
The nations grew weak
And our cities fell to slums
While evil stood strong.

In the dusts of HELL
Lurked the [size=6]blackest
of hates
For he who you fear awaits you...

Now? Many, MANY lifetimes later
Lay destroyed, beaten, beaten down,
Only the corpses of Rebels
Ashes of dreams
And blood stained streets.

It has been written that
"Those who have the youth
Have the future"

So come now, children of the beast
Be strong.

And Shout at the Devil.


"So it was written.
So it shall come to pass."

The camera slowly emerged upon a scene... a dark, dingy alley-way. Somewhere in a city corrupted by greed, money, power, and jealousy.

He stood there, resting beside a dumpster, legs crossed, as he gazed at the brick wall before him. Shadow encompassed his appearance.

But his voice could be heard, clear as crystal.

"They doubt us. And by 'they', I mean the straight-laced. The suit-and-tie wearing 'normals'. Those that look down upon us...

"...and by 'us'?"

The man chuckled lightly to himself, before gazing up at the night sky above...

"...I mean those that don't quite 'fit in'. In a world of bodybuilders, Hollywood-wannabes, supermodels and carbon copied plastic mannequins?"

He then looked toward the camera. Eyes veiled in darkness. But a gleaming light could almost be seen.

[size="4"]"...We are the exception to the rule."[/size]

The figure paused for a moment, before turning his sight back towards the brick wall.

"Doubt us. Go on. Doubt us, overlook us, look DOWN on us. Spit on us, kick us aside, USE US.

"TRY...and hold us down."

He then slowly began to stand to his feet. As he did, he spoke.

"For we...will...rise.
Beat us down?
And we. WILL. Rise.
Knock us to the GROUND?
Leave us for DEAD?"

He stood tall. Before turning his eye to the camera.

[Image: kurtcobain-4937.jpg]

"And we.

Or BeLeft BeHind."


[Image: devinMurdock_cWoPrecedingAnnouncement_zpse8b8ec75.jpg]


|vinnie lane likes sticking wrenches in his ass|

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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