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Gamegenie (Part Timer)
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Gamegenie Offline
The 16-bit Wrestler

XWF FanBase:
Classic Face

(usually cheered; very rarely plays dirty)

03-30-2013, 10:38 AM

[Image: uno_zpsfe9ceeef.jpg]


In-Ring Name: Gamegenie

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): OOC: Julio Angelo

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: A returning one, i was Yan Yungsung before ^^.

Wrestler Date of Birth: May 20 1983


Weight:220 lbs

Hometown: Inside a video game console

Personality: Weird, naive and clumsy are the personality that represent him.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face (They like him even if he is constantly a loser).

Physical Build Description:

Ring Attire: He wear red tight with snes controller each side like design who represent him.On his boots, they have some designs from Mario 1 game. He wear a mask like Rey Mysterio with some design and logo from Zelda games.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: he is dress like a gamer with his mask on or he like wearing the pink Karate uniform of Dan Hibiki. He believe he is his students but anyone believe he's a fictional character from Capcom.

Ethnicity: OOC: A french canadian with italian origin IC: A geek

Pic Base: Player Uno from Chikara

Wrestling Style: Technical, high fly and comedy wrestling

Strengths: Despite his clumsyness, he is a very good technical and high fly wrestler.

Weaknesses: When someone hit the pause button on his snes controller design, he stop moving and the opponent can get the advantage of a pin or doing whatever he has in mind.

Entrance Theme Music: Waterfall stage from Contra 4

Entrance Description: Contra 4-waterfall stage blast in the stereo. We notice the mask wrestler geek, doing the Y2J pose when he is on the stage. When he turn back, a shower of spark ( like Randy Orton old entrance) is falling behind him. He make his way to the ring at the same thing he raised his left arm in the air. When he approach the ring, he run and slide under the 1st rope. He climb the turnbuckle and he realise a pose similar to John Morison then after, he wait for his opponent in the turbunckle.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

1- Windgod fist ( the famous uppercut of Kazuya Mishima)

2- Bomb-Omb driver ( Double Underhook piledriver)

3- It's came from Square enix ( the final cut of Gregory Helms)

4- Para-troopa kamikaze (Lionsault)

5- Ninja Koopa ( Arabian moonsault)


7- Flying Tanuki ( a standing shooting star press or from the top rope)


9- Greeting for Hyrule ( Michinoku driver)

10- Shadow kick ( He use the superkick to represent the famous kick of Johnny Cage)

11- Flash kick ( Gamegenie use the sommersault kick in the turnbuckle, like Guile from Street fighter)

12- Flying barcelona special ( a tiger feint kick following with a diving clothesline)

13- Cannondrill ( he uses the corkscrew dropkick of Jack Evans to represent the famous move of Cammy)

14- Tiger suplex pin

15- Bomb-omb away ( diving senton from the tope rope)

16- Bullet bill charge ( spear)


18- Kano Cannonball ( a running cannonball to an opponent seated in the corner)

19- Tatsumaki Senpukyaku ( Shelton Benjamin dragon whip)

20- Wrath from Mushroom kingdom ( Crossface)

Trademark Move(s): Legendary taunt
Description(s): He uses the famous taunt of Dan Hibiki like Booker T uses his spineroonie

2: Mushroom stomp ( Paul London mule kick)

3: Hadoken ( Gamegenie uses both hands and strike the enemy like if he really make the famous fireball of Ken and Ryu)

Primary Finisher: Blast from the past
Description: Angel wings from Cristopher Daniels

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Tetris Block
Description: Warrior way/ghetto stomp of Low ki/Kaval from the top rope, tree of woe or standing)

Favorite Weapon if any: A NES, SNES or N64 console or a guitar hero guitar he could uses to smack the opponent head with.

Additional notes: Since i want to be a occasional wrestler, i'd like to be on the Madness roster.
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