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Introductions - Part 2
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Buster Mac Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-30-2015, 11:03 PM

Here's what happened last time -

I stood there frozen to the spot.

"Come on Matthews, it's only been 20 years, surely you would recognize me, after all we ended up in the joint together."

My instincts were to run, but my brain said there was something far more important going on here, than to run. I stood still. The fact that he used my under cover name meant something. He wasn't aware after all these years that I was an undercover agent.

"I'm not interested, I'm out of the game," I said trying to sound casual

"Yeah we've noticed that you've gone into a different sort of game. Who gave you the stupid name Buster Mac?"

"They did," I lied knowing that my cover story was being checked on

"I want you to get in the Ranger Rover."

"That's not going to happen."

The guy opened his door, and stepped out. He faced me. Immediately I recognized him, from the scar on his left cheek. His name was Artie Todd, and I knew him from my early days as an under cover agent. I was under cover in his gang. I tried to capture his boss, who was one of the most wanted people of his time, but the mission failed when his boss got away. But it wasn't all bad. We captured everyone else.

Because I was undercover I had to at least spend the first week inside with all the gang to make it look like I had been busted, before being transferred to another 'prison'. Luckily I had a strong 'backstop' in place because with Artie being here, that meant people from my past were trying to find me.

"Like you have a choice," said Artie lifting his shirt to reveal a gun

I tried to stay calm "What is it that you want Todd?"

"So you do remember me Matthews, that's a good sign. I don't want anything but the boss does. He has requested a meeting with you."

"Who would your boss be?" I asked calmly

Artie laughed "Come now, you know exactly who the boss is. Stop playing dumb. Mr Rodwell does not like to be kept waiting, you know this."

My suspicions were confirmed. Mr Rodwell Pedros was indeed the wanted guy who went missing when the attempted and failed bust went down. He went into hiding and was never seen or heard from again, but just before I left the agency, there were whispers of his come back. This was very good and very bad news for me. Very good news meant I now had a chance to find a way to get close to Mr Pedros. Whilst the bad news meant, my kids and wife had to go into hiding, I was back in the game, and I didn't even know what it meant for my so called wrestling career. Yet.

"Sorry I'm not interested, I've left that life behind years ago. I'm trying to make a living for the good now."

"You just don't see it do you Matthews!" stated Artie stepping forward another step again "We can use the wrestling world as a front for you to help us with Mr. Rodwell."

I had learned enough, and it was time to make my move, without warning I kneed Artie in the guts, then hit him with a couple of lefts of rights, and then I grabbed him, and threw him against the opened car door. I then bent down over him.

"You can tell Mr. Rodwell thanks, but no thanks, I'm no longer interested."

I stomped on his head for good measure. I then rushed to my car, my red sports corvette, and got in, and high tailed it out of there as quick as I could.

I sped along the road like a bat out of hell. The fact that Artie had come alone was all the evidence I needed. Rodwell must have thought I would have come willingly and quickly, but the fact that I didn't meant that when Artie came to, and managed to get back in contact with his friends, I would be in a whole world of bother. I had to act quickly.

For the next half an hour I kept an eye on my rear vision mirror. I had definitely floored Artie, but that meant he was going to pay me back when he had a chance. I made my way to the nearest airport, and quickly went to the Communication area. Where I found the pay phones. I then inserted coins and dialed a number. A female voice answered.

"Trucks R Us, how can I help you?"

(Code For: Secret Service - What's the problem?)

I spoke calmly and quickly: "My Mack Truck needs a full service, and a warrant."

(Code For: It's Former Agent Buster Mac, I've been compromised, needing assistance.)

The responder went quiet for a moment, and then replied: "That can be arranged for 15:30 today at current location."

(Code For: Situation being assessed, sending handler to your current address, you've only got so long.)

"Thank you Ma'am, My registration is 002BM."

(Code For: File Number #2)

"Roger that."

The line went dead. I hung up, and quickly looked at my watch. I really couldn't afford to stay in one place for too long. I just had time to make one last quick call. I called home.

"Good morning, Tracey speaking."

"it's me, I don't have time, you need to listen up," I said quickly

Tracey knew the drill that meant she had to listen fast: "Okay I'm listening."

"I've decided we're going on holiday, get the kids and meet me at your mother's."

(Code For: My Covers being blown, I need you and the kids to get to my mother's and for you to get into hiding.)

Tracey's parents had died a few years ago, so we all ways used that scenario every time some sort of trouble came along.

"Okay I'll see you at Mum's then."

(Code For: Will you be meeting us there?)

"I shouldn't be too close behind. Tell your Mum, it's going to be a good holiday."

(Code For: It looks like I'll have to go back into the game, tell my mum thanks for looking after the kids.)

"I've got to go, see you soon," I lied.

It was the hardest thing I could do, was hang up on her, but she and I had been involved with Rodwell Pedros in the past. Her deeply so. Our cover story was that we were brother and sister, and she was Rodwell's girlfriend. I did not want her anywhere near him this time around. As far as they were concerned she had fled the country, and was living overseas.

I quickly made my way out of the airport, and got driving again.



What sort of name is Dead Nick? That's who I have been paired up against in my debut match here in the XWF next Monday, against a guy called Dead Nick. Come on Nick do you really expect us to believe that you are dead? That's like saying Hero Xtreme 7.9 really is a god, and that his mouth piece is gay, well that last bit is true. That's also like saying Mastermind is really a Master of Minds, when he can't even get his wins on the right side of his losing record. That's also like saying Gator is really Spiderman dressed up. Spiderman is fictional. That's also like saying that Frodo Smackins, is a gay dwarf who loves terrorizing others. I could go on, but I won't.

So Nick if you really want to be dead, I can make that happen for you. Oh wait no I can't. There are rules on killing people on Monday Night Madness, if we were on Wednesday Night Warfare then I could oblige you. But when I run over you like a Mack Truck, you're going to wish you were put out to pasture. I may be a green wrestler but I know how to stand up for myself.

So are you going to act Dead all this week and not say a word, because really it is in your best interests to do so. I'm looking forward to my debut, after nearly a month's pent up frustration. Dead Nick you are going down to the Mack Truck himself. Buster Mac.

[Image: Mark-Wahlberg-007.jpg]
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