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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
To bestow the burrows of bereavement
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02-25-2015, 09:05 PM

Within the Perplexing Purgatorial Dreamscape:

In an unknown, hazy dark room, Dylan ‘The Nightmare’ George is shown on his knees, bowing his head into a corner. An aurora of sadistically stoic solitude surrounding him, the camera slowly pans onto his face which is this time covered by a hockey mask… he seems to be almost meditating as the scene fizzles to a grainy, sepia scoped perception of the past:

In an empty room, your attention is turned to an old floor model T.V., that is playing black and white footage of an old Indy Wrestling program…

[Image: tv-static.gif]

At a well-populated, outdoor venue in the strength of night. Dylan George, the heavy underdog slowly scales the turnbuckle, he’s been busted open and is bleeding heavily. His opponent, the reigning and most dominate World Champion is laid out in the center of the ring.

CM Punk(Commentator): “George is setting up, my goodness this is an amazing match!”

Dylan fly’s from the top with a stunning shooting star press, crashing down onto the champion, he covers for the pin…

[Image: sick-air-bourne-o.gif]


“Oh my God he’s done it! Dylan George has done it! He’s captured the SWA World Heavy Championship in stunning fashion!”

An elated Dylan George, still wrenching with pain is shown on his knees clutching the belt with one arm as the ref is raising his other. The crowd erupts as the entire backstage cast of superstars empties to hoist Dylan up in the middle of the ring…

With the commentator still talking the image fades to an interview room, where the newly crowned champion is sitting with CM Punk for an exclusive one on one interview.

A very young, very handsome Dylan is smiling, with the World Championship hanging over his shoulder as CM Punk begins to speak…

“Dylan, we just watched the recap from Supercard X… “

“Yes, yes…”
Dylan nods still smiling,

“It’s been just a little over a month now, that you… in one of the most amazing feats of athletic prowess I’ve ever witnessed, knocked off the former World Champion Big Hoss Man in a stunning 2 out of 3 Falls match… becoming the youngest World Champion ever at just the age of 18.
How do you feel going back and watching that, and knowing that you’ve accomplished something at such a young age that not many ever get to in their lives?”

“Well first, let me say thank you Punk, that type of…umm, endorsement from someone such as yourself, who I grew up idolizing truly means the world to me. But yeah, really this is the first time I’ve gone back and watched the match, I mean I knew it was a good match- but I had no idea… and hats off to Big Hoss Man, he’s one of the most dominate SWA Champions of all time and he really laid it all on the line.”

Dylan pauses for a moment,

“…but it really brings me true joy, it really does, growing up a fan of this sport. Falling in love with great matches and great wrestling- telling a great story and putting on a show for fans, well that’s what this thing is all about; watching you take on Daniel Bryan, or Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and Steve Austin… the fact that mine and Hoss Man’s match could even be considered near that category brings me true joy.”

“Again Dylan, how do you feel about capturing the World Championship at such a young age?”
Punk reiterates,

“…blessed, truly blessed. I’ve spent the last 10 or 11 years working my tail off trying to get here, and to finally arrive…sometimes people may fear that you plateau at a point like this in your career, but those are not my intentions, not in the least bit.”

“What are your intentions now moving forward Dylan?”

“…it’s simple, continuing this ever enthralling climb, and maybe, just maybe find my way out of the Indies and into the big leagues like XFW. I have a message to send, an ideal to share with the world on such a stage… a message of righteousness and good-will toward others, fighting for what you believe in and never let anything hinder your adherence to hope…”

“And that’s what I love about you Dylan, that’s why the fans, children and women… not just wrestling fans, but castes of people all around the world love you for Dylan. Your unwavering, never say ‘die’ attitude…”

Dylan is smiling listening to Punk as the T.V. begins to scramble out and the scene fades back to The Nightmare, now standing facing the wall his left hand looking battered now as pieces of the concrete wall slowly crash onto the ground.

]“What a message you had Dylan… what message you…HAD!”
The Nightmare growls as he turns now, his masked face visible,

“Funny how such a man of great promise turned his dream into his own Nightmare…”

The Present Perceptional Reality:

The XWF scene fades in on the ring in the arena, where Dylan 'The Nightmare' George is standing, a white- hot spot light casting over his cringe causing frame. An old blood potato sack with the eyes cut out covering his face, a vintage, dingy black suit and black tie overtop of a blood stained white button down shirt...

[Image: tumblr_mmwlr7zNXC1r0gzq0o1_500.gif]

The ongoing obstreperous audience seemed tense, awaiting The Nightmare to speak,

"...the true depiction of destruction is but a week away... and for the first time ever, you'll all be witness to the spectacle of gallant, gore and grandeur."

The Nightmare pauses for a moment, as the crowd fires out an array of mixed reactions.

"Though I am booked in a tag-team tournament called... LETHAL LOTTERY..."

The crowd gives a nice pop

"...when you go home to your loved ones from Warfare... or turn off your television sets for those of you watching from your couches, you'll be disclosing the events of the inconceivable eradication that took place at the hands of The Nightmare... not my partner.

...Desmond, do know that I wasn't very keen on the idea of having a partner along for the ride during my first televised trounce of tyranny on the main roster talent. To you, I have one piece of advice... stay out of my way, because there is no amount of money that can hide you from the cold casting of shadows in the night."

The fans roar in disapproval...

"Now as for our opponents, well let me be quite frank, this will be but a blood bath... their broken beacons becoming bleak...
soaking, seething, succumbing for they're both weak.


The Nightmare pauses, clearing his throat for a moment,

"...oh errr pardon me, I meant Maverick."

He begins to hysterically laugh,

"I've been there with you in the night Mr. Maverick, so tell me, what is it driving your fear? ...."

The laughter starts again,

"...What is it DRIVING your fear?!?! Those headlights still haunting your hollow heart aren't they Maverick, that scary screeching sound of tires still suppressing your souls send for solace? You're afraid of losing again aren't you?"

"Scully your adherence to fear's principles are astonishing, even more breathtaking is how you attempt to completely fool everyone, even at times yourself into believing differently. Yours is a fear of being loathed....

But never the matter, come Warfare, you'll both finally let your chests cave, giving weigh to the real ruler of your lives...fear...ME!!!"
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