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A Pest and his punishment
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02-20-2015, 09:59 PM

The Receptionist is sleeping still. The Pest does not awaken her. He simply makes exits the room, and goes to the kitchen. He is preparing a meal of bacon and eggs for himself. The boy comes into the kitchen.

Aaron:I'm hungry. What's for breakfast?

Pest:How did you sleep?

Aaron:Fine. Oh, can you sign something for me for school?

Pest:What is it?

Aaron:A permission slip. We're supposed to go to the museum today.

Pest:Can you aunt not sign it?

Aaron:She's not my aunt. And it has to be legal guardian.

Pest:And you thought of me, The God of Emptiness, as your legal guardian?

Aaron:Yeah, you're my dad after all. At least on paper.

The Pest lays his spatula on the counter, and looks at the boy. His eyes narrow, and his voices lowers to a threatening tone.

Pest:I am not your father merely on paper. I am your father. You will do well to remember that, boy.

Aaron:Yes, sir. Sorry.

The Pest goes back to his cooking.

Pest:Do not let this happen again. And bring the paperwork here. I will sign it for you.

The boy goes to fetch the permission slip for the Pest to sign. He comes back, and the Pest is placing eggs and bacon upon a plate for the boy. He hands the slip to the Pest, who signs it, and gestures to the food.

Pest:Eat, boy. You need your strength. Where is your aunt?

Aaron:She's still asleep. I tried to wake her up, but she didn't move.

Pest:Lazy girl.

The girl comes out in the living room, in only her underwear, and sits on the sofa. She looks at the boy, and the Pest.

Pest:Are you sitting around in only your underwear? Do you have no decency? Go and put clothes on right now. The boy does not need to see his aunt in such a state.

The girl gets up with a loud sigh, and goes to her room to dress herself. The Pest angrily sets his spatula down, and follows her to her room. He closes the door behind him. She turns to see him standing there, dressed in his suit, and staring down at her.

Angela:What are you doing here?

The Pest's hand reaches up to her throat. Fingers tighten, and release.

Pest:Do not come into my presence wearing so little again. It is hard enough for me to restrain my urges when you prance around in the clothing you do wear. Do not make it harder. You would not like the consequences of those actions. Now, cover yourself up, and tell me how the night went.

The girl makes a show of slowly moving to cover herself up. She turns away from the Pest, and slowly raised her pants up, stopping just below her ass, allowing the pants to prop it up to tease him. She holds it there.

Angela:Tease you like this?

The Pest moves quickly, and removes his belt, and in one solid motion brings it down on the girl's back like a whip. The sound alone is frightening, but the pain goes through like lightning. She raises her pants, and quickly brings a shirt down covering her torso. She turns back to face the Pest.

Angela:Why'd you hit me like that?

Pest:I told you that you would not like the consequences of failing to cover yourself. You failed to do so in a timely manner. Thus, you've been punished. Do not attempt to tease me with your ass. Now, report on the night's activities.

Angela:I went in, in the same underwear I went to the living room in, the ones you like, I curled next to him. He touched my boobs, and asked me about what I've got down below, I told him not to worry about it. He honked them, I reminded him I was his aunt, and he turned to snuggle up into me, and fell right asleep. I fell asleep shortly after, and woke up before him. He was curled up in the same position, like he was looking for me to protect him. I let him sleep some more, and fell back asleep. Nothing happened.

Pest:Alright. Shower with him. The heat will be back on later today. I will cut it off again tonight, repeat the procedure.

The Pest turns to leave the room. He opens the door and steps out in the hallway. His bedroom door is open. The Receptionist must be awake. He closes the door and walks to the kitchen, to finish his breakfast. He sees the receptionist standing there, wearing nothing but one of his plain white shirts, which barely covers her womanhood. She is speaking to the boy, as if nothing is wrong. The Pest's fist clenches as he walks to the Receptionist. Anger filling inside of him.

Pest:What are you doing dressed like that speaking to the boy, Receptionist?

Christine:I'm just introducing myself to your son. He's cute.

Pest:Aaron, go shower. Tell your aunt you're doing so. She will be out shortly.

The boy places his fork on the plate, and rushes down the hallway out of sight. The Pest raises his hand, and puts a finger directly in the Receptionist's face. His voice is gravelly, and filled with anger.

Pest:If you speak to the boy again, you will do so while wearing proper clothing. Do not wear my garments as if they were yours. My shirt is not some trophy for you to parade around in. Do not rummage through my things again. If you do, things will go very badly for you. It will make last night's session appear as if a dream. Do you understand?

The receptionist nods. She lowers her head as a sign of apology, before looking up slightly and seductively.

Christine:Will you spank me, Pest?

Pest:No. Now, go get dressed and leave here. You have work today, and I have to prepare the house. Do not come over tonight. I wish alone time.

Christine:Don't you want some entertainment?

She says the words as if attempting to seduce a teenage boy at the High School prom, or advertising her discounted wares on the street.

Pest:No, I do not.

Christine:Will you call me again?

Pest:I do not know. But, please go dress yourself and leave.

The girl goes back down the hallway. The Pest stops her.

Pest:Your clothing is in the basement.

She makes her way to the basement, and dresses herself. The bruises and taser burns from last night are still tender, and the cold does them no justice. She makes her way back into the kitchen to see the Pest sitting at a table, and eating a plate of Eggs. She sits next to him.

Christine:I'm hungry. Can I have some?

Pest:No, but I am certain you might find food on the way to your house. Or apartment. Whichever you dwell in.

The Receptionist pouts, and gets to her feet and leaves. The Pest finishes his meal, and goes to relax in his chair. Meanwhile, the boy is in the shower, when the door opens, and the girl walks in. He sees her, she is wearing pink boy shorts, and a leopard print bra. She removes her clothing, and hops in with the boy. He looks at her naked flesh, and she reminds him that she is his aunt. The Pest continues to relax in his chair. The boy comes out, fully dressed, and grabs his bag before heading the bus. The Girl comes out shortly after, brushing her hair, fulling dressed. The Pest gestures for her to have a seat. She complies.

Pest:How did he react?

Angela:He seemed interested in my pussy. I reminded him that I was his aunt, it turned him off of touching, but he also kept looking. He didn't seem to physically react.

Pest:Good, progress is being made. Now, please, go clean the house.

The girl cleans, and the Pest reads a book. Hours later, the boy returns from school, and hands the Pest a note from his teacher. The note reads that Aaron had got in trouble at school. Apparently at the museum for mocking a homeless veteran who was asking for change. The Pest handles this badly. He gets to his feet and and begins to beat the boy savagely.


Angela:Stop it, James. He's just a kid.

The Pest is beating the boy senselessly about the face and torso. He breaks the boy's nose. The boy is bruised, and has a black eye. He is also bleeding from the nose. The Pest drops the boy, and walks down to the basement. He sits on the stool from the night before, and turns on his camera.

Pest:Hello, Ghost Tank. We are speaking finally. Did you know that I have noticed you before this match? I would imagine that you did not, since you failed to address me leading into our match last week. You did, however, do as I predicted, and took the pin for Hysteria. Because you are not capable of winning matches. It has been proven time and time again. You are also, not a true Monster. You have proven this time and time again. Did you not see the things that I have done? Did those things make you believe that you were in the same class of creature as I am? Are you on the same level as I am? Is that what you are claiming, by pretending to be a monster?

Tell me, Oswald. I seek your answer. Speak to me as soon as you have figured this out.

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