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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Future Looks Bleak
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-15-2015, 11:57 PM

"Well, Kendall spoke and hasn't said anything of interest as I'm recording this, I'm back to talking shit about the spoiled brat of the Heyman Alliance again. This should be fun. Alright, to start things off, I'm going to open up with a disclaimer. No, I don't care about his fed in Australia. No, I don't care about his personal life along with his relations. And no, he's not smart enough to understand Greek mythology, since he thinks everything is done by science. I wouldn't be surprised if the dipshit ever read a book in his life. Lane already spoke on his behalf. He can handle his own problems quite well. Let's just go ahead and skip to the part where he talks about me and see how wrong he is once more."

The knight presses fast forward on his TV and waits for the part where Fern talks about him.

"Holy shit, he's saying a whole lot of nothing. The footage can only skip so far until the video ends. I can tell he's saying a bunch of narcissistic shit about himself, look at his eyes as I'm doing this, you can tell that he believes he's better than everyone else. In reality, he's better than no names and wasted potential. I think being Heyman's bitch boy is a suiting fate for him, honestly. Oh, shit!"

Johnathan then presses the play button, ending up exactly at the part where Austin smarts to shit talk him.

More Tea, Sir? Said:"First off, you don't really understand what's been going on in my life, and that's fine. Although you really should've payed attention,"

"If I skipped anymore than this, I'd end up at the end of the promo. Trust me, that wouldn't be the shortest thing I've ever done in my career. Now, back to Austin. Would it really have mattered? Taking lessons from you is like taking a diet plan from Drew Carey, it'll fail as soon as it takes its first steps. Maybe that's why Heyman sent you out with a woman that hasn't been trained in months, he knew you were a failure and wanted you to learn what it's like to be at the bottom of the ladder. Heyman's just doing what we all would do. He's cementing the fact that you are a worthless fuck and you can't do anything with C-List talent. For all I know, I'm probably right. What did the kid say next?"

I Read From a Teleprompter Said:“You and Lane are both apparently focused in about my picture up on the site, why are you upset about it, Knight?"

"Oh, I'm the one that's supposed to be upset? Since when does mocking you in front of a group of children make me upset? That's some backwards ass logic you have there. I don't know how you got that idea, but go ahead, tell me about how upset I am about not having a picture of my face on the site.

Look Who is Talking Said:"I know why, you’re pretty pissed off at the fact that you’ll never get up there yourself. I mean, why would you? You’re the most unimpressive, unimaginative prick I’ve ever met in my life,"

"You're wrestling 24/7 and you call me unimaginative? At least I have the decency to film somewhere else and not talk about it for a while. Here you are saying that wrestling is good and Michael is such a shit wrestler but you want to push him anyways because reasons. All work and no play makes Fern a boring man to watch."

Not Getting It Said:"I’m the one taking forever to come up with shit?"

"I said that the best you could do in the few hours after my promo was uploaded to the site was come up with something as weak as 'nuh-uh'. You keep showing your face too damn much, dude. I can barely keep up with your bullshit because you release a video every other day. You take your job seriously, at least, but it isn't worth sitting through a good ten minutes of nothing but wrestling talk just to get to it. Even men like you have to take a vacation at some point; if you keep working like this, you're gonna exhaust yourself to the point that your hair turns gray. Relax once in a while, will ya? I mean, my show wasn't on time, but I heard that people enjoyed it anyways. Oh wait, you're going to say that the higher ups really hated it and it was the worst show ever and you could run a show better if a train rode you by the ballsack. I can expect your trash from a mile away, that's how much it doesn't affect me at all."

Aedin Ficusdaughter Said:"I’m not making myself look good in comparison? That’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard in my life."

"The biggest load of shit I've heard is everything that comes out of your mouth. Tomato, Tomahto, man."

Angus Cherrytrannie Said:"How the fuck can someone even compare the two of us?"

"I just did."

Akmed Woodlicker Said:"How can they compare me, a man who has already climbed to a height that you’ll never reach in the span of a month or two, to you, a man who has done nothing but been handed opportunity after opportunity, only to get it kicked right back in his face?"

"Congratulations, you managed to climb one stair. Should I throw a party for you to celebrate your meaningless accomplishment? And just in case, you try to talk back to me, you should know that you also blew every single shot of greatness you got too. Your victory over Cain? Some prisoner threw him into the pyrotechnics, making your job way the fuck easier. Hell, at that point it became that battle of the nobodies and you managed to beat all the others. You were the nobody that became a nobody with friends. Great job. I'll upgrade that Nilla Wafer to a Vanilla Cookie, just for you. Your matches with Sane and Doc? Some people say they were awesome, but you still ended up losing, and nobody wants to celebrate a loser."

Mr. Serious Said:"Now this guy is talking about how his trash-talk is flawless."

"Dumbass doesn't even know what a fucking joke is. First he doesn't know what fun is, then he misunderstands what's supposed to be serious and not. That's such a new low for you. You're lower than Lee Harvey Oswald at this point, and that fucker's pretty damn low."

Cornered Rat Said:"You should really give it up now, Knight. This isn't turning out well for you."

"Says the kid that lacks a decent comeback. Heyman is a flawed man, much like everyone else in the world. He makes mistakes, like recruiting you, and he isn't perfect at anything other than being one of the only living overweight jew I know."

The knight fast forwards the rest of his promo.

"More empty threats later, we've managed to get through this shit. Thank God I managed to do so, too. I don't know how much more of that shit I could take. I'll see Austin in the ring tomorrow, and I'll make sure you'll be spared from having to hear another word leave his mouth, Cambot."


"Turn off."

The scene cuts to black.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

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