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Onto Today's Subject... Mastermind! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-15-2015, 10:57 PM

"Hello, everyone, I'm the resident interviewer here of the XWF, Steve Sayors, here with my guest at this time, Joshua Solomon, better known as his in- ring alias, Maverick. Now, Maverick, you have quite the busy schedule here, do you not? First, your going to be fighting Mastermind, and not just in any sort of match, but a Three Stages of Hell Match. Matches like those have been known to shorten careers. After that, you're due to team up with Cole Jackson to take on Iris Oppenheimer and Essence in a Tag Team Match, and finally, you will be pulling double- duty at the Battle of the Brands, first off, going up against Goat Faced Killa in an Xtreme Rules match, followed by representing Team Warfare in a Ten- Man Tag Team Match. Your thoughts?"

"I do admit, I have a hectic schedule paved before me, though it's nothing I can't handle. I realize I've had my misfortunes as of late, but I feel like I'm ready to go, and this week will signify that Maverick is going to be back in business, past failures aside."

"Well, that's good to hear! Now, onto the subject of the day, Mastermind-"

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't even get me started on this scrub! Dude needed Gunn's help to beat Peter Gilmour, a guy who lost to Gunn's freaking eight- year old nephew. Bearing that in mind, I find it ridiculously hard to believe that Gilmour is, like, what? A sixteen- time Xtreme Champion? Somewhere around that area, I'm sure. And this guy, this guy just pulls out the most cheesy lines to use, and music, at that."

"Yes, well, bearing that fact in mind, Mastermind has actually used this quote- and- song combo on you in his first promo for this week."

The Master of Being a Goddamned Dumbass Said:"You may say who the fuck cares about what I've done, and you may say you've done more than me, But have you really Maverick? Have you really put 110 percent effort into your matches. I think not. We all know what you are like. Like the song says. When the going gets tough the tough get going."

"I'm sorry, have you beaten John Samuels? Sure, my clone might have muddled my record against him, but that doesn't change the fact I still beat him... and you haven't beaten anyone close to him- without help, of course. And not to mention, was that song really necessary? At this point, I'd say your grasping for straws, using terrible songs that are so outdated, probably next to no one has heard of them."

"Ah, yes. Now, Maverick, surely this line Mastermind has used against you has got to mean something."

The Master of Being a Goddamned Dumbass Said:"I've been chasing you for well over a couple of months for a match, and you've been ducking my challenges. You've avoided me like you have had the plague or something. That's not cool."

"Yeah, you're right. That does mean something to me- Mastermind is a goddamned hypocrite that doesn't keep up with recent times. Don't believe me? First off, Un had initially challenged Mastermind, last Warfare of November, Xtreme Rules and all. Granted, while that was Un at the helm, Mastermind still would have been settled with that. However, that Warfare got canceled, due to it being Thanksgiving, blah blah blah. So, that match got scrapped. And so, Mastermind made no alluding to it these past few months. Even when we were facing each other at Turning Point. Hell, he even made it clear he didn't want to be anywhere near me with this quote:"

The Master of Being a Goddamned Hypocrite Said:"Actually I'm done with you Maverick, I'm bored. Your boring, you just don't want to give it your all. So therefore why should I continue with you."

"I'm serious, that's what the dumbass actually said. So, why would he want to waste his time with me in a match when he's already made it clear enough that 'he's done with me.' Oh, and don't even get me started on those fans of his."

"Hm? What's wrong with his fans?"

"Dear fucking God, don't even get me started on them. First of all, they have the most stupidest chants of all time. Like, really? 'Maverick's a wanker?' 'Maverick Stinks?' I'm serious, people, that's the stuff his fans chant about me. And don't even get me started on what they said about the others. 'You CAN beat Gator?' 'Aerial Knight is a stuck- up ponce?' Like, seriously, what the fuck is in the water nowadays? In addition to making up the most chants ever heard, so it puts Peter Gilmour to shame, they are also factually incorrect. Lookie here on his Twitter, why don't you?"

The Master of Being a Goddamned Hypocrite's <img src=""> Fans That Don't Know When the Fuck to Shut Up Said:NYJ22 @NYJ22: @Mastermind: Great win Wednesday Night Dude, here in New York City no sign of the Iceman Maverick.

MATE122 @MATE122: @Mastermind: Saw you beat Peter Gilmour, well done. I'm here in Washington DC, no sign of the Maverick

PEATS133 @PEATS133: @Mastermind: Looking out for Maverick here in Miami, Florida. No sign of him.

"No fucking shit you goddamned idiots wouldn't see me, I live in fucking Battle Creek! Goddamn! The amount of idiocy that radiates from Masterbitch and his God- forsaken fans is disgusting! If anyone, and I mean anyone thinks that this loser can win, you probably a- don't have a brain, or b- have been living under a rock for the last two years."

"Well, Mastermind has also been so daring as to say that you're a waste of space, and how he had managed to put people like Ruben A. Mitchell on the shelf."

"Hah. Hahaha. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He put Ruben on the shelf? Pfffft. Last time I checked, didn't he say that his parole officer guy booked him for three anger management classes? Yeah, Mastermind putting Ruben on the shelf. That will be the day. Also, not to mention, I love how half the time this guy is saying why should he have bothered with me. Yeah, why should he? I mean, this guy contradicts himself more than Peter Gilmour. How the fuck does this guy think he's gonna beat me?"

"Yes, well, Maverick, you also have your huge matches against Iris and Essence, along with Goat Face Killa and the rest of Team Madness. Your thoughts on them?"

"Pffft. Please, they'll get their own screen time eventually. I've yet to hear from any of my other opponents thus far, anywhom, so they'll get theirs soon. Now then, time to steal the show."

I unceremoniously get up from my seat, leaving Steve to handle the closings, as the footage fades to black.

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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