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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Number One Contender
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-14-2015, 04:59 PM

Scully had paid ‘Tyler Coke’ the majority of the money he owed and let the dealer know he wasn’t getting another dollar. Scully didn’t have to pay his debt, especially after the beating he handed to the dealer and his three henchmen with the help of a metal baseball bat. But Scully always paid back what he owed, he didn’t like being a total Cunt, he did have some decency about him unlike the drug dealer who was all out for himself. The reasons why Skull didn’t pay the full amount, was simple. Tyler had taken the piss out him, barged in to his property, caused damage and worse of all he and his henchmen tried to rape Scully’s ‘acquaintance’, Natalie. When Natalie was stripped of her clothing and forced on her knees, Skull seen red. He seemed to have a soft spot for Natalie, although he wouldn’t admit it. So he beat the shit out them and made them leave.
Scully and Natalie had left after the incident to go to his home country, England as the XWF was on tour there. He wouldn’t let her stay on her own in case they paid another visit and he wouldn’t have been there to save her. After the Shove-It event was over with, they were now back in Miami, Florida. They had extended the visit, spending time with his friends and family. They hadn’t long got back.

They acted like a couple but they wasn’t in a relationship. They had spent a lot of time together and it wasn’t a secret they also enjoyed sexual encounters with each other. Scully was supposed to be her PIMP but they was yet to do business with anyone. Whilst away, Scully had to console Nat quite a lot especially after what Tyler and his henchmen tried to do to her. Sex which is consensual was fine with Natalie, she enjoyed it but when she is was nearly forced it made her feel horrible, as you can imagination. Scully felt guilty considering it was his idea to use her as bait.
Natalie had gone to her own flat to grab some of her own stuff and they needed a little break from each other. Alfie, Scully’s cameraman was out doing his thing. Scully is in his bedroom unpacking his bag, chucking the dirty washing in the laundry basket. He was replacing it with clean wrestling gear and clothes from his wardrobe. He looks through his ring attire, first…. Hmmmmmm….. Just then ‘Ding Ding’, Scully receives a text message on his Samsung Galaxy S5. Scully see’s the name ‘Tyler Coke’ and sighs as he opens the text message.

Tyler Coke
Don’t think I’ve forgotten about our altercation. You may have gotten the better of me last week but you will regret it! Tell your little Slut I said hi…..

Scully was pissed off at this message. It was time to do something about it, he wasn’t going to allow Tyler the opportunity to break in to his home again, catch Scully off guard and do something to Natalie. No chance in hell. Scully stops what he is doing and calls a cab. On his way down the stairs he grabs his trusty metal baseball bat and then grabs a set of keys of the key hook. He walks out into the back garden, to his shed. He opens his tool box and puts a wrench in his pocket. He hears a beep outside which is obliviously the cab. Scully grabs a few strands of rope and duct tape. He locks the shed back up. He goes back through the house, locking the back door behind him. He walks down the hallway, grabbing his jacket and puts the bat inside trying to hide it the best he can. He exits his home, slamming the door shut. He jumps in to the back of the cab as the cab heads to the destination. After 20 minutes, the cab arrives. Scully pulls his wallet out and pays the cab driver before getting out.
Scull looks at the big house and pulls his hood up. He walks around the surrounding wall and then looks for an opening. He looks at all the barbwire surrounding the house but then notices a small chunk is hanging. Coincidence? Scully takes the bat out of his jacket and throws it over the wall. He takes a few steps back before taking a run up and jumping up the wall. He climbs to the top and jumps over the small chunk of barbwire and lands on his feet, bending his knees in the process. Scully picks up the bat and sneaks towards the house. He creeps around to the front window and looks in but can’t quite see anything. He then decides to go round the back. Skull checks the back gate and it opens. Scull closes the gate quietly and sneaks around. He looks in the back window and sees one of the henchmen, Jamal making three mugs of coffee. Fancy that, a black man being the skivvy. Scull knocks the window, before quickly ducking down and hiding. Jamal stops stirring and looks out the window but can’t see anything. He then opens the back door, looks left and then right.

Jamal “Who’s there?”

Jamal goes towards the back gate, turns the corner and…..


Skull smashes Jamal in the head with the bat and drags his unconscious body out of sight. Skull grabs a strand of rope and ties Jamal’s hands together as tight as he can. He puts some duct tape over Jamal’s mouth and drags him into a nearby garden bush, leaving him behind. Scull sneaks to the kitchen window again, waiting patiently. Meanwhile, Tyler questions Dave and a new henchmen called, Brad.

Tyler “Where's Jamal? One of you go and see where Jamal is… I’m dying of fucking thirst here”

Brad “Yes, boss.”

Just as Brad leaves the lounge area, the doorbell rings.

Tyler “Who the fucks that? How did they get through my security gate?...Brad answer the door instead”

Brad shrugs and answers the door, without even looking through the spy hole. It’s Karl. Karl barges past Brad and walks straight in to the lounge area as Brad follows.

Tyler “If it isn’t the faggo who ran away.. I’ll have the security card back… What the fuck do you want? As you can see you have been replaced!”

Karl throws the security card at Tyler.

Karl “Looks like the couple of cameras, you own... Are down. I told you, you needed more than the two you have. You owe me money, Tyler and I want it!”

Scull sneaks into the kitchen/dining area and hides behind some the dining table, ducking down... Tyler ignores Karl for a second.

Tyler “Brad, go and see where Jamal is… “

Karl "Don't be his bitch, Brad. He'll treat you like shit!"

Tyler "What you on about Karl? I treated you like a son"

Karl "Sure, you did!"

Brad stares at Karl as he passes him and walks in to the kitchen. First, he notices the mugs on the side and then sees that the back door open. He walks straight out the back door looking around.

Brad “Jamal… Jamal... Where are you?”

Scull sneaks behind Brad in to the garden and……


Skull nails Brad with the wrench, in the back of the head, ties his hands and put duct tape on his mouth. Skull just leaves him there. He was just going with the flow. Scull enters the kitchen again, hearing an argument breaking out and he can hear them fighting. Karl and Dave are in a scuffle as Tyler tries to help Dave. Scully runs into the lounge area hits Dave with the baseball bat, in the knee cap, who drops on all fours. Tyler and Karl stop fighting and look at Scull in shock. Scully hits Dave with a super kick, knocking him out.

Tyler ”What the fuck do you want?”

Scully “You sent me a threatening message, well I’m here”

Tyler “Karl… Get this fool”

Karl “No… You fired me, remember!”

Tyler “Don’t be stupid, you can have your job back”

Karl “I don’t want your fucking job, stick it up your ass”

With that Scully hits Tyler in the stomach with the bat. Tyler crouches down, holding his stomach. Scully looks at Karl and throws him the wrench. He then gives Karl the rope and duct tape. Tyler struggles to breathe and he tries to shout for help.

Tyler "Guys... Help! Jamal... Brad..."

Scully “No need to worry, Karl. The others are tied up and gagged”

Karl “Awesome... This has been a long time coming”

Tyler “I’m sorry… I apologise to the both of you…”

Karl “Too late... You’ve messed with a lot of people’s lives”

Karl lifts Tyler up and head-butts him back to the ground. He looks at Scull and nods.

Karl “I got this… Scull”

Scully "Have fun!"

Karl begins laying into Tyler as Scully leaves him to it…

Scully had failed recently in the world of wrestling. Since losing three in a row, his disappearing act, his addiction to cocaine and gambling, Scully returned to the squared circle at the pay-per-view, Turning Point. Unfortunately, he couldn’t capitalise on winning an 8-man ladder match. The winner gaining an XWF Television Championship title shot. Scully could only watch as Austin Fernando grabbed the clipboard.
Scully had another opportunity at the Shove-It Event, in the royal rumble match. The winner would get a shot at any title they wished. Scully entered the Rumble at number 24 and eliminated Herod. Once again though, Scully was eliminated by the thorn in his side, Austin Fernando. At some point Scully’s dismal run has to end.

On Monday Night Madness, Scully has an opportunity to become the number one contender for the XWF Television Championship in the main event of the evening. All he has to do is win an 8-man gauntlet match. Not an easy task. The odds are stacked against him too, as he is the first entrant in it. He has to survive seven other opponents to succeed.
Alfie has the camera set up as Scully is in a different location this time from the usual living room area. Alfie and Scully are stood outside a 2007 black, VW Golf. It is parked in Scully’s garage.

“Welcome XWF Galaxy... I mean XWF Morons… Welcome to Scully Cam. This is my new vehicle. Okay, so it isn’t my 2014 Dodge Charger. It wasn’t as expensive, it isn’t as new as that one was but it’s all I can afford at the moment. It’s a nice car though and it’ll do. What won’t do, is my wrestling career. It simply isn’t good enough and I can do better. I am a straight up, asshole who tells it how it is. I don’t need to beat around the bush, I am honest and I know I have been underperforming for a few months now. It’s up to me to turn it around and all I can do is give it my best and more.

I have a great opportunity at becoming the number one contender for the TV Championship, which is currently held by my fellow Brit, Gator. He is a dirty little butt slut, but an incredible champion. Standing in my way are the seven dwarves. No… The magnificent seven? Definitely not. Seven opponents who all want the same thing as me, to win and go on to challenge Gator for the TV title. A gauntlet match and I’m the first entrant? So that means I have it the toughest out of all of us? That’s cool with me, the victory will taste that much sweeter. Anyway let’s talk about my opponents…

I’ll start with Cain, a guy who is in the same boat as me... Well, sort of. He’s lost way more than me but he keeps trying. I can’t deny your effort, although it is a little pointless. Me, beating Darren Dangerous in a scaffold match is hardly amazing, jeez and even I can admit that. You probably could have beat him, then again… Probably not! However, you beat Tommy Gunn in the same stipulation? Whoopdy flipping do… Tommy Gunn, the guy who stole his name from a character from a movie? That movie being Rocky. The fact that he is a ‘Walrus guy’ is supposed to impress me too, right? You lost to David’s twice‏, you’ve lost to just about everyone. Guppy included. Two people you’ve managed to beat, Tommy and the other was Waylon, whoever the fuck that is. You lost to Mastermind, I believe. Mastermind of all people, so he was relevant for about a month… Now no one gives a shit about him just like no one gives a shit about you. You were never a monster… I couldn’t give a fuck about what you preach. I don’t give a fuck about religions and beliefs, you can shove those ‘powers’ up your arse. And a murderer? Woo, scary shit dude. What the fuck is wrong with you? Your fire burns? Lust for the TV Championship? What is this homo shit? We’re in a wrestling match, we’re not having sex. I suppose you did get raped by a pit of Gay people. Take you lightly? I find that difficult considering you’re a two hundred and ninety eight pounds, pile of shit.

Caroline Bitchill, once again running her mouth when she hasn’t got a fat cock inside of it. Speaking of cocks, Caroline, you lost your virginity to Frodo and it was all on camera. Everyone seen that little munchkin fuck your sweaty, vagina. All you did was take it like the bitch that you are. None of your opponents have done jack shit in this match? Damn... Since when was you superstar of the month? Never. How many titles have you held here? None. If your going to judge others, make sure you can back it up. At least I’m not bragging because just like you, I have nothing to brag about, yet. You got your ass kicked by anyone with a shred of talent in the ring.‏ you first loss was to a dude in a shark costume‏, for God sake. How am I suppose to take you seriously with that on your record?! Calling yourself a Queen is an insult to my Queen, the Queen of England. You’re not Royalty, you're a, peasant!

Next up… Ghost…. I mean Goat Faced Killah. Damn, why you gotta rip off other people? Taking the name from the rapper, Ghost Faced Killah! So we have a farm animal, a Goat in the XWF? Here's a couple of facts about Goats. They are very intelligent and curious animals. Some how, I don't think this implies to Goat Faced Killah, he is from the breed of Goats. Their inquisitive nature is exemplified in their constant desire to explore and investigate anything unfamiliar which they come across. Well, this is unfamiliar territory for you, Goatee, I mean you're the first Goat to step foot in an XWF ring.
Goats have excellent coordination. I beg to differ, maybe in most cases but not ion Goatee's. They have great balance and are thus able to survive in precarious areas such as steep mountains. They can even climb trees and some species can jump over 5 feet high. I doubt this Goat will do any of those things.
The three Billy goat gruff is an amazing story. They tripped trapped over the bridge and nearly got eaten by a troll. Goat Faced Killah, tripped trapped down to the ring, to job an 8-man Gauntlet match only to be eliminated by Scully within minutes, no… Seconds. As a special consolation prize, I have this for you.. Enjoy, Goatee... "

["C.C Hollywood, a pothead who ran his mouth then got beat by Pest and cried like a little bitch, never to be seen again... Until he entered a gauntlet match and got eliminated by yours truly.

D-Shadows is probably to high off his face too , probably hiding with C.C hitting that bong. They probably won't even bother showing up. Does he even know he's supposed to be in the Main Event on Madness? Probably not!

Kennedy Nikomedes is the Governor of Florida, unfortunately. One of those guys who's running for Presidency, not that I give a fuck about that. You lost to Ryback and haven't won a match yet, just like you won't become the president!

Trent Gein, I don't know shit about you apart from you're from Austin, Texas. Oh and you weigh two hundred and fifty pounds... Wow... Interesting, I doubt I'm going to find anything out about you in the gauntlet, as you won't be in it for very long!

That's all of them, it's amazing how relevant you all are considering I had to keep checking who was facing. I enter at number one and I finish as the number one contender for the Television Championship. Da end, Scully has spoken!"
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