02-01-2015, 03:26 PM
The Predictable Start Of The Unexpected End -->
Game Boy sits against a metal interior as a loud rumble of an engine fills the background. Not annoying at all. GB closes his eyes and inhales and exhales as he lifts his head and opens his eyes.
" . . . Activate power of trash talk . . . Set to 60% . . . That should be good. Hey Pete, you said some really dumb sCENSORED. Let's talk about that. HAHA! You thought what you did to Ghost Tank was brutal? That big idiot gets brutalized every single time he steps into the ring. One of the worst wrestlers to ever set foot in the ring, yeah, I thought he was going to be a challenge when I first entered the XWF, but he's a joke! I guess someone of your caliber would consider someone like Tank a win, you know considering at Turning Point you faced three guys who don't mean squat to anyone and you thought that was a big victory, Peter Gilmour overcoming the odds by doing not much while his ogre friend does all the work as always."
Peter Gilmour Said:Game Boy.. what a stupid name
"I didn't pick the name. It was given to me, why are you insulting my name? Is Peter Gilmour your real name? Your parents gave you that name, why would you insult something that you can't choose? It's ridiculous! Oh Peter, you big idiot, you have brown hair! Only fCENSOREDing idiots who don't know how to put their socks on in the morning have brown hair. . . Your Gameboy got boring!? So you replaced it!? You just took something you loved, something that was a home to so much data and you threw it aside for a new model!? You're a monster! . . Set trash talk to 75% . . You fCENSOREDing piece of sCENSORED! How about after I rip your legs off in our match I just toss you aside, bury you under the dirt and bring in another fat ugly a*hole. Put way too much gel on his hair and smear sCENSORED over his body, tell him to get those man boobs nice and plump and flounder around in the ring with noobs, call him Peter Gilmour DS. The newer model, that people will enjoy until the Peter Gilmour 3DS comes out, than no one will care about him either. Nirva have rest. You are a scumbag, I hope you know that."
Peter Gilmour Said:But Game Boy, you step into the ring on Warfare, with a hungry shark ready to feast on your blood.
"More like a fat douchebag ready to feast on beef jerky and wine coolers. Actually, let's take a look at this line a little more closely. You claim to be a hungry shark stood in the ring. One, we are fighting in The Pit, not a ring. Two, what the Nether is a shark doing on land? Three, how did this hungry shark get into The Pit? Four, a shark on the land would be floundering on the ground, which does imitate your wrestling style, but this shark gasping for air is a very easy target. Five, out of every single land predator you could choose, you instead go for a deep sea predator with no chance of survival in a wrestling match on solid earth. Six, seriously, a bear would have had the same effect but instead you chose a shark, that is very stupid! Seven, you are really stupid. Eight, no, seriously, you are a fCENSOREDing !"
Peter Gilmour Said:So it appears that me and you will do battle in a MORTAL KOMBAT match where the rules are kind of confusing.
"How is it confusing? It's very, very simple. We kill each other. That's it. No pins are involved, hence Mortal Kombat match. The match ends when either a fatality is performed or one of us plunges below into the spikes. That is very simple Peter. Do you need a tutorial to pop up to teach you how this thing works? Jeez. Maybe I should go easier on you. Set trash talk to 40% . . I did say I didn't want to be friends with you, I'm sure you have friends. When I look around, the only person who may consider you a friend is Dimallisher, but I'm suuuure you're not lying about having other friends. HA! I did sarcasm! How cool is that! Anyway, I have a lot of friends, I mean, I'm a video game character, most kids love me, and not in the same way as Pest. I've made plenty of friends here in the XWF and a long time ago, I stopped a corruption from spreading across the video game universe, I'm sure a lot of people still like me for that. But enough about me, let's focus on back fat."
Peter Gilmour Said:Scorpian
"Really pronouncing hard on the 'an' in Scorpion there man. Also, you accuse me of doing some lewd act to Princess and that's why I'm in jail. Firstly, how dare you. That was very rude to say Peter, children watch this! Secondly, did you not watch my court case? Did it not have enough colors and Blue's Clues to keep your attention?"
Peter Gilmour Said:You see GB, I'm like Perfect Cell, Buu, Omega Shenron, Kefka, Sephiroth, Freddy Kreuger and every other villian. I am unstoppable and I will just keep on coming back and coming back.
"Just getting some data here, one second . . . Perfect Cell was destroyed by Gohan. Buu befriended Mr. Satan and lived a happy co-existence with humanity, if you mean Evil Buu or Kid Buu, he too was destroyed. Omega Shenron was defeated by Goku. Kefka defeated. Sephiroth defeated. Freddy Krueger, defeated in every single movie. Basically what you're saying here is your a bad guy who will be defeated. Willing showing that you are immortal giving examples of villains who have been destroyed time and time again. As I said before, you're unbelievably stupid. You rival Green Koopas walking off a cliff in intelligence. Also, you said you could still beat me after I hit my fatality, which is completely ridiculous. And it's a lie, and lying is wrong. You also said you would counter my fatality, which is another lie. Think of the amount of things that you would be able to do without the use of legs. Go on, I'll wait . . . Yeah, fighting back is one of those thing which you will not be able to do. By the time we go into the pit your fate will be sealed. You've shown your weak spots early on, all I need to do is study your pattern and hit those gleaming weak spots with pinpoint accuracy. Oh, and I was broken out of prison, as shown at the end of my previous promo, maybe pay attention more."
"All this coming from a man so fat he needs a loading screen to see his little bit of manhood over that giant beer belly. A man who causes screen tearing wherever he walks. A dumb human being who beats up a small child to make up for the time he was embarrassed in front of the world by another child. Y'know, in my first match here, I defeated a child to win my match, so I have the advantage here lol."
" . . . Unequip power of trash talk . . . . Whew, I hate that thing. Makes me feel dizzy. Oh well, til next time Peter. Stay safe and remember, winners don't use drugs."
The footage zooms out, Game Boy sits still as a small blueish orb floats in front of him. Game Boy taps the orb and it vanishes through the ceiling of the tank.
"Boom. Sent to the XWF. . . You okay Princess?"
Princess sits opposite Game Boy, her knees under her chin. Her eyes staring at GB worried, she shakes her head to get some sense back in.
"Game Boy, that was er . Unexpected."
"Oh er, sorry Princess. But that's how these things work now."
"Did you mean those words and dragon shouts? Are you really that angry at someone you've never met in person?"
"Well I met him once at War Games, we didn't talk, heck we barely looked each other in the eye. And what I said, I honestly don't know. I've never hated anyone before, even when the corruption spread all those years ago. I didn't hate it, I just knew I had to defeat it. That's how I feel now, I don't hate Peter, I don't like Peter, but I know I have to defeat him. No matter what. And what I said, that somehow helps."
"How does it help? You just say insulting words for a while and try to anger your opponent. You go into endless arguments with no answer. You push for power but the other doesn't give you an inch. It just seems fruitless."
"I . . . I don't know. We just go along with it."
"Well, perhaps it's time to break tradition."
Game Boy looks wide eyed at Princess and begins to speak but he falls onto the steel floor of the tank and it sharply stops. Princess giggles as GB raises up and rubs his small nose better. The tank's hatch pops open and the two get to their feet, Princess kind smiles turns into a look of determination.
"We're here, Game Boy. I'm in dire need of a hero right now, I beg of you to help me."
"Not like I had a choice in the first place Princess."
"True :P There's a large fortress on these plains, I believe it holds an ancient evil. You do what you do best."
GB giggles and nods.
"I won't let you down Princess."
Princess smiles and tightly hugs Game Boy, pecking him on the cheek with a quick kiss. GB smiles holding her slender frame for some time, content with this moment of love and peace. The pair separate and look at each other deeply in the eyes, Game Boy exhales, still smiling widely. He salutes to Princess and hops out of the open hatch and the footage fades to a bright white.