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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Gimme All Your Lovin'
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-30-2014, 08:22 PM

"Okay round four! You pricks ready?"

[Image: 9wF9xA9.png]

*Gator stands in a park with Rodd and Todd. The grass is frosted over and the park seems empty apart from the three men as they stand in the open. Gator is smoking, holding Better Todd's lead*

T: "I'm ready."

R: "As am I."

"Sweet. Okay, final round is ... Issssss ..."

T: "You don't know do you."

"Give me a minute.... Oh! Being a XWF cameraman, especially my cameraman, you have to be ready for anything. Go hide in a bush and film some children playing-"

T: "Nope!" R: "Absurd."

"Hear me out. You have to be ready for anything, so go find a group of children, film them and when their parents come to kick your ass, you either defend yourself or run away like a bitch. First one to come back to me still standing wins. Ready?"

T: "This is ridiculous."

"It really is. GO!"

*Rodd and Todd sigh and slowly stroll away from each other, cameras in hand. Gator takes a seat on the cold grass and lights up a cigarette, slowly stroking Better Todd as he lies in the ground, panting heavily. The scene fades briefly and we go to Todd first, a POV shot of him walking across the grass to the play area. He speaks from behind the camera*

T: "... I hate my life. I'm gonna get fucking arrested for this!" *sob*

*Todd comes to a small fenced off square of the park. Slides, see-saw or teeter-totter if you're American and dumb, those spinny things that you stand on and hold the handles. Todd also spots three small children playing on the park, and a man in a large winter coat, sitting on the bench, watching over them*

T: "Who in their right mind brings their kids out in this weather? Fuck, might as well get this over with."

*Todd walks towards a large bush at the edge of the fence and clumsily crawls inside, poking the camera out and focusing on the children*

T: "This is so wrong."

*The scene fades briefly once more and we go to Rodd, like Todd we see a POV shot as Rodd talks, the following has been translated from French*

R: "This is stupid! A stupid plan made by a stupid Englishman! But wait."

*Rodd moves the camera around the empty grassland he is in*

R: "Why Rodd you intelligent devil! I do not have to film children. I simply can just say I did and got away with no harm! Muahahhahahah!! Well, better go back to that idiot Gator."

*Rodd turns around and walks back to Gator. We go back to Todd, a large man in front of the camera, his hand wrapped around Todd's collar*

"You sick pervert! I oughtta have you arrested!"

T: "GAH! Please. No! It was just for a documentary! Please let me go!"

"Fuck you, you sicko!"

*The parent throws his arm back, while still holding Todd with his left hand. The closed fist comes close to the camera and passes the lens, as we hear the sound of skin hitting skin and the camera falling backwards. The man stands over Todd as he scrambles to his feet and runs in the opposite direction towards Gator. We cut back to Gator sitting against a tree, smoking as Better Todd runs full speed towards him, tennis ball in mouth. Gator wrestles the ball from his Bulldog and playfully pets him*

"Good boy! Good boy!"

*Gator reaches back with the ball in hand and fakes Better Todd out who falls for it for a second before spinning around immediately and letting out a sharp bark. Gator chuckles and throws the ball off into the distance, Better Todd sprinting for it. Rodd strolls towards Gator, a little worn out from all that walking*

"That was fast."

*Gator gets to his feet and leans against the tree, drawing another breath of smoke from his cigarette*

R: "I can move quickly when I want too."

"Sure you can... Well, looks like you win Rodd. Congratulations."

*Gator extends his hand and Rodd shakes it. They release there grip as Todd comes sprinting towards them, and bends over, catching his breath*

"Hey Todd."

R: "I am afraid you are too late, Todd."

T: "Wha? Huh. No. But. Huh. Huh."

"Tough break man."


"Wait. I need to see your footage first."

R: "What? Why?"

"To see if you actually got any footage."

R: "Hahahahee what?Are you a pervert who wants to watch kid or something?"

"No. I just need to know you're not lying to me. So, Rodd. Show me your footage."

R: "Errrrr ... No."

T: "... Hahahaha!!"

"What the fuck do you mean no!?"

R: "I don't want to show you my footage. You may get arrested."

"Rodd...Do you have any footage?"

R: "...Of course."

"Fuck you. Liar! Todd, you gonna lie to me too?

T: "Hahaha! No I am not Gator."

*Todd shoots a shit eating grin towards a defeated Rodd and shows Gator the camera as it plays the previous footage. Gator lifts his head up after it finishes, Todd now with the start of a large bruise appearing on his cheek smiles at Gator and puts down the camera*

"Todd, you disgust me."

T: "whu?"

"You're almost as bad as Pest."

T: "Oh c'mon dude."

"But you win the final round."

[Image: 47ejuCu.png]

T: "Fuck yeah!!!"

R: "Murd."

T: "So... What now? We have a tie."

"I don't know. Let the fans decide I guess."

T: "What?"

"Put it up to a vote. Whoever wins the vote, gets to be my cameraman. Could be fun."

T: "Wow. This is kinda nerve-wrecking."

"I guess."

R: "Please. Everyone will vote for me. It is obvious."

T: "You kidding me? Everyone love me by now."

"You both suck. C'mon I need a beer. Better Todd! C'mere boy!"

*Better Todd runs over to Gator and he puts the lead on him. The three men and the dog walk away and the scene fades to black*


"Sup Vinnie. How's things?"

"You know, I was talking to Scarlett earlier and she said something about wanting to go on a double date with you, me and Roxy. Would you be cool with that? It could be fun and she wants to meet you anyway for some reason. No, she doesn't think you're hot before you say. You're too skinny she said. Anyway, thanks for taking care of Todd while I was in hospital, I appreciate it."

"Vinnie, we're friends right? Fuck, we're basically best friends. We've known each other since J-Pro, well kinda. We saw each other at J-Pro and then we're both here and our relationship blossomed into this bromance everyone knows and loves."

"But, this is a match. For my belt. So, for this week, we're not friends."

"And there is something I wanted to say to you for a long time."

"You're a cunt."

"Like seriously, you are such a dumb cunt. I've never seen anyone go into more shit in my life since Peter fucking Gilmour. Kinda fitting since you wanted him as a tag partner, bet you saw yourself in that fat fuck's greasy forehead. And know you go on and actually try and talk shit to me. After everything I've done for you? I've defended you every time some asshole ran his mouth against you, I helped you out and this is the thanks I get? Fuck you! Who the hell do you think you are? You truly are a eighties rock star aren't you? Taking all the glory for yourself only to fall into a pit of failure. You fell pretty quickly though, most rockstars have several years before they drop face first into the gutter. Was about two months before you fell face first into a pile of shit."

"So. Let's go down the fucking list shall we? Firstly Lane, we haven't gone only once in the ring. Twice actually. So straight away your first fact is dead fucking wrong. You can't count or something Lane? Are you literally now from the amount of time you've been dropped on your thick skull? Now, I know what you're going to say, the charity event we wrestled at didn't count, just like the pin you got on Harrison didn't count. Just like every stupid fucking excuse that falls out of your mouth doesn't count, Jesus, you love shitting on your so called friends don't you? You go ahead and talk shit about me and LH? That guy died! Sort of. He's back now but he did die. Shit's fucked I know, but have some fucking class you two faced bitch. I'm just trashing you right now so you can have a taste of your own medicine. But let us move on shall we. You don't remember that fatal four way very well do you? Here let me clear shit up, go look at those promos again. I distinctly remember being disappointed that my title wasn't on the line. Remember that? Remember how the General Manager said that my title defence against D'Ville had to be pushed back a week. Do you fucking remember that Lane? Obviously not, because anything that doesn't have the words Loverboy Vinnie Lane doesn't matter to you, you self adsorbed shitbag."

"Hahahaha! The TV title is long overdue around your waist!? Bullshit! Why the hell do you deserve this belt? Yeah maybe when you were fresh, you did deserve a shot. But now? You are fucking nothing. You should consider yourself lucky that I gave you, my good friend, a shot. You should fucking thank me, this is the going to be the only title shot you're going to see in a long time. And here you go again with the conspiracy stories. Fuck man, you sound worse than Jesse Ventura. Next you'e going to start shouting about how you've been a professional wrestler for how many years and you ain't seen no damn lizard people. Fuck, do you honestly think Shane and Maddy have nothing better to do then fuck around with a washed up has been? Sorry, my mistake, you can't be a has been if you never was. But c'mon Vinnie. Shane and Maddy are too busy running a fucking company. Why would they fuck with you and screw you over? Pest and Frodo do all that for them."

Loverboy Said:Because the pulse of the Underground beats with a passion, man

"Haha what?"

Loverboy Said:Because the fans of the XWF want to see new blood like me, Swann, Wallace and Heartsford and not yesterday’s news like Pryce, Samuels and Madison

"Yesterdays news? The team started not too long ago really. I know shit moves fast but don't fucking lie straight out to everyone, The Kings are awesome. They've taken this place by storm and it still feels like the start. C'mon Lane, first you're a crazy old cook with a tin foil hat screaming about conspiracies in the XWF and how the CIA stole your teeth, now you're just flat out lying? Grow the fuck up."

"Hahah, you actually make me laugh with how you think you could fucking stop me. I just got this belt back and nothing in the world is going to take it from me. Not you, not anything. This belt belongs to me. It's my property and I don't like skinny little bitches trying to steal my property. So, I have a team, you have a team. I have Sane, who already beat you and honestly that is a coincidence. Again with the conspiracies Lane, the world doesn't revolve around you man. Me, Sane and corVus all joined forces to stop The Asylum, I was happy to beat them one by one but backup helps. I almost have as well by the way, just Hysteria and Az left I think. Fuck the new kid Fyre, we all know I could beat him in my sleep. But yeah, after not being back that long. I've almost beaten The Asylum and I've taken down a member of the Underground, two if you count Bobby, he sure counted himself as a member. I'm making some fucking steam here, and my team is moving with me. You and your team? Pfft. It just looks like some lame vanity from where I'm sitting, you're going to have one match and what next for the fucking Underground? Will it be like your former team Vinnie? Big win and a whole fuck ton of nothing leading to your inevitable defeat and vanishing into the wind?"

"Ha. Can't fucking wait to see that, and it's all going to start with me. Yay! Oh, and I had a great Christmas, thanks for asking. I could end this with your new year os going to suck or twenty fifteen is the year of the Gator. I could, but I'm not some fucking lame asshole who only talks in sound bites."

"See you at your loss fucker."

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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