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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Interview
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Duncan B. Deadly Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-27-2014, 02:54 PM

The camera flashes the XWF logo and cuts to a brightly lit studio. A young blonde is sitting down ready to have a sit down interview with Duncan B. Deadly. Duncan is wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a red eye symbol and black leather trousers. His fists are already taped up and a bandage hangs around his left shoulder.

Producer - We are live in 5...4...3...............

Interviewer - Its Monday night ad we are here at the University of Phoenix Arena in Arizona. I am here at this time with rookie superstar Duncan B. Deadly. How are you tonight Duncan?

Duncan - *Sarcastically* Just Super

Interview - You suffered your first loss at tag team tenacity after you got put through a table, will you bounce back from that humiliation tonight?#

Duncan - The humiliation is not forgotten and it will drive me tonight. If I wasn't teamed with that idiot Maverick I would be here tonight challenging for the tag team titles. But some above has looked favourably upon me and given me a chance to take the Prophetic title from the man named Hysteria. I will forget last week by placing my name in gold and in the history books and forever.

Interview - That may be the case but you are going to have to do it in the most difficult of circumstances. An Asylum match. How will you survive?

Duncan - Survive? An interesting choice of words. I will survive because I like the feel of metal. I want to cause the pain. I will drop people on the metal surrounding the ring. I will throw people into the chains. I will throw people through the glass cells. I will take each of my opponents and show them the Eye of the Pyramid.

Interview - You have five opponents. You can't hit them all with your finisher?

Duncan - It won't be easy. Just like myself. Aaron Underwood, Austin Fernando and Patrick Kissinger are the young up and comers with something to prove and in Patrick's case, with an admirable taste in music. OCKoopa is debuting and is a complete unknown in this situation. Then there is the champion. Hysteria is the most experienced out of all of us and I am as sure that he will fight as hard to keep the title as we will to take it from him. This is a challenge, A challenge that only a true future legend will conquer, and I take that challenge and I will conquer.

Interview - What will you name the title?

Duncan - You will have to find that out after I win it. I have plans already in motion. I have the confidence of a champion and it's time I had the gold to prove it.

Interview - But last week you went through hell in that table match, your shoulder is taped up. That surely puts you at a disadvantage?

Duncan - It will not hold me back. I will not let it. What is a little bit of pain when the reward is so sweet. I would walk through fire to get that title. A minor shoulder injury does not disadvantage me.

Interview - Well can you at least tell us about the eye. And how are you from Atlantis? It sank didn't it?

Duncan - I see that you were not hired for your education. You want to know about the eye. Christians will know it as the Eye of Providence. They see it as the eye of God watching humankind lead their pathetic lives. The Christians are wrong. Some with an interest in Egyptology may know it as the eye of Horus. A symbol of protection, power and health. They too know nothing of the truth. The eye is much older. It comes from a civilisation much older, a civilisation from the beginning of time. They have long been prosecuted as a cult but they have survived till today. They survived through being the most skilled of fighters and those years of learning have been passed down to all new members and today I have been taught in the way of the eye of the Pyramid. The all seeing eye is a symbol of knowledge and truth and I have that truth.

Interview - And the Atlantis thing?

Duncan - It may have sank into the sea generations ago but the spirit of Atlantis lives on. The incredible eye that stood on the pyramid of pure gold, a pyramid three times larger than the largest in Egypt. I may not have been born in Atlantis but my heart and soul is pure and true like any Atlantean should be. That is a truth. My goals in XWF is too be the best their is and spread the word of Atlantis. And too all who oppose me. Watch yourself because DUNCAN BE DEADLY.

*Duncan gets up and throws the chair. The scene fades.*
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