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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
A New Messiah
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-24-2014, 03:52 PM

The scene opens up to total and utter blackness. Silence permeates the air and you sit there, looking at what appears to be a blank TV screen. What feels like hours but is mere seconds goes by, and finally you hear a slow breathing followed by a chuckle.

"Canaanites, what did I tell you? What did you expect to happen?"

A zippo is struck and a cigarette lit in the darkness. You can only see the eyes of the Messiah of Darkness, flashing as the light of the cherry glints off them.

"Men disbelieve my powers as if I were the tooth fairy or a leprechaun. But I am neither, and as both Lyster and Storms were made aware, I am more than real. I am here. I am dangerous, because in this heart beats over two millennia of hate. War runs through my veins, and I bleed violence. I am not a monster. I am a beast."

"Simon Lyster, one thing you should always remember is that no matter how good you are, there is always someone better. Someone more sadistic. More violent." He smiles evilly in the darkness, eyes flashing. "I respect your candor. I respect the fact that you love pain and the infliction of that feeling. But I...I am the Messiah of Pain. My obsession with hurting people is far deeper than yours. But through Adrian Storm's screams, you've garnered my respect. That is all."

"Now the time has come to look forward and move on. Now is the time to destroy the next poor..."
a laugh is heard. "...unfortunate soul in my path. To make another sacrifice in the name of the master."


His voice was quite serious, though he in no way takes his opponent seriously. Why should he?

"Poor, crippled, Tush. A man who's parents have seen fit to name him after the very part of the human anatomy that is the shit distribution. That's exactly what I see with every Tush promo. Shit. Honestly, The man, he has an obsession with feces and cannabis. His obsession will be of no consequence to me. I'm fact, I know exactly WHY management was nice enough to give me a guaranteed win."

The cherry of the cigarette flashes a couple of times. Cain blows smoke into the camera again and chuckles insanely.

"Isn't it obvious, Cainannites?"

"Ozymandias...Jeff Whatever-the-hell-his-name-is need a murderer. They need a disposal for their garbage. Garbage like Tush. Garbage like Lucifer Fire. Excuse the mispronunciation, but I cannot be bothered with the names of worthless shit bags akin to Tush's colostomy bag. I am above them..."

"I am better than them."

"So that brings me to yet another point, because in this destructive path of mine, there is a goal. Oh yea, ya think I don't have my eyes set on a prize? Hah...think again. Now, I know I had beatem Blizzard for a number one contender's spot to the Universal Championship. I know most hated enemy now holds said championship. But I wanna go a little lower than that. It's my time, boys and girls..."

Even in the darkness, you can tell that the camera is slowly panning out. A single candle now flares up on the left hand side of what could be a pile of rubbish at first glance. But as another candle flares up, we see lifeless eyes. The lifeless eyes of an XWF referee. Then another staff members corpse. He's sitting on a throne of corpses. Staff members and jobbers alike. Cain's lips twist upwards.

"I want to cash in my contendership for the Television title. I want something more befitting a man trying to make a name for himself. I will rip anyone to shreds to get to where I need to be, be it Tush...hell, even Gator. Even Vinnie Lane. Because a man who holds the Television Championship has the eyes and ears of the masses, and I can spread HIS message. It will be glorious!"

He's not forgotten his opponent though. His smile fades and the camera zooms in, catching his demonic features.

"Tush...listen up and understand me well. You are a fine example of human weakness, and a blemish on my kingdom. I hope you know that there is a calling...and that calling?"

His eyes flash.

"The fires of hell call for a sacrifice."


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